reporter: it s haphazard. we can t tell whether it s desen liezed. it s not a group that came up spontaneously. it s organized in that sense but we don t know who s leading this particular demonstration. as i say, continuing up the west side highway. you ve been on the west side highway probably as many times as i have and i can tell you, it s probably backed up at least up to 100th street just by the flow of it. once the flow of traffic stops, then everything else stops. this is one of the most heavily trafficked routes obviously in the entire city because it goes around the west side of manhattan, anderson. i ve been on the west side highway. i ve never walked up the west side highway against traffic when traffic is completely stopped. as a lifelong new yorker, it s a stunning sight to see. i m not sure if it resonates
people are at him. looking to left, to the right. flagging me down, right? remember the house that you gave dimas? six weeks after investigator franco domma took his informant washington to identify dope houses, the sheriff s police zero in on one of those locations for a stakeout. they call in washington to help them set up surveillance and plan an undercover sting. first house on the block. this one here? the target house is based in a notorious gang war zone called the wild 100s, stretches from 100th street to 130th on chicago s south side and is home to rival gangs like the black
remember that house you gave demus? six weeks after investigator franco doma took his informant washington to identify dope houses, the sheriff s police zero in on one of those locations for a stakeout. they call in washington to help them set up surveillance and plan an undercover sting. first house on the left. first house on the left. is it this one here? it ain t got no gate. that s it. the target house is based in a notorious gang war zone called the wild hundreds. this area stretches from 100th street to 130th street on chicago s south side. and is home to rival gangs like the black pea stones, vice lords and gds. washington claims he s bought