Crab and asparagus salad recipe
Prep time: 10 minutes |
2 tbsp brown crabmeat
200g freshly picked white crabmeat
Juice of ½ lemon
Cut the tips off the asparagus to about 4-5cm. Cook the tips in boiling, salted water for 2-3 minutes, until tender, then drain and refresh in cold water. Drain them again and pat dry on some kitchen paper.
Meanwhile, with a swivel peeler, shave the stems lengthways and drop the strips into iced water.
Mix the brown crab with the mayonnaise and spoon on to the centre of four serving plates. Arrange the cooked and shaved asparagus on the mayonnaise mixture, follow with the leaves, then scatter the white crabmeat on top.
Leg of lamb baked in seaweed recipe
Baking lamb on a bed of seaweed is a fantastic way to create a showstopping main course
Emli Bendixen
This is a dish that chef Valentine Warner and I cooked in Norway a couple of years ago with local mountain lamb. Of course we donât have any mountains or wild lamb in the south-west, but we do have fantastic coastal organic lamb such as that from Downhouse Farm in Bridport, which grazes on wild herbs and has a fantastic flavour, especially when baked in seaweed.
All of our inshore seaweed is edible and just needs to be rinsed well of any sand. As it bakes, it becomes crispy to make an edible garnish. Forage it yourself, or you can follow the same method with hay (buy it in pet shops or garden centres); just soak it before using. I love cooking this in my outdoor wood-fired oven as it becomes a talking point. The sauce is great to have to hand for grilled meats, fish or vegetables. If you grow mint, parsley and
King of the Castle apple and ginger vodka cocktail recipe
Prep time: 5 minutes
15ml Somerset Pomona liqueur
75ml Castlewood English sparkling wine
Crystallised ginger, to garnish
Pour all of the ingredients, except the ice, sparkling wine and crystallised ginger, into a shaker. Add the ice cubes and shake for 7-10 seconds, then strain into a tumbler. Add the ice block, top with sparkling wine and garnish with crystallised ginger.
Roasted whole fish with fishermanâs potatoes recipe
Little can beat a whole roasted tail of monkfish on a bed of crispy, soft potatoes
Emli Bendixen
In my eyes, serving fish whole is the best (and easiest) way to cook: presenting it to your friends or family has a celebratory feel about it. I recently had some beautiful gilt-head sea bream from a local fisherman; I cooked one for supper with a fishy version of the classic pommes boulangère, and here have done a version of the dish with monkfish. You can use any meaty fish for this, such as bass, turbot or brill.
Beetroot, blue cheese and walnut salad recipe
You can vary this salad depending on the different beetroot and wild leaves available, but my favourite leaf both visually and for taste is pennywort, which luckily grows wild right on my doorstep. You can use only pickled walnuts if you like, but adding the toasted walnuts gives the salad crunch.
Prep time: 15 minutes |
2-3 medium-sized pickled walnuts, quartered, plus 1 tbsp vinegar from the jar
1 tbsp cider vinegar
A handful of pennywort or other small leaves, washed and dried
100-120g Isle of Wight Blue, or other blue cheese, broken or cut into small pieces