Talk to you then, scott. You can track the falling temperatures any time of day at myfoxphilly. Com. Just click on the weather tab. A developing story now out of Burlington County tonight. Police say a 53 year old man has been found dead on the side of a road in evesham. Investigators say the man was found in the area of braddock mill road and Tomlinson Road around for 30 00 today. Theyre not releasing his identity at this time. Cops want anyone who may have been in the area at the time to give them a call. The man accused of in the abduction of a philadelphia woman is on suicide watch in virginia jail tonight. Delvin barnes has been extradi extradited that for another kidnapping case. Barnes also facing federal kidnapping charges for snatching 22 year old Carlesha Freeland Gaither off a germantown street last sunday. Fox 29s dave kinchen reports, federal investigators are wor working to bring barnes back to philadelphia. Reporter fbi is working to bring 37 year old Delvin Barnes back to philadelphia. He will answer charges now next week in connection to the abduction of 22 year old Carlesha Freeland Gaither. In the meantime he was answering different charges in another case in virginia. Mr. Barnes anything to say to the people here in Central Virginia . Take bleep. Tell them that. Reporter only a statement of profanity from Delvin Barnes when pressed by reporters in virginia this morning. He was processed on charges that he abduction add 16 Year Old Girl stuffed her into a trunk, raped her then poured gasoline on her reportedly asking her how she wanted to die. He will be in philly for federal Court Hearing wednesday on the abduction of 22 year old Carlesha Freeland Gaither of philadelphias germantown section. Investigators found her, the car she was kidnapped and in arrested him in jessup maryland. Commission are in Charles Ramsay says this process should put barnes away for good. This is a bad guy. Theres no question about it. Hes off the street. Needs to be off the street for the rest of his life much hes got federal charges against him in this case so at least they will be filed in this case and he certainly has charges in virginia. So he probably and hopefully will not see the light of day again in his life. Reporter Philadelphia Police working to see if barnes may be connected to any other abductions in philadelphia. They are checking their missing persons records and police are also working with Law Enforcement in other jurisdictions to see if there were other victims in other places as well. And barnes has a long record of false imprison many, robbery and aggravated Assault Charges that span back several years. At police headquarters, dave kinchen fox 29 news. Now a developing story out of Camden County tonight. Police say theyve arrested to people for a murder back in 2013. 24 year old wilbert shivly and 18 year old man are charged with the murder of 19 year old william. Cops found him shot to death inside a car on louis street last august. Shiv system already in jail on a separate offense prosecutors have not named the 18 year old because but say she was 17 when it happened much hes currently being held in a juvenile facility. Prosecutors are pushing to move his case to adult court. Ton night prosecutors charged 18 year old man in the rape of a 14 Year Old Girl and darby police say this is not his first run in with the law. The victims family obviously very happy this guy is off the streets. Lets go to dawn timmeney live outside darby police hess quarters. Dawn . Reporter lucy, the suspect has an extensive and violent juvenile record. And police say he is now charged as an adult with robbing a 14 Year Old Girl of her innocence. This as Police Investigate whether or not there may be any additional victims out there. 18 year old hill has nothing to say as hes taken into custody after turning himself in to darby police today. Hes accused of of sexually assaulting a 14 Year Old Girl on wednesday afternoon after luring her into his home on the 200 block of north ninth street. One of the kids in the neighborhood heard her screaming in his house, and he went to bang the door to try to help her get out. I thank him so much. Reporter victims familiar until court today as hill is criminally charged with rape, falls imprisonment and statutory Sexual Assault among other charges. Im praying that this thing does not deter her life, you know. That she can move past it. Its a traumatizing thing. Shes innocent and nay eve and she would have never thought that someone would do something so horrick like this. Reporter hill initially took off after the alleged Sexual Assault refusing to turn himself in to police. He knew we were looking for him. He was brazen enough to call up and say, you know, you need to come and get me because im not coming in. A lot less cocky in court today. Hill cried and told his mother he loved her. The victims mother not buying any of it. I saw him in there crying i had no sympathy, okay . The tears as far as im concerned are crocodile tears because hes in trouble. Reporter hill as a long and disturbing juvenile record and they wanted him off the street. Hes extremely violent. We had a real concern about him. Yesterday she was hiding under her bed. So this is definitely something thats going to take her some time to get over. My goal is to get my niece back to being a 14 Year Old Girl she was before this happened. Reporter now, the victim is only in ninth grade. She is under going counseling and she has a huge support system of family and friends who are helping her get through this. Hill is being held on 50,000 bail tonight and he will not be released because he is on probation. His next court date is next week. The victims family of course hoping that he never sees the light of day and that he is convicted on all counts. Iain. Dawn, thank you. A vigil set to begin about an hour for little Scotty Mcmillan abused and murdered his mother and her boyfriend are charged with killing him. His horrific death has spurred a social Media Campaign in his memory where users are posting his picture in place of their own. Chester county dhs had no contact with the suspects. The couple is accused of torturing and murdering the toddler along with his brother who survived. He and another child in the home are now in foster care. Well bring you details from the vigil and the latest on fox 29 news at 10 00. A Cumberland County man sentenced to 55 years in prison for a directing a woman to have sex with a 13 year old boy and eight Year Old Girl. 30 year old gary kramer these serve at least 38 of those years. 24 year old rachel baker plead guilty to her part in the crime. Shes now serving a 10 year sentence. Police need your help finding two robbers who hit a barbershop in hunting park and shot man after he handed over everything that he had. It happened wednesday octobe october 22nd at the barbershop on the 4300 block of north fifth street. Five people were inside when two men came in and demande demandey at gun point. After taking cash and keys and cell phones the men took off down 400 block of st. Paul street but while they were running away, they suddenly opened fire back toward the barbershop hitting one man in the cheek. A hospital treated and released him. Philadelphia firefighters are investigating whether the smoke alarms were work tag boarding house where a man died in a fire overnight. It happened just before 3 00 this morning at the Dillard House on 22nd street. The victims body was found in a room on the top floor of the building. The fire commissioner says he may have been disabled. 23 other residents were able to escape without injury. They are being housed at another facility tonight. Happening right now, members of septas Largest Union are casting their votes on a proposed crack. Yes you heard this one before. So theyre voting yes or no on the new twoyear deal. Yes or no to a strike. Voting is happening now at 19 septa depose much the union and septa reached a dole last week and the new contract includes a 5 wage increase. Animals in Camden County are in dire need of your help. County Animal Shelter has just enough food to feed 300 cats and dogs for just one more day. Its been dipping into facilitys budgets to feed the animals. It costs roughly 300 a day and nonprofit says it doesnt have the means to cover that expense for the long term. Theyre hungry. Theyre starving, and we have to feed these animals every single day twice a day and we just have so many animals that its so important that we get donations and keep our animals comfortable and happy and full. While our fox 29 cameras were at the shelter one man stopped by to donate. He heard about their serious situation and wanted to help. The shelter is looking for wet and dry cat and dog food. So many of you have reached out to help the Camden County Animal Shelter with pet food shortage we wanted to give you the number 856 4011300. County house road in blackwood. Theres also a link to their website click on the story at myfoxphilly. Com. A Bartram High School student facing expulsion after police say the teen assault add teach teacher. It happened yesterday afternoon at the southwest philadelphia school. Cops say the student through the teacher to the floor. The staff bumped his head. He was taken to the hospital and treated for a concussion. The student is currently suspended. Still ahead tonight on fox 29 news at 6 00 getting justice for a young new jersey woman and her family decades after her death. Police are now reopening a 40 year old cold case. What investigators want you to see to help them find her killer next. Keith . Lucy if mark sanchez finds himself in trouble monday night theres one guy he can count on to bail him out and were not talking about mccoy or maclin. Find out who later in sports. Keith, right now blustery conditions stepping outdoors. Winds still gusting over 20 miles per hour. Take look at the camera in center city. Temperatures in the upper 40s but they will be dropping. Ill tell you how cold it gets tonight. When to expect a warmup and then potentially the s word, snow in the seven day next. Stop that. Stop that, scott. Take look at this. That is a Convenience Store clerk in pennsylvania brawling with a guy outside his shop. Tonight at 10 00 what he says he saw that guy do inside that helicopter whirring roars siren wails pop music playing when youre ready ready, ready, ready come and get it get it, get it when youre ready, come and get it na na na na na na na na na na na when youre ready, come and get it na na na na. Female announcer its a great big world and it can all be yours. Here and only here. Come and get it. The search for a killer decades after the crime a young new jersey woman was found murdered in her south jersey apartment. But now new clues could help track her killer down and police think you can help crack this case. Fox 29s Jennifer Joyce shows us how. Reporter young, beautiful and violently murdered. 20 year old linda laporto an aspiring living in stratford new jersey was found dead inside her apartment on october 22nd 1973. Her body was physically abused, she was strangled. Her killer has not been found. Now 41 years later the Stratford Police department in Camden County Prosecutors Office wed like to get two pictures out there. Reporter are reopening the case. Aggressively pursuing justice but they need your help. We think that theres somebody in this area Camden County that has information. Reporter she moved to south jersey from massachusetts with her boyfriend in the spring of 73. After a few months, they split up. She got her own place and was apparently dating other men when she was murdered about a month later. There was no sign of forced entry, but there was a struggle and a unique clue. Police found a fresh and deliberate marking on her body. There was a racial slur that was etched on to her leg. Reporter her exboyfriend s,. Africanamerican male. Reporter so was the marking meant to send him a message or throw police off . Stratford police tell us they have talked to her exboyfriend in the last several weeks. Hes one of a few persons of interest. Reporters x only lives a few miles from the crime scene when we stopped by he answered the door but didnt want to discuss the case. I have nothing to say. We believe we have science on our side but not time. Reporter evidence found at the scene blood, body parts and other items of physical evidence. Reporter is about to be resubmitted for analysis along with d inform a samples recently collected from at least one person of interest. In 1973, dna was an unknown. It wasnt developed yet. So physical evidence that was recovered at the time was meaningless. Reporter at four decades old the case is aging quickly. Evidence can be degraded. Evidence can be lost. Witnesses can die off. Reporter police are retracing their steps and have also recently interviewed the detective who responded to the crime scene and made the brutal discovery. Jack joyce, a retired Stratford Police chief and my grandfather now 87 years old. What i did see is was a disturbing scene. Pretty young girl laying on the floor obviously dead report roar joyce says the case has stuck with him every since. That could be my daughter laying there. Reporter he made a trip up to massachusetts shortly after the murder and talked to some of her friends. She kept close contact with them on the telephone. She used to speak to them every day. She would write them letters once a week. Reporter detailing her relationships and personal struggles. Insight full evidence. Investigators think after all of these years with science and a persons good conscience people that lived there something may stick out to them and theyve been dealing with this over the years, and maybe now they just might have that in their conscience to come forward. Reporter they can close this case. The only unsolved homicide in the small town of stratford, new jersey. I hope they can finally give this young girls family the closure that theyre looking f for. Reporter in Camden County, Jennifer Joyce, fox 29 news. On to your fox 29 Weather Authority now. Boy, it is blustery out there. The temperature has really dipped. Is this what we have to look forward to for the weekend . Im hoping not. Im hoping no more gropple either. This is my new word. Hash tag gropple. Super cold droplets freezing with some of the ice crystals and falling. It looks like sleet and sounds like sleet but its gropple. All right. Okay. All right. So early sprinkles may some gropple out there but its going to be cold overnight. If youre in the a fan of those blustery winds theyll diminish overnight and well really through the weekend not looking that bad. Dry, cool, temperatures will be in the 50s. And then at the end of next week, the potential is there for a wintry preview. Wee talk about it coming up but 53 degrees that was the High Temperature today. We should be in the upper 50s so below average day temperature wise. Look at whats happening north and west already freezing. 32 degrees in the pocono mountains. Low 40s in allentown. Trenton 42 degrees. We have 47 right now in atlantic city. So once those winds diminish what little heat we saw today is just going to go back out into outerspace. You can see they really start to diminish by early tomorrow morning. Winds are only going to be gusting a little over 10 miles per hour. So the culprit that system that brought us the rainfall yesterday moving well out to sea, but behind it, there was a tight Pressure Gradient that win tunnel effect we talked about yesterday. Those winds coming in out of the north and west and coming over the relatively warm waters producing some of the lake effect snow showers well to the north and west even in the pocono mountains. Saw some flurries and we saw some of those sprinkles and, yes, that gropple. But as we roll the clock, dry conditions for the overnight. Tomorrow looking pretty good. There could be a few more sprinkles around late tomorrow night, but the bottom line the weekend is going to be dry and pretty comfortable as far as temperatures for this time of year. Not really that much below average. But the latter part of next week, bolted up in canada theyre an arc tuck blast that will invade the lower 48. Youll be hearing about it in the days to come and that invasion will head toward our area. High temperatures by the lat part of next week only in the low to mid 40s and it could link up with some moisture from the south and that could produce some rain perhaps even some snowfall before all is said and done. Of course, well keep you pos posted. For tonight, 20s upper 20s in the suburbs. 34 degrees in the city. Diminishing winds. Temperatures tomorrow top out in the low 50s. Mixture of sun and clouds but not as windy so its not going feel as chilly as it did this afternoon and evening. Staying cool, mid 50s for sund sunday. And then look at monday. A high of 60. Looking pretty good. Mid 60s even as we move toward tuesday. Wednesday not that bad. So were really not looking at arctic blast until thursday and friday of next week. And you can see on friday i put in wintry keys with a tease with a question mark. I dont like previews. Im okay with a question mark because it means it might not happen. Exactly. All right. Thank you very much gropple man. Can we get a comp season. Comp all the way around. Still to come late breaking news gives the sixers is slightly better shot tonight against chicago. Mark sanchez and his main target in practice see if they can keep you know its almost like Jordan Matthews is the eagles first round pick their true first round pick marcus smith has barely seen the field. 12 receivers taking the first few rounds in the draft. Eagles got matthews with pick number 42 in the second round not only has he come on strong recently he was the go to guy for mark sanchez at practice when they were both second string. Now sanchez can look for him when it counts. Hes one of those teammates who you get excited for. Hes got like an Infectious Energy about him. He loves playing football and just all those guys not in selfs will way but in a way they want contribute. Mark also brings a little bit of a playful attitude. Hell joke around with you and make you laugh. Hes going to sake seriousness of the game out of the picture hell be able to make sure, ok okay, we go out here and have fun and win a game. More on the special connection between sanchez and matthews on game day live sunday at 11am. Fox mffl sunday at noon. 1 00 oclock in london can the jags hand the boys their fourth straight loss. 4 25 giants and seahawks. The only two teams in the nba without a win sixers and lakers. Tonight the sixers in danger of falling to zerosick. Noel who sprained his ankle wednesday against orlando will not suit up either. Temple owls coming off their first win at home over ranked team in School History looking for home cooking against memphis a win tonight will give owls six wins of the season making them eligible for a bowl game. This will bowl you over. Their strength theres football strength and then theres strength you cant even explain. Now take a look at steelers linebacker james harrison. 36 years old. 6foot 275 doing push ups with steelers 300pound center on his back. I coun counted five before the o looped over again. That dude is ridiculous. That is impressive. Imagine i can in the imagine. I saw him get acupuncture in the weight room. Impressive. That does it us for us here at 6 00. Well see you back here at hey, jennar fuzz mike troober munny sling. Awwwwww scram im crust mike jubby roll bond chow gonna lean up an kiss bet. Peas charty get town down. [laughter] borf a liver tute face stummy wag pow pam shabeeps stella nerf berms. Saxanay nay . Badumps a head. Temexiss gurrin. Juppa left. Fluppa jown brone a brood. What . Catch up on what everyones talking about with the x1 entertainment operating system. Preloaded with the latest episodes of the top 100 shows. Only from xfinity. Jerry seinfeld shocker. The comedian says he has autism. I think im on the spectrum. Then, as the mystery of what happened to the family that vanished into thin air finally been solved . Wait until you hear who cops say did it. I need justice upstairs for my lovely family. And mowed down. The guy behind the wheel was her high school classmate. Were you trying to kill her . Look what happened to her. Then, finger licking brook brook brook brooke shields. How this naughty scene from friends led to an outrageous outburst. Heros welcome for

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