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It helps prevent gum bleeding by targeting harmful bacteria on your gums. Left untreated, these symptoms could lead to more Serious Problems including tooth loss. Gum crisis averted. Youre really not gonna get your own wife a birthday present . Bones swears she doesnt want anything, so. All right. Well, i mean. exhales im no expert on women, but that really sounds like a trap to me. Is this really where the head of robopocalypse lives, in the middle of this industrial wasteland . Well, this is where angela tracked down his, uh, wifi coordinates, so hes got to be in there. Aubrey am i the only one smelling barbecue here . Good nose, aubrey. steam music playing on headphones Matthew Coburn . How you doing . Uh, wed like to have a word with you. whistles clatters groans door opens come on, matthew, give it up, will you . Down groans youre kiddin me, huh . Geez. Get off my partner. Come on, lets go. Thanks for showing up, aubrey. Anytime. Hold on. Just because i blogged about the military smart Drone Program doesnt make me guilty of treason. I had no idea those files were classified. We didnt bring you in here because of your blog, matthew. Youre under investigation for the murder of ian goldberg. Why would i want to kill him . You tell me. Youre the one who attacked him with the baseball bat. After that, you lost your job, your house, your wife filed for divorce. I think you blamed ian for that, so you decided to come back and finish him off. I never meant to hurt ian. I tried to smash his robot, only he stepped in to protect the damn thing. Well, destruction of property is still a felony. Youd want to destroy robots, too, if you realized what the government was doing with them. Theyre weaponizing this stuff. Turning them into autonomous robot killers. Hold. Hold on a second here. Iian didnt even make weapons. I mean, the guy made robots that helped autistic kids. So he said. Guys like ian always claim that theyre trying to save the world, but the only thing they care about is selling out to the highest bidder. Do you know how many amazing scientific discoveries were turned into weapons of mass destruction . Einsteins relativity became the atom bomb, an amazing new garden herbicide turned into agent orange. Mr. Coburn, where were you last friday night . In my rv, writing a very important post about why people should take action to stop men like ian goldberg before its too late dont worry. Im gonna take action, all right. By holding you right here. Dr. Brennan. No, daisy. I still have not heard from the National Forensic lab. I will inform you the minute i do. Have you found any evidence of dislocation . Both the wrists and elbows show a remarkable number of hairline fractures. That is not surprising, as shoulder dislocation is a common feature of bodies that have been dragged for any distance. True, but based on the tearing wounds to the synovial membranes, it looks more like someone tried to rip his arms from his sockets. No human is capable of inflicting this amount of damage. Hodgins oh, yeah . How about a robot . So the swab results to the Blunt Force Trauma to ians skull showed an amalgam of magnesium alloy and plastic resin. The same material that ami is made from. Okay, i cant believe im saying this, but we need to look at that robot. Booth all my years on the job, and now i have to question this bucket of bolts. Brennan think of it as a learning opportunity. Oh, come on, bones. Are you kidding me . Theres no way that a robot could have motive. I mean, this is just insane. Im pretty sure she didnt get into the car and drive ians body into the woods. No, but it is possible ami was used as the murder weapon, in which case she may have valuable evidence. We know ami is far more intelligent than the majority of suspects youve interrogated. Well, i cant argue that. My proprietary algorithm allows me to recognize millions of objects, gestures, and voice commands. See, booth . Ami is no different than us. That is not accurate, dr. Brennan. Unlike you, my memory will never degrade with age. Okay, lets just stop the chitchat here, shall we . Lets just get with the program and get this over with. So. Did you, ami, attack ian goldberg . No, i did not. You didnt hit him in the head . Even by accident . No. Never. Great, im being stonewalled by a robot. Booth, let me try. Ami, can you share with us any memories you may have of ian goldberg from last friday, the 12th . I have no memories of ian goldberg from that date. Youre lying. That cant be true. quietly he. We have multiple witnesses who said that they saw ian programming the robot that day. Amis not capable of lying. Her a. I. s not that sophisticated. Okay, ami, you dont remember anything . I do not, because my memory from friday the 12th has been deleted. Who deleted those files . whirring, trilling whats happening here . Ii dont know. Enjoy your phone you too. All right, be cool. You got the amazing new iphone 7 on the house by switching to at t. What . . Aand you got unlimited data because you have directv . . laughs to self in disbelief okay, just a few more steps. Door its cool get the iphone 7 on us and unlimited data when you switch to at t and have directv. Customer service d. Maam. This isnt a computer. Wait. Youre real . With discover card, you can talk to a real person in the u. S. , like me, anytime. Wow. This is a recording. Really . No, im kidding. 100 u. S. Based customer service. Here to help, not to sell. New pantene doesnt just wash i wiyour hair, it fuels it. Gain. Making every strand stronger. So tangles dont stand a chance. Because strong is beautiful. If you could see your cough, youd see just how far it can spread. Robitussin dm max is now better tasting, with the same fast powerful cough relief. Robitussin dm max. Because its never just a cough. Oh. Dad. What are you doing here . My party doesnt start for another seven hours. Well, i had to run some errands, and i thought, why not swing by and have some oneonone time with my favorite daughter. Its nice to see you. But ii am in the middle of a case. Oh, ii dont want to interrupt you. Ii just, uh. Wanted to spend some time with you. Is everything okay . Sure. Absolutely. Okay. I ran into hodgins on my way in, and he said that angela had won some bigtime award. Yes. The macarthur genius grant. Were all very proud. Well, you know its normal to. Be a little jealous. Perhaps, but i dont have time for such petty emotions, between my work and planning my surprise party. Speaking of which, will there be dancing at this, uh, top secret shindig of yours . My lips are sealed. Oh, come on. Im your dad, tempe. Ccant you give me a hint . chuckles nepotism will get you nowhere. Since when do you care about dancing . Well, since i started taking salsa lessons two weeks ago. Youre learning to salsa . chuckles you have to live life to the fullest. None of us live forever, you know . True. I could show you some moves. chuckling im working, dad. Okay, well, then ill just, uh, practice for myself over here. Just dont distract me. chuckles any luck finding out who deleted amis memory . Well, i located the function used to delete the files. Now i just have to look at the code signatures of everyone who works there to figure out who wrote it. I didnt realize that coders signed their work. Well, they dont. Each coder writes using a different style. You see those hashtag marks in white . Theyre not part of the program. Theyre comments from the coder about how each section works. See, when alan comments, he starts at the beginning of the line, whereas kate comments at the end and in all caps. So quirks like these are what youre calling a signature. Right. Now all i have to do is compare all the coders signatures to the code used to delete amis data and see which ones a match. And. None of them are lining up. Huh. Okay, theres one more that i can try. Oh, my god. Ian was the one who deleted amis memory. Daisy dr. Brennan, somethings puzzling me about this injury on the proximal end of the tibia. It appears to be a postmortem tubercle fracture. Let me take a look. You are correct. But tubercle fractures are not caused by objects striking the bone. They are created by forceful impact upon landing. Maybe the body was thrown into the trunk of a car when it was being transported. Well, if that were the case, we would have found corresponding injuries. Youre right. That was stupid of me. No wonder the nfl hasnt called. Dont be so hard on yourself, daisy. So far, your work here has been perfectly adequate. Adequate . Yes. Had i been grading you, i would have given you a solid b. But im capable of aplus work. Youve seen it. Yes. But if you want to assume the position of lead forensic anthropologist, you need to do aplus work at every moment of the day. Aplus work. Think, daisy, think. How would a guy get a jumping fracture when hes already dead . Ive got it maybe the body was hoisted up into something. That makes sense, for the tubercle fracture as well as the shoulder dislocation. Aplus work. Thank you. Now we just have to figure out what kind of sicko would hang someone after hes already dead. Dr. Hodgins . whirring wow. Or should i say peter pan . Looks like you made major progress on your map. Yeah, i wish. Every time i think ive figured out this pattern, i end up going around in circles. Literally. Well, the killer certainly didnt make it easy for us. Yeah, really. You mind grabbing that there for me, tinker bell . What . Its the swab results from the shoulder tissue you gave me. Huh. This should narrow down where ians body was hoisted. The tissue was covered in gray catbird dander and sycamore sap. Oh. Wow, you made that catbird nest really fast. Hmm . Thats not a nest. Oh, man. Give me that. Okay, ians body was dumped in an oak tree grove right here. So how did it end up covered in sycamore sap if the only sycamore trees are nearly a mile away . Thats strange. If im ever gonna figure this out. I need to go back to those woods. So i was finally able to download amis Neural Network and it looks like this audio file is the last thing ami recorded before her memory was wiped clean. Ian i look forward to meeting you, too. No, lets keep it between us for now. 4 00. 3300 industrial drive, east roanoke. Well, thats. Definitely ians voice. She must have recorded him talking on the phone. And that address links to a Company Called Patriot Industries. And its located about a half mile from where ians body was found. Look, ian goldberg doesnt go off the grid to a place like this without reason. Aubrey who knows what he might have been doing here. A company like Patriot Industries has its hand in all sorts of shady stuff. Yeah, well, i mean, dealing weapons thats how they make the big bucks. Oh, so you think that Matthew Coburn was right . I mean, if ian was selling his a. I. To a weapons manufacturer, itd makes sense that hed go behind kates back. Aubrey, hold up. Take a look at this. Wow, okay. Not what i was expecting. Thats a good way of saying it. Or putting it, not that i would put. You know. Hey, perverts. Want to keep your greasy mitts off my dolls . Moroccan infusion for shine coconut oil infusion for repair and new honey infusion for strength. Find the blend you need for the hair you love. Suave professionals works as well as salon brands. Look, i didnt do nothing wrong. Manufacturing sex dolls is not a crime. Mr. Esposito, we dont have any problems with your business. Well, thats not entirely true, but its. Were here because you met with ian goldberg last friday. What are you trying to say . A guy like me cant hang out with a smart guy like that . Ian was murdered. This warehouse is the last known place he went. Ians dead . I took a look at your old military records. Well, it turns out that you were dishonorably discharged for. Whatd they call it . Excessive use of force. So, i had anger issues back then. Its ancient history. I think that ian had the a. I. You wanted for your sex dolls, but he wouldnt give it to you, so you decided to convince him using force, you wound up beating him to death. Now, why the hell would i do that . Ian and i were going into business together. We were about to make millions. What, selling, uh, robotic sex dolls . Sex bots are the future, my friend. Right now, im selling dolls that look and feel just like real women for six grand a pop. Now, can you imagine how much ian and i wouldve raked in selling dolls that talk like real women, too . I mean, not real women, but the way you wish women would talk . But the deal never gets made and ian ends up dead. He was alive when he left our meeting. Said he had to talk it over with his business partner. Any idea where he was headed when he left . Just that he was tied up all weekend. Now, look, if were done here, i got business to deal with. Oh, but hey. Just to prove theres no hard feelings, ill let you test drive a couple of floor models in exchange for spreading the word about my dolls at the fbi. No. Aubrey. Im good. Were good. I still think kate dalton had something to do with it. The woman dedicated herself to making robots for autistic children. She couldnt have been too happy to learn that ian was gonna put their a. I. In sex dolls. Well, maybe so, but, daisy, i mean, come on, her alibi was rocksolid. Not to mention the fact that ian owned a 55 stake in their company, so he didnt need kates permission to sell. Ugh. What could ians killer possibly have accomplished by hauling his body all the way out here . sighs dr. Hodgins, ive been thinking about what you said about accepting things in life when they dont go your way. And even if the nfl doesnt hire me, i love being at the jeffersonian. And working with all of you. Same here, daisy. Except for when you shot me. God, will you ever let that go . It was an accident. Oh, daisy, look. Sycamore tree. Thats a catbird nest. Theres a length of frayed rope over here with blood all over it. This is definitely where ians body was hoisted. I got something, too. This is also where he was murdered. This portable speakers made from the same plastic resin and magnesium alloy i found in the Blunt Force Trauma to ians skull. But if ian was killed here, why dump his body nearly a mile away . Come on, bones, please tell me you got some prints off that portable speaker. We did not. However, i did just discover kerf marks that had been obscured by predation. Theyre on the c3 and c4 vertebrae, each approximately. 4 centimeters in size. Youre saying that our victim was stabbed in the neck with a really small knife . Knife wounds to those vertebrae typically suggest an attempt at decapitation. Yeah, but who does that with a small blade like that . Come on. Wait a second. Were dealing with highly intelligent computer scientists. Its possible they went to Great Lengths to obscure the evidence. What if its the opposite, okay . What if were not dealing with a genius, but a knucklehead stoner who already told us he has a pocket knife . So, we ran a drug screen on ians blood. Came up positive for lsd. You two were tripping on acid together the night that he died. So, whatever, man. Ian and i did that sometimes. Said it helped him think outside the box. Doesnt mean i killed him. Well, we found Sodium Nitrate in the knife wounds in ians neck. Wh. What does that mean . Its a preservative used in sausages and other smoked meats. See, man, the package said it was all natural. Oh, crap. Oh, look, man, i d. I didnt mean to do that, you know . I just got so mad about that stupid gift. What gift . That portable bluetooth speaker, man. Let me get this straight you killed ian over a bad present . Look, i thought i was getting millions. And at least i deserved to be. Who do you think came up with the idea to put a. I. Into sex dolls . That was me. You. That was pure creative genius. So when ian said he made a deal and wanted to go to the woods to celebrate, i assumed i was getting a piece of that action. All he gave me was a lousy portable bluetooth speaker, so i hit him in the head with it. You must have been tripping pretty hard to try to cut off his head with a pocketknife and then hide his body up a tree. I. I took two tabs. I wasnt thinking straight. But youre gonna have a lot of time to think now, cause youre going to prison for a long time. Brennan booth, the Sodium Nitrate in ians neck wounds did not conclusively prove that randys the killer. Yeah, but i knew hed buy it. I mean, come on, see, bones, you know, thats the difference between robots and people. Robots they cant use their gut to feel out a situation. Well, with Technology Advancing as quickly as it is, its only a matter of time before artificially intelligent. babbles look, you want to spend your whole birthday arguing about robots or, tell you what, do you want to actually open up your gift . No. Booth, i specifically told you no presents. Youre gonna love it. Well see. Its a letter approving a court date for zacks appeal . I know its a couple months away but at least its on the books. The judge says that her reason for approving the appeal is to consider new osteological evidence. I have no evidence of the sort. I know you dont. But, you know, i have faith youre gonna find it. Booth, i cant embark on my research with the presumption of zacks innocence. I have faith in you. But your belief in me does make me very happy. Glad you liked your gift. indistinct conversations hodgins i want to know whats in the box. Am i the only one whos nervous . About whats in the box . I think she means about dr. Brennan. Yeah. She claims that she was cool with me winning the macarthur fellowship, but she can be a bit competitive. Yeah, but come on, dont most people freak out when they turn 40 . Well, my daughter isnt like most people. Grandpa, theyre here. Are we, like, supposed to hide or something . Uh, i. Dont look at me. Surprise all hey surprise. Thank you all for coming to my party and for your ardent curiosity, which made keeping the surprise all the more enjoyable. Okay, bones, hurry up, lets open the box, huh, okay . Oh, yeah. Uh, booth, aubrey would you do the honors . Absolutely. Thank you. There, huh. Oh, wow hey, wow look at that, huh . Oh. Wait a minute, does that cake mean that i got the job . Congratulations, dr. Wick. Uh, though i did not ask for your cake to be decorated in this manner. Most people arent thinking forensics when theyre talking about the nfl, bones. Sorry, why is there a cake for me . I thought we were here to celebrate your birthday. Thats the surprise. This party is not only for me, its a celebration of all of my friends and family. Hodgins hold on a second. So, you knew daisy had the job the entire time . Of course. Im the one who recommended her. And i also nominated angela for the macarthur grant. You did . Yes. But you made such a big deal about me not being a genius. Well, i did do a rather remarkable acting job, didnt i . Uh, yeah, well, you certainly had me fooled. I tell you, bones, keeping a secret is not one of your strong suits. Thats a good job. Thats one of the many benefits of growing older. We grow wiser in the process. Im really gonna miss you, dr. Brennan. Oh. laughs im gonna miss all of you. Champagne. You are a highlyskilled scientist, daisy. You deserve all the success in the world. Booth oh, bones, time to blow out the candles. Grandpa, you dropped this. Oh. Oh, thank you. Its nothing. Okay, were lit up and ready to roll. All happy birthday to you happy birthday to you daisy i love to sing. Happy birthday. Doctor. Dear. Brennan happy birthday to you. Booth okay, make a wish, make a wish, make a wish. There you go. Hey. all cheer captioning sponsored by 20th Century Fox Television and toyota. Captioned by Media Access Group at wgbh access. Wgbh. Org whats that mean . Video that left a local shop owner disgusted. Thinks the family used a little child to steal from him. What they grabbed and how fast it happened. Warming up but kathy is looking at your next chance of snow . Live from center city in philadelphia this is fox 29 news at 10. You heard the story first right here on fox 29. Bus driver is out of a job under arrest tonight. Good evening, im lucy noland. Philadelphia police say the driver left sevenyearold boy alone on bus while he ran some errands thats not even the worst of it. Im iain page. Thanks for joining us. Fox 29s Chris Oconnell spoke with that boys father and joins us live tonight in west philadelphia. Chris, this is a story thats scary for any parent. Reporter thats right. Iain and lucy, you have kids. You know if youve ever put your child on schoolbus, this story is going to make your blood boil. Police say a schoolbus driver took it upon himself to take a break while on his Afternoon School runs to make some personal errands here at the shop rite in west philly. Theres only one problem. It was a sevenyearold boy on that running bus at the time. It wasnt a good time. It was really scary. Reporter 445 gut wrenching minutes on monday, brian scotts sevenyearold son he calls little b was missing. Youre waiting and waiting and youre calling. The bus company. Youre calling the School District and nobody really has an answer for you. Reporter it wasnt until Philadelphia Police called him. They found his son. Alone on an idling schoolbus. He takes from Cornerstone Christian academy. I got twin sevenyearolds just like your son. I couldnt imagine not knowing where they were for an hour. What were you going through during that time . Um, it was nerve racking. Reporter police say while those parents worried his bus driver, 28yearold jamar henry, stomped at this shop rite store on 67th and haverford to buy a money order. And nearby Police Officer noticed the boy all alone on the bus until that driver came running out of the store. He told police it was a bathroom emergency. Surveillance video proved otherwise. Told the kid to sit tight. You cant tell a sevenyearold to sit tight on running bus. Reporter Police Arrested henry and charged with endangering the welfare of a child. Get this. Cops say henry was also carrying marijuana. Driver was immediately fired by durham transportation and in a statement the School District says, the safety of our children is our priority. We immediately removed the driver and are continuing to investigate. What will little b have to say about all of this . He was confused really about why he was how he ended up in that situation. Reporter the boy was not injured, but is still petrified to ride the bus again. His parents say, his schoolbus days are over. Im just happy hes safe at this point. Reporter now the driver did pass a pre employment screening as well as a drug test according to a Company Spokesperson before he was fired. Henry was arrested and booked on 5,000 bail. Lucy . All right. Thank you much, chris. Live look at your fox 29 radar. See that pink blob heading this way . Thats snow and thats ice. Seems fitting after the bitter cold weve had that put up witch heres live look at Blue Mountain in the pocono mountains now. Youre going to have you have to be up there for a chan at some snow. But if youre just fed up with this cold relief is on the way. We start the week of course with coldest temperatures weve seen all season. Were tracking some above normal temperatures really weird stuff. Meteorologist kathy orr. Yes, absolutely. We do have some light freezing rain out there and snow but everything transitioning over to rain as we see some warmer air working its way into the delaware valley. You can see some spotty precipitation especially some snow showers through the poconos and also a little bit of that freezing drizzle moving on through. As we do see those temperatures warm, well be seeing some rain drifting through the region with a warm front and that means we will see obviously much warmer air tomorrow. 40 degrees in philadelphia. 27 the poconos. Still seeing some snow. Allentown sitting at 37 degrees. Fox future cast shows the rain moving through overnight tonight and then skies clearing during the day tomorrow. We have your Mega Millions drawing. Lets take quick break and take to you that. All right. Back to weather. Well see some sunshine during the day on wednesday for the rest of the of this evening into the Early Morning hours we have that Winter Weather advisory especially through the Lehigh Valley and the poconos for some light freezing rain changing over to rain. So in that advisory area light snow in the poconos changes to freezing rain. Temperatures rising through the mid 30s and of course that freezing rain Lehigh Valley will change over to rain within the next two to three hours. Thats very latest from the weather center. Well talk about a major warmup in the seven day. The january thaw. How about some 60s . Ill seal you later in the broadcast. Thanks, kathy. New tonight police in fall croft Delaware County arrest add driver that they say caused this scene and took off a car rammed into this one at oak avenue and chester pike just before 9 00 tonight. It sent the car on tots side. Theres no word yet on any injuries. Developing right now in south carolina, a federal jury has sentenced Charleston Church shooter dylan roof to death. It took jurors three hours to reach their decision. Same jurors convicted roof last month of killing nine black Church Members inside the emmanuel ame church in june of 2015. Roof told the jurors today quote i still feel like i had to do it. Hes the first person to face execution for federal hate crime convictions. Live president obama tonight with 10 days left in office our commander in chief says farewell. He spoke tonight where his political career started chicago illinois. The president looking back on his eight years in office. Celebrating the Affordable Care act, lowering unemployment across the us and the war on terror he told americans were in a better place than we were when we first took office and he preached acceptance and tolerance for people of all colors and creeds. We must guard against a weakening of the values and that make us who we are. [ applause ] and thats why for the past eight years ive worked to put the fight against terrorism on a firmer legal footing. Thats why weve ended torture, worked to close get mow. Reformed our laws governing surveillance to protect privacy and civil liberties. [ applause ] thats why i reject discrimination against muslimamericans. [ applause ] who are just as patriotic as we are. How about this . The side of the first family we have not seen when the president thanked his wife both he and his daughter malia moved to tears. First daughter sasha nowhere to be found. Hash tag where is sasha starting trending on twitter. Were now only 10 days from donald trump taking the highest office in the land. The confirmation hearings before members of the president elects cabinet have bun. Alabama senator Jeff Sessions drew a number of protesters. Several times the hearings stopped as protesters stood up, shouted, then got kicked out of the room. Today sessions pledged that as attorney general the Justice Department would crack down on illegal immigration, gun violence and quote the scooch of Islamic Radical terrorism. Russian may have damaging information about trump. Last weeks intelligence briefing for top government officials included a summary of those reports. They have not been able to confirm the details that have leaked however but they doin conclude sex videos of prostitutes and claims his attorneys met with russians in progress this summer. The president elect called it fake news on twitter. In trenton, unexpected and scary moments as governor Chris Christie state of the state address. Newark pastor joe carter fainted in the middle of christies remarks. Audience members rushed to help him. Theres no word on his condition as of now. After a moment of silence christie asked for prayers for the pastor and then continued his address. Much of his talking points focused on a bipartisan issue, tackling and ending new jerseys opioid epidemic. Im ready to work with and listen to anyone with more ideas on how to address this issue. Im willing to accept ideas from any corner of the state f any Political Party f any level of government. Heres what im unwilling to accept. Inaction. I will not have the blood of addicted New Jerseyans on my hands because we waited to act. I will not willing watch another 1600 of our citizens die and watch their families mourn and suffer. Christie announced that hes launching a one stop website to make it easier to access treatment its called reach nj nj. Com. Coming up our hank flynn will give us his take on the governors final state of the state. Happening right now, police in south jersey are looking for the person who stole a toy car worth a lot of money. Sounds like a pricey toy but Something Else about this case has people very upset. Our Shawnette Wilson has a closer look at that video from the grand marketplace in willingboro township. Well show you more of the video but first let me take you inside and show you the setup of the store. This is where the car was sitting when it was stolen. Now, well spin the camera around less than 10 feet away you can see the monitor shows that all the security angles of the cameras around the store. Now of course the owner tells me that this car is very expensive but theres Something Else that has him fuming. I was really upset about it obviously. Were really, really made me mad was the fact that this parent is teaching her children how to steal. Reporter it sure looks like adults using children to hem them commit a crime. I was just as irritate as michael when he played this video for me and i definitely seen stunts like this before. I mean you can see theyre all orchestrated on it. They totally worked in union any son to do this. Reporter it happened new years eve at rc car world inside grand marketplace in willingboro. Michael owns the store and holds race there is and suspect the two alter difficulties and four children who came in may be a family. We blurred the childrens faces. Family came in, um, asking questions about possibly purchasing a small drone. Reporter thats what they said they were interested in. But Surveillance Video shows their eyes on Something Else. This is a picture of the highend orange Remote Control car inside and out. It disappeared right around the time the family left. They picked it up and stuck it up under one of the childre childrens jacket and you can plainly see it in the video. Michael says you can see the woman pass the car off to one of children and then walk out. See her jacket is zipped up and hands in her pockets. All this with cameras and a sign warning customers are being watched. Pretty sad that people are going to show their kids how to become thieves. Reporter in case youre wondering that Remote Control car actually costs between 700 and 1,500. The store own are in tells me that the male suspect in that video has been in the store before. Also, Willingboro Police have posted pictures on their Facebook Page asking if you recognize the man and the woman in that video. Of course they want the car back but they want to know whats the deal with those children as we well. Absolutely. All right, shawnette, thank you much. In moment county, a judge arraigned a former high school rotc instructor after prosecutors charged him with having sex with a student. Mark miller was also a military Science Teacher at north penn high school. He waived his preliminary hearing today. He had been having sex with an underaged student for several months when one of the victims friends reported it to school officials. The north penn School District released a statement tonight commending the students who came forward. The search is on for a pair of robbers who stole from a sprint store on aramingo avenue in port richmond. Police say a Security Guard recognized the men from a previous robbery and once approached them, one of the guys showed he had a gun and the pair grabbed anything they could get their hands on got away with more than 5300 bucks worth of tabs and tablets. In Frankford Police are trying to figure out if the same group of men attacked and robbed two people. Both robberies happened at different times and places but all in less than an hour. Fox 29s dave kinchen reports, the incidents are eerily similar. Reporter jocelyn still has a hard time walking in public fearful after she was beaten and robbed last year. Me personally as a woman i dont think that should happen to anybody, and i think thats awful. Reporter just imagine what shes thinking walking in frankford where another woman an 18yearold was grabbed bite neck, whipped with a gun, kicked and punched by four men who demanded money just after midnight on the 5100 block of frankford avenue. I think thats horrible. I wouldnt wish that upon anybody. Reporter Philadelphia Police say that 18yearold woman even curled newspaper a ball to protect herself on the street. The suspects eventually ran off. This area alone, like arc lot of bad stuff happen to people. Thats crazy, like, she cant beat yall. Why would you jump in that lady and take her money. Four men, thats a little bit too much. Reporter detectives believe its the same passe who popped up a block away on griscom a half hour later. Getting out of a white impala with tinted windows carrying firearms an shotgun. They direct add 29yearold man to the ground, kicked him in the face and even shot him in the side giving him a graze wound. His wallet and credit cards stolen. I was just here yesterday and i left and i just came back and its amazing how things happen. I say new york minute is a philadelphia second. You blink, something happens. Reporter both victims ended up at the nearby aria Frankford Hospital to be treated for their injuries. Meanwhile neighbors are taking precaution. Im going to protect myself bottom line. It makes me a little scared but at the same time, like, you got to be prepared for things. Reporter police say the men were wearing dark colored hooded sweatshirts and dark colored pants. Theyre in the process of looking for Surveillance Video so that they can identify the suspects but give Philadelphia Police a call if you have any insight into this case. At police headquarters, dave kinchen fox 29 news. The sodas are chilling, a man snatched up a little boy and tried to walk off with him. The little boy did something to make the man put him right back down. What happened . Just because something is not Traditional Medicine or something seems weird or funky doesnt necessarily mean its bad. Could this be the treatment to help your aching joints . The holistic some swear by. Does it work and this 911 call. 911 whats your emergency . Mommy, mommy, the house is on fire. Thats panicked boy of a young girl calling 911 her house was burning down. Her mom was on the other end of that phone sending help to an emergency at her own home. In Atlantic City man facing a long list of charges after prosecutors say he had sexual contact with at least eight children. Prosecutors say 49yearold Sherman Miller sent nude pictures of himself to kids all over the country and got at least one of them to send him picture back. The alleged victims are between eight and 14 years old. Detectives worked for a year to track his online activities. Finally arresting him this mom hes being held on 50,000 bail. Police are asking for your help if you have any information about a bizarre accident on the new jersey turnpike. Police say 75yearold jack di karlo is still in Critical Condition after a dumb bell came flying out of nowhere and crashed through his suvs windshield old mans township yesterday. It hit him in the head with his wife sitting right next to him. Police identified a man shot and killed yesterday in north philadelphia. They now say someone shot 19yearold today mirror allen in the head on the 2200 block of cecil b. Moore avenue just before 4 00 yesterday afternoon. Police rushed allen to Hahnemann Hospital where he died a short time later. Theyre still after his killer tonight. More gun violence this time west philadelphia. Police say 32yearold barry jones died while trying to save his friend from getting robbed. They say his friend had invited a man she knew into her apartment on the 5400 block of west girard avenue last night. But police say that man robbed her fired the fatal shots and took off with the womans phone and 20. Jones died trying to protect her, she is okay. And police are looking for the killer. One of the biggest debates in philadelphia continues to be the price of a sweetened beverage and mayor jim kenney toured the citys new expanded pre k can program paid for of course by that controversial new soda tax. And as our bruce gordon reports, the mayor is now blasting the criticsly his signature initiative. Reporter . After more than a week out of the public eye mayor kenney visited with pre k students at the childrens playhouse in south philly where 30 children ages three to five are newly added to the program. Its part of a first step in the citywide pre k expansion with the goal of giving an additional 6500 youngsters a head start on their education. Phl pre k is paid for by the citys new penny and a half per ounce tax on sugary drinks and the mayor was quick to dismiss my reference to critics of the tax. Youll have cranky people who complain and it will subside and well move on. Reporter but just few blocks from the playhouse at the j and lynn deli and minute me mart the owner shows me the receipt from his last soda purchase. You cant make a living doing this. Nobody can. Reporter he raised his prices. His customers have raised the roof. Nobody come buy soda. To look, thats it. Reporter they look and see the price. Thats it. Byebye. Reporter customers at the register over hears our interview. I do in the buy soda any more. Reporter because of the tax. Because of the tax y. I do not, do not pay for it at all. Reporter kenney insists the invest in many Early Education is worth the price. The folks like our friend at the register the mayor sounds unum sympathetic. Your life doesnt depend on soda. Its not something you need to drink every day or you die. If you dont want to buy it, dont buy it. I think in the end the overall majority of people understand that harrisburg and washington are not providing funds for education. And we need to provide funds for education or these children will lang wish in poverty. Reporter mayor kenney took a shot at retailers who are gouging consumers and playing city hall on the new tax. Here are three standard beverage sizes. 16ounce drink should cost about a quarter more. 24 cents new tax. The tax on this 20ounce drink should rise by 30 cents. And this 2liter bottle its about 67ounces that means the new tax equals a dollar. If your prices have risen well beyond this for these sized beverages maybe its time you have a talk with your grocer. Im bruce gordon, fox 29 news. Livesaving invest in many upper darby Police Officers. Thats right. Today the Department Gave one hun 37 new vests to cops. Police superintendent Mike Chitwood gave out the new vests. He says the officers are currently wearing 8pound vests and these new ones are 16 poun 16 pounds. But those extra pounds will better protect them especially when they respond to calls involving guns, active shooters and when theyre serving warrants. Most of the weapons being used against Police Officers are rifles, ak47, ar15s, so these vests give that officer a better chance of survival when or she could run into these horrible situations. The money to buy the new gear came from the mayor and the township manager. She was accused of stalking threatethreatening even send meo sexually assault another woman a judge dismissed all the charges. Who investigators say now framed her. It was some of the scariest moments this maamly has ever lived through. They lost control of their mini van slid right into a ditch but First Responders were there within minutes. What rescuers say that family did that saved their lives. My daughter wants to stay organic. My husband wants to stay free from artificial ingredients. Whole family nts to stay free from artificial preservatives. And my debit card wants to stay on a diet. Fill your cart with giants natures promise brand. Great prices on over 800 organic and freefrom items. Eat well for less. My giant. Now your winning lottery numbers. Firefighters save a family with three young kids in washington. The rescue all caught on camera. Kimberly robinson and her kids driving when their mini van somehow lost control. The car starte started sliding t into an embankment. Crews got there quickly and one by one rescuers pull the family from the car. Fire crews say everyone was buckled up and that made the difference. Taking it slow, but apparently not slow enough and after i went through that corner i just started slipping and did everything i thought i was supposed to do. Tapped on the brakes, um, tried to steer in the skid we were just starting to slide off. Theres a steep embankment and the car just kept going. Kimberly says the most important lesson is not to rush especially icy conditions. Thankfully nobody was hurt. Normally when you call 911 you expect to stranger to answer the phone. That wasnt the case though for one teenaged girl in texas. 911 whats your emergency . Mommy, mommy,. What . The house is on fire the dispatchers daughter is the one who call the 14yearold girl was home with her brother and dad along with the familys dog she told her mom the fire started on the back porch. Her mom now getting a lot of praise for how she responded to the call very calmly. The fire eventually burned down their entire house. But everyone did make it out in time. In oklahoma, a chilling attempt of child abduction is caught on surveillance camera rah. Tonight police are searching for the man in these black and white pictures. They say that he grabbed an eightyearold boy and tried to walk away with him at the Oklahoma State fairgrounds. Little boy screamed and that alleged abductor put him down police are hoping someone recognized hmm he was wearing a distinct sweatshirt with the letters aog. Meet the local guy bypassing medicine cabinet heading to a therapist to have this done. Its called touch therapy. What is it . Our joyce evans explains ahead at 11 00 . . Love him and were going to miss him hes a legend. Friends and family gathered to remember a longtime hiv active visit who passed away. His death has touched hundreds. But can it also provide the inspiration to continue his work for Goodness Sake . Kathy orr tracking the forecast. Oh yeah. Freezing rain changing over to rain so temperatures are warming big time. Its already 40 degrees in philadelphia. Temperatures will go into the 50s and the 60s in your seven day. Well check that out plus the next chance of snow possibly coming this weekend. Well be right back

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