The recent inauguration of President Ebrahim Raisi raises questions about his past in the ‘Death Committee’ as well the direction of Iran’s future foreign policy, writes JANE GREEN
ABD Dışişleri Bakanı Mike Pompeo nun bir toplantıda İranlı Amerikalılara Tahran da doğrudan askeri müdahaleyle rejim değişikliği peşinde olmadıklarını. 22.04.2019, Sputnik Türkiye
LINZ/OÖ. Die Grünen OÖ präsentierten am Dienstag, 10. August, ihre ersten Plakate für die Landtagswahl. Zu sehen sind die inhaltlichen Schwerpunkte Klimaschutz und Bodenversiegelung,
AAJ is the largest and widest read newspaper of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa as certified by ABC, published simultaneously from Peshawar, Abbottabad, and Islamabad daily.