The parents of the Telangana SSC students have requested the Directorate of Government Examinations (DGE) to introduce the online facility for making challan payments. The Telangana Board (BSE) released the class 10 results last month and now students are trying to apply for re-verification of their answer sheets.
seemed to have time for anyone who needed her she was very strong. to b able to do that. that is a ver hard program sure. especially with children. yeah. with a family, to ten to and she was top of th class. she graduated wit honors or something? yes, she did. an excellen student, with, finally, some prospects of her own. her ex clay, said he was happy abou that we were looking forward t our whole family was including you absolutely. but here was the strang thing. it appeared to he friends that chanin was in som sort of crisis in the months before her death. she wa upbeat one minute, distraugh the next she s not public. she doesn t want her business know everywhere there aren t that many of those people left. but we would come int school, come into class in the morning and we could see her crying in her truck. was it her ex-husband? he
Last Updated: शनिवार, 26 जून 2021 (13:06 IST) भुवनेश्वर। ओडिशा में कालाहांडी जिले के एक सरकारी अस्पताल में शव वाहन कथित तौर पर नहीं मिलने के बाद पत्नी के शव को कंधे पर लेकर 10 किलोमीटर तक पैदल चले दाना माझी की बेटी चांदनी माझी ने 10वीं कक्षा की बोर्ड परीक्षा पास कर ली है। परीक्षा परिणाम शुक्रवार को घोषित किए गए और वह उन 2,81,658 लड़कियों में शामिल है जिन्होंने बोर्ड परीक्षा पास कर ली है।