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York city cops. What allegedly went down in Atlantic City. Good day everybody, it is wednesday, october 8th, 2014, were wearing our pink of course this morning. For Breast Cancer awareness month. And we recommend you do the same. Sue, we didnt include you in the memo. We apologize for that. More of verbal thing. Okay. All right. I know, i feel awful. All right, lets do this. Tomorrow we all wear orange. Okay, im really fine with it. Now, lets talk about weather. At 4 01, all the Severe Weather is out of here, but i tell you what, in your neighborhood, if you have a lot of trees, see a lot of them on the grounds this morning, because of the storms that came through with the high winds, everything has moved off shore now, just few left over showers here and, there in southern new jersey, and southern delaware, here, in philadelphia, were starting to see the clouds clear on the satelite picture, and were watching that pretty closely, because of the possibility of seeing the total Lunar Eclipse, which is this morning october the eighth, it happens where, of course, the earth obscures the moon, and blood moon eclipse what it is called, because the moon kind of redish in color. Well start to see it happen at 5 00 a. M. , in its totality, 6 45, look to the west, if you can see through those clouds. So, got a lot going on this morning, we will talk more about the thunderstorms that came through. Winds speeds, we are showing that to you because it will be casino of breeze think morning. And there is another look at ultimate doppler radar, luckily, everything is pretty much out of here by now. So again, much more to come on all of that, it is 4 02, and it is time to check traffic this morning. We start off in mt. Laurel, new jersey, moorestown, mt. Laurel road, between union mill road and wood view drive, there is water main break that has that road closed. Your alternate, hartford road. Also, on the pennsylvania turnpike westbound, approaching willow grove, construction there has two left lanes blocked. And back in new jersey, 295 southbound, route 168, there is construction that has two lanes blocked until 6 00 this morning. Kerry . Sue, thank you. It is 4 02 this morning, beginning with breaking news, one Person Injured in a car accident early this morning. It happened just before 2 00 near the intersection of second and erie. No word on what led to the crash. Also, new for this morning, woman at Philadelphia International airport claims she was kick off a plane overnight for tweeting about her delayed flight. Heard about this happening before. Fox 29s Lauren Johnson live at the airport with this story. So what happened . Reporter kerrey, just looking at her social media sites, apparently still stuck here in philadelphia after jet blue said she could not board that plane or on any flight according to her. Lisa carter night visiting philadelphia from new hampshire, here to care for her mother, Breast Cancer survivor, recently underwent surgery. Tuesday night she said her flight home to boston was declared. Shortly after 9 00 p. M. This mother says frustrated passengers were crowding the jet way, able to board, when someone joked they hoped the baron board was fully stock after all of the delays. Most later she says an irate pilot came on to the jet way, saying he had been accused of drinking and asked everyone to go back toward the gate. As all of this was happening, social media savvy self proclaimed marketing expert started posing on her social media sites when it was all said and done she said the flight took off but she was not allowed back on board. Im now standing here 2 00 in the morning without a flight to go home. Jet blue has denied me service at all on any flight back to boston because a pilot made a decision that my social media interaction with my friends and family was not appropriate, and he was not going to be tolerated by him. So i was thrown off the flight tonight. So knight tells us she could not believe her personal thoughts on her personal social media sites cost her seat on plane, at last check, she says, jet blue refunded her ticket, but the money wont be back into her account for 48 hours, so this mother of three says for now, she is stuck right here in philadelphia. Chris, kerry . Seems like big brothers everywhere, always watching, lauren. My goodness, thank you. 4 05, also new this morning, two Police Officers accused in a Sexual Assault. This alleged assault happened at the Taj Mahal Hotel and casino Atlantic City, according to ac police, andre torez, an officer, with new york city, and de von thomas, a officer with new york state police, were charged with two Sexual Assault charges. Now, this is live look at the taj in Atlantic City. Police say 34 year old woman was assaulted in april there. The two officers are expected to be arraigned later today. We must make mention of the wind that sue serio also has been talking about, especially along the coast, well have her full forecast coming up thement. Getting rough. 4 05. Parents concerned this morning as the new Jersey Department of Health Announces five more enterovirus cents cases all across the state. Bringing the total number now 14. Fox 29s steve keeley is live in Hamilton Township, new jersey, with some of the details this morning, steve . Reporter Hamilton Town cher, Mercer County, not the one in atlantic county, plus outside the school we were monday. We met parents coming here monday for the first day of school after getting all of the confirmations over the weekends there is yes not alarm. I also told the station hey probably parents keeping their kids home are arent happy. Thats who we saw at this meeting last night, frustration, fear, because the virus was not and apparently cannot be quickly and easily confirmed by Health Experts. And so, here, where one, four year old boy has already died, and another four year old classmate, as we told you about monday, has been sick for more than two weeks, with symptoms from this virus, and test results for him still not conclusive either way yet. There is still questions about why it took so long to tell everybody about what was going on, lab tests on that four year old who died, went to the state Health Experts first, and not even sent to the centers for Disease Control down in atlanta, so, five days after he died, then it took three more days for the cdc to finally come back here with confirmation it was the virus that killed him. Nonsense. There is no there is disconnect. Thats the best word. There is a disconnect. Four year olds should not die in this country. And if they do, it is supposed to be looked into and it is supposed to have the best attention. Well probably never know where that virus came from. But, it is a partnership for parents, for educators, for business owners, for all of our citizens, to understanded personal hygiene is the way you prevent this. Well, the lab results still not in for that classmate of eli waller, who had enterovirus symptoms before eli did, and was actually home sick for school for two days before the only day that eli was kept home with just pink eye, then of course he died in his sleep the next day. So, again, the newest case you guys talk about and the leadin with all of the cases of new jersey, Health Department put out yesterday with another case in Mercer County, thats not elis classmate, but somebody else here in Mercer County, which is disturbing as this virus continues to infect even more people. You see those tough questions for Health Experts who say hey we may never know where these kids or where these people are getting this from. And the best advice, chris, kerrey, came from one of the Camden County fielders yesterday, the sanitize thats you keep with you, that you see on the walls of stores and everything, thats not enough. You got to run your kids hands under hot water and use good soap and scrub for at least 202nd minimum to make sure these kids, whatever theyre touching in school, arent catching anything from other kids. For sure, steve. Hands sanitizer doesnt kill it thank you, steve. Fake facebook account made by Law Enforcement officials, and they used a womans real photos to do it. Why the de. Says they can do something lou that like that without the person knowing. What if there was a way to literally zap the ebola virus out of those infected . What researchers in starting off showing you radar loop that starts six hours ago, so you can see the progression of the thunderstorms, how quickly they came through. This is about 11 30 at night for Delaware County and philadelphia, and by 1 30 in the morning they were in new jersey. Now, around ocean county this was for a time around an area northeast of atlantic sit a Tornado Warning in effect. Folks at the National Weather Service Radar who were working overnight, they saw an echo that look like a tornado was a possibility. We have no reports of damage yet. We are keeping an eye on things. Of course, listening to our scanners, et cetera, just to see if anything happened as a result of that. But, they were pretty strong winds, and youre probably going to see a lot of wet leaves on the grounds this morning. So, right now, all thats left over what we see to the south. Just little bit of rain in southern delaware, and Eastern Shore of maryland. Future cast, nothing for the rest of the day today. We actually jump ahead to tomorrow. Then into friday because this is going to be another rainy day. So, we see the clouds moving in on friday morning, and then the rain on and off throughout the day on friday. These are your current temperatures, 65 degrees, in philadelphia, 56 mount pocono, 62 in pottstown. We will probably see temperatures go up briefly before the real chilly air moves in. Then temperatures will fall throughout the rest of the day. Still have the southwesterly wind in the wake of the cold front, but theyll shift direction. Once they come out of the northwest, thats when things will get much breezier, and much chillier. So, be prepared for that. We will have high of 74 today. That will be an early high. Again, those winds kicking up to maybe 25, 30 miles an hour at times. Fifty in the city tonight. But in the chilly suburbs, it will be in the 40s. Thats your foxcast for wednesday, for the Weather Authority. Lets get started when traffic in mt. Laurel, new jersey, moorestown, mt. Laurel rone between union mill road, water main break. That road is closed. Your alternate hartford road. Bellmawr, new jersey, 42, between creek road and 295, two lanes are blocked in both directions until about 5 00 this morning, and in pennsylvania, 202 northbound between paoli pike and 322, we have construction there had a has one lane blocked. Kerry . Sue, thank you. 4 14. Violence breaking out in the middle of a northeast philadelphia grocery store. One man is now in the hospital after being stabbed twice. It happened at the pathmark on the 800 block of cottman avenue yesterday. Now, police say, two men who knew one another started fighting before one stabbed the other in the face and in the neck with a kitchen knife that left blood all over that grocery store. It was scary. Ive been 32 years, first time ive ever seen Something Like this happen. Scary, really; because you think youre going into a safe place, you know, going shopping for food. You dont expect violence. The accused attacker was caught about a mile away. Charged now with aggravated assault, the victim is expected to survive. Upper darby police are alerting residents this morning about series of burglaries. There have been five incidents in the stone hurst section of the township in just the past two weeks. Police say the burglars targeting homes with open windows and doors, they believe extra patrols and vigilant neighbors will lead them to a suspect. Im scared. You know . You dont want to go out. These guys are like rats. He hits. He goes. You know, surround the area and hes gone. He never pulls any punches, does he . Police recovered pry bar from a location, in hoping it will lead to arrest. Anyone with information is asked to call upper darby police. Were hearing from the School Superintendent for the first time after a new Jersey High School Football Program was shut down. This comes after allegations of hazing and bullying at the surrey ville War Memorial High School middlesex county. Superintendent says there was enough information to warrant a criminal investigation. So, leaders made the decision to cancel the entire season. The case is now in the hands of the county prosecutors office. There were incidents cents of harrassment, intimidation, and bullying as constituted by the definition within the antibullying statute. The decision to cancel the season at say err ville affect players on the freshman, jr. Varsity and varsity football team. Authorities in spain released new video of the hospital room where a priest died from that virus. The video shows hospital workers in protective gowns clearing a room in madrid. The priest just returned from sierra leone, and doctors believe that a nurse assistant in the hospital became infected with the virus. That woman reportedly the first person to contract ebola outside of west africa. Investigators would like to know how that exposure happened. Meanwhile, off initials madrid issued Court Ordered to euthanize a womans dog because of chance that is it may spread the disease. Robot could be cutting edge way to help fend off ebola transmissions, from San Antonio Hospital there in texas. Robot uses uv light to kill viruses and might be more effective way to clean rooms than using traditional soap and water. The robotics currently being used at more than 250 hospitals across the United States including the one in dallas where patient was diagnosed with ebola. Lets turn to your National Headlines on this wednesday morning a pilot has been fighting a wild fire near Yosemite National park. His air tanker crashed into canyon wall late yesterday afternoon near the parks west entrance. Witnesses say the plane disintegrated upon impact t took several hours to rescue crews for them to get thereto reach the planes wreckage, pilot is believed to have been the only person on board. A chicago standoff ended last night with Police Captain shot and suspect dead. It is unclear how exactly the suspect was killed, but second suspect was taken into custody afterward. Police say wanted. The injured Police Officer is in serious condition, but is expected to survive. 4 18ment Los Angeles County sheriffs realizing the 911 call made the night that bell gardens mayor daniel crespo, was shot to death. Crespo shot by his wife after he allegedly attack their son, so the couples son making the call moments after that shooting. Take a listen. Hi, i have to report an emergency. My parents are under argument, with shots fired. Where is your friends the one that got shot . Where is he at . My father, he is in the house. It wasnt my moms fault. Defending. So your mom shot your father. Is that what you are saying . Yes. Wheres your friend . Its my father. He hurt me. Oh, my gosh. The investigation is still going on. There have been nor arrests that have been made. Hard to listen to. 4 18. Federal Appeals Court declared same sex marriage legal in idaho and nevada. Can marry immediately, but in nevada a court must issue a formalin junction to over turn the states ban. Yesterdays ruling comes one day after the u. S. Supreme court refused to hear appeals from other states want to go uphold bans that effectively makes same sex marriage legal in 30 states and in washington, d. C. New york woman arrested in a cocaine case is suing the dea after the agency set up a fake facebook account using information they took from her cell phone. The dea set up the account using pictures, and other personal information, from the womans phone, in hopes of tricking her friends and asomugha owes agents into incriminating drug secrets. Justice department defended the practice, but now says, it is reviewing whether the facebook employ went little too far. Interesting story there. 420 67 89 violent protests in turkey turning deadly overnight. Gunfire broke out, protesters approached police station. At least 14 people have been killed, dozens more injured. Demonstrators are demanding turkey offer more help to Kurdish Forces who are struggling to hold onto a town on the syrian turkey border. The fbi need your help identifying English Speaking millitant seen in this recruitment video behind me for isis. In the video Officials Say the switches from speaking classic arabic to perfect english with a north american accent. Intelligence Officials Say about dozen us citizens are fighting alongside isis in syria, more than 100 others have traveled therefore training, and are now back on us soil. Canada is joining the fight against isis. Parliament voted yesterday to authorize air strikes against isis in iraq following a request by the us. The emotion authorizes air strikes in iraq for up to six months, and expolice it list states no grounds troops be used in combat operations. Time now is 4 20. And youre going to look at a Lunar Eclipse, total Lunar Eclipse with sue serio. Sue, well have four had one already, have three more basically the next year and a half, two in 2014 and two in 2015, kind of rare occur glens right. They caught that the tetrad. Wont happen until 2030 something again where we have this much going on all in one period of time. So, yes, it is really rare. Now, here is the thing. Weve got a camera out at belmont plateau, thats going to be watching this situation just had the cold front come through, heard the rain maybe the wind last night. So well see if things clear up in time for us to take a look at that possible Lunar Eclipse, not until after 5 00, 6 00 well be able to see anything going on, provided that is clear sky. I think skies will clear in time. 74 degrees the high today. We expect sunshine, gusty breezes, as well. 4 21 is your time. Lets take a look at traffic in mt. Laurel, moorestown mt. Laurel road, this is a mess, a water main break, that is mt. Laurel road between union mill road and wood view drive. There is closed road there, and your alternate is hartford road. Sue serio, thank you, very busy wednesday morning, at 4 22, walmart begins selling and helping customers pick out Health Insurance this week. But, for their employees, a lot of them are losing their insurance through the company. Whats going on here . Well break it down. Good morning, eagles looking forwards to sunday night game against the giants at the linc. Even with a win last week, many still look at the defensive back, giving up touchdowns, but, their coach wont blame them. Over and over, you look at a series of events, on a play that hurt us, that led to it, but not one individual player. I have complete confidence in our corners, i real dow. And i watch every play of every snap of practice, obviously, and i know everybody wants to pin it on them, but i am telling you, thats not where the issue is. In the baseball playoffs, dodgers are done. To st. Louis, clayton kershaw, twonothing lead, but again, for the second time in the series he gives up homerun, seven for the cardinals in the series, that was matt adams, three run homer gives him threetwo, and st. Louis wins the game threetwo, and wins the series three games to one. They move on. Thats sports in a minute. Im howard eskin. And then there is this. Lawyer for viking running bake Adrian Peterson said the athlete will plead not guilty to child abuse charges if asked for plea during a Court Appearance today. Peterson accused of injuring his four year old son after whipping him with a wooden switch. Peterson has been side lined, while this case plays out. Walmart is slashing benefits for part timers who work less than 30 hours a week. Those employees no longer have access to walmarts sponsored plans, which account for about 2 of the retailers work force. The Company Calls it a cost cutting move. Walmart Officials Say that theyve tried to prevent passing increasing healthcare costs onto their associates, but this year, their premiums are going up. 4 26. Sexual assault case unfolding at the trump taj mahal. Serious accusation against two Police Officers, the details straight ahead. And, for the first time were getting a look at the conversation between a seventh heaven star and his wife after he allegedly admits to molesting children, what he had to say. Serious accusations at the taj mahal casino in Atlantic City watch two Police Offers remembers accused of doing. Then, flight from philadelphia grounded after a passenger accuses the pilot of being intoxicated. What happened next. And several more cases of the ee virus d68, little boy in mars err Mercer County. Parents sit down with officials, what they had to say. Jennifer laurence finally speaking out about the nude photos hacked from her phone. She has got some very strong words for not just the hacker, but for also all the people who looked at the photos. Good day everyone, it is wednesday, october 8th, 2014. And take a look at this. The Lunar Eclipse. So the Lunar Eclipse will actually happen in exactly a half hour from now, and, sue, you can see there, being a little shrouded in clouds. But, for those of us able to see this, this is a rare occurrence, we will have what three more in the next year and a half . I think two more. Two more . Sorry. When this one happens. Right. This is the first of three more. Thank you. Right. The tetrad. Pretty fascinating stuff. Good news is that all of the rain that moved through overnight, clearing out, so the clouds are clearing, as well. So we should have clear skies, to view that eclipse, and then also, some sunshine for the rest of the day, war. We are looking back over the last six hours, see the nasty thunderstorms, heavy downpours, high winds, particularly nasty at the shore in ocean county, and in cape may county, in ocean city, in urge new jersey, we had reports of 43mile per hour wind gust, and it was the same foresee side heights, with Tropical Storm force wind gusts, briefly, no reports of damage yet. But were keeping an eye out for. That will satellite radar showing the clouds are thinning out little bit. Still few left over showers from the colds front that came through pretty noisily for some last night. And, this is what the timing is, of this total Lunar Eclipse, plus, a trip through the milky way. There we go. It is called the blood moon eclipse. The moon itself kind of looks casino of red, and thats what a blood moon; just the color of the moon. 5 00 a. M. When we kind of start to see the earth passover the moon, and if you want to try to look at it, look out to the west, but the clouds could impact your viewing of the total Lunar Eclipse. Moon passes through the earths shadow, is what happens there. So, 65 degrees is our current temperature. Sunrise at 7 04, so all of this is happening just before sunrise. 14mile per hour winds out of the southwest. Things will be warming up eventually. 65 degrees in philadelphia, 56 mount pocono, 60 lancaster and 63 in wrightstown. Temperatures are still on the mild side in south jersey, as well, most of them in the 60s, winds are still out of the southwest, which means, chilly air hasnt moved in just yet. So, we will get to high in the mid 70s, in the middle of the day today. Thats your Weather Authority forecast, lets check traffic in mt. Laurel, new jersey. This is a problem with a water main break. It happened on moorestownmt. Laurel road between union mill road and wood view drive. The road is closed. Your alternate is hartford road. In riverton, 230 south bound between church and union avenue, two right lanes block until 6 00 this morning. On 295 northbound past 535 construction has two left lanes blocked until 6 00 a. M. You know what i mean, chris . Always. Thank you, sue. We are following breaking news for this morning out of philadelphia, where police are investigating an Early Morning car crash, this happened just before 2 00 near second and erie, police say the driver broke his leg, was taken to temple hospital. He was arrested, for dui. Here is a question at 4 33 this morning it, tweet get passengers kicked off flight overnight at Philadelphia International airport . That is what one woman claims happened to her. Fox 29s Lauren Johnson now live at the airport with more on this story for us. Little twist here, lauren . Chris, it is the worlds we live in now. Anything happens, good or bad, we go straight to the social media site and tell the world exactly what happened. Thats what happened here last night at the airport, lisa was here to care for her mother, Breast Cancer survivor, recently had surgery. On tuesday night she said her flight home to boston was delayed, passengers crowd the gate agent there at the gate, theyre frustrated trying to get answers to finds out exactly what happened. Shortly after 9 00 p. M. This mother of three says frustrated passengers were crowding the jet way, finally boarding the plane to go home, when someone joked that the pilot was possibly at a bar. Thats why the flight had been delayed. Moments later the irate pilot came on the jet way saying he was accused of drinking, asked everyone to go back inside the airport toward the gate. While all of this was happening, this woman, who is very social media savvy, post today her social media site exactly what was going on, when it was all said and done, she said the flight took off, but she was not allowed back on board. Im now standing here at the 2 00 in the morning without a flight to go home. Jet blue has denied me service at all on any flight back to boston because a pilot made a decision that my social media interaction with my friends and family was not appropriate and he was not going to be tolerated by him. So i was thrown off the flight tonight. Reporter she said she cant believe her personal thoughts and social media sites cost her her flight on the plane. Jet blue refunded her money but says the mondayly not be in her account for at least 48 hours, so wont be able to get home until that happens. We did finally get statement from jet blue, all they discussed was the fact that accustom ers accusation after pipe lot being intoxicated, he had to undergo a sobriety test, and sober and cleared to perform his duties. Customers when finally allowed on board. They land in boston at 1 05 without that passenger who says she was thrown off. Chris, kerrey . Making pretty serious accusations publicly, i mean, i know it is a social media site, and her own, but publicly accusing the pilot of being drunk. Thank you. Also new for you this morning, this wednesday, two Police Officers are accused in a Sexual Assault case. That alleged assault happened at the Taj Mahal Hotel and casino. According to Atlantic City police, andre torez, and devon thomas, officer with new york state police, were charged with two Sexual Assaults. This is a live look at the taj mahal in Atlantic City. Police say 34 year old woman was assaulted, this is back in april, these two officers are expected to be arraigned today. Parents concerned this morning as the new Jersey Department of Health Announces five more enterovirus cents cents across the state, now 14 cases stretching across eight counties, including camden, burlington, and morris. In Mercer County Hamilton Township officials faced tough questions over their response after four year old, eli waller, died from the illness, two weeks ago. In the aftermath of his death, Officials Say, they acted quickly to sanitize the school and inform families, but parents at last nights meeting disagree. It is still nonsense. And there is no there is disconnect. Thats the best word. There is a disconnect. Four year olds should not die in this country, and if they do, it is supposed to be looked into, and it is supposed to be have the best attention. Probably never know where that virus came from. But, it is a partnership for parents, for educators, for business owners, for all of our citizens, to understand personal hygiene is the way you prevent this. Another preschooler, who used the same classroom as eli, being tested now for enterovirus d68. Officials dont know when those results will return. Touring the devestation, californias wine country still struggling to get back on its feet after the fears earthquake. The progress theyve made so far. Tmz releasing exclusive audio clips they say reveals a seventh heaven star confess to go molesting under age girls. Hear the shocking tapes and what he had to say to tradingin or selling your car, truck or suv . Webuyanycar. Com takes the hassle out of selling in just 3 easy steps. One, get your free online valuation. Two, book an appointment. And three, pick up a check at your nearest buying center. Find out how much your car is worth at webuyanycar. Com people in california still dealing with the damage left behind by 6. 0 mag tide quake. Bridges retain their shape, but couple of problems. Contractors now doing spot fixes on several bridges in that area, lane closures will go into effect today, as those repairs begin. 4 41 is the time. What, about 19 minutes from now, we will get a full Lunar Eclipse, sue serio . Ii really hope we can see it, hope the clouds are cleared up enough that we can do. That will we have camera stationed on belmont plateau, one of the high points the city where we can see it. Oh, there it is, look at that, so thats the moon, now, supposed to be blood moon, but doesnt look too red to me. But looks moonish, now it is gone. But thats just the clouds. Moon still there. Just clouds. All right, so here is the seven day forecast real quick. 74 degrees early, maybe by midday today, then temperatures get chilly. About 50 degrees in the morning tomorrow. And we have a high of 68. Mid 60s friday, perhaps an unsettled weekends, with a cold front kind of stalling nearby. So, a lot of clouds on saturday, sunday, columbus day monday, and even on tuesday, but we do warm back to the mid 70s, where you at least get milder by then, thats your seven day forecast, lets get a look at traffic. We start off this time in east this is new one for me, cocolico . Pennsylvania turnpike eastbound, approaching reading. This is out in berks county, an accident, involving a tractortrailer, and a trash truck, so the left lane blocked out there and debris in the westbound lanes, could cause some delays out in that area, that part of berks county this morning, kerry . Sue, thanks, 4 42. You may think that youre looking at dinner. But this is actually dessert. Well show you, it is a cake, well show you a couple of other cakes the chef has whipped up, that will probably surprise you. There be there full Lunar Eclipse, in about 15 minutes from now, youre looking live now at the moon. The clouds get in the way . Thats the thing, the clouds shouldnt be too much of an issue, but, boy, southwest, theyll have rain, clouds, wont get to see this. Interesting. Car makers brag their high tech features help drivers safely use electronics behind the wheel. But, new stud fry triple a finds those smart car systems may actually be dangerous, as drivers get distracted by misunderstood requests or poor service, apples sewer i rated the most distracting, while others such as chevrolets my link, also got low marks, among other things, voice commands to navigate, sends texts and make social media posts, all while driving. Police investigating series of car breakins, in bucks count. I in fact, little bit of Surveillance Video of man homeowners believe broke into seven cars, early monday morning, all of the victims live near the 2,000 block of colonial drive. The video shows the thief rummaging through one car for more than seven minutes. Homeowners say, not a lot was taken, but theyre worried hell be back. Twentyfour years as a volunteer fireman, and, you know, war veteran, constantly doing things for people, and this is what i get. Police are still gathering information, and say there could be more victims, so if you know the person in that video, please call Bristol Township police. A bankruptcy judge approves sale of Atlantic Citys revel casino for fraction whatever it cost to build. Judge okayed the sale of the revel for 5 cents on the dollar to toronto company. The revel cost about two and a half billion dollars to build. Tan closed last month after only two years in operation. The toronto firm, which runs couple of other casinos, says it plans to reopen revel as casino as well. And reopening, still all shiny and new looking. Car is pulled over because a child is standing inside a moving car. But the office here made that stop didnt do what was expected and write a ticket. No, did he something very, very special. Here is what he did. The young mother was stopped friday. She says she new she was in the wrong by not having her daughter fasten in. She explained that to the officer who pulled her over that she real had i fallen on hard times. She couldnt afford a booster seat. So she told him that the car was repossessed with the booster seat, and she didnt have money to get a flew one. So the officer, you know what he did . Tell you what, i wont write a ticket. Follow me. Were going to walmart. The ticket doesnt solve the situation. What solves it is the child being in the booster seat like she should be. The easiest 50 bucks i ever spent. Im really almost at a lost for words, because he really didnt have to do that. No, he didnt. The mom said she hopes to pay it forward when she is back on her feet. Good for that officer. What a good guy. I bet she will, too. 7eleven clerk turnings the table on would be robber. Eric is the wrong guy to mess w he is goal end glove boxing champ, little video of him. He was behind the counter at 7eleven in pittsburgh, a gunman pulled his weapon and demanded cash. The boxer respond wad body slam, took the crook out. He waist bitten on the hands during the confrontation but he says he will be fine and ready for the Us Olympic Boxing Team trials. I wouldnt mess with him. Jennifer laurence on the cover of vanity fair opening up for the first time about the photo hacking scandal there is after dozens of stolen nude pictures of the hunger games star surfaced on line over labor day weekends. The actress calling the leaks absolutely discusting and a sexual violation. Laurence telling vanity fair, that it is her body, and it should be her choice. Yes, she says not a scandal, the wrong way to describe it, this is a sex crime. An actor famous for playing family man and preacher is accused of child molestation. Starring in the 90s drama seventh heaven. Since the news broke, that series has been pulled from several networks. Collins also dropped from the film ted two. According to tmz, the stars estranged wife taped him during a therapy session, admitting to having sexual contact with three victims. In the exposure happens, couple of times. A couple of times. Happened several times. Several times. Shot in the face with a shotgun. Several times. Wow, lawyer for collins tells tmz his estranged wife is trying to extort him. Stay tuned for good day. Legal analyst ken rotweiler will be in the studio to discuss it. Singer morrisey has been diagnosed with cancer. The former smith front man revealed that he has been hospitalized several times over the last year and a half, as he battles cancer. The 55 year old hasnt said what type of cancer he has. Hes been dealing with number of health issues, since early last year, including a respiratory infection over the summer which forced him to cancel his us tour. Bobby rydel thought he lost thousands of dollars of sheet music forker. Thanks to our report, hell soon have his music back, on the way no, maam a show saturday night, suitcase with all of the arrangements for virtually every bobby rydel song. So out of his car along west chester pike. He retraced his steps, but he didnt find the suitcase. He spoke to our own bruce gordon, hoping that somebody might have picked it up, and, in fact, somebody did. After our report aired at 10 00 viewer tweeted bruce that they found bobbys suitcase on west chester pike saturday night, facebook bobby, in fact, planning to return it to him today. Cool. Theyre meeting up, yes. So whats his biggest song . Vilae, and oh, those wildwood days. Be wild with me and he watches this show. I was supposed to be at that concert. Were you . And something came up. My lost. My lost. Another great philadelphia native. Hes fabulous, from south philly originally, yes, yes. Great guy. So we have a look at ultimate doppler radar, from last night, and you can see the thunderstorms moved through. The good news is theyre gone. So, we dont have anything but maybe few left over distributes and drabs around this morning, starting to see the clouds clear up, even the jersey shore, which got hit pretty hard with winds overnight, it is okay, as we look into the future cast, we jump ahead to tomorrow, thursday, and we see plenty of sunshine, it will be cooler day, we will be off to cooler start tomorrow, we are have to go back to the heavier coat. Then we see some rain moving in on friday, showing you this, because it is kind of get used to having some spotty showers around. And even by 8 00, 9 00 in the morning, by 1 00 in the afternoon, the rain is here. And it may stick around the rest of the day, even into saturday morning. But, back to this morning, still pretty comfortable, 56 degrees in mount pocono, 64 in philadelphia, 66 in milville and wildwood. These temperatures tomorrow will probably be about 15 degrees cooler than they are today. Winds will be picking up throughout the day, as well in the wake of that cold front. So, today we expect high of 74 degrees, winds picking up as we said, and tonight were down to 50 in the city, 40s in the suburbs. Thats your Weather Authority forecast. It is 4 52. Lets check traffic. We will east cocalico, the turnpike approaching reading. We have an accident, tractortrailer, and trash truck involved, all lanes blocked there, debris is in the westbound lanes, may cause some delays this morning. Now, we go over to new jersey, 295 northbound, the ram top route 70 eastbound. There is an accident in which a vehicle spun out. The ramp is partially blocked there. Chris . Sue serio, thank you, 4 53 this wednesday morning, the competition is on. Which city has the countrys ugliest accent . Philadelphia is this list. We will tell you where you firm is he taking on pittsburgh in new on line tournament, if you can call it that, for the worse accent in america. The ugliest accent, put up bracket last week, philly lost to the birds. Theyre now the fifth seed. Pittsburgh is the fourth. Right now it, looks like, boston is the favorite. Oh, my family is from massachusetts, boy, dont i know that well . Do you ever listen to old jfk speeches, amazing how thick his accent was in the United States. All right, food artist is doing some Amazing Things with her work. Yes, herdess letters make you think youre having full mean, the work california based cake sculptor, debbie gord. You cant tell the cakes from the actual full course meals. She said food is one of her favorite things to sculp. She says that even the simpliest cake takes her eight hours to make, more complex, can take weeks of practicement thats awesome. One look like rotten banana. She must be out of her gourd. So what if there was cents a way to literally zap the ebola virus right out every those infected watch researchers in texas are working on right now that could be able to do just that. A jet blue passenger accuses a pilot of being drunk and it delays a flight right here in philadelphia. Well tell you what happens next coming up in a live report. But first, steve keeley. Lauren, were back outside the school here in Mercer County where little four year old boy went to and died of the enterovirus, now, after hearing from parents on monday say theyre not concerned, parents, who showed up at a meeting last night, and kept their kids home here all week say theyre very concerned, and very frustrated. Kerrey, youll hear from both. Steve, see now bit

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