Fortem Technologies qualifies DroneHunter with FAAD C2
26 April 2021
by Gerrard Cowan
Fortem Technologies’ DroneHunter counter-unmanned aerial vehicle (C-UAV) system can now integrate with the US Army’s Forward Area Air Defense Command and Control system (FAAD C2).
The US Army Joint Counter-UAS Office (JCO) selected FAAD C2 as the service’s C2 standard for addressing the threat posed by small UAVs. The system is designed to be capable of integrating with a wide range of sensors and effectors to build rapid defence against such threats.
The DroneHunter uses a net tether to capture rogue UAVs. It can now integrate with US Army’s FAAD C2 system. (Fortem Technologies)
20th April 2021 - 11:45 GMT | by Gerrard Cowan in Belfast RSS
Conceptual solution from FLIR Systems for the DARPA Personalized Protective Biosystems programme. (Photo: FLIR Systems)
DARPA is working with industry on unburdening the warfighter by developing advanced and ultra-lightweight personal protective equipment. Its Personalized Protective Biosystems programme pre-dates COVID-19, but it arguably assumes even greater importance for defence procurement in the context of the pandemic.
The DARPA Personalized Protective Biosystems (PBB) programme pre-dates the pandemic but it focuses on developing new fabrics to reduce the weight of PPE against .
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