Despite slim hopes that global shutdowns during the pandemic might bring respite from the climate crisis, yet more evidence confirms that no such silver lining exists.
To celebrate National Doughnut Day and the health care workers of the VA Health Center in La Jolla, BakeMark and the Salvation Army of San Diego took 500 freshly made doughnuts to the VA on June 4.
A new book on the history of Scripps Institution of Oceanography at UC San Diego hits bookstore shelves and online sites June 7. Images of America: Scripps Institution of Oceanography joins many others in this popular photobook series that highlights
I agree. What exactly is the council doing about York’s environment and climate change? When I left school in 1958 there were 318 parts per million (ppm) of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Now the figure is 419.58 ppm; an increase of 31 per cent in 63 years. Google ‘Keeling Curve’ for details. These annual increases must stop right now. Leave the car at home and travel on electric buses. Make them free for all York residents. We will flock to the buses in droves. The council and First Bus will need a new income stream but better that than frying the population on a roasting planet.