Transcripts For WTXF Fox 29 News At 10 20161201

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♪ >> live from center city in philadelphia, this is fox 29 news at 10. first at 10, breaking news in west philadelphia. twisted metal, shattered glass and crime scene tape. a sign that something went wrong in this neighborhood tonight. it started with gunshots and a police chase. now a woman is dead. what happened in between still unfolding right now. good evening, i'm iain page. >> i'm lucy noland. police have already made two arrests. let's get straight to fox 29's shawnette wilson and shawnette you just talked to police win the past five minutes. of course, this investigation is in its very early stages. >> reporter: lucy, they do tell us that an innocent woman was hit as a result of this incident tonight as you mentionementioned she has since. police not releasing her identity pending notification of the family but if you take a look behind me you can see still very much an active scene here as the road remains blocked off at this hour. now here's what we can tell you. it started around 7:30 tonight. we're told at 48th and west minster. police were responding to shots fired in that area. they tell us that they see a suspect or person get into a nissan and pull off. we're told glass was actually around the area of that car that took off. at that point, police begin to pursue but the car does not st stop. they tell thus along the way, the suspects hit four cars. near 42nd and locust. this is the intersection the video you're looking at right now. again, one woman was injured. she was taken to the hospital and has since died. we're told that woman was actually driving through the intersection when her car was hit. someone else in another car also received some minor injuries. the suspects were taken into custody at that point. taken to the hospital initially with minor injuries. and police do tell us that they found a 9-millimeter gun in that car. again, two of those suspects taken into custody. here's what police just told us moments ago about what all led to this. >> we don't have all the video yet. we believe the occupants of the nissan, that's behind me, and a white vehicle were involved in some type of gun battle. that's what the officers heard and once they got they saw auto glass in the street an male quickly get into the nissan and that's when they start following the car to try to stop it. it doesn't stop. they put lights and sirens on, and a pursuit begins. >> reporter: all right. so you just heard police telling us that that nissan was involved in some sort of gun battle with people in another car a white car. we did ask and we were told the occupants of that white car, they got away. so again right now no word on what that exchange of gunfire was about. but two people in that nissan in custody. they suffered minor injuries in this accident and, of course, the sad news tonight that an innocent woman who was driving in the area when all of this happened was hit and has since died. that's the very latest from the scene. we hope to have more for you at 11:00. lucy. >> we'll check back in with you shawnette. more breaking news. arrest in the hit-and-run that killed a little girl. police say they have arrested a 24-year-old man in connection with the hit-and-run death of eight-year-old jay anna powell earlier tonight. police impounded nissan altima was involved. someone spotted the car at an auto body in fraser, chester county. a driver hit and killed powell along lansdowne avenue two weeks ago much police have not released the dent did the of the man but charges are pending. we not yet know what charges he will face. it is a very busy night. we have more breaking news. the question is, what happened on the 76ers court? the game postponed because of a problem with the court. >> sixers were supposed to play the kings tonight. that didn't happen. the problem began an hour before tip off. sean bell was there and talked to disappointed players and fans. sean, what happened? >> sixers as you said were scheduled to play sacramento tonight about an hour before the game the kings came out from warm ups and noticed the court was slippery, it was wet. they tried to mop up the floor and clean it up but nothing was working around 8:00 o'clock an hour after tip off was scheduled the nba decided to postpone the game. the team is saying it wasn't water but something else that was seeping through the cracks of the floor. remember the flyers also play at the wells fargo center and they played there just last night. so the floor was taken apart and put back together over the last 24 hours. wells fargo who is responsible for the up keep of the court. so with the players safety in mind there's no way they could have played this game tonight. >> they dry mopped, wet mopped the, let it dry it seemed to be like a film or something on the court. neither of the teams players could get very comfortable with that. both the coaches were kind of on the same page and on board. >> what type of disappointment is this. >> big disappointment. driving down here in traffic and everything but we'll stay loyal. stay sixers fans. we'll be back next week. >> it's a big disappointment. we came here looking for a good game. ultimately player safety is most important. >> reporter: there's a concert there tomorrow and games on friday and saturday. this thing won't be played any time soon. the fans will be refunded and given complimentary tickets to another game. later in sports, we'll get a player's perspective on what happened tonight. iain? >> sean, thanks. on your radar tonight, two straight days of rain tracking more storms and kathy even it's the last day of november don't surprised if you hear thunder isn't few rumbles of thunder tonight. it's unusual but it's happened before in the month of november. even over the course of the winter. you can see the rain moving across the delaware valley. the mainline is back far to the north and west. through allentown. through lancaster. and that will be moving toward the northeast wind the next couple of hours. as we take a closer look, we have a severe thunderstorm that is closer to the d.c. area but that's in that line that you see of red near baltimore and washington that will be moving into delaware right now a few lingering showers in trenton and levittown but that big line will be coming through overnight tonight. right now 46 in the poconos. 52 in allentown. 56 in philadelphia. but look at the 60s through south jersey and delaware. it's still sketch in dover and i think you'll get some heavy rain overnight tonight. visibility still on the low side where it is not raining. look at trenton a mile and a half. even south jersey into wrightstown just half mile visibility so please be careful in you're in that area overnig overnight. heavy rain moved through during the late night and overnight hours. our front finally swings through. you can see that line of showers maybe even a few rums rumbles thunder with gusty winds and then tomorrow morning, it's out of here. clear skies for your thursday. but guess what? temperatures will be falling fast. we'll talk more about that coming up with your seven day in just a few minutes. >> all right, kathy, thanks. developing now in kensington, homicide detectives are trying to figure out how this two-year-old boy wound up dead. police were called to his home last night. they rushed him to the hospital but he died. >> and as police questioned the boy's mother and boyfriend, people in the neighborhood are -- they're heart sick. fox 29's dave schratwieser is live at philadelphia police headquarters. dave? >> reporter: lucy, an autopsy tonight showed that little two-year-old zyair worrell suffered a fractured rib and a lacerated liver. his mother and her boyfriend have been here at the homicide unit tonight being interviewed by detectives as this investigation continues to unfold. >> i was just praying all day. it's sad. >> reporter: family members were in shock as crime scene investigators spent the afternoon collecting evidence at the clementine street home where police now say two-year-old zyair worrell lost his life. his death has been ruled a homicide. >> he was good. he loved everybody. like -- >> i cried and it's sad. she was good mother and everything to her child. she always had him with her. >> that broke my heart when i found that out. >> reporter: neighbors were in mourning over his death. an autopsy showed zyair had a fractured rib and a lacerated liver. police were called to the home in the 600 block of east clementine just before midnight met by the boy's mother and her boyfriend. they were holding the child. >> he always told everybody he loved them. >> he always danced. he was just happy. he was a happy little baby. >> i'm going to miss him. because he always called me auntie and everything and every time he saw me he was happy, joyful and everything. >> reporter: police officers raced the boy to saint christopher's hospital where he was pronounced just after 2:00 a.m. the child's mother and her boyfriend were taken to the homicide unit and were being questioned wednesday night by homicide detectives working this investigation. >> nobody should ever have to see a two-year-old die. let us know what happened. don't hide nothing. >> it's just sad that nobody -- telling me nothing really. i just don't know what happened. >> it's just sad. it's a sad story. nobody want to see -- everybody cared about him. >> reporter: no charges have been filed at this hour. police were also looking to talk to the boy's natural father. they were still trying to locate him tonight. we'll have update on the investigation coming at 11:00. >> iain. dave, thanks. juniata park man facing charges tonight after police say he bit two officers. police say officers stopped to talk to 32-year-old caesar ortega this morning to question him about a possible stolen car. police say ortega punched, kicked, head butted then bit two of the officers. he bit them so hard he broke the skin. officials say bites from people can lead to serious problems. >> i know an officer a lot of time more than 30 years ago he got bitten b by a female and he had multiple surgeries over the course of the years. infection set in and tour his body up so human bite i mean human mouth is actually not the best thing in the world sometimes when you talking about breaking skin. >> both officers went to local hospital to have the wounds cleaned out. we are told those officers are doing just fine. ortega is facing a list of charges. protesters are filling the streets of charlotte tonight. a response to the district attorney's decision today not to charge the officer who shot and killed keith lamont scott. this is what things like tonight in downtown charlotte. prosecutor as nounsed officer brently vincent is justified in shooting scott in september. investigators say scott had gun on him when officers fired at him outside an apartment complex. officers were there to serve somebody else with a warrant and say basically they stumbled upon scott if in a car and marijuana much his family maintained he was not armed. >> we still have real questions about the decision that is were made that day in terms of how they confronted keith. how they reactioned to the information that he had a brain injury and whether they used appropriate dee escalation techniques. >> the shooting led to days of protests on the streets of charlotte and in cities across the united states. president-elect donald trump is getting ready to make a major announcement. mr. trump will visit carrier corporation in indiana tomorrow. he claims the company is keeping manufacturing jobs nest us because of him and we're expecting details. carrier had originally planned to send those jobs to mexico. it's not clear yet what kind of incentives were used to get the manufacturer to change its mind. vice president-elect mike pence the current governor of indiana will join trump at his meeting with carrier officials tomorrow. meanwhile today trump tweeted that he'll leave his business empire when he takes office so as to avoid any conflicts of interest. a local pediatrician is facing the type of charges that would scare any parent. what a nurse found on phone that has the doctor in serious trouble. two new jersey troopers just saved a man's life but do not expect them to back in the spotlight. >> i don't know if i would say hero. definitely grateful that i've been trained to do this. and glad i got a chance to help. >> there you go. the airport emergency that had them springing into action and saving a life. >> local pediatrician busted on child porn charges. prosecutors say dr. david kennedy had sexual images much children. an iphone that helped put the montgomery county doctor in ja jail. >> his practice had just given a nurse practitioner that brand new phone, and i cloud police did the doctor in. fox 29's chris o'connell is live in pennsburg at his practice. chris, i cannot imagine what the parents of his patients are thinking to night. >> reporter: lucy, believe it or not some of those parents were showing up tonight for their scheduled appointments here to doctor david kennedy's pediatric practice, but when they showed up, they found out many times through us that doctor is in jail tonight arrested for child porn. >> you're obviously a little shaken? >> yeah. >> reporter: stunned parents of patients arriving for their kids pediatrician appointment only to hear from us that doctor they trusted is now accused of child abuse. >> they said he was on leave. >> tonight montgomery county detectives were seen leaving the personal care pediatrics run by 48-year-old dr. david s. kennedy. police say kennedy gave a nurse practitioner a brand new company issued iphone seven plus to use for off hour patient calls over the holiday weekend. but during thanksgiving, the nurse discovered sexually explicit pictures of children on dr. kennedy's i cloud account. that account had been transferred over to the new phone. >> who knows what he's got hidden in the hidden cameras or whatever. >> reporter: neighbors who live near the practice only notice doctored kennedy's car. they say it's this one in the parking lot filled with trash and pill bottles. >> blew my mind. in this day and age it's not surprising but right here next to me it's -- it's overwhelming. >> reporter: a long with running his own practice kennedy is on the medical staff at grand view health where he has been suspended and his bio has since been scrubbed from the website. worried parents of patients are beside themselves. >> it's a shame, but even if they seem like totally on the level, you never know how well someone can hide these thing. >> reporter: now, police have not said if any patient images were among any of those photos that were found, but they are asking anyone to come forward if they have any information. dr. kennedy remains in the montgomery county jail tonight on $250,000 bail. iain? >> all right, chris, thank you. in bucks county, these three are facing a long list of charges new britain township police say they worked together to invade an apartment at the gray fires complex in chalfont on saturday. attacked two people inside. police say one of the attackers slit the throat of someone living there. that person is now in stable condition. 19-year-old darrin davis and arthur mc core considering kell and 20-year-old kal aft aya are facing homicide charges among other things. >> back to store for students who attend the john b. kelly school. power outage forced them to school the program. after school programs were canceled. no word on what caused the outage. philadelphia city attorney may now be in trouble with the law himself. yesterday we showed you security footage of two very nicely dressed men who vandalized a store with an anti trump message. well, tonight the city solicitor' office says one of its own is one of the two men who spray painted the fresh market in chestnut hill. >> fox 29's dave kinchen reports on what the city is doing next. >> reporter: security cam footage shows a man spray painting the side of the fresh market store in chestnut hill right off germantown avenue just after midnight november 25th. you can see the writing f word trump. another man appears to take pictures or videos. philadelphia city officials confirmed to fox 29 the blazer clad man holding a glass of wine is none other than duncan lloyd an assistant city solicitor in the law department. >> i was not a trump supporter, but i think to vandalize the store was a very inn appropriate reaction to the election. >> reporter: market customers are stunned a city attorney would take part in something like this. >> i think it's unbecoming for him to do it. >> city officials are people, too, and they're flawed just like everyone else. >> reporter: solicitor craig straw released a statement saying "to my knowledge, mr. lloyd has already contacted the philadelphia police and is cooperating with them. we will decide on a course of action once we obtain more information about the investigation. we do not condone this type of behavior from our employees ". meantime, customers say... >> i think that we all need to just get a grip and, um, voice our frustration frustrations fre way report roar city officials say no action will be taken until they have more information on the investigation conducted by philadelphia police. meantime, we did reach out to mr. lloyd for comment. we have not yet heard back. philadelphia police say there are no charges at this time. at city hall, dave kinchen, fox 29 news. after a mysterious stay rapper kanye west is out of the hospital. but his medical care isn't over yet. will it be happening in his home? >> how does shopping tabu teak sound where everything is free? it's possible in one spot in center city but it's for a higher purpose here. >> the women come in here all the time they leave with smiles op their face. >> fantastic. this special day this special store is helping women prepare for. now with tomorrow's traffic here's bob kelly. good evening, everybody. get ready for delays again tomorrow on the regional rails. mainly weather related. more importantly make sure you get your strike credit tomorrow is december 1st. so that the day you buy your december monthly pass. you need to turn in your november monthly pass and for the unused days, you'll get the strike credit. i have all the details posted on my facebook and twitter pages. the link to septa up there as well. then tomorrow during the day watch for delays along college avenue. the bridge over the septa tracks there and of course we'll check the jam cams, sue with your thursday forecast when we see you bright and early right here starting at 4:00. >> now your winning lottery numbers. ♪ residents and first responders are tonight combing through the damage left behind from severe storms across the southeast. the national weather service has confirmed tornadoes touched down in parts of mississippi and tennessee during the severe weather outbreak yesterday. all the while tennessee's battling wildfires in the north more than 14,000 people had to pack up and get out of the resort city of gatlinburg as firefighters worked to save lives, homes and businesses. fire officials are hopeful incoming heavy rain can help them battle the flames. fidel castro ashes are now heading to his final resting place. >> the remains of the former cuban dictator began it's four-day, 500-mile journey across cuba. thousands of cubans behind the streets of havana to bid goodbye to their late leader. they watched as a small cuban flag covered casket containing his ashes left for the eastern city of sants ago go which will be the final resting place. that's where castro began the revolution in 1953. many of those gathered on the streets say castro's legacy will live on forever. >> translator: it's so painful because he's an admirable man. we all love him. he's respected. there are no words. >> translator: they are remembering him well. you see people crying everywhere. half the country is crying. they have responded well. >> castro's ashes will arrive in santiago sunday. that day also ends the nine-day mourning period for the man who rule the country for nearly 50 years. kanye west is out of the hospital and back home with his family. so says tmz. the rapper spent more than week in the hospital after doctors admitted him tour sleep deprive vague and exhaustion. tmz reports west is also recovering from a mental health issue and remains under the care of a private physician. two new jersey troopers just saved a man's life and a story you couldn't make up if you tried. airport emergency that the heroes jumping into action. our kathy orr is tracking that forecast. >> remember those rounds of heavy rain we talked about and the thunderstorms, take look behind me. one approaching philadelphia and then more rain to the west. we'll time it out and show you when it ends coming up. >> coming up at 11:00 new jersey pine barrens are stretch of quite and solitude in a state you ma not normally associate with those two words. fox 29 taking the road less traveled. >> you see little turn offs every so often run off into the woods down to parts unknown. some of them are blocked off. private property. no trespassing. >> fox 29's hank flynn goes there to show you a spooky part of our area you may not have even known existed. ♪ fbi says the ohio state student that was behind a violent attack on campus may have been inspired by isis. but investigators stopped short of calling it terrorism. however investigators say they're not aware of any direct link abdul artan has to the extremist organization. they think artan might have also been inspired by al-qaida leader an al lackey killed in 2011. 11 people hurt monday when artan drove into pedestrians then attacked others with 95. police officer shot and killed him. tonight police need your help finding a pair of armed robbers who stormed into a rite aid in olney one of the men threatened an employee with gun while the other demanded she put money in bag. they both ran away with nearly $400 monday night. just past 9:00 on the 5400 block of rising sun avenue. mike mcqueary getting more money in the judgment for his whistleblower case against penn state. a judge awarded $5 million more to the former assistant football coach for legal fees and harm to his reputation. that's on top of last month's jury verdict award him more than $7 million. mcqueary says the university put him on leave and he couldn't find a job after reporting he saw jerry sandusky abuse a boy in a team shower. well could city leaders try bend the rules on marijuana? >> city council members are considering updating the city's zoning code for medical marijuana businesses. they're deciding whether to relax restrictions on how close medical marijuana facility can be to a daycare or a school. they held a hearing at city hall to discuss all of this. this past april of course governor tom wolf signed a medical marijuana bill into law under the new state law dispensaries cannot open within 1,000 feet of a school. the city is considering shortening that tonight hundred feet because it says of the city's density. >> we as a city, we as a legislative body and we as an administration are taken proactive responsible steps in putting the communities first. >> the commonwealth of pennsylvania would have to approve any change to the state law. if you had an old cell phone lying around you now have put them to very good use. >> donating them can help people a survivor of domestic violence out of dangerous situation. philadelphia police have partnered with women against abuse and verizon to collect old cell phones for the hope line program. collection boxes are in place at each police district and verizon collects the phones then they erase the memory and refurbish them. women against abuse then gives the phones to abused survivors and those phones serve more than one purpose. >> those phones can be used to not only call for help in an emergency, but to do things like help find housing, employment, a range for child care. anything those survivors need to do to get back on their feet. >> you can donate any phone by any carrier no matter the condition. if it can't be used it will be recycled in an environmentally conscious way. the hope line program is also paid for phone dough noted and those funds are used to buy new phones or for other domestic violence prevention programs. the quick actions of these two new jersey state troopers saved a life over the holiday weekend. the sergeant and the trooper brought an elderly man back from the bring of death. >> he's now recovering at a local hospital and the officers are talking about the life-saving moments to our dawn timmeney. >> right here. i guess where these two cars were. and mr. sheridan collapsed right here between the two cars. >> reporter: sergeant bob varndor of the atlantic city international airport state police station was first to respond to the rental car drop off section last friday. where 80-year-old joseph sheridan was on the ground and unconscious. >> he wasn't doing too well. there's no pulse, no breathing at the time. his wife and daughter were there. so that added, you know, little bit added stress. they were visibly upset of course. >> reporter: sergeant varndor start the cpr until trooper mi mike, arrived moments later, using an aed to deliver one shock. >> we checked for a pulse and it was strong. i mean it was pounding. i've done this before and i've never seen a pulse return that strong. >> it was a huge relief. >> reporter: win minutes paramedics and ems were on the scene and sheridan was rushed to the hospital where he is still being treated. >> his wife and his daughters actually stopped here today. >> reporter: he spoke to hem personally. he said the family wanted to say thank you and let the two troopers know they saved a life. >> it was fantastic. i mean i was nervous at first because i didn't know what they were going to tell me. that was probably the best news i can have gotten. >> reporter: troopers say it was a team effort and all in day's work. still they are being hailed as heroes in the eyes of many. >> i don't know if i would say hero. definitely grateful that i've been trained to do this and glad i got chance to help. >> that's why we're troopers. that's why we're police officers. we come to work and we do this for a reason. we're glad we were there at the time and did our job. >> joseph sheridan's family told the troopers he has a rough road ahead of him but they are optimistic and eternally grateful to the two troopers for their quick action and life-saving efforts. dawn timmeney, fox 29 news. heard of cows escapes from a trailer and the action really started. what happened when they split off into two separate groups and where authorities found them. >> watch as one truck backs into another right inside a busy street. no accident here. what started the fight that spilled on to the road and what many call the road rage capital of the world. ♪ ♪ think of your fellow man. ♪ lend him a helping hand. ♪ put a little love in your heart. ♪ ♪ take a good look around... ♪ ...and if you're lookin' down, ♪ ♪ put a little love in your heart. ♪ ♪put a little love in your heart.♪ ♪ in your heart. (avo) the subaru share the love event is happening now and will have given ninety million dollars to help real people like these. ♪ herding a bunch of cows sounds like a tough it is. it is. when they bust out of a trailer and make a break for it. >> after roaming a highway the group of 11 split two herds. one taking over a bridge. the other explored a 94 by apartment complex. they huddled by the air-conditioning unit for hours until animal control brought in its farm animal rescue specialist. >> just put up the portable panels here at the end of the trailer and it was a good location to get them caught. >> yeah, they didn't need to shoot them like we did here in philadelphia they were en route from organize central california someone opened a latch of the trailer to let the cows out while he pulled over to rest. in your money, if you have netflix you're going to like this if you don't have it this might finally be your reason to subscribe. >> now if you got netflix you can download shows and movies even when there's no internet access. you got to have internet access first you can take it on the road. subscribers around the world can now watch a number of shows and movies while they're on flight or in a car you want to see those couple episodes of that movie because there's a new download option you don't have to be online to get access to your shows and your favorite movies. by the way there's no additional charge for this new service. >> facebook is about to get even more distracting. you can now play games with your friends on the social network. facebook as update updated it's messenger app to include instant games. remember this classic, it was pac-man and newer favorites such as words with friends. don't worry about paying anything the games they are fr free. how shopping tabu teak where everything is free. possible at one spot in center steam but there's hire purpose here. >> the women coming here all the time they leave out feeling fantastic, smiles on their fac faces. >> the special day this special store is helping women prepare for. >> our kathy orr is helping you prepare for tomorrow. kathy? >> that rain is coming in fast. spotty in some locations but a line of showers and some thunderstorms moving quickly into the philadelphia area and then turning much colder. we'll talk more about that coming up. the seven day is next. www.evert] more than one and a half million dollars worth of gold is gone at least from its rightful owner and this is the man police say is responsible. surveillance cameras captured the thief stealing a bucket of gold flakes from unguarded armory truck in new york city. that bucket weighed 86 pounds. and police say it took him an hour to carry the bucket a distance that normally takes about tepp minutes. it happened september when guard went to the truck's cab to get his phone. investigators believe the thief could be hiding out in florida. check out this road rage incident caught on camera in he know land. three men were involved in sort of a crash then things got physical when they got out of the vehicles. one driver put his truck in reverse, crashing into the truck behind him. then, he smashed a shovel on the other guy' window with the driver in the front seat that. driver takes off. according to a recent survey in britain london drivers think of their city as the road rage capital of the world. ♪ tonight we are checking out different kind of shopping experience. center city resale boutique believes that it can provide a high-end shopping experience while also serving a higher purpose. >> wardrobe boutique is giving away clothes to help people dress appropriately for a special day. our bill anderson checks it out for goodness sake. ♪ >> reporter: if you're unemployed, under employed, even homeless, the job search can be like a vicious cycle. if you're lucky enough to get a job or even a job interview, you may not have the clothes that you need to feel anything other than embarrassed. this place can help and maybe be able to help for free. >> we are upscale resale boutique open to the public. we are also a service site for career wardrobe where we provide professional clothing at no cost to women that are going back to work. >> reporter: the career wardrobe is a long-time non-profit that provide job readiness training but the wardrobe boutique is special. they have style consultants that treat you like a high-end store. they help people pick appropriate clothes, shoes, accessories so they're ready for their job or their job intervi interview. >> if you're referred then it's free? >> it's free and once you get a job you can come back and get three more outfits at no cost as well. we want to set you up for success. >> reporter: you have to be referred by an agency caseworker or non-profit for it to be completely free but even if you're not referred and you are in need there are services as low as $20. >> it's definitely a difference between us. >> maureen was a previous client of the wardrobe boutique who came back after getting back on her feet and now works there. she showed me around and shared how her own experiences made her appreciate even more what others go through. >> it's very satisfying. the women come in here all the time they leave out feeling fantastic, smiles on their faces. >> reporter: confidence they get from being proud rather than embarrassed by their clothes makes a huge difference. >> when you go in to an interview you have to have that confidence. the employer see that is and that's when they want to hire you on top of your qualifying skills. >> reporter: boutique doesn't sell men's clothes but they have men's clothes for those in need. >> we can make you feel really good about what you're wearing. you can worry about everything else. you can worry about acing that interview. >> reporter: wardrobe boutique is on spring garden street in philadelphia but the services have recently expanded in bucks, delaware of delaware, chester and montgomery counties. tough economic times mean more people in more areas need support having been on the other side, maureen still hopes one day we as a society learn to look a little deeper. >> when it's always about who you are in your heart and in your mind and your spirit, so you know, take people for who they are, and don't judge them by the clothes that they have on. report roar shopping here supports their ability to donate clothes to those who currently need help. so you're helping by shopping and the boutique is helping by making people feel like a million bucks even without having to spend it and it's all being done for in guess sake. i'm bill anderson. >> that is fantastic. >> good job. well done. kathy what's on the radar tonight? >> a lot of green. a lot of red. a lot of orange a lot of yellow iain on that radar screen. look at this line right here. heavy rain is moving through it's in chester county, it's in bucks, in lehigh. chester county lighting up. rain rates close to 76 and the western mainline of philadelphia about half an inch to an inch an hour. very heavy rain in newark heavy rain moving into wilmington up that i-95 corridor. 76 the northeast extension. 476 northward some heavy rail rain as well in lower providence down towamencin, montgomery, upper dublin this whole area 276 west the same thing with heavy rain falling and this is going to be sweeping through win the next half hour or so. when you look at these rain amounts they weren't much earlier today. this is all from tonight. reading most of it tonight. .80 of an inch could end up with an inch for to today just because of heavy rain falling right now. trenton three quarters of an inch. half an inch in pottstown, wilmington and philadelphia. atlantic city hasn't seen much out of this storm. today just about .20 of an inch. temperatures cool to the north. warm to the south. it's 22 degrees warmer right now in dover than it is in the poconos. 55 in philadelphia. and 55 degrees in trenton. as we take a look the fox future cast has a good grip on what's going on right now with heff row rain moving through and another line possibly with our front late tonight. 1:00 o'clock, 2:00 o'clock, 3:00 o'clock in the morning that's when you can hear your rumbles of thunder especially through south jersey and delaware. temperatures are still quite warm and then we clear it out with cooling temperatures by the morning. by 6am51 in philadelphia. 42 in the poconos. but skies will be clear and our bob kelly will be talking about sun glare come tomorrow morning. but this storm is the same storm that brought that severe weather and tornado outbreak to the deep south. for more on that let's send it over to scott. that was pretty amazing over the past couple of days, scott? >> it really has been a violent and deadly outbreak of severe weather across parts of south. for us a lot of moisture right now headed toward the mid atlantic, also, portions of the southeast. but let's recap the last 48 hours across parts of the deep south. take look. yesterday into today a violent and deadly outbreak. 38 tornado reports all the way from places like louisiana, mississippi, tennessee, alabama, even around atlanta, georgia, and south carolina reports of tornadoes yesterday and today. for us, we still have a marginal risk for some severe weather primarily overnight a rumble of thunder and also some gusty winds. hey, by the way, today is the official end of hurricane seas season. this year we've seen over 15 storms. 15 storms named storms and seven hurricanes the most severe hurricane was hurricane matthew right now as we take look very quiet conditions in the atlantic basin but we still could have a named storm before all is said and done. kathy? >> wow. amazing. as we head into december tomorrow. right now in reading we're seeing very heavy rain falling traffic moving along but it's going to be a slow go overnight pretty much everywhere. temperatures overnight will be on the mild side. in the 50s in the city, suburbs 50s as well. 54. 57 during the day tomorrow. falling temperatures. cooler air moving in. it will stick around while. friday 52. saturday, sunday around 50 some showers monday and wednesday. that's a look at your seven day forecast. hey, sean. >> kathy we'll take look at the sixers game once again one of the players will tell you what he saw when he stepped out on the court and two big five schools go head to head villanova and saint jed fighting for second place of course hyped villanova. that's coming up next in sports. ♪ ♪ philadelphia 76ers have announced tonight's game against the sacramento kings has been postponed due to an issue with the surface of the court and with players safety in mind. >> yeah, that's the sound of b boos and failure. someone is getting fired at the wells fargo center tonight. the sixers game against the sacramento kings postponed because the floor was unappliable. the court was slippery and wet. so the nba stepped in and called the game. about an hour before the tip o off. the team came out to warm but noticed the floor was slippery. the staff tried to clean up the substance but they couldn't get it fully off the court. the flyers played there just the night before. so the floor had to be broken down and rebuilt. so that could have had something to do with why this court was the way it is. the players safety had to come first in this one. >> frustration is that, you know, you have -- i think we have the most incredible loyal fan base in the world. to have them come down on a rainy night put their trust and faith in this organization to come cheer on team like no fans cheer on team and then to send them home is diss appointing. >> it's more so about safety right now. guys that came out here they seen the court. they walk around and a lot of slick spots and whatnot. so guys don't want to come out here and slip. >> imagine if joel embiid we have cam out there and slipped and injured himself, okay. good thing they didn't play. sixers dealing with lot of things before games this season but at least there was some hoops in philly today. st. joe's and temple playing each other and another big five matchup. tight game late. jeez down by four. robinson getting the ball down low, and one. that shorten the game to one after he made the free throw. temple now up by three in this one he hits the three ball he led the scorers with 26 points. owls win 78-72. college football the awards keep coming in for penn state. james franklin won the big 10 coach of the year yesterday and today they a ounce nod running back barclay as the big 10 offensive player of the year. he had 1219 rushing yards and 15 touchdowns. first players -- first player for penn state to win this award since michael robinson back in 2005. of course, the championship game will be right here on fox saturday 8:00 o'clock winner will most likely find themselves in the college football playof playoffs. baseball has won't have a lock out owners and players agreed to a five-contract through 2021. old bargain was expected to expire at 12:01 tonight. but again the sixers -- i know you're mad fan. imagine joel embiid or okafor slip over something stupid. >> don't want that to happen. >> then you're really angry. >> lucy what's coming up at 11. >> you guys nickel back fan? 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