Unaudible. Rock star but not just any rock star, heavy metal rocker. Adorable. What is this singing . All coming up in the trend. Yeah, rock are on. Yes. Wow. Good day, it is friday, august 29th, 2014. That will get you going in the morning. 5 01 is the time. Lets do weather on the ones with caitlin. It is last friday in august, last weekend in august and last unofficial weekend of the summer. It doesnt feel like it. It feels like a fall weekend out there and this mornings Cool Temperatures all across the Delaware Valley. We have clear skies. A lot of sunshine expect again today and we felt that cool change yesterday. Middle of the week very hot but yesterday we had a nice breeze. 81 degrees is the the High Temperature. That is 3 degrees below normal. It is only 62. You knower with well in the 50s elsewhere. Wind are out of the north at 7 miles an hour and should not be as breezy today. Fiftyeight in pottstown as well as millville. Fiftynine in wrightstown, new jersey. Fiftyseven in reading. Fiftyone in mount pocono. Chilly weekend for anyone camping especially tonight and saturday night but it does warm up second half of the Holiday Weekend. Twentyfour hour temperature change shows it is much cooler on the order of 15 degrees. 8 00 a. M. 65. We have a lot of sunshine. Seventysix by noon. 80 degrees is all that high at later on at 5 00. That is your fox cast. The lets get back to the breaking news on the roads, serious accident involving an overturn tractor trailer has been shut down part of the schuylkill expressway this morning. Obviously a big problem, as morning commuters getting outside on the roads. Lets get out to steve keeley live on the scene, steve. Reporter welshing about four hours and count to go get this thing cleared up this was a tractor trailer with loaded with eggs towards the sit tonight eastbound lanes up that hill there. This guy, lost control, flipped over the median and landed upside down on the westbound side. Fortunately in cars happened to be in these lanes or we would have a terrible head on crash. Other fortunate thing is as you can tell that trailer, even though the wheels came off the bottom have it, the trailer held together and what is inside probably tens of thousands, maybe hundreds of thousands of scrapple will eggs but all contain in the trailer just a little yoke leak but no shells, in visible signs of any eggs on the roadway which is the roadway reopening. Heres where we are if you are just waking up at 5 00. We are the on the schuylkill westbound just before it splits in the kelly drive, lincoln drive to the right, city avenue exit to the left. These are the the two lanes on this side split by a median. These are lanes that are shut down coming from the boulevard. So, that is the story out here and these guys did great work. They had right size this thing and then they realized they had to get it on a big flatbed. That is a tough job because of the thing still loaded and heavy and now they are lifting it with cables and trying to inch up on the flatbed as much as possible caitlin just to drag it off the road without it falling off this thing. They are not trying to put tonight a spot to get it and drive it a bunch of miles. They want to drive it the a half mile and get it off the road and get this reopen, caitlin. You have alternates for people that are up this early and have to get around this. Definitely a huge mess but you they are making pretty quick progress cleaning up what is a very active scene. Thanks very much. Looking at your alternate routes, your two options, first one is you can he take ridge avenue to the city after new bridge and back on to 76 west. Or you can continue west on 76 past lincoln drive, down to the second city avenue exit ramp and that will get you off and back on too. State police say this should be clean up by 5 30 or 6 00. Within 30 minutes hopefully making some progress on that, chris . That is good news. 5 05 is the time. Philadelphia is kicking off Labor Day Weekend with a massive music celebration. Thousands will be flocking to the the city for made in america festival and police want to make sure it goes off without a hitch. Fox 29s dawn timmeney is live with more on what the city is doing to keep you safe if you are intend to go go, good morning. Good morning, it is a big job. We are talking about dozens of top performers, multiple stages and thousands of people on the pork way over two days. City has been mapping out a game plan for some two months now to ensure everyone has fun but is receive once those gates open up tomorrow at noon. Our cameras were allowed a sneak peak inside some of the many meetings that were held regarding security for the made in america festival 2014. The fbi, law enforcement, home land security, city officials, event planners, sponsors, you name it, all involved and all will with a very specific role. Police say they are trying to prevent under age drinking which ace parentally a big problem. Also fights, fueled by too much alcohol or drugs which sometimes goes hand and hand with these huge venues. They want to make sure that everyone gets home safely afterwards. In case everything goes right we will have a docking location so where individual can get a taxi so they dont put themselves in harm way. Our goalies to prevent but if it does happen we are prepared to respond as well. I think were ready. Workers are continuing to put finishing touches on the stages so everything is ready when the the first performers kick off festivities, first concert starts at 2 00 oclock. One thing concert goers need to know this year is you cannot bring your own drinks in. Not even water. Free water will be provided, you can also bring empty bottle or container into fill up at water station about you no water. All kind of road closures people need to be wear of as well. Two lanes of traffic in front of the art museum already closed. Drivers on the parkway from center city from the Spring Garden street bridge and Martin Luther king boulevard they have to exit on the 24th street ramp. Traffic on kelly drive coming into the city has to exit at fairmount avenue. Starting this morning at 10 00 oclock, chris, there are major closures throughout the area. Of course, caitlin will have more in traffic coming up but you really want to avoid that area, chris, starting around 10 00 oclock this morning because everything, all over that area and around the parkway is going to be closed. Yeah, absolutely and along the schuylkill the other trouble is tractor trailer. Yes, just a mess. Dawn, thank you so much. The upside here is checking out the performers. We have a long list for you you on our web site at my fox philly. Com. Just click on the scene on tv under the news tab. Meantime fbi, Philadelphia Police, right now searching for people who carried out a gruesome, gangrelated double murder and tossed victims into the schuylkill river. The investigators swarm the property in the 7200 block of southwest philadelphia yesterday, executing a search warrant there on seventh street. They believe this could be where two asian brothers were duct taped, tortured, killed in a 100,000 allege drug deal gone bad. A third victim managed to escape. In south Philadelphia Police say a driver in the suv blew through a stop sign and slammed in the tractor trailer and that is what it looked like right after impact. The force knock the tractor trailer into a house, police say in one was home. Medics took both the driver to the hospital, both drivers i should say, with minor injuries. 5 08. Today is first full day of classes at Delaware Valley Charter High School in logan. In the wake of last years School Shootings there will be some new security procedures including increased processing, while you are entering the building itself and home sweeps by School Security guard. Two students were injured last january when a man bypassed metal detectors and handed a gun to a student in exchange for cash. A minute so the Day Care Center remains closed after police shoot and killed a man outside while there were kids inside. Officers were called to the learning lodge in ramsey at about 3 00 oclock yesterday afternoon, for reports of the a suspicious vehicle. When they got there that suspect allegedly got out of the car and pointed guns at police. He was shot and kill. The day care was put on will be down for about 30 minutes. In of the kids were hurt. Joan rivers daughter says that her mother is resting comfortably after having an emergency while visiting a doctors office. Comedy ledgend was rush to the hospital yesterday morning in new york after going into cardiac arrest. It is unclear why she was seeing a doctor. Rivers daughter did not elaborate on her mothers current condition. In the meantime miley cyrus homeless vma date has turn himself into authorities. 22year old jessed walk in it or gone jail last night to surrender. He was wanted for three years on a probation violation. He was arrested. His bail is new set at 2,500. He shot to fame sunday after accepting a vma award for miley cyrus. She kind of outed him to authorities. Now to a special surprise in the texas courthouse a pregnant with man went to the courthouse, in georgetown texas a few days before her due date to deliver papers to her lawyer. Once she was there she started feeling contractions and gave birth in the bathroom to a healthy baby boy with the help of paramedics. I went to the bathroom and it was all happening, in like no time, less than an hour or so. Little after that, i didnt know everybody was in the hallway, everybody was clapping. Delivery like this is so rare, that city hall has honor the family and Fire Fighters who helped deliver that little boy as you can see here in this celebration. These stories are fascinate to go me. I just cannot fathom how that happens so quickly because that wasnt my experience at all. God bless her, good for her but holy cow, freaky. Okay, caitlin. Whole thing freaks me out. Time for weather and traffic on the ones 5 11 a. M. Weather fine. Traffic is a big mess. We will get to the reds in a second. Lets look at your Weekend Getaway forecast in the poconos, mountains, it will be beautiful but chilly overnight. Temperatures are still so cool. For saturday just 74. That is High Temperature with sunshine. Warmer on sunday 80 degrees and chance of the thunderstorm. Warm again monday labor day but a chance of the thunderstorm 82 degrees. Back home here still cool, 80 degrees is our high today on a friday, mostly sunny but you refreshing out there. Seven day forecast 80 today. We will warm through rest of the weekend. Beautiful saturday. Warmer sunday with a chance have of thunderstorms late and that chance extend into monday and tuesday. That is a look at your seven day forecast, our big story of the morning breaking news seen out on the schuylkill 76 westbound it is shut down because an overturned tractor trailer earlier this morning. A tractor trailer full of eggs which was going eastbound flipped over in the westbound side. It had about righted and police are on the scene trying to open it backup and should by 5 30 or 6 00. What you need to know is you cannot access 76 westbound in this area, a couple of your alternates will be to take ridge avenue to the city after new bridge back on to 76 or you can justin on to the second city avenue exit there. We will keep you updated as we get through the rest of the morning, chris. President obama, all eyes on him not for his Foreign Policy but his suit. This suit has its own twitter page, more on this straight ahead. Were learning more about two american men killed fighting for jihad causes overseas. They have discover troy castagar and Douglass Mcarthur mccain attended high school in the same minneapolis suburb and good friend. No word how they were drawn into radicalism but minnesota seems to be on the radar of some militant recruiters and some Counter Terrorism experts say that a number of people go overseas with the intention to help but end up on the wrong side of the fight. President obama is blaming russia while rooming out any u. S. Military action in ukraine. This comes as fighting continues in Government Forces and pro russian rebels in ukraine. Pro russian rebels have been on a major offence turf take over a strategic town to the south. The town is new reportedly under control. The violence is encouraged by rush, separatists are trained by rush, they are armed by rush, they are funded by russia. Next month president obama says he will meet with the ukraines president at the white house. Meantime the the president also made it clear that his priority right now is isis in iraq. Iraqs military released video showing Government Forces, fighting government militants yesterday. Footage was videotaped earlier in the fallujah area Iraqi Military commanders says troops killed more than 30 terrorist. 5 17. You might have noticed president obama was wearing a tan suit during his News Conference discussing the crisis in ukraine and syria. Social media exploded with comments with reviews of his fashion choice were less than favorable. Is there a twitter account dedicated to the suit. The others poked fun tweeting things such as yes, we can and audacity of tope. President obama typically wears dark suits. I think it looks fabulous. Yes. Totally. It is summer. He has other things to worry about. People use facebook for all kind of things from reconnect to go old friend, hearing photos and new there is one couple who used to it adopt a baby. Any and libby have been struggling to conceive for six years. They have turn to facebook telling friend about their struggle and their dream to become parents. A few months later but couple received a message from the former coworker. It turns out that the coworkers sister was pregnant and could not keep the baby. Her exact words were my baby sister is pregnant and she wants to meet you. The couple has name the baby and he is three weeks old. They are in the process of adopting him. Good for them. He is cute. 5 18. A School District in texas fighting back in the war on drugs. Middle School Students in austin will to have take drug tests and parents told school board they were worried about drugs in their kids. So boy came up with drug testing children, participate in Extracurricular Activities and students who drive. The tests are random. If the student test positive their parents will have to meet with school officials. The child will face suspension from School Activities and could possibly lose the right to drive. It is done for prevention. It gives us, and kid involved, these who in band, cheer, or sports another way to say no. But a 2012 federal study concluded that little evidence shows drug testing has any impact on drug use. While another study this one public in the Journal Adolescent Health shows reduced drug use in schools with drug testing. 5 19. In your health how low doses of marijuana could help alzheimers patients. Florida researchers say an active compound in pot the may actually slow down that disease. The byrd Alzheimers Institute studied therapeutic benefits of the compound found in marijuana researchers says it helps with the aging of the brain and may all the progression of that disease. Findings are significant. Researchers say it could lead to drugs being developed to treat alzheimers using compounds that are safe and legal. A half million low income pennsylvanians are in line to get access to federally funded health insurance. Governor tom corbetts administration and u. S. Department of health and Human Services agreed to accept Medicaid Expansion money under the health care law. It became available last january 1st. Coverage will be administered through private insurers but it must adhere to medicaids rules. Food preferences might tell you a lot about whether a person is right or left politically. So check this out. Editors of the business week looked at bacon and kail. And they determined that the those who eat kail are more likely to hold liberal beliefs. Those that prefer bacon are more likely to be conservative. Editors analyzed twitter mentions of the two foods and they created a map with the red blue state break down. Really. Do you think you can use twit tore do any scientific study. It is skewed by who is on twitter to begin with. Breaking news, entire population is not on twitter. Well, it may not be what or how you eat, do you remember bill deblasio when he ate pizza with the knife and fork. Did you see this a few months ago. He was ridiculed for that . It is how you eat it when eat witt a knife and fork. Can you imagine eating bacon with a knife or fork. I think that is a stretch. I dont think it is a stretching, we are stretching to the one. Lets do weather on the ones. No, but really we are too reline the on twitter, dont you think. What is going on . As far as the weather, not much to talk about. But lets go to the the shore. It is a beautiful day. Temperatures in the lower 70s. So a little cool, beach wind north east at 10 miles an hour. Surf temperature 75. Thinks one of the the days where we have afternoon the the water will be warmer then the air temperature. Rip current risk is still moderate they as hurricane cristobal moves out the to sea, do be careful out there in the waters. We are still in danger. Labor day weekend down the shore showing improvement for saturday when it comes to the rip currents. It should president be as bad. Mild 77 for a high, warmer on sunday, still nice, but by monday showers and then are storms most of the the day. High temperature of 84 degrees. That is your shore cast, lets get back to the big story of the morning, out on the schuylkill, we have an overturn tractor trailer on 76 westbound on the off ramp to route one city avenue, the first exit as we ares heading westbound on the schuylkill, we cannot access it. Overturn tractor trailer blocks the entire exit, all police have been on the scene and they are moving pretty quickly trying to upright the tractor trailer which they have done and then eventually clear the scene but in the meantime if you need to use 76 west, on to city avenue here are your alternate route. A take ridge avenue to city avenue bridge to 76 west. Also you could continue west on 76 just past lincoln drive and that is why we have a second city avenue exit. Use that. We should have have some more clean up done by 5 30 or 6 00 a. M. We will keep you posted. One thing is for sure this kid will be a rock star. Yes. So he took a classic kids song and turned tonight to a heavy metal tune, we will have it coming up in the trend. Is that a kid song . Down. Lower. Thats more like it petsmarts prices on your favorite food brands just got lower shop a wide assortment of food and save up to 8 on your favorite dog cat food brands. At petsmart®. In your money news they say good things dont last forever. After quite a streak the dow jones dropped 42 points still ending 42 pounds. Were not in england. Fortytwo points, to just over 17,000. The s and p500, also down three points, landing back under the 2,000 mark after a record three days, the Stock Exchange and nasdaq composite ended up at 4557. Google meanwhile trying to build a fleet of drones that will rival amazon. Amazon announcing it is experimenting with drones that will deliver its orders. Meanwhile google is expecting it to take several years before their fleet is fully operational. What . Nothing. This is my turn, sorry. Dont look at me. There is apparently a new it item for children as they helped back to school. If you dont have it, kids worry they will get snubbed here. It is latest technology whether it be an iphone, tablet or new computer. It is new accessory kid prefer having these, gadgets, instead of having new clothing for schools. Marketing experts say retailers take notice of this trend and is having an negative impact on back to School Clothing sales. 5 27. If you are down the shore this morning, and we will be, we have been tracking hurricane cristobal and the rip currents, what you need to know to stay safe. So guys are often heroes in their dads eye but role gets reversed in this story. How one little girls quick thinking saved their this is the name your price tool. It gives you options based on your budget its a piece of cake. I was told there would be cake. Get a free quote at progressive. Com. Reporter what you need know to attend made in america and what you will get for free, this year, chris. Police say yet, another creeper is praying on women. He has targeted one that we necessity of out shopping with her child in Chestnut Hill. Moment she realized something just was not right. All right. Good day, it is friday, august 29th, 2014. She just had a sneaking sensation that somebody was doing something wrong. That is creepy, definitely. It is friday, august 29th, 2014. The good news is that it is a three take weekend for so many people coming up this week. It is, it is kind of sad, summer coming to a close at least unofficially but for a lot of us last week of um iser vacation and last blast with the three day weekend over labor take. It feels like i was just talking about memorial take weekend. That is how fast these good times fly meaning the summer season. Lets look outside, ultimate doppler, showing clear skies out there, really was a nice night, a few clouds moving through the state and, we will see sunshine today. Right now still dark, before sunrise, 61, maybe a lot of you are up, get to work, get out of the building early, to get started on your weekend. Temperatures are in the 50s and 60s around here, your fox cast showing right now 61 degrees and it is pretty cool with everyone else, pretty much in the 50s. We will warm up in the mid 70s by noon. Seventysix. By 5 00 oclock 80 degrees for a high. That is it. We dont get out of the 70s today so a refreshing change. It is on the cool side. We will see a warm up. That is coming up in your seven day forecast but first Labor Day Weekend forecast down the shore which by the way today we have our own Quincy Harris down in wildwood beginning at 7 00 a. M. And there until 10 00 a. M. So join him. Beautiful morning. Great saturday at the beach. Seventyseven and sunny. Sunday sun and clouds and warmer 80 degrees. Showers arriving monday, labor day. We cannot get out of the who will take weekend without any rain and most likely chance for that down the shore is going to be on monday. That is your Labor Day Weekend forecast at the beach, lets get to the big, big story of the morning, 76 westbound off ramp to route one city avenue overturn tractor trailer accident blocks the the first exit ramp to city avenue. It also blocks off ramp to 76 west. You cannot access them. This is a huge scene. Huge tractor trail their was carrying eggs overturn and we dont have the scene cleared just yet. In the meantime use one of two alternates. First one is ridge avenue to city avenue bridge back on to 76 west. You could continue west on 76 past lincoln drive to the second city avenue exit ramp. State police say this should be cleared up in 30 minutes. We will let you know when we get word of that, chris. That same area will be crowded this weekend because philadelphia is kicking off Labor Day Weekend. We will see made in america festival. Thousands will be pouring in the city and police want to make sure this goes off without a hitch. Fox 29s dawn timmeney is live with how the city plans to keep everyone safe, dawn. The city has been mapping out a specific game plan for two months new to ensure that everyone has a good time when gates opened up tomorrow at noon but that they stay safe at the same time. This is a huge event so that can be difficult. Our cameras were allowed a sneak peak inside of the many meetings that were held regarding security for made in america festival 2014 and fbi, law enforcement, home land security, event sponsors, everybody involve, police are trying to prevent any problems like under age drinking, often times there are fights fueled by alcohol, trucks they are trying to stop that and they say they will be caring people. Checking for backpacks or anything suspicious. City Officials Say and they are stressing this that do in the plan to try to sneak in any drinks of any kind. It just wont aloud. We are asking that there are no and i will under score, no fluids will be able to be brought inside. You will have to buy, and or get for free the things that we are giving you. The free is going to be the water. We want you to drink lots of it. That is number one. Number two, if you bring a container in, the container will have to be empty. All right. There are going to be all kind of road issues, also regarding this concert during the morning rush hour. This morning drivers on the parkway heading from center city from the Spring Garden street bridge or Martin Luther king boulevard will to have exit at eakin oval on the 24th street ramp. Traffic on kelly drive has to exit at fair mount avenue. Then at 10 00 this morning chris, there will be major closures throughout that entire area, caitlin, of course, will have more coming up in traffic but this morning there will be a couple roads closed. Twentynine lanes right in front of the art museum but then at 10 00 oclock all surrounding roads are closed. You will want to a roid that area. Main stage set up at the foot of the steps of the art museum. Exactly. Thanks very much. With that said, if you want to check outline up of performers at the festival just go to my fox philly. Com and click on seen on tv under the must tab. 118 animals are all safe now thanks to the pennsylvania spca. They were rescued from the shed in North Hampton county. This was on daniels road in nazareth. They say that they found bird, cats, dogs, chickens living in the filthy shed. The Investigation Continues and charges are pend ing over the owner of that shed. Women are on leather after reports of a peeping tom spotted in the Chestnut Hill shopping area. There is a a guy in his 40s that used his camera phone to take pictures up a womans skirt as she shopped with her child in the conn iron. Shop. Chestnut Hill Business Association was quick to warn other stores about it. When we hear an incident in one of our businesses, in Chestnut Hill, we will alert our other members by sending out a message to them. That is terrible. What an invasion of privacy. Freaks me out, that is bad, he should ab rested. My goodness, police are working to find this peeping tom. New jersey lawmakers are demanding to see phone records in their probe of the socalled bridge gate scandallal. It has not gonna way. They have subpoenaed at t for the phone record of a top aid to new jersey governor chris christie, that aid says that she texted governor christie about her testimony in december but then deleted the messages. Christie says he doesnt remember ever receiving messages. Lawmakers are break whether governor christie ordered lane closures on the George Washington bridge as political retribution. 5 36. This guy went around and asked everybody to question of the summer, turn down for what. Priceless answers that you went want to miss. This kid loves heavy metal but he only knows lyrics to kids songs. So he put within to the tune of the shredding guitar and i am person nates a he heavy metal voice, youll love this coming up in the trend. A man ace live today thanks to one of the worlds famous, blair hamilton rescued a surfer who lost his board and waving for help yesterday, in southern california. He doesnt have any major injuries, surfers are right now taking advantage of the large waves, in southern california, from tropical storm, marie. Lane or day weekend is in full swing down the the jersey shore. Hundreds of people pack beach as life guard kept watch. They dealt with 30 rescues throughout the day due to big waves and strong rip currents, in an effort to keep everybody safe beach patrol is asking parents to only allow their kids to swim directly in front of the life guards. Big help for us is when parents are watching their children. She said dont go in the water when life guard are offduty. We are in the trying to be nasty but we are trying to keep everybody safe to come back, another day. That is the truth. But it is rough out there life guards will be manning the eighth, ninth and 12th street areas in ocean city until 8 00 in the evening and that is through the Holiday Weekend if you have got kids, hang out in front of the life guard, cutest boys, caitlin. They are. They do have the best bodies. That is for sure. A lot of them are boys though. They are pretty young but they are strong. They know what they are doing out there. It is important to heed advice of the life guard because even though cristobal has really pulled off in the atlantic, moving away and we will see rip current risk lessen, is there moderate risk thanks in part to cristobal still a category one hurricane but well off toward our east. Clear skies overhead right now nice morning but cool morning a lieutenant of unshine expected as we go through friday, clear skies into friday night. This is how you want to start a Holiday Weekend. Darn nice out there by saturday still sunshine and saturday is looking better and better. I dont think we will see shower chance until sunday and for that that is even talking about later on sunday too. That sure chance will probably extend into monday. Eighty today. Sunny and nice. Eightythree tomorrow. Beautiful saturday. Hot, humid and some storms for sunday, labor day and tuesday, we will keep that warm weather around for first week of september. That is your seven day forecast lets get back to 76 westbound the off ramp to route one city avenue and overturn tractor trailer for two hours earlier this morning. Thinks a major accidents which blocks the first exit ramp to city avenue on 76 westbound. It also blocks off ramp to 76. Your alternate here you have two options first one if you can take ridge avenue to city after new bridge and then back on to 76 west. Also continue west on 76, past lincoln drive to the second city avenue exit ramp. State police have been there all morning. They are cleaning it up. It should be cleared soon. We will keep you posted. Youre talking about the rip currents, yesterday in ocean city loan one life guard had 30 rescue calls in one day. Crazy. Young girls quick move, saved the life of her father, why she says, she wasnt even scared, when she saw her dad why she says, she wasnt even scare[ mike ] i wanted to do some good for my guys. So im trying hellmanns with olive oil. Lets see what happens. Thats not hellmanns on your sandwiches. Its hellmanns with olive oil. Whaddaya want, a parade . [ laughter ] bring em over here. Cmon. Theyll wanna eat it rightgonna away. Od [ laughter ] and country crock stirs in easily, to give mashed potatoes that rich buttery flavor your family loves, everytime. Welcome to crock country. All right. To some it is a throw away game, last game before the the preseason but to others a final chance to show teams that they deserve a roster spot. Roll highlights, eagles and jets last night at the link. Midway through the the first matt barclay with the 43yard bomb to benn wide open on the play to put eagles up seven to nothing. Codey parky isnt making chip kellys job cutting down roster any easier. The auburn star kick a 54 yarder and later a 53 yarder, three for three last night and later in the fourth demar us johnson makes his case to stay in the form of the 46yard touchdown run as eagles kill the giants, i should say the jets. That is wish full thinking kill the giants this coming year. Jets get down 37seven in the even to the eagles. Youve got 90 kids and you have to cut to 53. There is math that goes on here. If you dont our team we hope make another team but sometimes you sit there and see some guys and it is very difficult. You wish ill tell you what i wish i could buy stock in people because there are people, alexander villanuev a he will be successful in whatever he did. He told me when i talk to him about the reasons we were you the diagnosis him loose. He said coach, successful people to have make difficult decisions, you dont have to have explain anything to me good that was kind of cool. Michael vick was back on the field last night but not as an eagle. It seems like he was in for just one play and for one reason only to come in, hand off and leave the game, fans showed their love cheering him on, classy move by rex ryan to call a time out for vick so he could get the applause, as you her, and he got a chance to say hi to his former teammates. 5 47. Nfl tough opening its policy on domestic violence. Commissioner goodell sent a letter to every single nfl owner yesterday announcing there will be a six game suspension for a first offense and a life time ban for a second offence and that is for every single nfl employee, not just the the players. Goodell says he didnt get it right in giving ravens running back ray rice a two game suspension for allegedly hitting a woman who is now his wife. I never drank coffee in college. No. I drank it when i started this shift, of course. But College Students drink it all the time getting through exams, long classes, all nighters. But we love our coffee. Yes, there is new data from the grub hub site, that student pack up to 10 percent of their on line order with coffee, espresso, and energy drinks. The site ranks schools with the highest percentage of the totallal orders that contain caffeinated beverages. Eight of the top 14 are right here. The university of pennsylvania is number one, filled by drexel, and lehigh. The college of new jersey, the university of sciences and temple rounding out top six. Schools in this area take one through six. Villanova and the university of arts came in at number is 11 and 12. Were tired i guess. An adorable toddler putting an interesting twist on the abcs. It is in todays trend, chris. Ethan conrad isnt a typical conrad when it comes to singing abcs because he completely rocks it out, heavy metal style. Best parties he didnt even spit out the binge i. The abcs pacifier style. He is hard core. Yes. That is cute. Love him. Weve got the lights going too did you see had. It is flash back friday, we will go back to 1993 before Steven Colbert and steve carral were a blip on the comedy radar. Two funny men got their start through second city, a comedy troop that has turned out a lot of stars. Thinks called the obvious song where they sing, and state obvious things. Second city posted it on their you tube page if you would like to take a peak back in nostalgia. If you are the other two guys arent you guys losers now. I dont know, maybe. Turned down for what. What . Turned down for what. Im in the sure what that means. It is the question many of you might have responded to this summer or just enjoyed the lyrics, turned town for what. Not everybody is really sure what the hit song means but kent baldwin of you tubes late night basement hit the streets to find out if anybody actually knows and the responses range from puts will. To compass approximation to so much more. That was cute yesterday. Very cute. This guy, not so much. Nope. But it is a good bit. Caitlin, can you please. We are taking a live look, sorry, pocono, mountains, cammal back mountain, water park. We can barely see it in this picture. That is a great shot of the poconos, because i have your poconos forecast. Sometimes these things time out really well and we will get straight to weather on the ones here at 5 51. We have poconos, shore and here in the delaware val which so much going on including made in America Cobbs earth. A lot to talk b we want wet tore cooperate. For the the most part it will. Weekend getaway, to the poconos it is cool this morning. It is chilly. It will be early at day if you are to go camping or staying outdoors. Sunshine and 74 for the high. Eighty and warmer on sunday with the chance of showers and thunderstorms, machine labor day and that chance for showers and storms will reach poconos on sunday but down the shore not until monday. The saturday 77. Sunday 80. Monday 84 degrees. That is down the the shore. That is a look at your weekend down the shore forecast. Lets get back out to the roads where all morning we have been telling but 76 westbound big story and always focusing on. Off ramp to route one city avenue overturn tractor trailer accident blocks the first exit ramp to city avenue and blocks off ramp to 76 west. Your alternate are to take either ridge avenue to the city avenue bridge back to 76 west, or you could turn west on 76 past lincoln drive to the second city avenue exit ramp. State police say that the accident should be cleared up soon, kerry. Caitlin, thanks. Five there 52. Making a life long dream come true he has always wanted to fly but his muscular dystrophy made it tough just to walk. The incredible effort to get him up in the air. T . Yzim nednnh6 ernie vodka says he had a seizure in his home on sunday and he his daughter a lie a were only ones home so she knew something was wrong with her daddy and she went to go get help. He said he felt dizzy, and he fell down, and i saw him, shaking. I was like, um, i know, i have to go over to the neighbors house and she can call 911. So the dad continues to recover and hopes this is a lesson to all parents, it is important to tell your parents about 911. Things we all take for granted could mean a world to someone else. Take flying for example. It seems like an impossible dream for one teen with muscular dystrophy until a charity stepped in. Eighteen yearold Shawn Anderson never thought wow fly in the helicopter. He wanted to. Thanks to the make a wish foundtation that dream comes true. He got to ride, he got to ride an air helicopter, perfectly equipped for his medical needs. It is in the about our flight team, it is not about our hell column cooperators or university of utah it business making his dream come true. We have it all on film so he can watch it over and over again. The purpose of the wish toys bring happiness and joy and to give them something to look forward to, and perhaps get excited about. It helps them, with some of their illnesses scenery over utah over utah is not too shabby. He flew from his home to a local hospital. With the hole in their family one couple turn to facebook to find a baby, believe it or not, it work, how they have a new bundle have joy in their lives thanks how they have a new bundle have joy in their lives thanks just by switching to progressive. So youll be bringing home the bacon in no time. Sorry. Get a free quote at progressive. Com. A man ambush in the crowded Grocery Store shot by masked gunman waiting for him, just how much money these crooks got away with. President obama making very important announcements on the violent situationness both ukraine and iraq, but that is not what people are talking about this morning. What had everyone, all a twitter. Oh, my. Heading down the shore this weekend, it is cristobal, and what you need to know about rip tides. For those coming to philadelphia for made in america festival this weekend, what you wont aloud to bring, with you. A couple of things. Good day, it is friday august 29th, 2014. A lot of news this morning. Our reporters are covering our top stories. Steve keeley is live, covering that brazen robbery, dawn timmeney has you covered with everything you need to necessity for made in america. We will talk to them in a moment. But first lets head over to caitlin in time for weather on the ones and time for a c

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