The mayor and take it only on thirteen years now. He had the bizarre encounter that have the sheriff chasing after the mayor in a slow pursuit through downtown at one point police were even called in for backup. I asked the mayor if he felt this was all a setup because the sheriff insists it wasnt plain petty politics was this all political. Do you think though that chasing after him was been digging was in heaven know he has no respect for Law Enforcement all the while some repairs call was their response to gov o theres a god in heaven they just take a bath and we can decide for yourself after watching the tape and listening to the interviews there whether or not this was a setup now of course we had been trying to reach the mayor we message him last night called again today you saw that he didnt want to speak with us as he left the magistrates office. I did notice that some people on his Facebook Page are leaving is due in Court Next Week reporting live in portsmouth there came thirteen years now i course of this taking center stage of social media people are taking sides in expressing support for the mayor or sheriff Watson Online only she bore him j joins us in the studio with what you have to say i cant comment on facebook and twitter are pouring in right now so lets take a look at some of that conversation one Facebook Comments as the mayor should have been charged with evading if there were any other citizen they would have been charged another reads this seems like p towns mayor thinks hes above the law others timing in that they feel sorry for the people of portsmouth because this is an embarrassment but on the other hand there have been those who said that this man is a good man leave him alone concern portsmouth residents have been taking to facebook to express their concerns all day but they arent the only ones we ask you on social media today on twitter people cars all over Hampton Roads have chimed in and we ask this question thoughts on the portsmouth percent have agreed and said the mayor is in the wrong and fourteen percent have said the sheriff is in the rocks so they would love to hear from you head over to our twitter thirteen years now or head over to our Facebook Page we can chime in and join that conversation. Janet david writes a keel well a cold winter day in Hampton Roads wanna show you a live look from the Virginia Beach oceanfront from our beach cam plenty of sunshine today but its not helping us to warm up too much temperatures didnt even rise above thirty is today. So jeff we expect to get even colder tonight yes well colder than we are now yet but about the same as last night in terms of the air temperature but its not going to feel as cold tonight because there will fact were going to be looking at temperatures i think going up a couple of the clear skies on skyview clear skies on radar as well right now compared to yesterday a big Tropical Temperatures member yesterday we were ten fifteen twenty than the day before now back the other way. Fifteen degrees colder officially right now on the south side then it was yesterday at this time. Similar numbers fourteen in newport news thirteen in hampton fourteen at the beach thirteen some say everybody down about thirteen to Fifteen Degrees the next few hours as you can see we go from cold the slightly colder but not as bad as what we saw last night especially in terms of the wind shell and then hold steady for a little i think a lot of spots at some point in here will get down to twenty nine or thirty and then were definitely going to at least hold steady and probably even go up a couple are due for a few degrees maybe even by morning but say thirty to thirty three thirty four in some spots by about six am when you see rising temperatures in the middle the night you know you of warmer air on the way and thats what were talking about them for tomorrow when i come back on you the details on that Virginia Beach teacher has pled guilty to having sexual relations admitted to taking a seventeen year old student into a classroom closet calla my school already forced the victim to perform oral sex on him. The incident happened during school hours brown also admitted to another incident with the same victim in his Virginia Beach home he now faces up to five years behind bars his sentencing is in the night the Virginia Beach Police Department will host the first of two Community Forums to discuss body cameras. The Department Plans to start using them in two thousand seventeen but before they finalize the policy they want Community Input officers will explain why theyre investing in the technology and what policies will put in place if you want to weigh in tonights meeting starts at six at the myra over North Central library and the second form a schedule for next saturday. Newport news police are asking for your help finding a man who tried to rob a seven eleven heres video from the store on kiln creek parkway near the Elementary School when officers arrived the clerk gun after he walked into the store clerk approached the man the suspect bailed and ran out of the store if you think you know who the suspect is contact the crime. I was again no class today for hilton Elementary Students in newport news this comes after crews found lead based paint inside the school and industrial hygienist is guiding the cleanup in conducting air quality tests the school wont reopen until it passes were still waiting to hear about tomorrow and this is the second straight day officials canceled classes. Investigators are still working to determine why a big rig ran off the side of the Chesapeake Bay bridge tunnel the truck is still submerged after it plummeted into the water a week ago coastal ag transport officials are waiting for the right weather and water conditions for the recovery the driver Matthew Kellen survive the accident and charges are still pending against him he allegedly tried to pass a slower driver before losing control and we are planning to take the bridge this afternoon to have to re direct her commute we have not one not two but three accidents working at the james river bridge northbound two of those happy accidents have completely stopped traffic. You can see things are not moving at all folks are stuck on the bridge traffic backing up to the south and doesnt take a look at traffic southbound headed toward isle of wight county look at this mess here everything is jay and all we back to newport news due to a separate accident that occurred there and if we could head back to that first camera when she was well but one lane is also blocked southbound this is actually responding to the accident on the northbound side and then further up we did have that other crash theyre headed south to we have big issues at the jr be headed to the south side of the peninsula take the modern era map with the hr bt instead of the very latest at the jr be when i come back i Ten Navy Sailors are now at a u s military facility and carter after iranian officials detain them yesterday. Naval officials to the medical check ups none of them is hurt all of this comes after one of the navys boats drifted into iranian territorial waters after mechanical issues. Iranian authorities boarded the boats and inspected the firearms white house Officials Say the quick resolution came from new lines of communication with iran made during Nuclear Negotiations twenty six day legislative session kicked off in richmond today and tonight Governor Terry mcauliffe will deliver his state of the commonwealth speech mcauliffe is entering his third year in office he hopes state lawmakers will support his one hundred and nine billion dollar Budget Proposal that budget includes a billion dollar increase in education spending small corporate and individual tax cuts and a two percent raise for state employees reported by gooding is in richmond right now in his report stay with us is coming up at five if you love gazing at the stars is an event where you can see them up close masses wallets facility will nine sky winter series this week on friday you can go to the Visitor Center for an astronomy night filled with movies hands on activities and outdoor fun. You can also look for a high powered telescopes the event is free and the facility will also hold events in february and march lottery players across the us are holding their breath for tonights powerball drawing the Worlds Largest Lottery Jackpot now stands at one point five billion dollars and continues at longhorn steak like this doesnt need anything else. Which is why we dont just add, anything else. Longhorn steaks that sizzle for 12. 99. The new smoky bacon sirloin. The new spicy grilled jalapeno sirloin. All with hand chopped salad unlimited bread for 12. 99. Tonight only at longhorn steakhouse. You cant fake steak. And for lunch try our new steak and bacon cheddar melt. No one has won the powerball since november the jackpot belonged to a world record one and a half billion dollars tonights drawing is the talk of the nation heres abcs carla by adding the mother of all jackpots is having quite an effect on out in Beverly Hills the housekeeper to come to with the boys were to do the work this morning to grow the mumbai four hundred dollars for the buses to our neighbors up north you are traveling across country lines just for a chance to play everyones got the fever in nevada people are also crossing lines state lines that is a california sea lion as i write and write here so im interviewing you from nevada. You are currently interviewing for an audience or you cannot buy to get on that site now has to be on the side thats right that the state that attracts gamblers from all over the world is one of six states that dont participate in the Powerball Lottery can be part of the reason this huge line of ticket buyers in california seems to keep growing alongside the coveted jackpot now at one point five billion by seventy six is and by big boat and you know maybe a plane to go see the dreams go from big to small to pay ma house all by the house and a kid i ate all the build on everything jackpot others cant even comprehend. Just imagine what i do have money i can imagine its like someone with the drum roll Morton Einstein has gone at least here in new york. I was more than six hundred Million Dollars worth of lottery tickets we bought today alone on the abc News New York and up and were sticking with the director of the virginia lottery of tonights big drawing thats coming up at four thirty and if youre playing the lottery you wanna know if youre a winner as soon as it happens where your official little station so tonights drawing will air during our eleven pm newscast you can also find all the winning numbers in thirteen years now but calm state police are warning residents of the grandparents can say the scam usually surfaces around college are trapped in the works like this person gets a phone call from a supposed grandchild whos in trouble and needs money wired right away sometimes the criminal pretends to be some type of official the fbi says resist the pressure to act quickly to contact the Family Member yourself and never wire money based on a request made over the phone or in an email theres criticism over the wording on an annual report about Charter Schools in North Carolina. Some say its not actually written and its too negative but Charter School Advisory Board is recommending changes for example the report describes the overall student population at the states Charter Schools as whiter more affluent than those at traditional Public Schools Lieutenant Governor says revision should be made before the report is sent to the legislature in illinois three people are dead likely from cold exposure in the chicago area as temperatures dipped into the Single Digits this week officials there say an hypothermia. One woman was forecasters say snow storms may hit from chicago to new york during late january as the cold lingers i might add the cold today but least we have conditions like that although i know there are some of you out there that would really enjoy that i hear from you pretty often on facebook and occasionally by e mail specially those of you like to go skiing if you do well weve got a little bit of moisture potentially going to bring some snow out the western parts of our state but really nothing in the offing around here until possibly later in the week and thats pretty doubtful right now just the cold thirty eight norfolk thirty seven newport news for Elizabeth City thirty two right freeze and quite literally diaries Eastern Shore around wall of silence same thing no on Eastern Shore to melt fat and you can see a fairly tight grouping here thirty seven thirty six chesapeake and down in northeast North Carolina where its closer to forty or even a couple lower for the same thing near the coastline of Virginia Beachs forty one but most spots north and west thirty eight thirty nine will drop back then this evening but as you can notice theyre not going to drop terribly quickly in fact were sold in the thirty two late this norfolk and thirty three in Virginia Beach. Many areas at that point into the mid to notice how they barely go down maybe even rise a couple of degrees toward morning thats because of that when starting to shift and out of the west southwest and that keeps the milder air coming in here during the day tomorrow so its still chilly in the morning at the bustop out there youll find readings in the thirties but then eventually by afternoon were talking about up into the fifties again just like we were yesterday i think almost identical temperatures lots and lots of sunshine a chilly but not a typical evening and overnight for and then during the day on friday will see some sunshine in the morning and then noticed these clouds beginning to thicken and by afternoon theres a chance of a couple of showers. I doubt well see much. I think thatll still be down to our south and then moving pretty quickly during the evening and overnight hours hopefully be gone though early enough on saturday that will lease the lot of your activities during the morning get out there and still enjoy them notice the swirl of action out here to the west thats the next bundle of energy that were getting some of these warmer temperatures out ahead of it here in the east so tomas pollen forecast for today was thirty eight degrees and had we do well so far right at thirty eight so thats going to give us ten days in a row now spawn forecast for tomorrow is fifty three tight twenty eight partly cloudy wont feel as cold as it did last night because the lack of that when shell fifty three tomorrow mostly sunny highs back above Normal School in williamsburg at rawls byrd elementary had the kids there waving to evan bunch of Great Questions and a bunch of great students and Great Teachers for that matter that would be great news right hello everybody up there as for the seven day forecast looks like this freedom are fifty seven friday rain probably not so much during daylight is waiting until the darkness sets and then overnight into maybe early saturday sunday chance of a coastal storm i think itll stay well south of us at this point well keep an eye on it Martin Luther king day rather cold again just about like today its latest i thank you so much so as long as youve heard of someone working at the same job twenty thirty forty years joe flanagan found someone on the job for more than fifty. For the job hes owning and operating the Virginia Beach feed and seed store. Joe flanagan was offered a job at the store before they close so joe you were under the watchful eye of harry Grant Elliott i sure was and i discover he is a real character and get this the guy was twenty years old when he opened the store seventy five years old now fifty five years in the same job talk about loving what you do for a living has fallen by the way we think divorce or after five minutes with very good telly as she understand why this man has attracted so many customer for some twenty years at his Virginia Beach feed and seed on which to grow whether its knocking off the ice on his fish tanks. Yes he does sell fishing port least he has for decades. Her brother or when customers or wide variety of supplies harrys job just comes natural. Probably what will impose on the mat for the premium no proofs will probably the largest open a door in the area of the hard and expensive. I dont open so we promoted that top petsmart how to make money and they open the box over here harry i was working outside trying to rearrange and figure out what goes where you have to multitask and what i did everything from watering the plants taking care of the customers the inventory the incoming and outgoing of merchandise cashier in behind the Register Customer Service are right takes care of the cart while scaring the customers and my coworkers are going to miss this place closes february for its. Its been exciting its just sad to see the closing is everybody so disappointed because this is the place always want to come to define all the stuff in the neighborhood. Inside is a memorabilia. Harry is a huge sports fan so what has been difficult during fifty five years ago is not something to me is really wonderful called the deliverance of all the way over here for fifty years is a long time so had to ask if i would make it working for harry and he said yes. He also showed me his nfl socks and wanted to close by offering me a pair of socks. Joel got a pair of socks i want you to put on cowboy off the phone owners dont know about it i was down one way to an a is the mass like the area of real character and why were in there so many customers wishing him well was kind of touching to see the affection that he has gained by his customers but fell victim to all those changes over there which the road and clean street that the people who own that property wanna move back into areas so out goes the lease and the rest of sorry no cow the cow the go skins there i say a good job thing. Alright here we go the man is behind bars after man accused of a heinous crime will spend the next five years in prison a Virginia Beach judge gave arthur be heir of the maximum sentence after he admitted to bring his dog lucky alive Marcel Robertson was in court for the sentencing and shes live now with the least very emotional day in court today again our journey and that former navy sailor will spend five years behind bars for what he did to his dog before the judge handed down the sentence he said he cannot think of anything possibly worse than this life is a life whether its a dog or person. We dont like what the prosecutors say we all feel pain we all feel emotions tears fell this prosecutors described the vicious death of a dog named lucky. Those horrible its just its horrendous theres actually no words to describe it to luckys owner Arthur Vieira and made it to tying the dog up and burning her alive back in may a judge sentenced him to serve the max five years for the horrific cry and i think justice was served today animal lovers like laurie king packed the courtroom to show support outside the courthouse support for lucky was just too strong this dog suffered tremendously and thats why were here because this is something that cannot be tolerated before handing down the sentence the judge said one of the air and it was no mistake calling the degree of viciousness scary. It does tell the public. This is serious and started hollering in the air did address the court today what he told the judge before his sentencing. Youll hear that part of a story coming up tonight at five thirty live but a bright and clear day youre looking live at our north tower cam what you dont feel is how cold it is out there right now chief meteorologist geoff lawson is more on how cold it will get tonight jeff. Its going to be similar to last night in terms of the low temperatures but first of all thatll be early during the overnight and then readings will rise nothing on radar but the other thing to keep in mind it will not be nearly as windy to look at some of these temperatures thirty eight in norfolk thirty seven newport news for Elizabeth City thirty two at Wallace Island we are going to drop what say another seven to ten degrees depending on your location but then were going to hold steady and were actually going to start to rise so these numbers today in the thirties most spots tonight are only going to get down again around thirty or maybe a little below and then tomorrow youll see a lot warmer readings and then showing up as high temperatures will surge back up in the fifties say goodbye this cold cold air at least for awhile and im the super days after this. Once we get that moderator move in tonight thats latest from the thirteen is now whether authority on a night and traffic that we had some problems what j or b j r b and then we just had one popping in newport news. Yet more oyster point north minutes away from the bag is not going further to newport news beheaded like in the direction of hampton so the other side of sixty four in the town tramp like ok thats a big traffic issue a tractor trailer flipped over and causing major delays out there so had to that just a minute i do wanna get to the people at the james river bridge just you can see how things are moving now as you head out about between newport news and isle of wight county so heres the scene now we know we had two accidents on the northbound side as you can see all the accident seems to work in the truck was moving in the left lane looks like it just stopped again maybe briefly just to clear up some eye issues there in the roadway but again you see now we have more travel trouble in the northbound five southbound traffic still down to one lane with one crashing jams to both ends of the jr be so quickly went over to sixty four in newport news and here is the flat track or trail you can make it out right there. Three right lanes blocked entrance lane entrance ramp i should say block of victory a two mile back up to jefferson on the very latest in both of these spots throughout the show and on twitter and facebook as well. I think you actually will get ready to track the lucky numbers the powerball one point five Million Dollars jackpot drawing is tonight joining us live is the executive director of the virginia lottery power to talk more about this. Thank you for joining us pleasure to be poly explain how ticket sales are going to know you have to be breaking records. Its a little chilly out here but sales are really high across the state since noon. Weve been tracking at a million the sales on to say we sold about nine Million Dollars the powerball. Were expecting to double that today before the drawing tonight. Oh my goodness. Ok so lets get right to the payout so what say you win and lets say i win. How much would i get for the one time payout so if you choose the lump sum amount nine hundred and fifty Million Dollars. Im not small change now would we have this many people playing the probability that it will be more than one Winning Ticket tends to go up although my goodness on saturday we had no Winning Tickets in hand so its hard to say but if theres a single when or if they did a thirty year annuity one point five billion if you take the cash. Its about nine hundred and fifty Million Dollars. Oh my goodness how high can this lottery del i mean it doesnt have to be kept at some point there is the way the game is played back in october and the goal of those changes was to have bigger jackpots. I think it has achieved the goal. Oh yeah i we know that if we if we dont have a winner tonight we will start at two billion dollars are concerned billion dollars. Ill tell you this when its time to get new billboards year in virginia were going to have to get once that not only have interchangeable not for us but also have interchangeable and vermillion and bs for billy oh my goodness now i have one more question before we go because were talking about this in the newsroom. If you wear and does the state require you to publicize your name and your face do you have to do that it does the majority of states including virginia require players to reveal their identities and that really goes to the integrity of the game if we said somebody is i think most players would doubt that there really was a winner. So in virginia you are required to reveal your name your hometown and the amount one but we do a good job of really not requiring a whole lot more than that i would say if someone in virginia wins that price it would be hard to keep a secret and if there were good would be. Thank you so much and good luck and thank you again for talking to us or you can watch the powerball drawing tonight right here on abc that drawing is at Eleven Oclock Small Businesses and nonprofits and sixteen virginia localities are eligible for federal disaster loans this is a result of heavy rain and flooding in late september early october you remember that U S Small Business Administration Says loans of up to two Million Dollars are available the loans are available to businesses in Hampton Roads that includes isle of wight southampton surrey and Sussex Newport news franklin and some topping headlines today in south korea fired twenty mm machine gun warning shots after a north korean drone briefly crossed the rivals border according to south korean officials the north korean drone flew dozens of yards south of the border and turned back to the north after the south fired the shots the shots did not hit the ground. North korea drone flights across the worlds most heavily armed border are rare but have happened before. For more people are detained in connection with this temple bombing thats according to turkeys Prime Minister three suspects are said to be russian citizens suicide bomber linked devices plume self up yesterday in this temple in the citys main tourist district killing eleven people and wounding another fourteen mostly Foreign Tourists a man so unhappy with his mug shot he sent another to police the problem. He was on the run for the crime what happened when a selfie with of the Union Address will do anything to strengthen relations between democrats. If we want a better politics in addressing the American People now if we want a better politics its not enough just to change the congressman will change a senator or even change a president we had to change the system to reflect our better selves. It was a call to be better in an age where the countrys politics are so divisive and on the day after the president s state of the Union Address. People are talking on social media. Lisa abraham g has more on responses to the thirteen news now twitter poll well now weve had from time to think about last nights state of the union or read up on what went down t miss it we asked our viewers on twitter this question do you state of the Union Address will strengthen relations between democrats and republicans. And here are the results sixteen percent said yes and seventy three percent said now now ten percent said they didnt watch it at all so we want to hear from you the poll is open for twenty four hours so head over to the thirteen years now twitter page and chime in and leave your vote and will i tell you those results right alicia thanks so much the Iowa Caucuses less than a month away and the president ial race is tight for both the democrats and the republicans abcs baa ck nani has the latest in the race for the white house Hillary Clinton it no longer holding back less than three weeks into the first votes are cast. She tells gma its time to go harder after Bernie Sanders we have spent the beginning of this campaign for months now where ive been laying out my policies where ive been eating with people listening to them about what they want the next president to do and it is time to draw contrasts clinton pressing sanders for specifics on his Health Care Plan even enlisting her daughter chelsea in the fight Tanner Sanders wants to dismantle obamacare dismantle the chip program dismantle medicare sanders with the stunning new lead in iowa forty nine percent to clintons forty four and in closing the gap and nationally according to another new poll. Im not going to underestimate secretary clintons organization. She has more money in the bank that we do contests the shifting iowa poll numbers also putting pressure on donald trump with ted cruz taking the lead there is hammering his canadian born opponent over whether he can legally serve as us president tweeting today there is no way that ted cruz can continue running in the republican primary unless he can erase doubt on eligibility dems will sue. It seems the hillary folks are very eager to support donald being tossed my direction alright i can also tell you that the republican president ial candidates take the stage tomorrow night in South Carolina for their next debate for workers are dead and two injured after an explosion at a machinery factory in china is not immediately clear what caused the explosion. We all like to look our best in pictures but when that picture is a mugshot you probably shouldnt be too concerned with looks. One ohio fugitive can help himself when he saw his mug shot he sent in us sophie to replace and his arrest was over an alleged failure to appear in court last month for an arraignment in a drunken driving charge he was found in an unusual place starving and injured but a bear made famous for his restaurant choices all fixed up healthy and hibernating j polk as this report. You may know him as pizza beer if you dont mikes likely will fill us i was just there behind the bar behind me here and i looked across the street and how i was receiving was a little covering up the street the kitchen. Louis speeds up when he was already in the corner up on some shelves eating icing and pointed me to tell the whole pizza bear was captured by wildlife officers have been going there and are to bear and until today was at a Rehab Facility but he also found his way to another place the hearts of the customers here tuesday to decide do something for their life around. They put the jars to raise money for the care and feeding a pizza beer a lot of people donated a lot of money which was also a full one hundred pounds heavier and much healthier. Its a bear was taken to a new home on the south side of pikes peak it feels good to bring it back out to the wild hours interacting with pizza despite the lack of good louise know hes in a better place to be very happy running around hibernating even if youre no longer be able to get his favorite food in el paso can i park so wildlife officers say their goal is to relocate bears like its a bear far away from people so they dont make their way back into town are i wanna check out some snow in massachusetts wind chills are in the Single Digits and teens today and its a lot colder here in Hampton Roads today but certainly no snow to be seen and it has more on this weeks forecast here were talking about temperatures that are going to go back up even as early as tonight will dip a little bit this evening and the hold steady overnight and late tonight actually start to go up as you can see theres nothing on radar little ground clutter right near the actual radar site lets take a look at the rest of the forecasting youll notice right now it is cold thirty eight degrees exactly as predicted west at the dew point four degrees so it is very very dry now that kind of a dry air mass we had completely a cloud free skies all day tons and tons of sunshine a little bit of a mood brightening the sky there early with some color to it but without the hyphen clutch kick a truly a majestic sunset or sunrise excuse me early but has gone through the day weve seen again just lotsa lotsa sunshine brilliant reflection there off the Elizabeth River and now tempers i said way below normal but set to soon get a little bit better why a well the winds starting to ship you can see that wind coming in more out of the west is looking south you can tell it to westerly wind readings right now mid thirties to upper thirty s for most of us closer to forty the right near the coastline are down to North Carolina but even then just a few degrees warmer than the rest of us look at the cold air though that out north and west of us yesterday it looked alot like this but we had north westerly winds coming in so cold air in here we were able to get the wind chills to go very low not that we wanted those but thats what happened. Now were looking at a little bit of a different wind directions from the moderator from the south will eventually settle and noticed these light westerly winds you can hardly even see any of the ice of ours here that weve shot our exclusive when depiction as temperatures then drop back this evening some mid to upper twenties and one most of us closer to thirty and then if anything they go up a couple of degrees by morning temperatures for many areas upper twenties to right near freezing to start your day but notice the different wind direction coming out of the southwest and with lots of sunshine and will go quickly into the forties will eventually go into the fifties itll be a lot like yesterday actually was sunshine and reading is very very similar to what we saw them during the day on tuesday that means a typical sort of chilled to the evening but then on friday. Things begin to change where looking at little longer of a south westerly wind having set up but also with that southwest wind starts to come some moisture clouds increasing during the afternoon and i think are in the evening will start to see some rain falling and thatll continue overnight maybe into early saturday. You can see a weak disturbance sliding through to the north thats the one thats affecting areas and when glenn tonight spot degrees something that we went for yesterday. Well see if we can hit directly on for today we said thirty thirty eight sew up the stat ten Straight Days with that after twenty one days earlier twenty eight tonight and wont feel as cold as last night because of the wind chill tomorrow fifty three mostly sunny high temperatures back up above normal by about five degrees were supposed to be at forty eight as you can see in the upper right hand corner there for high thirty three for the low and fifty seven on friday rain late in the day or more like the evening overnight and maybe into early saturday fifty seven fifty eight for and then sunday cooling off coastal storm probably will stay south of us and offshore but itll also helped usher in even colder air as we go again next the mlk day on monday into tuesday its latest from the Weather Authority jeff whale stranded on a beach in india a leash as more on whats trending well at least forty five of eighty one whales have died on the beach in india and Southern State of tamil na du officials rescued and took at least thirty six of the mammals back to see which is some finding their way back to the beach is a kind of a sad picture here of the forty five whales that died thirty seven were adults and these whales are deep water mammals that can dive to depths up to one km or eight we all know the figures the Powerball Lottery has reached a record high of one point five billion but we probably havent heard is this billionaire mark cuban has some advice for whoever becomes an instant billionaire in less than twelve hours. First things attorney. Dont take the lump sum you dont want to blow it all in one spot if he werent happy yesterday. Youre not going to be happy tomorrow its money its not happiness and he says if you were happy yesterday. Youre going to be alot happier tomorrow. Second he says tell all your friends and relatives know they will ask tell them no anyways those are just a few of the tips from cuban himself to see the full list head over to thirteen years now for the rain finally when it comes to who were the best First Lady Michelle Obama stole the show last night with our state of the union and to address stress of new voters a praise for her luck flooded in on twitter as the debate over how best to describe the color of the dress to collect heres the screenshot from the market with its sunflower mango tangerine we dont know the dress cost about two thousand dollars and get this its already sold out. Wow she did look good she did great. Yeah the sun is a roundup of all her outfits this one was for the right to best write the policy a win the lottery right coming up tonight on abc the middle starts at eight oclock then the gold birds a day thirty and then at nine oclock and all new modern family and black ish at nine thirty catch season two of American Crime attend and join thirteen news now again at Eleven Oclock right up next a student comes to the rescue after his School Bus Driver passes out we have the details ahead. And then thirteen news now and five breaking news the portion of mayors facing felony charges this after the sheriff tried to pull him over last night we have exclusive video of the confrontation and were in i was the mandarin oranges are recalled by Milky Way International the company could be in eight ounce containers of nice mandarin oranges in light syrup Walgreen Stores nationwide carry the oranges in the product is so long on shelves full recall information is available from the food and Drug Administration on the fda website the company says consumers could potentially be cut or injured if ingested today there have been three complaints and one alleged injury report. Professional golfer jordan space signed a multi year endorsement deal with coca cola twenty two year old two time winner of the fedex cup will appear on everything from tv commercials to packaging on coca cola products and its water brand to signing a multi year deal is reportedly been the biggest the company has ever made with unearthly a North Carolina middle School Student is being called a hero after stopping a school bus after the driver passed out the fourteen year old pulled a break after a car ran into the back of the school bus the bus was with fifty students on board the driver of the car and the bus driver are both okay and no students were so we have for you today at four thirteen is now in five starts with the mayor of portsmouth facing criminal boys the night had me get jail for Smith Mary Kenny Wright facing felony charges leaving he singled you out a Team Coverage on the charges the confrontation and the issue that started it all newborn all the love they also stop the mayor of portsmouth now facing felony charges after they shared tried to pull him over last night we broke this story at eleven when our crew capture this exclusive video of kenny writes mug shot he turned himself in just hours ago. Its no secret that right in the share of said the dislike between the two reached a new level when the sheriff chase the mayor and a slow pursuit through the streets of portsmouth we have Team Coverage on this bizarre story we start with gary cain who has reaction from the show. Well david the sheriff says politics had nothing to do with the mayors arrest but remember here the sheriff and mayor have long since headed out for each other and all came to head any truly bizarre scenario where the two men confront each other literally out in the streets last night was the plain petty politics was this all political portsmouth mayor kenny wright silent and smiling as he left the magistrates office. Hes now a suspected felon charged by one of his fiercest political opponents sheriff bill watson do think he singled you out even to single you out only thirteen years now was there as unfolded at city hall last night the sheriff says he came to council upset that the mayor decided to find councilman bill moody for revealing what Council Plans to discuss any recent closed door session while for the bears call was their response. Well theres a god have and they just take a breath and felt or seen the mayors expired inspection sticker. Watson threaten the mayor with the citation of his own or theyre going to give more to park the car and go ballistic on him to stop the game one pal youre not above the law what happened next can only be described as weird the sheriff chase the mayor in a slow pursuit throughout downtown ic drivers license stations least we didnt get away from really going to jail the sheriff even called in police as backup officers closing in on the mayor half

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