PSU theatre explores completely virtual performance in new play ‘The Wolves’
Morning Sun
PITTSBURG, Kan. The Plaster Center on Pittsburg State University’s campus is usually brimming with athletes of all sports. The volleyball team spends their time in the gyms training, while the track team practices sprints on the indoor track.
However, in a strange turn of events, this week the Plaster center was the home of PSU’s theater department as they filmed their latest production, “The Wolves”.
Live theatre during the COVID-19 area has been hard to achieve safely. Departments at schools and universities across the country have been forced to use their creative chops to figure out ways to still allow students to perform. For the director of PSU’s latest play and an associate professor in the Department of Communication, Gil Cooper, that meant leaning into the filming side of performing while still trying to honor the essence of live theatre.