Transcripts For WUSA Wusa 9 News At Noon 20151012

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ticket centers at reagan airport cleared and the computer started to work again before 7:00 a.m. the technical problems that affected flights nationwide was resolved at all airports by 8:30. air travelers we spoke to were taking it all in stride. >> things happen. computers break down sometimes. no problem. >> we went to bed last night. we didn't know what was gonn happen. we got up and were able to print our boarding pass. >> this is a good sign. >> yes, a very good sign. we're happy. >> southwest says the only side effect from yesterday's glitch, some late baggage to deliver to waiting customers. well, it's been a day of pure hell around the country for southwest passengers. here's more from la guardia airport. >> reporter: lines started building up early at new york's la guardia airport and in dallas at southwest counters. >> our fear is we'll be here for hours and we don't want to be. we haven't slept all night. >> reporter: passengers got the news they wanted today. the airline announced the nationwide computer glitch has been resolved. sunday, some passengers had to be given handwritten checks and most were checked in manually using backup servers. >> very frustrated. it was -- we're just happy we're going home. >> reporter: the computer problem affected baggage, the airline's website and phone lines. southwest said it was still working today to get some displaced customers into seats and delivering baggage that did not arrive. the problem delayed about 500 southwest flights on sunday. don champion, cbs new york. >> the airline said there's into indication that hacking had anything to do with the glitches. the news ticker outside of the wash post reads 447 days. that's how long reporter jason rezaian has been held in iran. now word received that the journalist has been convicted. however, like his closed trial, the charges remain a mystery. he was originally charged with four crimes, the most serious being espionage. he faces up to 20 years in prison. he has 20 days to appeal. >> i can imagine how -- how scary it must be to go through this situation and not know what the outcome is gonna be. >> it's diplomacy at this point. we grab one of your guys. grab one of ours. >> he has only 20 days to appeal or the conviction will be upheld. the washington post and wusa9 are news partners. it may read columbus day on the calendar but more and more are recognizing native- americans. this follows the i tanyon explorer's arrive -- italian explore's arrive. indigenous people is being celebrated in nine cities including albuquerque, portland, st. paul, and olympia, washington. what is going on inside the arlington county detention facility? that's the question after a second inmate in two months has died while in custody. edward straughn was found unconscious saturday morning. he died in a hospital. he was sent for a trespassing conviction. investigators say he had a mystery of medical issues. his family is in disbelief and wants answers. >> he is a is person -- he's a person. he is somebody who was cared about. >> his death is the second in the arlington facility this year. in august, 48-year-old anthony gordon died while behind bars. the family of a man missing since september says their loved one's body was found in watkins park yesterday. however, investigators have not officially announced that the body is that of the 80-year- old. he had dementia and had been living at the woodmoore assisted living house. his daughter said the facility took her father and others to a park. candidates will take the first debate tomorrow night. there's one person who could still make an impact even though he's not expected to be in las vegas. >> reporter: the democrats hold their first presidential debate tuesday night and the contenders are trying to show they are different from hillary clinton. >> secretary clinton is always quick for the military inteention. i believe that a no-fly zone is not advisable. >> from day one, i opposed the destone pipeline. >> destone -- the westone pipe lynn. >> reporter: hillary clinton is well ahead of bernie sanders. but there is a wild card. >> get out of my way. >> reporter: joe biden could announce his decision to run as soon as this week. his boss, president obama, talked about what biden could be thinking during an interview on "60 minutes." >> if you are sitting next to the president in every meet and wrestling with issues, i'm sure he's saying i could do a little good job. >> reporter: biden is not expected to participate in the debate but cnn has a podium standing by in case. in the poll, clinton says in the lead if he enters the race. but the pole shows only 35% of primary -- poll shows only 35% of primary voters view her as honest and trustworthy. >> she made a mistake. she's acknowledged it. i do think that the way it's been played up is in part because of politics. >> reporter: donald trump still leads the gop field. but his negative numbers are high, too. craig boswell, cbs news, washington. >> to follow the presidential candidates or get the latest breaking news and live updates, download our app. it's a bizarre and dangerous problem in hyattsville. cars crashing into buildings. this story came to to us from a concerned father. over the past few months, half a dozen cars have crashed into buildings in hyattsville. several within a half-mile of each other. although the exact cause is not clear, speeding is certainly a factor. the spilt in the area is -- speed limit in the area is 25 miles an hour. are people sticking to that? not likely. >> i seal people constant -- i see people cont stay elizabeth -- i see people constantly coming up from rhode island and they fly through that part of the neighborhood and don't realize there's a quick turn. that must have been what happened. >> hyattsville's chief of police recognized problem and radar has been set up. he has requested speed cameras. of course, we'll have much more on this at 5:00 p.m. baseball fans are still talking about chase utley's controversial slide into the second game of the playoffs between the dodgers and the mets. the fly that broke ruben tejada's right leg. the umpires ruled it was legal but mlb said they got it wrong and suspended utley for the next two games. he is appealing and will likely find out if afternoon if he can play tonight when the teams meet in game thr e series. >> a lot of the fans were cheering when he went down. >> i thought it was deliberate. and i thought the umpire missed the boat. >> that was charles schumer saying that. utley will be eligible to play if the series goes to a decisive fifth game. right now, the series is tied at one game each. this isn't your ordinary new york cupcake shop. coming up find out what makes puzzles bakery and cafe show social. but first, turkish investigators know who was behind this investigators in turkey say islamic state militants are the lead suspects in one of the country's deadliest attacks in year. so far no group has come forward claiming responsibility. at least 97 people were killed in the weekend bombs as hundreds were holding a rally for peace. the attack follows a surge in violence. many mowners blame the turk -- mourners blame the turkish government. an israeli border police officer is lucky to be alive after a knife attack to the attack. police noticed the palestinian man acting suspicious and planned to search him but the man attacked the officer with a knife. the officer was saved by his vest. the suspect was shot and killed. israel israeli's prime minister is blaming -- israel's prime minister blames others. allison rae is up next with the forecast. we're off to a cool start. >> we had a very cool start. i can feel the sun on my back. we're warming up. we'll be in the mid-70s today. a really nice afternoon. 67 degrees already. wait until you see the seven- day forecast. if you like fall weather, stick around. i have something for you. families of the 33 people presumed lost at sea when the el faro ship went down more than a week ago in the middle of a hurricane say they've been on a roller coaster ride. at a vigil, family members of two of the people on board, jackie jones and james porter, said they are praying for peace. the family members released balloons during the vigil. >> this is the only thing right now that we have to lean on right now for a little bit of healing. >> it's been nine days since the ship vanished off the coast. most crew members were from jacksonville, florida. the symbol of autism awareness is a puzzle piece. we check out a bakery in new york. >> reporter: the employees at puzzle's bakery and cafe will tell you this is more than just a cupcake shop. this woman is an attendant here where more than half of the staff has autism. >> you get a sense that people really care about you and take the time to get to know you and just don't see you as less than. >> i have three different flavors. >> reporter: it's the idea the owner, a 25-year-old local, who saw the need for employment opportunities for young adults with autism. >> autism, i think when we talk about it in the general public, people talk about it as a childhood disability. >> reporter: sara has known autism her whole life. her younger sister is on lower functioning end of the autism spectrum. >> a lot of us are exposed in our everyday lives. it's great to put a face on that and to know that the person bringing your lunch may or may not have special needs and that's just normal. >> reporter: the cafe offers pet therapy and other programs for those it can't offer jobs. since puzzles opened, sara has received about 600 applications. but the cafe can only employ 25. >> even if you just hire one person with autism, i think that's gonna make a huge impact. >> reporter: for their part, they are putting this puzzle together piece by piece. next saturday, october 24th, wusa is taking part in usa today's make a difference day, with the help of the playground we're transforming it at malcolm elementary school. you can join us. go to our website and learn how you can become a special day of this giving back. well, he currently holds the record for adding the same number to itself more thans in 15 seconds than -- more times in 15 seconds than someone can do with a calculator. >> reporter: they are all here. >> i'm an author, i'm a speaker. i train teachers. >> reporter: to see a man who is faster than a machine. >> 97. >> times? >> 47. >> 4,559. >> scott is known as the human cal cute later -- cam cue -- calculator. >> i went up to the board in school and did something backward and did it faster than the teacher. >> reporter: this is put on by at&t, directv and teach for america. >> i like to think about this as making math fun. math will be so important to the future of our economy. >> we are atrying to get people to -- we are trying to get people to think about math. we have cal kuehl laters in our -- cam cue -- calculators. >> reporter: he wants people to embrace this as a second language. >> numbers have pattern. >> reporter: to embrace, science, technology, engineering and mathing. >> we're focused on math. >> it's weird. it's become socially accepted to be bad at math. i'm also a human calendar. you can tell me a date and i can calculate what day of the week that was on. >> reporter: the guinness world records claim he's faster than a machine -- >> human calculator, extreme limb impress -- extremely impressive. >> reporter: he can be stumped. >> 34 plus french toast. [laughter] >> i give. >> reporter: one answer he does believe in, helping young students. this is our math wizard, almost a perfect score on the s.a.t.s. very proud. >> i do love math. speaking of science, i saw "the martion." so cool. >> you have to know math to be a astronaut. >> yes. let's talk about how great it is out there. it's so nice. this weekend was picture- perfect. great fall weather. we're gonna see a good string of days. it's a little bit different. something different for everybody. you know, this weekend is gonna be quite nice just shockingly cooler than it is today. but you know what? it's still gonna be sunny and nice. we've seen temperatures this cold already. back when we had the nor'easter, last week, actually, a few days ago, we did see temperatures only top out in the 50s. cloudy, it was rainy and drizzly, not the case this weekend. i will show you on the seven- day coming up. looking at sunshine, it's beautiful out there. we had a cold start. we'll see a nice afternoon. already at 67 degrees. headed to the mid-70s. a few degrees above average due to southerly winds. 74 for ashburn. 74 for laurel. this afternoon, low to mid-70s. 74 for leesburg. today and tomorrow will be our warmest days of the week before our cold front arrives tomorrow. one of two cold fronts this week. so number one is gonna bring a few chances for showers. look how thin these showers are, those stretching through chicago. these are not big rainmakers, these will not make us issue the yellow alert. they will be pretty insignificant but they will impact parts of your morning, barely so. as we go through tonight, really nice. tomorrow morning, 6:00, a couple of showers out there right through leesburg. very fast moving. as we head through 8:30, lining up along 95 but they will be out of here by the lunch hour. by 4:00, one or two stray showers for southern maryland. we're already seeing clearing skies. behind the front, we'll see a lot of sunshine. but temperatures will steadily fall off into the 60s by the end of the week. and then it just keeps on going for saturday and sunday. if you have been looking for a reason to wear the scarf and the jacket, maybe a new sweater you found on sale that you didn't think it was cold enough yet, well, this weekend is the weekend. already seeing people wearing their winter boots. this weekend will be calling for that. at least relative. 75 for today. a lot of sunshine. it's just beautiful out there. enjoy it. now, tonight we'll be warmer than we have been. if you are gonna be out and about, it is gonna be cool, but not that chill in the air. tomorrow 76 degrees. we'll wake up with some cloud, a couple hours out there. by the afternoon, sunshine, and dry weather by wednesday. we start at 70 and here come the temperatures falling. by thursday and friday, 60s and by saturday, only in the 50s. mid-50s for sunday. but it's sunny out there. it won't be a bad-looking day at all. just need the jacket. all right. we got a lot more news. we'll like a lot of little circular dots. itchy, burning. it's pretty much everywhere, where i have pants. define very active? then maybe yes. you know, i'm gonna have to call you back. okay bye. find and book a doctor in private with zocdoc. a masterpiece will be opened to the public in arkansas after being disassembled and moved from new jersey. reporters were given a preview of the crystal museum that a acquired the house 18 months ago. nikki stewart works for the museum. >> with his prairie style architecture, that's where he learned and perfected here long and low. that's what he wanted. the house should hug the horizon and force you to look out into the world. >> the house was one of 60 destibbed for simple, low-cost living an -- designed for simple, low-lost living. that's it for us. we'll be back at 5:00. we are always -- we're always within reach any time of day with our mobile app. until 5:00, have a great day. >> billy: what a smile, huh? >> victoria: yeah, like her dad's. how are you doing? >> billy: okay and not okay. it changes every second. you know, in theory, you would think that i would feel a little better -- justice for delia on the anniversary of her death, but... >> victoria: that theory's not working for you, is it? >> billy: my baby's still gone. [ sighs ] >> victoria: well, at least adam will be in a cell. i think that's the best that we can hope for. >> billy: is it? 'cause, you know, i feel like a

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New York , United States , Arkansas , Arlington , Texas , Iran , Turkey , Florida , Rhode Island , Hyattsville , Maryland , Washington , District Of Columbia , New Jersey , Leesburg , Illinois , Israel , La Guardia Airport , Dallas , Watkins Park , France , Italy , Chicago , Italian , Americans , America , Turk , French , Turkish , Israeli , Palestinian , Jackie Jones , Nikki Stewart , Anthony Gordon , James Porter , Charles Schumer , El Faro , Las Vegas , Ruben Tejada , Joe Biden , Allison Rae , Craig Boswell , Hillary Clinton , Bernie Sanders ,

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