Transcripts For WTXF FOX 29 News At 6PM 20170301

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and the pock notice 10:00 o'clock tonight to 1:00 o'clock tomorrow afternoon for winds gusting to 45 miles an hour. that's beyond tropical storm strength. so that will be an issue and this advisory could spread into philadelphia. we'll see. we'll check with the national weather service. this evening, temperatures will be falling through the 60s which is still 20 degrees above norm normal. by 11:00 o'clock, just cloudy skies with a temperature of 61 degrees. coming up we'll talk about the possibilities of snow in the forecast before those wicked wind chills move in this weeke weekend. i'll see in you just a few minutes. >> wicked wind chills. i don't like the sound of that, kathy. as we take live look at ben franklin parkway, remember you can see live ultimate doppler radar and get up to the minute weather conditions on our website just go to developing right now, another disturbing act of hate in our city. homeowner in bustleton section of the city left to run errand this morning, when he came back found a swastika spray painted on his front steps much this is just the latest of recent antisemitic acts happening across our area and the country. philadelphia police are now trying to fine the sam behind it. >> neighbors are shocked someone would even do such thing. fox 29's dave kinchen joining us live from bustleton. dave, you spoke to that homeowner. >> reporter: yeah, they told me off camera they just wonder why people can't simply be left alone. as for police, they're expected back to canvass the neighborhood in the search for clues. >> i'm actually disgusted by it. i'm embarrassed by it that people act like this today. >> reporter: there are likely no words that would help life long bustleton resident theresa understand why someone woodrow draw a swastika on a neighbor's front step the latest in a string of hateful incidents in and around what we call the city of brotherly love. the question is, where is the love? >> i've been here all my life up a. and we've never seen -- we don't act like this around here. shouldn't be acting like this anywhere. >> reporter: northeast detectives tell fox 29 a homeowner on the 10,000 block of clark place left this morning only to return to this swastika drawn in light blue paint. we blurred the image because it's so offensive. >> the neighborhood all sorts of race and creeds, religions, all got along well, all played well. played well in the culled did he sack with all my friends. my parents have lived here since i married and moved on. never that problem. never. never. it's very sad. >> people need to realize what is more important and love each other, of that your neighbors and live in peace and that's what we should focus on and work together. >> reporter: hateful act comes just days after the mt. carmel jewish cemetery in northeast philly was vandalized. more than 100 headstones desecrated. it's not clear if there is a connection but it doesn't make residents any less angry. >> it's a sad world. sad world we're living in. >> i think we all should pray for our country, for our people and, um, you know, god is good. always. >> reporter: police tell me they've identified at least one house with surveillance camera. they're hoping that camera may have caught this vandal in the act. we'll have do see. police again expected in the neighborhood momentarily to continue their investigation. back to you. >> all right. thank you, dave. philadelphia police try to track down the vandals who damaged a jewish cemetery, people all across the country keep donating to a reward. it's now up to nearly $70,000 for information leading to an arrest. volunteers have been helping pick up the pieces at mt. carmel jewish cemetery after vandals toppled scores and scores of tombstones there. two alleged victims of man police describe as a serial child rapist tell their stories today. police say william thomas has been mow hefting young girls for more than 40 years. thomas was arrested last month in facing 51 felony charges. but this afternoon, two young women who say the scars run deep felt that deep need to break their silence and speak out. >> we're standing up here today i had a long debate as to whether or not i wanteed to thi. putly on brave face this 23-year-old woman who wants to be 19 known as js talk about being violated as a little girl allegedly at the hands of this man, 58-year-old william thomas. >> i feel as though not enough people come forward and speak up in situations like these and that is what makes it possible for these horrible predators to get away with these situations for so long. >> js is named in the police affidavit of probable cause as one of thomas' many victims. so is this 26-year-old woman jm who says thomas molested both she and her sister. >> a man who preyed upon young innocent helpless children doing things to us that we had no idea were wrong at the time. >> police say js who was four and jm who was seven were repeatedly sexually abuse at this home on pleasant lane in levittown once opened by thomas. he was their babysitter. >> things like this mess a person up for their whole lives. wonder wagon was wrong with you. why you could seclude yourself from the world. >> they decided to speak out today at the network of victim assistance in jamison in hopes of encouraging other victims to come forward. >> i think what these two victims today which is so unusual and so courageous will give courage to many other victims. >> reporter: the police affidavit is extremely difficult to read. investigators say thomas who was a handyman graphically documented the horrific and disturbing abuse. police found hundreds of nude photos of his young victims they say he displayed in the bedroom of his trailer in morrisville. they describe a perverse shrine of his criminal behavior. >> you blame yourself for being the outcast. the weird one of the things that you've been put through. but today i will no longer feel that way. this is not my fault. because i wasn't even old enough to understand. >> if i can encourage just one person to stand up then i think what i've come here to do i've done my job. >> police believe there are many, many more victims out there they want to hear from them. we have all the contact information you need on our website as well as the hotlines for children and adults who have been sexually abused and need help. police in newark, delaware, are looking for this man donald maxwell who who they say exposed himself twice this morning happening after midnight involving students at the university of delaware delaware. police say mack well was stan standing naked and committing lewd acts. they issued a warrant for his arrest. some local high school students are getting a chance to learn from the best. before putting on musical that has drawn a little controversy. the star of the original broadway production of rag time is visiting cherry hill east high school on friday. brian stokes mitchell help the students tackle the use of the n word in the school's up coming show originally the school superintendent decided they would not perform the play because of the racially charged language but after meetings and discussions, he reversed decision. christians around the world kicked off lent season today. archbishop charles chaput celebrating ashes wednesday mass in center city. the faithful in attendance left with a mark of the cross in ashes on their for heads. as well as marking the start of lent ash wednesday is also used as a period of reflection and preparation for easter. a west philadelphia daycare is facing a big challenge after someone crashed into the business' van. >> the fender bender's impacting its ability to operator fully ton night our bruce gordon is working to get some results for the long-time daycare operator and joins us live in southwest philadelphia much bruce? >> reporter: yeah, iain, this is great example of the irresponsible careless actions of one person greatly impacting so many others. in this case, minor accident with major repercussions. the pre k and kindergarten students at peak's little angels daycare center seemed to enjoy munching their lunch but the events of the past two days have left a bad taste in the mouth of the daycare operator. >> i didn't realize that losing one vehicle could have such an effect on my entire program. >> reporter: around 2:30 tuesday morning, a hit-and-run driver smashed into the driver's side rear bumper on this 2015 ford transit van. leon jamison lives right across the street and rushed to his bedroom window upon impact. >> i heard a big boom. >> we open at 6:00 o'clock. >> reporter: tuesday morning you come out unsee this. >> this is banged up so we notify our parents right away that we did not have service. >> reporter: each weekday that van now out of service till the insurance company can take a look transports 29 young children to 15 area schools and each afternoon picks them up and returns them to the daycare. no van, no before and after school program. less income for thelma. she's already cutting the hours of staff who are still till the van is replaced not needed. parents must now make other arrangements to get their kids to and from school. parents like carter a rehab nurse and widowed mother of two. >> this morning, um, i found out they didn't have any van services once again so i had to call somebody and pay somebody to take my children to school this morning. >> reporter: so far that irresponsible driver has caused thelma, her employees, parents and their youngsters. >> whoever did it, you can say it was a hit-and-run. they need to do something about it. >> reporter: man up. >> man up or woman up. do what you have to do. because you damaged somebody's property. >> reporter: thelma tries hard to teach her youngsters to do the right thing. if only the adults around here would provide an example. >> it's very frustrating. i would love to see if i can come up with an idea to combat not just in this community but citywide that people would take better responsibility. >> reporter: now speaking of the challenges of doing business in the big city, while we were shooting our footage of this accident scene we packly stepped on the decaying carcass avenue dead dog or cat stuffed into a bag and diss cared by the side of baltimore avenue. thelma peak tells me it's been there a week, week and a half she's made repeated calls to the city's 311 hotline to get it removed without success. well, i made some calls to the streets department this afternoon just a couple minutes ago they took that carcass away. sad situation out here, iain. >> absolutely. nice work, bruce. thank you. a chance to truly live history on the battleship new jersey on the camden waterfront. what visitors to the ship will be able to experience. >> and we love to hate them. of course we're talking about potholes. how scientists are trying to prevent them from forming in the first place. sean? dawn, the bad news for the phillies fans continue to roll in. sixers gave update on joel embiid and, yeah, isn't good. i'll let you know what the status is later in sports. ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ we buy any car dot com ♪ ♪ any any any any ♪ did you know trading in your car at a dealer could cost you money? a recent study found consumers who trade in their car pay an average of $990 dollars more. so don't trade in... sell it.... to we buy any car. learn more and get your free online valuation now at we buy any car dot com ♪ find out how much your car is worth at ♪ my hygi...a mouthwash.o try... so i tried crest. it does so much more than give me fresh breath. crest pro-health mouthwash provides all... ...of these benefits to help you get better dental check-ups. go pro with crest mouthwash. checkup? nailed it ♪ cyclist deaths are huge problem in physical city officials are working to bring that number of deaths down to zero the whole idea behind vision zero which is a road safety project that works to make streets safer. today the bicycle coalition of greater philadelphia along with local leaders and some members of the community gathered at thomas jefferson university to go over how to make the roads more inclusive. organizers say pedestrians make up more than half the deaths in car crashes. >> traffic calming reducing speeding is the single most important thing that the city and the state can do to help save lives. >> vision zero started in sweden in 1997 and has now spread all across the world. >> hate potholes 80 university of berkeley might be the key to fixing the nation's insta fracture problems. uc pavement center lab was set up 70 years ago to look at everything from expanding roadways to fixing those annoying potholes. and there's now a sister lab at u-c davis. these high technology labs have advanced with the times and technologies and they're now trying to figure out how to develop roadways in less expensive way make them last longer and reduce the environmental impact. >> we look at different wayed to the mix design the proportions of the materials, the properties of the rocks. the sand, the gravel, the biter. >> the binder is really the glue that holds it altogether and thick, oil or settlement beyond specific materials the quality of road building the actual laying of the pavement they can all double the live of the pave many. history on full display in camden now you can walk it threw it every day. battleship new jersey is open every day now from 9:30 to throw clock in addition to the walking tour you can experience the fire power awed crow yo tour and with it you'll have play by play sound effects an what it was like on board the battleship from who know it best. >> back to your weather authority now. we take look at allentown which she was record high temperatures today. but you havely iain that is likely the end of that. we're getting cold again. i'm in the ready. >> i'm not either. >> a day in the 70s. >> exactly. >> now we'll go into wind chills that are very low. kathy? >> help us. >> please. >> i know. help is right. >> i will get you through this. >> thank you. >> it's not going to last long. we are talking about a couple of days, though, with wind chills in the single numbers? ouch. a lot of people thought we were done with this. we are for the most part just transitioning into spring and meteorologically we consider march spring. march, april and may. so we'll see if the ends up feeling like it. old city philadelphia looking good average high 48 degrees. look at these numbers a record today in wilmington of 75. atlantic city 73. allentown a new record of 68. philadelphia just 2 degrees shy but that 74 degrees felt good even if it was only for a couple of hours. ultimate doppler showing some spotty showers moving in fur if you're going out tonight just be aware of some scattered showers here or there. but really nothing of any consequence. the big story will be the temperatures. still 66 in philadelphia. 72 in norfolk. the coastal planes still warm but the cold is coming. the transition air is going to move in tomorrow and then the big chill will head in over the weekend look at these numbers. marquette 18. grand rapids 32 degrees with snow. 32 in chicago with wet sloppy snow. international falls only 21 degrees. there will be a huge dip in the jet stream we see purple we know that's not good. this is coming this weekend. so we're talking about colder temperatures and any type of wind is obviously going to create a low wind chill. now, as we look ahead to friday, friday is the day that everybody has been talking about there's some talk of some rain mixing with snow or some snow showers. the latest computer models are showing little bit further to the south through south jersey and delaware for late morning into early afternoon on friday. but still there's a chance of seeing that snow in philadelphia. we'll keep updated doesn't look like anything big by any stretch. big story will be the wind chill friday morning in the 20s. saturday morning in the teens and single numbers. saturday morning it will feel like 11 in philadelphia. wind chills in the teens all day saturday and sunday we bottom out with low temperatures in the 20s and the teens. wind chills mainly in the single numbers. it will feel like eight in philadelphia in the morning. 6am it will feel like four in allentown. overnight tonight, look for low temperature in the 40s. turning windy with gusts to about 35 miles an hour. the same deal goes for tomorrow and as we look ahead, temperatures will slowly be tumbling before they rise again as we look ahead on your seven day forecast from the weather authority, wow, 39 for friday a chance of morning snow showers. saturday 38. we warm it up sunday and monday, tuesday and wednesday back in the 50s and 60s. we'll send it over to you. >> all right. i like the warmup part of the forecast. >> yes. me, too. >> things are very cold for the sixers. >> they are. >> nothing warming up. joel embiid the guy just can't catch break. sixers reveal the results of his mri and guess what? it isn't good. we'll give you and update on embiid's playing status. the flyers made a couple moves. trading away a veteran and getting another one a long live team deal. we'll break it all down next in sports. phone rings "hello?" "yeah!" ♪"a new friend's coming here to sesame street."♪ all new its sesame street live! make a new friend playing liacouras center april 6-9 tickets on sale at liacourascenter dot com >> today the sixers letting know what we kind of already new. joel embiid is done for the season. his mri results revealed that meniscus tear is actually worse than they thought it was. originally when he was hurt his knee was thought to be broken bruise day to day that turned into meniscus tear which eventually ended his season. he only played 31 games this year. we still don't know if this guy can last an entire season in the future. in one he plays he was unbelievable. you saw it. averaging 20 points, eight boards game. but the problem is, you can't keep this kid on the floor. so get him next year once again for the sixers it might be the same for the flyers. tread deadline came and went today and the flyers made one trade they traded mark straight to the lightning for a player and two pick. no one major straight was then immediately traded to the penguins and they decided they signed michael, two year extension. steve mason looking questionab questionable. it sound like they were trying to trade him heyday before the deadline couldn't get it done. to the eagles all the top guys at the nfl combine out at indianapolis. howie roseman, doug pederson looking for the future of this franchise and luckily the situation is better than it was last year. they have a franchise quarterback now and right now they're just trying get guys that's going to surround him. >> when you have that guy, then the focus is on building around him. i think one of the compelling things for us when we made the trade you look around the quarterbacks picked 2004. we're going into the 2017 draft and those teams are still going to surround that guy. we may have to take it on the chin for a year or two here certainly from resource perspective if we get this right we can build around him for really long time. >> to the phillies in spring training taking on port charlotte. aaron, trying to make the 40 man roster hits a triple right here. he went two for four with three rbi's. game ended in five-five tie. why go extra innings in a spring training game. but again -- >> why tire yourself. >> exactly. >> again, i'm tired of hearing the sixers news. okay. every time you hear something, it's bad. joel embiid out. so sorry for the kid. he wants it so badly. >> he does. >> bummer for the fans too. >> exactly. >> tough when he's playing tonight at 10:00 really incredible story picture of a local boy's smile scene around the world thanks to dave eisen we know him as dave the fox 29 photographer who took the picture. meet cameron tonight at 10:00. >> can't wait. >> great. >> that will do it tonight here for us at 6:00 o'clock. we'll see you back here at 10:00. have a great night. inside edition is up next. ♪ why are you deleting these photos? because my teeth are yellow. why don't you use a whitening toothpaste? i'm afraid it's bad for my teeth. try crest 3d white. crest 3d white diamond strong toothpaste and rinse... ...gently whiten... ...and fortify weak spots. use together for 2 times stronger enamel. crest 3d white. ♪[ music ] ivanka trump's daring one shoulder dress. she looked beautiful. but was it appropriate? then, is oprah really considering running for president? >> now i'm thinking oh. >> plus, exclusive. the guy who stole the oscars. >> gary alan coe from chicago. >> what he's saying today about his prison past. >> i respect women. i'm not some monster. >> and another big exclusive. dance mom's abby miller. >> no one is going to talk to me that way. no one! >> in tears. >> this is my hell on earth. >> is she going to prison? plus, she was attacked by a female astronaut, wh

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