WORK has begun on installing new cladding to the Richmond and Horton buildings at the University of Bradford. It follows a successful application for £3.5m in funding from the Government’s Salix Finance scheme, which provides funding to improve energy efficiency, reduce carbon emissions and lower energy bills. In addition to new cladding, some 480 new double-glazed windows will also be installed. The works are set to continue until October. Some entrances and exits to the affected buildings may be closed temporarily during the works, with visitors re-routed. There may be some minor construction nuisance associated with the project. Andrew Hague Building Manager from Property Services, who submitted the successful bid and is responsible for project delivery, said: “The total area of the new external cladding across both buildings is 4,000 square metres, including nearly 500 new windows, and will hugely improve the thermal comfort levels for building users through hi