Give Chance a chance at American Humane Hero Dog Awards
By Staff | Jul 9, 2021
Deputy Chance, pictured with Lee County Sheriff Carmine Marceno, is in the running for a national Hero Dog award in the Shelter Dog category. Those looking to give Chance a chance, can vote at between now and July 15. Animal lovers can vote to vote once per day in each of seven Hero Dog categories: Therapy Dogs; Service Dogs; Military Dogs; Law Enforcement Dogs; Shelter Dogs; Search and Rescue Dogs; and Guide/Hearing Dogs.
The deadline is approaching to choose the finalists for the 2020 American Humane Hero Dog Awards, a nationwide effort to identify and honor the best of our best friends.
He got a second ‘Chance’ and now he could become top dog
Andrea Stetson
He got a second chance at life, a chance to save lives, and now Chance has a chance to be a national top dog. The cur mix breed, that was once severely abused, rescued and became a deputy dog, is now one three semi-finalists in the shelter dog category of the 2021 American Humane Hero Dog Awards.
Chance was found roaming around a Lehigh Acres neighborhood in February 2019 bleeding, dehydrated and bound with red electrical tape around his mouth. Officers described him then as being near death. They believe he was being used as a bait dog for dog fights. Chance was adopted by Lieutenant Richard Castellon and deputized by Sheriff Carmine Marceno. The dog sparked the agency to launch an Animal Cruelty Task Force with Chance as a spokesdog. Now known as Deputy Chance, he is an advocate against animal cruelty and a promoter of the adoption of shelter pets.
The 2021-2022 Berrien County Government Directory is out. Berrien County Clerk Sharon Tyler told the county commissioners on Thursday the directory has contact
The 'Grateful Nation' promotion honors those who've fought for our country with a free Fox Nation membership to anyone who's served in the United States military. Sign up today to watch new content inspired by America's heroes.
From the battlefield to the home front, Season 3 of Fox Nation's 'Hero Dogs' features first-hand accounts of courageous canines saving lives. The series, hosted by Fox News' Shannon Bream, profiles three news dogs whose brave efforts have ranged from their work during drug raids, to protecting American soldiers in Afghanistan.