Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At 5pm 20140731

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is coming across as a reluctant santa claus. the prosecution is walking him through every gift request of the mcdonnells and for most of them he comes through and, in fact, today the jury got to hold and touch one of the most talked about gifts, that rolex watch. jonnie williams admitted on the stand today that he knew what he was doing was wrong, maybe illegal. he lavished mcdonnells with expense gifts, $120,000 in loans, golf outings, stays in his vacation home, a new york shopping spree, use of his ferrari. he said he gave the gifts to get the governor's help in securing state funded studies on his company's star scientific's health supplement called annatto block. never got the study. william said he did not tell star scientific about most of the gifts including that $7,000 rolex watch he gave to the governor because he said, "i should not have had to buy things like that to get the help i needed. i made a mistake when i bought it. i knew it was wrong." williams expressed regret for all the gifts and said it was mostly maureen who kept asking. 1 time he said she asked him to buy a car for one of her children. he refused this time and said, "i thought we had an understanding. she was helping me. they were helping me, but the thought of writing a check to a car dealership for one of the mcdaniels' children i didn't even know? i just had a tough time with that." for every gift that jonnie williams gave the mcdaniels the prosecution is showing what the mc-- mcdonnells the prosecution is showing what jonnie williams did for the mcdonnells. at 6:00 i'll show you an e-mail from bob mcdonnell to jonnie williams that the prosecution says proves otherwise. in richmond peggy fox, wusa9. >> matt kaiser is a white collar criminal defense attorney in washington d.c., of with our go to attorneys as we analyze this case. explosive. it is a very big day. let's start where peggy sort of left off where she talked about jonnie williams saying in court, "i was wrong. i knew i was wrong. i shouldn't have done it." what is the government trying to say through the jury through williams about his role in all this? >> i think the government wants the jury to hear as many times as they can that this whole arrangement was wrong, that it was corrupt and if they can get each and every witness to sit there and say that to the jury, it makes their case easier at the end. >> one of the other things jonnie williams said in court today is that he did not have a personal relationship with maureen mcdonnell and so the defense has said coming in the door he knew there was a problem in their relationship and he sort of weaseled his way in and then gave the gifts and loans. what does the defense do now with that information? >> that's going to be hard. i think the defense is not saying they had a relationship. they're not saying there was a thing there. they're just saying she wanted there to be a thing there. they'll have to call him a liar on the part about whether he knew about her problems in marriage or her intentions towards him. that's going to be a little delicate, but they've got to call him a liar anyway. >> they've got 1,200 texts apparently between johnny william and maureen mcdonnell. >> you've gotton the defense team has gone through each -- got to know the defense team has gone through each and of one of them. we'll hear about anything tomorrow as the cross- examination continues. >> it made me wonder who is playing whom looking at the transcript. >> exactly. jonnie williams is a master salesman and as the cross started today, you could see that was where the defense was going. that guy has sold stuff his whole life. he was selling the governor and may also have been selling the government here. that's why he's a witness that's got immunity. >> tomorrow will be mother key day in the courtroom. matt -- another key day in the courtroom. matt kaiser, wonderful to see you. as police look for three machine connected to a shooting in hyatt -- men connected to a shooting in hyattsville who confronted a group of teenagers last night on 30th street, one of them pulled a gun and shot two teens. one of the teens ran off. some of the shots also entered a nearby home. nobody inside was hurt. new info on yesterday's early morning shooting in wheaton, in addition to the 13- year-old arrested yesterday, police have now also arrested a 19-year-old, someone named ibar umenzor now facing attempted murder and other charges. detectives believe the 18-year- old woman who was shot near pliersville road and douglas avenue was attacked because she was talking to the police about a gang named little r. the cops say umenzor was the wheelman, stopped in front of the victim, got out, started walking toward her and the victim started to run. that is when the 13-year-old shot her in the back, came up on her, stood over her and shot her multiple times as she lay on the pavement. somehow unbelievably she was released from the hospital yesterday. that 13-year-old also is facing attempted murder charges. a commuter alert now, crews on the scene of a water main break in hyattsville. here's a look at the mess left behind from the prince george's county police department. they took that picture. that water main break forced the closure of the intersection of rhode island avenue and crittendon street. avoid that part of hyattsville. there are also questions about the circumstances surrounding a fatal pedestrian accident in prince george's county. a woman was struck by a county bus this morning at the intersection of main and water streets in upper marlboro. she was in the crosswalk when she was hit and police found her body under the bus. she was g5(+ yet. a tractor trailer crash brought traffic to a standstill on the beltway today. three people were hurt. that crash happened on the inner loop near new hampshire avenue this morning. investigators say the truck slammed into a light pole and a retaining wall. there were chemical everywhere. hazmat teams were dispatched to the scene and that crash blocked all lanes of the inner loop for hours. baltimore ravens running back ray rice spoke out to the media for the first time today since he got the two-game suspension everybody is all fired up about. rice was arrested in february on domestic violence charges. sports center kristen berset is here with more. i'm wondering did he calm any of the critics? >> i don't know, but he did speak from the heart today. the last time was a press conference and he only made a statement and didn't answer questions. today he actually took questions about the incident, the video and how he's feeling now. he was joined by his wife back then and she was there again today, but this was only ray talking today. the press conference lasted about 17 minutes and about 30 members of the ravens team stood behind the media the entire team showing their support for their teammate. 1 thing ray made sure to do this time, he acknowledged that he failed to apologize publicly to his wife. rice called this incident the biggest mistake of his life. >> i just replay over and over in my head, that's not me. my actions were insaexcu ble. that's something i have to live with the rest of my life. my daughter is 2 years old now. i have a little girl who is very smart, very intelligent and one day she's going to know the power of google and me nghavi to explain that to her, you know, what happened that night. i still got kids out there that wear 27 jerseys and i just want to tell them that please don't make the mistake that i did. i take full responsibility for what happened. my wife can do no wrong. last thing i want my daughter to do is be afraid of me. >> rice and his wife continue to go to counseling monitored by the team and the league. rice said once the time is right he and his wife will go out in the community and join other against the fight against domestic violence. up with thing he didn't address is what happened in the video we didn't see. he was asked but refused to rehash everything that happened in that video in the elevator that we didn't see. >> that was my question. what really happened ray? >> that was the very first question. he didn't go to it. somebody asked again. he said i don't want to live in the past. i have to live with this every day already. israel called up to 16,000 more reservists today for help in the assault on gaza. the israeli military pounded hamas targets for the 24th straight day. three weeks of fighting have left at least 1,400 palestinians dead, most civilians. israel says 56 of its soldiers and three civilians have been killed in the conflict. meanwhile americans are heading to israel to show their support. >> be safe. god bless you. >> we support you to come now because we wanted to be here in the israelis' time of need. i wanted to support them as best i could. >> israel says it will not stop its assault on gaza until it wipes out all of hamas' terror tunnels and it estimates that will take a couple more days. an international crash scene reached the malaysia airlines crash site today despite heavy fighting in the region in eastern ukraine. fighting between government troops and pro russian separatists rebels had kept that delegation from reaching the area for weeks. 1 goal is to retrieve the remaining bodies of the victims that have been lying in those open fields in broiling temperatures. investigators got a first look today at exactly where the plane was brought down by a missile. the white house is criticizing house republicans who are voting to bring a lawsuit against the president. josh earnest said the gop will leave for their august recess only having voted to impeach the president. trending now, the sci-fi spectacular known as sharknado. we'll talk about that and other trending topics at 5:30. >> temperatures today, a little warmer but nothing crazy hot yet, nice finish to july, 87 downtown d.c., 88 rockville, 82 in reston, 83 in fairfax. we'll come back, track a couple shower for you and look ahead to the weekend. we'll be dancing around some showers and storms then, too. >> after the break the centers for disease control and prevention is warning people not to go to the west african nations affected by the growing ebola outbreak. marley hall brings us the latest from new york. >> reporter: the cdc issued a warning to avoid all nonessential travel to liberia, sierra leone and guinea as those countries deal with an ebola outbreak experts say will only get worse. >> if this is not taken care of, it will be a global pandemic. >> reporter: the world health organization is launching a $100 million response plan which includes sending more medical personnel to the region. the cdc will send an additional 50 experts to help with the crisis. this is the largest ebola outbreak on record, more than 1,300 cases spread across four nations in west africa. 729 people have died including one american who was working in liberia. two other americans volunteering in liberia, dr. kent brantley and nancy ripold, are in serious condition. the missionary group nancy belonged to says she's trying an experimental treatment as her condition worsens. ebola is spread through direct contact with bodily fluids. the current outbreak has a fatality rate of about 60%. marley hall, cbs news. >> and the peace corps is pulling all 340 of its volunteers from the region after two of them may have been exposed to the virus. investigators now say a broken rail is to blame for a deadly train derailment in ellicott city, maryland, according to the national transportation safety board. 19-year-old rose mayr and elizabeth nass were killed when that car jumped the train tracks. it was shown the problem was known of the broken rails. the families of both girls are trying to figure out if they should sue the railroad for negligence. keeping your family safe, wusa9 first alert weather. >> you're tracking a couple showers, but i got to walk with my besty today outside and it was gorgeous. >> it was spectacular, what a way to finish 90? a couple showers west of town. we have the james taylor concert tonight and the nats are playing, lots going on. let's start with a live look outside, our live michael and son weather cam looking north toward the cathedral and temperatures in the 80s and the dew point still in the 50s. relative humidity 36%. we've only had nine days 90 degrees or higher. for the whole month we average 14. here's live doppler. you can see all the showers and storms setting up along i-81 either side of winchester. we're going to zoom in, even reds and yellows showing up. they've kind of enhanced and intensified the past half hour. these are moving off to the east. they'll produce heavy rains, nothing severe. looking at charlestown on our storm tracker about 5:21 and britton at about 5:34. look for heavy rain, possibly flash flooding. we'll keep you posted as they move eastward and a close eye on them as they move in the vicinity of nats park. mainly a dry commute home, a few shower and storm overnight. a leftover shower for the morning commute is possible. right now we don't think that will hinder your commute. it will be unsettled over the weekend, not a washout. here's the futurecast. 8:30 tonight showers south of town. i wouldn't get too hung up on the exact placement of these showers, but you get the idea there will be a couple showers and isolated thunderstorm around 8:30, 9:00, temps in the low 80s. by 10:30 maybe a shower or thunderstorm on the east side of 95, prince george's county and parts of charles county, temps in the 70s, a lot of clouds the rest of the nature. temperatures because of cloud cover, low 70s downtown, upper 60s in the burbs, not as cool. friday morning temps mid- to upper 60s. showers begin to develop south of us, but mainly a lot of cloud friday morning, spotty shower here or there, better chance for showers and storms friday afternoon. if you're walking to into a shower. we see showers developing back toward culpeper and southwest of town. by 4:00 a couple heavier showers denoted in yellow and orange on our legend. so heavy activity possible, few and far between friday. good news, clouds will keep temperatures down as we am bark on the new month of august. break this down. 70s to start, shower or sprinkle, nothing crazy heavy, 77 at 11:00 and 79 by 1 p.m., maybe a thunderstorm. saturday we've issued a yellow alert for now. i don't think it will be that bad in the immediate metro area. we'll keep you posted. 83. it will clear up a little bit saturday night and scattered showers on sunday, probably fewer storms sunday that saturday. next seven days monday scattered storms, hot and dry tuesday, isolated storm wednesday and thursday, highs near 90. nats in town for the whole seven days. a changing of the guard tonight on capitol hill. house majority leader eric cantor steps down at midnight. california congressman kevin mccarthy will take over. cantor will serve the rest of his term before congressman elect dave brat takes over. get ready to work your weekends. that's the message from senate majority leader harry lawmakers as they get ready for their five-week summer recess. he reid says everyone needs to know when -- reid says, "everyone needs to know when we come back there will be no weekends off." coming up why teen girls are more likely than boys to injure their acls. we'll have that story in a little bit. >> right after the break a local school wins an important competition by nasa. the high gas prices at the pumps are driving some of you crazy tonight. in manassas you can get a great deal at the sheetz located at 8504 centreville road. you can fill up for 3.40 a gallon. on the high end it will cost about 3.57 to fill up at shell at 10155 hayson's drive. nasa's competition for a new international space station project is over and the winner is the university of maryland at college park. the school's proposal calls for observe changes in global vegetation from the space station and that system is expected to be completed in 2019 and it will cost no more than 94 million bucks. it was back to school for some children in alexandria today. they are students at the samuel tucker elementary. they're on some kind of modified schedule. the alexandria city school was the first school in town to give students the option of going an additional 30 days. all other students in alexandria return to class on september 2nd. they will say na na na. >> no. >> yes, they will. while those students get back in the grind, thousands of kids in our area don't even have the basic school supplies they need to be successful learners. >> that's where you come in because organizations like volunteers of america play a big role in helping them with things like backpack and pens and papers and 60% of kids in that program made the honor roll last year. russ snyder left a prestigious gig to take the job because he said he felt called to serve people and he loved the mission. >> just being a servant to so many people. we have 800 employees. through our region we're serving almost 8,000 men, women and children in the region, but just being out there seeing the transformation of lives, it's wonderful to go to work every day and experience that. >> reporter: what do you low for the program's future? >> -- hope for the future of the program's future? >> would be going out of business and not having homeless individuals, have enough affordable housing that people could be living on their own and be supportive in the community. >> you can help homeless kids in our area with the d.c. metro's first online school supply drive. we made it easy. just go to click on operation the page and there you'll see these profiles of the organizations and the kids. click on the profile. check out their amazon wish list and once you purchase it will go directly to the organization. it is just that easy. a popular burrito joint getting a dubious distinction from guess who, russ ptacek. details are ahead in tonight's restaurant alert. >> plus wusa9 gets results for a woman who was worried about the dangerous trees. >> trending now a woman recovering after a random lightning strike, the sharknado sequel captivates the country and robots taking over a baseball stadium. sip of trending right now a -- trending right now a woman certificate counting her blessing -- is either counting her blessings or saying what the heck happened? >> a woman was sitting with her mom when she saw a bolt of lightning strike in her backyard. >> and then another strike came and it was a loud noise and she said she saw my head go backwards and the plaster was falling and she felt the jolt go down my leg into her hand. >> strangely there was no smoke, no fire. of course, the victim was a little stunned, but she'll be fine. >> apparently she wasn't even talking on the phone or doing any of that stuff they tell you not to do. do you know of anything like this happening before? >> it's actually more common than you think. we do tell you to go inside, but lightning can travel through a phone line, gas line, plumbing or your electrical wires that go in your house from the street. it's not often that it happens, but it's not unheard of. remember 1,000 people get struck by lightning every year in the u.s. >> some of them are inside. from 1 freak weather event to another. >> millions of curious viewers tuned into the sci-fi channel last night to watch sharknado 2, the second one. turns out you might not believe this, but folks loved it. tara reid and ian ziering are tasked with warning the world that a sharknado may take over new york city. the hollywood life called it the best movie ever. ziering has the privilege of delivering this great line. no one wants to be eaten and i've been eaten and i'm here to tell you it takes more than that to bring down a new yorker. >> sharknado, buzzsaw scenes are the best. let's talk about young people and what they spend their money on. >> according to a new study millennials spend their money on alcohol, on coffee and fast food. the study found in maryland and virginia they are in the top five when it comes to money spent on fast food spending nearly $1,000 a year at discount restaurants. 30% of millennials buy fast food at least twice a week. it could be that they're just not cooking. >> it could be like they're like every group of 20 somethings ever of all times. it's a little depressing to show up at a sporting event to find a stadium half empty. >> a south korean baseball team has an app for that, robot fans or as the eagles call them fan bots. the team claims they're the first ever cheering robots. during big moments the fan bots encourage participation like wave and i guess it's better than empty seats. >> i don't know what would make me feel worse, an empty stadium or a stadium filled with not people who are triggered by not me. >> the other problem is do robots pay because i don't think they do? >> probably not. forget about the boats and skis. these thrill seekers are tearing it up on the open waters of florida barefoot while being pulled by a plane. without being bound by worlds on their feet, these adrenaline junkies are pulling off some crazy stunts. more than 400,000 youtube hits on this video here posted just a couple days ago. would you do that? >> i probably would not because i would think you might stub a toe or something. >> or lose one. >> that is impressive. i wonder how they train for that. look at this death defying roof jump by a stuntman named ethan swanson. he had a go pro on his head, slides off the root of, runs down some stairs -- roof, runs down some stairs and arrives at the front door. can you do that? that is deeply cool. almost half a million hit on the video since it was posted to youtube yesterday with the warning that you already know. do not try this at home. >> here's the thing, though. we haven't seen him since he did that jump. we done know what he looks like. >> what kind of condition is he in? >> did he edit that? >> does he still s? we don't know. -- still have legs? we don't know. topper, we know you wouldn't do that. >> no. >> any sharknados out there, top? >> no. a look out to the west, keeping an eye on the jiffy lube center and the james taylor concert there. this is pretty heavy rain. we'll come back and track that and look ahead to the weekend forecast. coming up next we look at why girls are more prone to sports-related knee injuries than boys are and how to keep that from happening. >> coming up later our russ ptacek sounds the repeat violator alarm on a popular restaurant in montgomery county. your traffic look ahead, i'm monika samtani. metro crews continue a big reconstruction project of the system this weekend august 1st through their. there will be service adjustments on the red line beginning at midnight saturday and continuing through close sunday. free shuttle buses will replace trains between noma galludet and ft. totten. you may want to consider using green or yellow line trains instead. orange, silver, blue, yellow and green line trains will operate on a regular weekend schedule. at $5.5 billion this is the largest investment for the metro system since its original construction in the early 1970s. for all of your traffic and transportation info wusa9 news is sponsored in part by your local toyota dealers. today in family health we're talking about acl injuries in teenagers. if you've ever torn yours, you know that sound. it's that pop when the injury happens. >> you'll never forget it. the acl is one of the four ligaments that holds your knee together and it might be hard to believe this, but this particular injury is a lot more common in teenage girls than in teenage boys. more from andrea roane. >> i've always played soccer since i was little. >> reporter: 17-year-old heidi from falls church, virginia, tore her acl and meniscus in her left leg last year. >> then i injured my right leg may 18th and i got surgery june 20th. >> reporter: that's another acl tear which makes two in the last year and a half. >> i went back to playing soccer after my first injury, but now with the second injury i don't think i'm going back. >> depending on the studies that you look at, girls have a two to tenfold in risk of tearing their acl than their counterpart male athletes do. >> reporter: this orthopedic surgeon dr. robert najarian says female body alignment is different from males. the pelvis is wider in females which gives a larger angle from the middle of the body down to the feet. >> these wider angles put their knee in a relatively increased position to potentially tear their acls. >> reporter: there's also a difference in muscular imbalance. >> females tend to be more quadriceps dominant, the muscle in the front of their legs, as opposed to hamstring dominant. >> research shows a good neuromuscular program can work wonders. >> focus on activities with proper jumping and landing will diminish the risk of acl injuries to female athletes and their male counter apartments as well. >> reporter: good cutting -- counterparts as well. >> reporter: good cutting techniques and stretching also help prevent injuries. >> if you forget to stretch and your muscles tense up, it's more possible you will get injured because i remember my right knee, i came to the game and only did like a semi stretch and i guess that's why. >> reporter: andrea roane, wusa9. >> heidi still has five months of rehab, but when she's done, she says she's only playing soccer for recreation. now she plans to focus on diving. coming up if gas prices are driving you crazy, where to fill up in maryland without breaking the bank. >> this homeowner tried two years to get help with a tree problem. then she reached out to our wusa9 call for action team. hi, it's howard bernstein. this crayola pack is one of dozens of items on the wish list of kids. with our give joy operation backpack program you can send these crayons and lots of other great back to school supplies to those children with the click of a button. >> give joy. operation backpack thank you daddy for defending our country. thank you for your sacrifice and thank you for your bravery. thank you colonel. thank you daddy. military families are uniquely thankful for many things the legacy of usaa auto insurance can be one of them. if you're a current or former military member or their family, get an auto insurance quote and see why 92% of our members plan to stay for life. hiiiii. hi. sorry, we're closed. what? i need help with my deposit. the bank has rules. it's really quick. i can't hear you. i don't under...i can't hear you through the glass. i'! you'll be quick. that's what you just said? yes. i'm sorry, i can't hear you. we're closed. you know what? okay, that's... hey...sir? i just...okay. [ male announcer ] it's time to bank human again. that's why td bank has the longest hours and even stays open an extra ten minutes for when you run late. td bank. america's most convenient bank. our wusa9 call for action team is solving your consumer problems. so when lucy winbush of hyattsville reached out to us about a towering issue that prince george's county didn't handle for years, we got to work. >> the limbs had fallen when the storm was going on. it was so dangerous. all the limbs were falling. they were falling everywhere. it could have hit my car. >> instead the weakened arms of a tree near lucy winbush's home topped onto her husband's car cracking his windshield. she spent two years on the phone trying to warn prince george's county about a rotting tree. finally she e-mailed us and in two hours someone from the county arrived to take it down. >> i say wow, you know. what's going on? he said we're here to do this tree. >> mrs. winbush says she won't wait that long again to get help with a pressing issue and she's got a message for you, too. >> if they don't come and do anything about it and it's damaging your property, call wusa9 call for action and they will get you some results. and i am proof of it. here it is right here, all right? >> we are just happy to see mrs. win debt ceiling bush smiling again. -- winbush smiling again. a complaint online 24 hours a day on our website or call 301-654-help. wusa9 wants to help you find the best and worst gas prices in your neighborhood. tonight silver spring where the most expensive gallon of regular unleaded is bp on forest glen road near wheaton. gas will cost you 3.89 according to aaa's mid-atlantic website. the cheapest is falcon fuel on university boulevard east, a gallon of unleaded regular just 3.51. right now thousands of waiting for the gates to open at jiffy lube live. >> how sweet it is to have erica grow where the gates open in what, 10 minutes? >> reporter: just about and i am one of those thousands that you're talking about who are just so excited for the gates to open so we can go inside and get to hear james taylor perform. the show itself doesn't start for more than an hour, but you can see behind me the crowd is starting to fill in the parking lots. a couple of them have tailgates open. they'll enjoy a few snacks before they go inside and why not? the weather is a little on the warm side, but besides that it's pretty ideal. we have the sunshine, a little light breeze. the humidity, that summertime factor is not really with us heading into this evening. we'll enjoy that show because earlier on when we first got here my photographer and i were able to hear the sound check and what a treat that was. james taylor sounds amazing. two years ago i heard him perform at the national tree lighting down on the ellipse and he was incredible then. he sounds incredible tonight. he has a full band, the piano, horns, beautiful backup singers. it will be a spectacular show. i know everyone here will enjoy it and wusa9 is so proud to be a sponsor of this show. we are excited to get this show started. back to you. >> should be fun, wish we were there. we're tracking a couple showers west and north of jiffy lube. i think they'll stay north of them and also the nats are playing in town. i think the storms will stay north of nats park as well. in the meantime a little warmer today, yes, but all in all a nice end to july. let's start with a live look outside, our live michael and son weather cam, temperature 87 at national, dew points in the 50s, fantastic for july. they've been 40s and 50s all week, winds light. humidity 36%. that's pretty amazing, also. most of these numbers are pretty good, cooler than average, way cooler than the past few julys. remember 2012 and 2013 were toasty. 2011 was pretty hot. nine days in the 90s, but we averaged 14 days 90 or high are. rainfall 4.68, average 3.66, but that's deceiving because you get pockets of thunderstorms that are kind of small and they got more rain at national than dulles. hottest day on the 2nd but not a record. coolest at dulles was 48 a couple mornings ago. here's doppler,l tracking these showers essentially either side of i-81 mainly off to the northeast of winchester. everything else is quiet. going through the nighttime hours the later it gets, the beer chance you'll have of a shower or storm -- better chance you'll have of a shower or storm. pretty good storm now in charlestown, no lightning, win or hail, but the red is pre -- wind or hail, but the red is pretty heavy rainfall. headed toward blair at 5:47, headed toward briton at 5:55. if you are in the track i would prepare for heavy rain and that's about it. now this is furnace mountain at the edge of the fan there. it hits there last. let's talk about the headlines. mainly a dry commute home for most of us, but a few showers and storms are still possible overnight. after the sun goes down leftover shower possible also for the morning commute and unsettled over the weekend, not a washout, could be a bit of an understatement saturday morning and howard talked about a yellow alert saturday. thursday, tonight, 8:30 we see some showers back to the south of us, culpeper, fredericksburg and la plata, temps still in the low 80s. by 10:30, still a couple showers possible. right now the futurecast shows showers in southern prince george's county and northern charles county. friday morning a couple green blobs here and there, 60s and 70s and by 8:00 generally a dry commute and by 1:00 seeing some showers pop up, generally light activity manassas, culpeper and get out toward orange, see the orange and yellow which is heavier activity j:and by 4:00 we could see heavier showers and thunderstorms even in the immediate metro area on the west side of 95 and also up 270. by 6:00 things calm down a little bit. trying to grill out tomorrow night? you should be able to. most of the storms will leave you alone between 6:00 tomorrow night and midnight before this activity rolls in by saturday morning. it looks a little overdone, but it's been pretty emphatic about the line of showers and storms on saturday morning. you got games to go to saturday morning? might want to postpone those, do your activities later in the day. 70s to start, showers possible, 78 by 1:00. by then we could have a thunderstorm. there's a yellow alert for saturday, scattered showers and storms 83, fewer storms on sunday, 85. next seven days nats in town all week, nats on about to board. mm-hmm. i'm just comparing car insurance rates the prosecution's star witness in the corruption trial against former virginia governor bob mcdonnell and his wife maureen. thanks for being here. i'm derek mcginty. >> i'm lesli foster. that former star scientific ceo jonnie williams denied having a romantic relationship with mrs. o'donnell and said he felt sorry for her when she had to return dresses. defense attorneys say the mcdonnells were in a broken marriage and maureen had a crush on williams and williams testified that maureen asked him to get cars for her twin boys. that didn't pan out because it would be too visible. the jury also saw the $4,000 rolex watch williams bought for the former governor. on the stand today williams k5 testified that was a mistake. prosecutors say that watch represents just a small portion of the $165,000 worth of gifts williams gave the family. around 6:10 we'll talk with peggy fox about other developments in court today and

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