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Yes. I didnt think that would work. It would fall out of your head , too much bananas good doesnt banana when it gets squish i, it holds the hair in place. Is that what it is. I saw something cheetos, she put cheetos in her hair, you tube video and she this being them out and her hair was greasy and color but it came out cherylly temple curly you try it. No, no. What do you do to your hair i had a perm back in the 80 s. It was so bad. All these little tine ringlets we need pictures. They are who are tying. We need to see them. Sure. Tomorrow. Yes. Yes. Okay. We will make sure we get them. Did you have year i curl or something. I have tried everything. I had this big bushy hair back in the take. You go through that phase where you wanted it straighter if i can have that hair right now would i sport it, naturally. The afro. So, i had after tro, box top, i do have have a photo. I will show it to you. Yes. We would like to see it. I will save it for tomorrow you have it on you. Well, i will go around showing people how i look in the the eighth grade. Very bizarre. For me i just wear straight back and i remember i used to play basketball. I was really into it. My guy, lives behind us, one day i was playing pick up. We were playing. Then i for high school went to different high school. I was in the private school but for high school i went to publish. We played, and we went to the high school. When we got to school he told everybody i dont know what happened last summer she was a boy and now shes a girl. I took my braids out and tried to be a little girl. You got sexc. No. Not that. No, not at all. Speaking of that can you tell us about that dream you had last night. We mentioned this at 7 00 oclock hour. It is nothing to do with boys. It might. It is me and beyonce, she asked me to be a backup singers. We did it. I was horrible. I messed everything up. She told me never again. She fired me. Banished me. I was not worthy. It was a horrible dream. I think a lot of girls i dont know if they have had that dream but where you are a stars best friend. Where she likings in the bathroom and she becomes friends with the the celebrity they just click. It is one of those things you dream about. Obviously it just does not happen. Did you listen to beyonce . Did you watch her music videos im always for beyonce. Im always about that beyonce. She justice always with me. You have to carry your inner beyonce. Yes, right here. And you say is there only 24 hours a day f you can do like beyonce. Is what your side in a. My alter ego. No i dont have an alter ego. Yes. One of my friend called me one, but. What, what is it. It is whacky. It is cute. What sit. Sexylexy. It is funny because it is so opposite of what i am so it was a running joke. What was yours, thomas . Men can have have it too. I dont think i had one. Oh, come on. I have a lot of names on twitter, we cannot read theme know karen has one. I dont know, turf think about that. My dad would always call me touchdown, td back in my football days. Okay. Yeah, believe that. Karen. Last time we learned when we saw, it was that you were when you were in your radio day what ways your dj name. Tom mcgee. Yes. I like it. Yes. I always wanted to do a quiet storm though. Yes. 98. 9, power x99, i dont know if they still to back when i lived in philly growing up as a child. It is 101point now. Patty jackson. I love patty. But, listen to quiet storm. Of course. I loved it. And where i grew up, it was like love, it is stronger, after dark. Yes. Yes, it was great. I loved it. Look at you. I dont want to miss karen s alter ego that i am. I dont. You dont. No. Does your husband have one for you. I dont have an alter ego name. What were your nicknames. Heppster, hepatitis. You know. Yes. But there was a guy, i was in high school. He was supposed to go, some sort of athlete and we were hanging out, and. No,. You were in high school with a big game coming up. You put up posters. And encourage everybody. And they had one of the kid that didnt go. Oh, you know, clark what did you get a case of hepatitis because he was hanging out with me. Yes, that is horrible. That is really bad. Oh, sorry. Were you on the a team, b team or c team. I am the heppster. Shoe could be so cool. Yes. Yes, i have had, most of high news directors, hepps the ter. We talk about sleeping. Yes. How often do you wash your sheets. How often do i wash them . I probably every two weeks. Every two weeks. I dont know. My kids, all i want to does watch my national the news at 6 30. Ten minutes, all i need. They are screaming. My son comes down mom, you will not want to go to sleep tonight, i have puke all over your bed and sheets. I said my bed. I hate changing sheets. I have to to it all the time. Behind gets changed every week but it is my least favorite chore. But it is a lot of people especially men that dont change their sheets. How often do you change yours. I read this survey which we will talk about. Im guilty. Probably, once a month. Once a month. Okay. I shower two times a day. Morning and at night. Yes. But, apparently if you are a single guy and according to a recent study by Mattress Company here, you dont change your sheets, keith. Our floor director. Your wife changes your sheets. How often does she change her sheets. He doesnt know. That is it, they have four times a year is what they say. Only time. Isnt that so gross. Four times a year. This is something you have to look forward to, alex. Not the that you will be in that. What . But, the men single men change their sheets apparently twice a year, four times if you find someone that cares about their hygiene, 44 percent said they wash sheets once a week which is the woman that do that. They washed their sheets once a week in the hottest temperatures. You are supposed to let the white sheets a little bleach in, yeah. Karen, im with you. It is annoying changing sheets for me when i wash my sheets different sets and fold them. The scrunch y1 i can never fold that one right. It comes out lopsided. I say why, why. That is something i dont like you cannot fine them. You open it up and there is where the other sock is. It got stuck in the pockets of that. Trying to figure out what side. Wrong side, when i try to do it on the the other even you have to flip it around. Laundry is the worst. It really is. I dont mind doing laundry it is folding, put everything on the bed. Well, i can fold shirt all day. It is just that one little sheet, all scrunchy on the end , what do they call it. Here we go. Yes, it is impossible to fold. Bunch it up. When everything is fresh and clean and pillowcase. My mother loves, the fragrance you spray. Fabreeze. No, it is specific for your sheets. Linen spray. Yes. Lavender. Yes. Tj max or something, and marshals. Yep. Every time, my mom, she will va it and she will will fold it, make her bed and then she knows shes getting for bed she will take down covers and spray and put it back and wait, and it is fresh, and ahh yes. Do you make your bed every morning. Yeah. I try to. It depend if im running late or not. You get up early. Yes. I get up at 1 30. No. It looks like that all week my husband does it. Maybe men should hear about the linen spray then. If you are not washing your sheets. How gross that is. What about your towels after your shower the ones you try off with how often do you wash those. Once a week. Mine probably go, every other day. I got kids and they are using my stuff good that is a lot the of laundry. It never stops. How often to you guys wash your sheets, how often do you wash your towels and how often do you change your tooth brush you know what they say, supposed to put toilet seat down every time it flush because they have water spores , water, it effects your tooth brush. Toilet seat how does that affect my tooth brush. It is fecal matter. Yes. It goes up in the air. It does. Yes, it does. Every time, yes, every three months they say change your tooth brush. I dont think, i ever heard about the toilet. You will do to it day. Yes. Did you know that karen. Come on i have all these boys. I cannot, the toilet is always opened. You better off with your sheets and your tooth brush. Yes. Some people change their tooth brush once a month. My son was using my tooth brush because they are very particular. I dont care which one they use between them if they have, whatever one they have, transformers. I saw them using mine. I said that is my tooth brush. Would you ever let your husband use your tooth brush. On purpose. He doesnt care. That is gross. Yes. Would you let your boyfriend. Not really. When you have kid, after you have kid, it is all out the window. Yes. The words out of your mouth. Yes. After you put a tooth brush in your mouth it toss than the matter. Roberto ace he knows how to fold sheets and it is easy. Can she make a videos send it to us. We will have her to a laundry obsession she said mom , you know, whatever, homemade things, we will have her come in and do the laundry and telling us how often they wash their sheets and towels. I guess maybe they are embarrassed. They dont want to put that out there. Lets talk about a mother in baltimore shes outrage after her third grade son came home from school, missing several teeth, according to wy z, a school allowed visiting dental program to pull out three teeth without her knowledge or consent. School district claims that the hotter signed the permission slip but she says the they thought it was for routine cleaning. So she is questioning why the school performed surgery on her son without even calling her to let her though. Baltimore city schools have yet to issue a statement citing hippa and privacy concerns. It is horrible. There is more questions with this one because im confused. This happened this baltimore, allegedly. I never know if they are baby teeth or grown up teeth because that makes a huge difference. My older child has horrific teeth. He has had a million cavities. I still find that advising that they have performed surgery on your child without you knowing but, we will have have to look at that into more because that is stunning. Dental program that is not people learning how to handle teeth, that is doctors. Most likely that is, they bring them in. For practice. Simple procedure, but to extract three teeth, as a parent, does that fall on you . Is that your responsibility . Is that your burden for not reading permission slip. You have a bunch of kid you just cant keep track. It is the relief. One less thing you have to to is take them to the dentist all the time. We will research that and find out shore about that one. Bella rodriguez is coming under fire for fans all over recent video that she posted on her instagram. Playboy model posted video of her and her threeyear old out to eat and this is clip you can see boy laughing and then, do you see that she sticks her tongue inside her sons mouth as she laughs. People defended and criticized her actions. Rodriguez has not trusted it yet but we want to know what you think. Shes about to do it. Can i play the role of her son. Look at her. Can we reis that correct this. You have chickfila there, bring the food over. Where is this going. I think that is the problem , i dont like the way she squeezes helps cheeks so hard shes trying to be cute but it looks heene like shes like, and then she does that. What was the other actress, megan. Alycia silverstone. Even another one, the one we were thinking of two weeks ago there was another actor. She was feeding her son, bear. You know how it goes. You pass it on to your son. It is a little bird. They chew up food and put tonight their little ones mouth. That is gross. Have you ever done bird feeding. I have not ton that. I cant say there were things that were prechewed. But i kiss my threeyear old on the lip, he is so cute and innocence. I dont think, the tongue component. It was hillary did you have that we saw that picture with the son at same level, at the zoo or Something Like that. Yes, difficulties they. I think it is a little child and three which is age of this child kissing on the lips up one thing. I have never seen Something Like that before. Maybe she thought she was playing around, funny. Would you chew your food and hand it to your child. When they are very little. Yes. Heres hillary did you have picture. To me that is just, whatever, it is an innocent mom and kid dy dont have a problem with that as the other one. You can let us know what you think. If you think there is a difference between that, let us know. You dont want your kid to choke to death. You break it off. Yes. If you break it off why not the just cut it up. You dont have a knife, fork, in a restaurant. Speaking of kid a cute little pair in illinois, they have folks talking and it is just because they are so adorable. It is cleani and johnny, they are adorable. Nine monthold twin girls, bi racial and they are fraternal twins. I guess you can say that it appears that shes white like her mom while the other is africanamerican like their father. Biracial couples expecting twins have one in 500 chance that they are twins will have tive rent skin color. They are both came from their parents, so their skin tones are lighter verse darker. Yes, it could change. You go through different phase s. I know my mommies german white , my daddies from trinidad, he is black. For some reason i was a little darker, lighter in your teens and then darker. Now i dont necessity where im at. But your skin definitely changes. I dont look into that. One lighter then other but it balances out. They are still sisters. I had a feeling when babies were born their eye change colors. My mom still asked me she says, is that your eye color. She for gets. Yah, my eyes have change. What colors do you have. Pretty much this color. But they got a little lighter, greener as i got older. High kid started out greener, and chestnut color brown. So they always, usually they are born with lighter and then they switch overs go darker. I thought that everyone, you have a sister too right. I could, she has darker eyes. All different colors. Yes. You never know how we will wind up. It is magic of it. There are some things you can predict based off your genes but you can have an idea whether your child will have blue eyes. Yes. That kind of thing. You just want a healthy child. True. Even in my family, i had brown hair, obviously, it is in this is color, dark brown hair and my next sister, i know, cant believe it, red hair and next sister has blonde hair. We are all completely different. Same hair, and we have a brother. We dont resemble each other. Is he brunette, red head. He has my color brown hair which is that color. Yes. Sat the day night live is sending a clear message, bar ron trump is off limits. We have talk about this yesterday. Late night comedy show suspended one of its writers after she targeted the president s youngest child. That writer katie rich tweeted what she says was a joke, about president trumps ten yearold son. On Inauguration Day which is something that create aid fire storm of criticism on social media she wrote barron will be this countrys first home school shooter. Wow. And getting severe backlash she issued this apology on twitter. I sincerely apologize for inn centstive tweet. I regret the my actions and word. It was in excusable and im so sorry. It is unclear when she will return back to the show. I think rightfully so. When you are in entertainment you are trying to push envelope and push it to the edge but is there a limit, when it comes to first family, barron didnt ask for that role, didnt asked to be put in the spotlight but that is off limits. He is a kid, ten years old. Traditionally held line with the kid. Parent chose that role, children didnt and in the beginning there was a time when life was hard on chelsea clinton, hair, braces. She reached right out on this one because she feels that pain as being a first child and she wrote a letter on facebook talking about we need to layoff bar ron. Rest of the media goes hand off and though those kid need to grow up and become their own people out of the on the light because it is parents who are people not the children. So hopefully they will leave him alone. Just a little boy. I agree, off limits. 9 20. Do you like scary movies. Do you like scary movies. I used to, in the so much more. Im not a fan either. I have seen this movie though, the ring, creepy rang that is sending shoppers running, new ring movie coming out, high gosh. I will never wash my hair again. I will never never wash my hair again now, i fuel it new pantene doesnt just wash your hair, it fuels it. With the first prov nutrient blend, making every. Strand stronger dont just wash your hair fuel it fuel your hair. Because strong is beautiful. Well, heres something you definitely dont want to see crawling out of your tves sessionry if you are thinking of buying a tv. You know movie the ring works, if you watch a certain take. Seven days later. The phone would ring and hear seven taste, seven days. Yes, i think you watch the ring. Umhmm. Or dvd. And then phone rings that is what you just said. Yes. Give me a second. All right. And then one part of the movie got intense. Have you seen it, karen . The ring. No. Creepy girl coming out of the well. No. There is upcoming sequel to the ring, and they set up a rang to scare cuss hers in the the electronics store. Lots of tv but they were fake televisions and act are playing samirat from the ring takes her lays behind the wall and then, heres what happens. You see trailer, it is playing this regular 1080p, i will switch it to 4k technology. What is biggest difference you see. Enhanced shore. It looks real, right. Yes. I have to say, back okay. Okay. O high god, oh, high gosh. Wow. My goodness. Wow. Yes. What do i think of the picture quality. Does it look like she will jump out. Like shes right there. Yeah. Yes. Wow. I would be like that too. She grabbed someone. I love how they leave it behind. Yes is there you are on your own, honey. Wow. Other thing im thinking, it is the actress, put your hand on your face and crawl slowly can i get that roll. Did they bring the original actress iny mean wheelly just make up and hair. You will not the see the ring. I gave up ring came out a long time ago. That was five or six of them, early 2,000s, 2004, 2005. So, i was freaked out that was probably one of the last i have seen. We should work on that,. Yes. No. No. How do you think you would react. It would not be good. I think i would be strong. I was getting out of my car at wawa. There was a bird. I thought it wases a bird. It was a mouse. I freaked out. I laid it off like i was sneezing, a little swag walk, but, you know, i didnt look too good. Love to be scared because i watch was friday the 13th, halloween movies, so i love those. But that is old school. Yes. Horror movies. Ones i cannot handle Alfred Hitchcock collection, and those i can handle because it is more this your behind instead of crumb pink out from behind things kind of scare. But more than that, no. Nightmare on elm street. No. A lot of people saw conquer ing, that was a good one. Cant do it. My imagination as a only child i have an active imagination so i watch those and then i cant go to sleep and no, no. So for those, tell us what you think. It is out on friday. February their. No, that is next friday. Super bowl weekend. 9 27. Oscar nominations were announced about a hour ago will lala land see more success plus Kevin Mccarthey is ranting on twitter, upset about some of the snubs. We will talk to him and see what he thinks about oscars 2017. There is one movie he wanted to see nominated but didnt happen. The Oscar Nominations came down just a little bit ago. People are reacting on social media. Weve been talking about there is and Kevin Mccarthy noticing on twitter, hes certainly sounding off, saying what movies he thought worked and what he agrees with and then the ones he doesnt. That tweet that he just said, hes outraged over a legend meryl streep. He says how the bleep do you nominate merle street over amy adams, gave one of the best perform and cents ive seen. So dumb. Kevin, you cant mess with commercial steep, okay . Listen, i love meryl streep. And here is the thing. And ive actually, i feel like jeckle and hide this morning, ive gone through like really happy emotions and then ive gone through really upset things. So many things this year that there are to be excited about, a lot of the nominations, especially for me hidden figure, so happy to see that in there. But just i dont know for me the fact that they did not nominate amy adams foray rival just blows my mind, considering it is probably the best performance of her career, yes, a lot of things i have to say. But the breakdown of the Academy Awards this year, i know we will get to what was nominated, lal land as the 14 nominations ties for the number one of all time with titanic, and all about eve. But when it comes down to the oscars, i feel like they still have break through and open up to fill that many have action or comedy or horror film. Everything that was nominate in the year in my opinion fits a normal oscartype movie. It is a drama, message, i have no problem with that, the nine fill for nominated for best picture are amazing movies. I loved everyone every those films specially lion, hidden figures, fences, arrival, lala land, but for me 2008 when the dark night didnt get nominated for best picture, they to ten nominees, on purpose, to actually allow different types of move toys fit into those categories. But all theyre doing filling them in with the normal type of oscar movie. Which is fine. But, ya . I know it what this is about. I know this is about, it is about the fact that the dead pool was nominated wasnt nominate in the. Dead pool is a masterpiece. Here is the thing, they nominated nine movies. Could have nominated ten. It all depends on who writes down the name of a movie, certain number of times, and dead pool to me was a perfect success story, 11 year passion project, it took him 11 years to make this film. It was on 58 million budget. Which compared to most superhero move thats had 250 million budgets, that was one of the best screen plays of the year, one of the best performances of the year, and listen, i knew dead pool was a long shot. I knew it wasnt going to get in the best picture, but the fact that passengers, and suicide squad have Oscar Nominations and dead pool does not . And neither does anything forbath manor superman, it is ridiculous, absolutely ridiculous. Okay, i knew what it wasnt nominated oh, kevin will have something to say about this. Lets talk about best actor then, casey afleck, andrew garfield, ryan gosling, danzel washington and morgan son. Do you agrees with those . Yes, yes, listen, great category. I think casey afleck will win the award, even though danzel did he served it in fences was brilliant to me, had so much more of Emotional Depth to t but look at casey afleck, though, his is more internal. Some actors could argue that actually harder to be internal on screen than it is to be externally with dialogue and yelling or whatever, but danzel was amazing in that movie. So im happy, with the category, although i think that tom hanks deserves to be in there for sully in my opinion. Okay, well, what about actress . We have isabel, ruth negga, natalie portman, emma stone then there is meryl streep. We know how you feel about merle. Yes, listen, i love meryl streep. I think meryl streep is one of the greatest actresses of all time, dear hunter, masterpiece, she is amazing at what she does. But amy adams in arrival was a revelation. Ive never seen anything like it. But that, to me, is so much deeper, so much going on with that character. And i cant believe she wasnt nominated. Meryl streep, i believe, i could be wrong, is the most nominated actress in the history of the Academy Awards, i think her 18th nomination. So, i just feel like, give it to somebody else. Kevin, you cant have Oscar Nominations without one for meryl streep. Just doesnt happen. Real quick, what was the dark horse that were you surprised by. In that category . Probably elizabeth hupert. Hupert won the golden globe. I think everybody in that category is deserving after nomination. I do think Taraji B Henson deserves to be in there for hidden figures, i cant believe she didnt get nominated. And they messed up the supporting actress cat geier n my opinion joan he will mone gave much more performance than hidden figures, best picture nine film, lala land now tide as the number one most nominated film in the history of ac Academy Awards, 14 nominations, all about eve, and also titanic. All the top in my head here. Okay, i know it is busy morning for you. We could talk about this all day, and i am area sure we will be watching this. We will all watch dead pool in honor of you. A masterpiece. Thank you. I liked it. I likes it. Thank you. Thank you, kevin, we will get back for your predictions. See you guys. Lets go over to bob kelly. Another masterpiece. Hey, gang, good morning, everybody, you know, back in the day, shop class involved this twobyfour piece of lumber. Not today. Were at the ben franklin prank lynn high school. This is shop class super size. Hit it, tony. Wait until you see this set up. Ben franklin high school. Kellys classroom, hit the button, lets make it go. Oh good morning once again, it is kellys classroom, every week Different School with different project. Im here today at Ben Franklin High School with my man, tony. Check out the machine here. This is the Precision Machine Tool Technology that theyre learning about here at Ben Franklin High School. Thats a little name plate that they just made for me. Tony, what do you want to do when you graduate . I plan on becoming an engineer. This is actually helping me, teach me how to make car parts. What does this machine help to you learn how to get the skills to be is this how they are making car parts nowadays. Yes, using this thing called drill press or late lathe on the other side of the room. One of your classes here at Ben Franklin High School . Yes, so you have science, math, social studies. Probably not as cool as this class . No. And cool glasses. Mr. Adair. You are the teacher. Thanks for insiting us out. How many years have you been here . Ive been here two years, and in the industry 40 years. Tell me about the different items these machines can make and obviously the kids are learning how to make these item. What you see here is what most people think of. It is a metal case. George, come on back here, take a look one back here. This happens to be . This one is a metal transmission case. We think about that. We think about metal shop and the rest of it. What you will see in these other pictures is the slitting part where this is going. This is a hip replacement. Wow. And lay it on the made on machines just like these, okay . Machines, they clean them up. This happens to be to fix someones back. This is an xray of somebodys back. Go ahead. The other one . Back support surgery. Check this out. This is even more exciting. This is heart valve. Some of these are important to me. I have one every these half valves in my heart. Over here . Knee replacement. Knee replacement, wow. So all of these parts are made on the machine like you have here . Yes, sir, precision. And as you can see, here is another view of a heart valve. What is in the bottle on the end here . Kind of interesting. In that bottle happens to be rods that were in my personal spine for about 19 months. So they are the real deal. I can verify them. And they allowed me to be able to walk again and all of that. So im kind of excited about them. How cool is that . I like what these machines do. Great program here, the School District of philadelphia. Giving these student here a chance to learn the skills which will then lead to getting a job once they graduate. I have my fancy glasses on, but at least i dont have mayonnaise in my hair . Jay, we go to you with that . Reporter i have the mayonnaise out of my hair, as you can see, i think it looks pretty cute. We will undo this. And then robin is here to talk about the silly fun, booby blender. What is it . Does she like it, hate it . Well tell you after the break. By peggy lee playing ] [ goat bleat ] [ crow caws, music continues ] this is gonna be awesome when it comes to buying a house. Trulia knows the house is only half of it. And with 34 map overlays like playgrounds, demographics, schools, and more. You can find the right house and the right neighborhood for you. Trulia. The house is only half of it. 9 46. Were still seeing some light precipitation. Moving through our area. May be even a snowflake or two. Mixed in with rain. But, it is very light rain for pretty much everybody. Unless youre in the mountains, you have chance every little bit of snow that could be measurable. But the coastal Flood Warning is still in effect until about 11 00 for a lot of street flooding, and back bay flooding, that weve been seeing ever since the storm came through yesterday. Still, windy out there. Wind speeds sustained 20 Miles Per Hour in philadelphia. Now, it is not as bad as yesterday. Now 31mile per hour wind gust, will blow your trash can down the street if today is your trash day. Keep that in mind, as well. 39 degrees in philadelphia. Were up to 40 in wilmington, but below freezing in mount pocono. Where it could be tricky travel throughout the day today. For us, we top off at about 42, sunshine, comes back tomorrow, guys. High of 53 degrees, chillier by the weekends. Like that sunshine. Sunshine. Please. Almost forgetting what the sun looks like. We start back in with jen. Doing beauty hacks all morning. But this one, particular, real excited about, like the booby blender. Playing with her hair, or playing with her food this morning. Yes, she is. But, this is what she was doing earlier with the bananas. So she tried to roll up her hair. Then she decided that toilet paper rolls were easier. She did her whole head with that. So we will have the reveal. Did it actually curl her hair . The what . All of these things were inspired by youtube. We have rosa here, hi, baby. Robin is here, hi, good morning. And the amazing team. So you will take my hair out as we do this, right . So, robin, were using a version of the blender, called philly silly sponge . Originally this rage started with someone using a chicken cut let. And then starting to apply their make up with it. So this is a little bit more consumer friendly, silicone sponge. And apparently people had been using it, it is all the go. Okay. You have one thing that you like about it . Yes. The one thing dow like about it is to me it seems like it would useless product, because it is just, the product, would just be staying on the surface of the sponge. Well, sponge. As opposed to like beauty blender, traditional sponge, where it might absorb little bit into it. So my con, though, is that it is just a little bit too patchy for me. Really . Also i was testing it out on my model, she said it felt little uncomfortable. But i just dont get it. And i dont know what inspired someone to just pull out their chicken cut let, put on their face . So, you have tried it both with like a liquid and a cream . Yes. So im doing it right now with a liquid foundation, on my model. Joeelle here will be doing it with a cream. Did you think it would do better as a cream . Smoother texture, however, it is just kind of pulling at the skin. Leaving the skin little bit more patchy. As opposed to using traditional beauty blender, which is my tried and true tool. Tan adds moisture to the skin. As you can see, ive already done it on this side of the face t just looks like her skin. This side, little more patchy. Not sitting right. Is that why you think they like this thing . I think so. Again, youtube, instagram, just setting trends all over. The beauty blender retails for 20. The silly sponge you can find it for couple of bucks. All right. Okay, have you seen my hair . Oh, my gosh. Does that really happen . It really happened. Thats crazy. Now, is this good for someone who doesnt want to put heat in their hair . Yes. Good for anyone . Definitely, as long as you have the right amount of moisture where it is not too much, just the very little bit. And it will go a long way. All right, dianna get back in here. The other thing we did this morning, you were excited to see how this would work . I was very excited. And you think that it adubado little bit more . It is best if you have oily skin right . Best for oily skin. Because, you know, kind of mat fy the face. You said when she put this on your face you can tell instantly that the silly sponge was not for you . No, not at all. No. This is her face. And she has when she put it on her face, she looked like she was at the pediatrician and the doctor pulled out a shot. She was like what . Like literally just touching it on your face . Ya. How weirds it felt . By the way, happy early birthday. The diva is having a birthday. Thirty thirty. Can we say dirty 30 . No. We cant. Pretty cool. Thank you, ladies, they look great. Beautiful models. Thank you. All right, so the booby blender not as good as we thought. Hum. Thirtieth birthday. I use the beauty blender. Oh, you have memories flashing back right now . What did you do for your dirty 30 . Was it dirty . Let me think about that. Apparently we have to go to break. Uhhuh. Well, it wasnt what he wanted gavin opens up about his split from gwen stefani. Why he says losing gwen stefani was like coping with a death. Lilly. She pretty much lives in her favorite princess dress. But once a week i let her play sheriff so i can wash it. I use tide to get out those week old stains and downy to get it fresh and soft. You are free to go. Tide and downy together. You said you wanted to feel better about your cereal. General mills big g cereals hear you. Thats why we say yes to whole grains as our first ingredient. And no way to high fructose corn syrup. In every honey nut o. Every lucky charms spoonful. And every cinnamon toast crunch square. You can feel good about General Mills big g cereals. Erin andrews saying she is a cancer survive or, 38 years old, revealed to Sports Illustrated that she was diagnosed with Cervical Cancer and underwent a Successful Surgery to remove t and she reportedly learned about her cancer in september. Oh,. Of course we know her from dancing with the stars, obviously being on the big huge side line report their. We have video of her right there. That was big breaking news, we have a lot more questions about what happened, and when she found out, and what those, you know, surgeries may have been. She was still working apparently. It was during which game was it the dallas . Packers game. Well, she, according to the arley was reading during the break, but two days after the surgery she went on a red eye to go to film something, be on assignment, five days later on the side lines doing the game. She said did my doctor want me to do that . No, he certainly didnt recommend it. But she said that was her escape. You know, she has dealt with so much, the trial, this, and she said football and sports, it is her he is call. Escape. Not something she wanted to take away. And move forward. Cervical cancer and all that we are learning, definitely do more about this, learn about what she had, what the surgery did, but glad to hear though it seems to be she is okay for now. Sharing feelings on divorce from gwen stefani. He reveals in a recent interview that he still has feelings for his ex. He told the sun that he never wanted to divorce. And he said apart from death it is one of the hardest most painful things to go through. He and gwen stefani ended their 20 year marriage, wow, i didnt know they were married 20 years, in 2015 after stefan i allegedly learned he was having an affair with their nanny. They have three kids together. Ten year old kingston, eight year old assume a and two year old apollo, now dating country superstar blake sheldon. They are showing pda, have song out together, she seems to be really happen. I where of those things where hey i messed up. Ya. One of those things where, you know, he never wanted to get a divorce but he wanted to keep the girlfriends on the side . I mean, seriously . Never know what you have got until it it is gone. Thirteen years, not 20 years. Maybe they were together for longer amount of time. But married 13. Might be included, never know. But divorce has to be hard on both sides. Always hard. You know, the decision do you have make, can we make this work, can i forgive, forget, move forward. Sometimes you cant. Well, alec baldwin, hes now considered the resident donald trump impersonator on s l, about to break a new record, going to host the show, on february 11. And it will be the 17th time that hes done that, more than anyone else. Hell continue to portray donald trump on semi regular basis throughout the rest of the season. Or maybe the next four years, who knows. Get ready for all of the tweets on that one, that one will be much watched by many. We will be talking about that one, not like cash cow for him. What, 1400 an episode . True. Must like doing it. Okay, everybody, well, i hope you have great day. Hopefully this wet letter calm down a little bit. We want to see sun tomorrow. Make it a great day. Its the Wendy Williams show. Now, heres wendy wendy thank you, thank you. Thank you. Thank you for watching. Say hello to my cohosts, my

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