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Transcripts For MSNBCW MSNBC Live With Katy Tur 20170818 18:00:00

have ultimately been a decision that two men came to at the same time. >> whether or not there was some thought, and if there was not consider about making the administration's life and the president's life more difficult, he might have been left it. kelly was said to have delivered the news. it is unclear and unknown, it's a wild card. he goes outside independently. steve bannon is now a household name. there is people that will be upset that he left this white house. i talked to a bannon ally earlier this week. they said we had a sense this is coming and we look at this white house now and we see new york democrats and generals. that is not what we worked for in 2016. steve bannon is the leader of a coalition and it remains to be seen. >> let me bring in jennifer reuben. the author of the post, so your paper is quoting friends of steve bannon's assayi saying lo he can help the president's agenda from the outside, that things were not working on the inside. gabe sherman reports something very different that he will go back to breitbart and become a thorn in the side of gabe sherman. which way do you see it. >> they try to occupy that space. and in the area that he is trying to drift back, the more antagonistic they will become. so i think they need to occupy that pace for business reasons. that is where fans are and that is how they made their name. she to figure out what he wants to be when he grows up if he wants to, he doesn't have a concrete agenda or ideology. as strong as mr. kelly has been. he doesn't bring content either. there is a big question mark about what is donald trump without steve bannon? >> i want to bring in the director of progressive programming. nancy pelosi put out a statement and it reads steve bannon's firing is welcome news but it does hide that donald trump stands on bigoted beliefs. >> i think he showed this week that the problem is not steve ban non. they clearly come from his heart, and steve ban nonis certainly running bright bart. the platform for the alt-right. and that is a quote, and certainly donald trump panders to that constituency. but donald trump believes some of these things that are so upseatiu upsetting to americans. >> it sounds like it is a good thing, but let's not presend the white house is a better place. >> donald trump is his own man. i think it is good that steve ban nonis out of the white house, but i don't believe he is the problem. that is certainly aligned, but without him he will still believe those things. >> bannon's departure marks the fourth senior aid to have left the white house in the last few weeks. as people have been telling folks from inside the white house, saying this is inevitable, or is it a sign that john kelly, while he may not be able to get control with the president's words, he can't control every tweet, he is at least structurally taking charge of this white house. >> it might be a sign of that. it is an indication here that this is something that kelly wanted. maybe he was not aware that he was doing it. maybe kelly has to do this i think there are a couple x factors. we see people all of the time that move from inside his inner circle to the outside but they maintain proximity with him. >> if we're looking at just bannon, does it argue for the possibility that he doesn't go out and go to breitbart and become the enemy of the white house and uses that influence and the power of the platform that is brietbart and is trying to get through the things that he cares about. >> i think there is a middle ground between he goes out and bashes donald trump or he doesn't do all of that. i think it could put him in a place. it could be that he goes back to a media platform and he becomes a voice of some of the people around donald trump. you go back 30 years to the early days. he was so popular with the conservative base. so what they would do is they would give their policy and he would say i'm just letting them be themselves. he would call them globalists or whatever. he is attacking them, but not donald trump, he says i love you, i love what you're trying to do, and these guys are keeping grow doing it. >> and he was in a very nasty civil war. let me ask you and your take on th that. do you see steve ban nonsnon sai can -- if you look at the cia director, general mattis, joe dunford. this is the best national security team of my lifetime. he is a he puts together teams of his executives, his political side was not working as well. i believe that he is in. >> wendy: president kamp david this weekend and at his side will be nick ayers who is a genius in republican circles. if you graph the ayers understanding of the congressional republican party under the john kelly ability to execute, command, and control, along with this nation nag security team, i think people that want the president to suck se -- succeed, and i'm one of them, they will be es tatic that it looks like it will be emerged -- >> i want to just advantage for you a second. she heard the same thing that i have heard. >>. >> even when they are upset about what he tweets, says, and does, if they think he is not acting yes. he is surrounding himself with good people. you're saying what other people have said. he surrounded himself with his team. national security. he is the commander and chief. you can surround yourself with the biggest geniuses in the world. if you don't understand the way the world works, if you can't make the deep dive, to have the good decisions and right conversations, you can surround yourself with anybody and will it matter. my question to you is is too much being put on the backs of people like gary cohen, these generals for our national securit security. >> you and i are both lake eerie people. and the weather can change in a moment up there we both have anecdotal evidence. >> it was not his finest hour. but they want -- >> why are they still with him? >> number one, they hate us, they hate everyone on television because they do not see themselves reflected on television, talking fairly about the president, like the big north korea win, for the first time in over 15 years, north korea backed down and scrolled itself away. it is a huge win. he announced he will drop out of the deal soon. i think you have seen more with the fox con announcements. the amazon ihirings. i think the trump base is a little intimidating. against being pro trump is still there and resolute and they're welcoming what appears to be refurbishment, but also policy and intellectually. and they're cheering that john kelly is there and in charge and they will have a nick ayers ability to work. probably the happiest guy is mitch mcconnell. you need to be able to work with the west wing and the president. >> the question is who will be there to work with. where will steve bannon go? what will he do? we also have eric wemple with his ion sights on all of this, back after this. then the chronic, widespread pain slowed me down. my doctor said moving more helps ease fibromyalgia pain. he also prescribed lyrica. fibromyalgia is thought to be the result of overactive nerves. lyrica is believed to calm these nerves. woman: for some, lyrica can significantly relieve fibromyalgia pain and improve function, so i feel better. lyrica may cause serious allergic reactions suicidal thoughts or actions. tell your doctor right away if you have these, new or worse depression, unusual changes in mood or behavior, swelling, trouble breathing, rash, hives, blisters, muscle pain with fever, tired feeling, or blurry vision. common side effects: dizziness, sleepiness, weight gain, swelling of hands, legs and feet. don't drink alcohol while taking lyrica. don't drive or use machinery until you know how lyrica affects you. those who have had a drug or alcohol problem may be more likely to misuse lyrica. with less pain, i can be more active. ask your doctor about lyrica. i can b♪ more active. 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>> all right, we don't have a connection there, we lost the connection, let me go to eric wemple at the "washington post." what are you hearing went went down here? >> he may be returning to his. mu perch at the top of breitbart. that was the position which he ran this website. it was very much big on the ideology that he favors. which is, you know nationalist, antifree trade, antiglobalist. a hard line on immigration. and those are the positions that he had a mind held with president trump on. and as pointed out in the book "devils bargain." they were casting about for a candidate that agreed with him and he found one in trump. i think his departure from the white house detainee mean much for the trump agenda. i think he will continue to believe the things he believes. trump may be lacking a person on staff that really goads him into more extreme positions. >> kurt is back on the phone now, sorry we lost you, what do you think is next for steve bannon? >> exactly what he set out to do, which is destroy the establishment. take down all of the pillars of political correctness. continue his assault against the media. i expect them to go full force. you know, he is a very bombastic and driven in person, and in many ways i feel like living the leaving the white house will be different for him. working in the white house, answers to anybody, steve is not meant to work for anyone. and i think it was a handicap to him, now he will be able to operate freely. but the speaking out and agenda, that's who we will see more of now. >> is it the president and the people you naked like the paul ryans? and just how powerful of an enemy have they created? >> you know, i don't know if it is a full tilt negative, the west wing globalists as he came to recognize them. gary cohen. they fix sate on these personalities, and they fix sate on those personalities. he would be steering away from the agenda that we elected them on and i think you will see that kind of targeted approach in the beginning. >> thank you for that. i want to bring back in eric wemple. peter king, the new york congressman said he should go, roger stone said he should go. anthony scaramucci, not that he has any france at the white house, he also was a voice, but the new york times reported that there was a push by the head of fox, rupert murdoch. what do you know about his influence in the ousting of steve ban non. i think it may have as much to do with john kelly and his ascension to the chief of staff roll as anything else. you know it is interesting you bring up murdoch, now bannon is outside of the white house, but as kirk or anyone would tell you donald trump has a cell phone he can continue talking to steve bannon. donald trump is terribly undisciplined. he will continue to go around the efforts of his aides to funnel information to him. steve bannon could be as much of a influence on the outside as he is on the inside. at the same time directing the machinery of breitbart against these sort of mainstream republican politician that's are really where his heart lies. this could be the best of both words for steve bannon as far as his agenda is concerned. >> it will be fascinating to watch how the media agenda on the right does settle in. you have someone that had a back and forth relationship with this president but you have a son who in the last 24 hours released a critical statement. gave a million dollar donation, had harsh words about the president of the united states. we heard some of the fox anchors in the aftermath being highly critical. how does the media landscape look to you and where does that go in terms of what we have already seen at least some movement of his base away from the strong approval of donald trump? >> i think on the right, if you look at the conservative media landscape, you're reintroducing him as a media kingpin on the right. maybe that goes back to breitbart or launching something else. there is a lot of thought right knew it will end up with steve bannon running a immediate why outlet. what you will see on display is two very differently powerful strings of conservatism. the conservatism that rupert murdoch has advocated is the conservatism of free trade. of immigration reform. it is the conservatism of globalism. then you steve bannon saying the trade deals are bad. a lot of republican friendly outlets have been trying to figure out how to navigate it and you see that with fox. the wall street editorial page, you still see the old school murdomu murdoch globalism. he is taking a very strong position and i think we're looking to see if she going to war with trump. i think he is not going after trump, but she going after the globalists in the administration, and the evidence that we have is that donald trump doesn't much mind when his people are sniping at each other in the media. as long as it is loyalty to him. >> you also have a situation where there is not discontent, but the lack of a settled feeling. in the conservative media landscape. you have a james murdoch giving a million dollars to the antidefamation league. and speaking firmly about it. congressman king is welcoming in. >> you don't have the steve bannon in the white house, but this is not like a week like any other week. what happened on tuesday i think is changing the conversation around this white house, this president, and you had a president staid there on tuesday and say there was been there and there was mine people standing along the nazis. i have so many people that watched that on tuesday and it changed their view on the president. they didn't think he really believed some of these things. i think this week, searchly the drama about who will be around the president, staffing him in the white house, is interesting in this moment. i think beyond this, i think the conversation has become serious and larger than who was staffing the president. >> what's the headline on your next column? >> doesm bannon go to war with trump? they had a srelationship that oe of them could not have gotten to the white house without the other. if he attacks all of the preserved opponents, will he rip apart the republican party. he will go out there and wage war, even if the president doesn't. against dean heller, and paul ryan as they go to 2018. he will make the president's life miserable at the same time he is whispering in trump's ear saying keep at it. that is a good issue for you. i think you're seeing the unwinding of the entire pop list movement that doesn't have a end point other than a disaster. it has an end point on what we have seen this tuesday in charlottesville. there is no there there in terms of the pop list agenda. the rest of it is just a hodgepodge of zenophobia, antii'm grant, but it is really about the culture wars and about race. donald trump has always been about that. he was from his days in new york, and he still is. this is what he truly believes in his heart. he doesn't care what his positions are. he wants to be in touch with the vibe that he tapped into which is white resentment. that will continue i think whether bannon is out there or not. i disagree with hew hewitt when he says congress will be applauding, but no. they will have part of the original base that is now not going to turn out for them in november of 2018. not going to support them. they're going to look at a semidisaster. it will not rid them of this nox sh nox noxious element. >> thank you, jennifer reuben, we will look for that column. when we come back, we're going to kacamp david. the business of government going forward. we'll talk about that when we come back. i don't really have a comment on what mr. bannon's remarks were in that particular interview. i think we have been quite clear what the policy and posture toward north korea is. >> the secretary of state talking about that wide ranging and shocking interview that steve bannon gave. he said he didn't realize he was on the record. joining me now by phone, talking about the developments and steve ban nonbeing gone, so receistev went on to the american prospect website. what follows is the article that likely pushed steve ban non, the architect of his white nationalist messaging out of the white house door. is that what happened here? >> it is certainly important. i think his continued service on the white house was not just unpaletteble and impossible for general kelly. how can he have that claim when the senior advisor to the president of the united states is picking up the phone, talking to magazines, reversing american policy on north korea. under mines the secretary of state, and responsible for running, i think, which is widely held knowledge a smear campaign against the national security advisor. >> we heard two looks at this. one is that it was the president who really could not stand the self grandisement. and that they didn't like the chaos being caused. needed to stop the fighting, and you can add on to that interview that he gave, is there anything here to you, steve, that is a sign that the president somewhere here recognizes that he needs a reset here. >>. >> there is none until it addresses the false moral equivalency between the nazi movement and the people there peacefully protesting. here is what steve bannon represents. this is as close as we have been. there is a trump party, a republican party, and a democratic party. the republican party tried to fuse with the democratic party. all of that has fallen apart. we increasingly have the leaders that panicked into silence. like bob corker showing moral courage, coming out, talking about his lack of stability. but at any rate, there is fusion between trumpism, the bright bart wing, and the republican party. all of the winks and nods to the racist elements that took place in this disgusting campaign is all out in the open in and out. the republican party cannot survive fused to a nationalist party that counts it's fellow travelers as members of the neo nazi unit and the kkk there are no good cancer cells. no good neo nazis. the republican leaders have a moral obligation to address the false equivalents. they bear witness to the magnitude of the crimes. so beyond the span of the li lifetimes of those that survived that they tried to understand the mag any due of the human suffering. >> to that though, steve, this doesn't seem, to me, does it change the equation at all? >> no, no. >> it was the president that came out that said finally, and then did that off the cuff press conference when he was not supposed to be answering questions at all and said what he said. >> this opens a new act in politics. it is a life and death struggle now for the republican party. steve bannon will go to breitbart, and he will be the chief intellectual and prop beg propgandist. but it is a world view pilled if con fear sis, dark forces working together. the globalist, the insinuations, and now what we know is with the legitimateization of these groups by the president's moral equivalen equivalents, their inspired, they feel they have been mainstreamed and put into the american political debate as a party with legitimate claims. now when they march increasingly, they march with the view that they have been sanctified by the president of the united states if is an extraordinary moment in american politics and now that alliance, that doing whistle that san francisco -- frankly in the campaign was a blow foreihorn. when he takes over and seeks to dominate is and silence members into submission. but to a titanic political battle has arrived in america around a fundamental question of american ideals. and whether you're a liberal democrat or conservative republican, you should find common pause standing on the side of american ideals versus the ideals of white supremacists, hate groups, and what we found to be the profound moral failure. and the false moral equivalency on it's intentions. >> steve schmidt, thank you as always. we will talk now about what happens at the white house and who will take his place. we'll be right back. so why wouldn't you take something for the most important part of you... your brain. with an ingredient originally found in jellyfish, prevagen is now the number one selling brain health supplement in drug stores nationwide. prevagen. the name to remember. her long day as anne. hair stylist starts with shoulder pain when... hey joanne, want to trade the all day relief of 2 aleve with 6 tylenol? 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>> i think with donald trump the idea of a reset in any traditional sense is just impossible. there are these massive eruptions and things just seem to settle down until the next eruption. >> i don't think so 6789 as long as donald trump is president we're going to see more of what we saw on tuesday. >> thanks to all of you. when we come back, some new information about the american killed in that attack in spain. thank you so much. thank you! so we're a go? yes! we got a yes! what does that mean for purchasing? purchase. let's do this. got it. book the flights! hai! si! si! ya! ya! ya! what does that mean for us? we can get stuff. what's it mean for shipping? ship the goods. you're a go! you got the green light. that means go! oh, yeah. start saying yes to your company's best ideas. we're gonna hit our launch date! (scream) thank you! goodbye! let us help with money and know-how, so you can get business done. american express open. but their nutritional needs so (vremain instinctual.d,ne. that's why there's purina one true instinct. nutrient-dense, protein-rich, real meat number one. this is a different breed of nutrition. purina one, true instinct. jewelry. he said he needed to go to the bathroom, and that was the last time she saw him. here is what she told reporters in the aftermath of that horrible accident in spain. accident, terror attack. >> i just ended up further and further away without my husband, and i haven't seen him or heard from him since. >> and our sympathize obviously go out to the family, the couple from walnut creek, california. let me bring in steve clem mons. we haven't had a chance in the breaking news that has been about obviously the exit of steve bannon to talk about what's been going on in spain. and let me get your take on how we should all be looking at this and what you think the conversation is, because the president right now, although the topic is largely going to be about afghanistan, the president is talking also about isis and what's going on in the world right now. what does this all mean as we have yet another attack with a van on european soil. >> thanks, chris. right now we're responding to people and the horror of their deaths and what we've seen unfold. and it's a story we've seen many times. we talk a lot about going after terrorists, a lot about tightening up intelligence. one thing we're not tightening enough is terrorists are performers. actually likes what they're seeing happen. they see this horror that we see as somehow justice department by some grievance they have. we're not bringing those audiences back to our side yet. just going out to kill terrorists is part of the equation. when president trump met the sawed i didn't see they promised to basically spend a lot more on kaurnt terror messaging. i'm not seeing it. >> steve, thank you very much. sorry our time was cut so short.


Transcripts For KGO ABC World News Tonight With David Muir 20190601 00:30:00

all of us. >> we appreciate your time. i'm dan ashley. >> i'm tonight, breaking news as we come on the air in the west. the deadly shooting. reports there are multiple people dead. authorities are on the scene at this hour. gunfire breaking out at a municipal center late today. a courthouse locked down. we have late reporting. the other scare. the high school graduation day, the school suddenly on lockdown. parents and families inside the school. the flooding emergency across several states. the levee failing. new images emerging. part of this high school ripped away. the dow plummeting this friday. swift reaction from president trump and his surprise move on tariffs and mexico. what it could mean for car prices in america, even if the car is made here. the alarming mystery in north korea now growing. the men who came to the white house to negotiate. has one been killed? the other sentenced to manual labor? unconfirmed reports that several are dead too. what the trump administration is saying tonight. the american woman who said she was beaten on vacation at a popular resort. tonight what authorities have confirmed. the controversial takedown of the student. >> disturbing new clues for the mother of a missing mother of five. new this evening on cbd, the compound extracted from marijuana used in oils. what the fda is now saying. nearly $800 million up for grabs this weekend. are you feeling lucky? and they ran out of words. who is our person of the week? good evening. it's great to have you with us on a very busy friday night. we begin tonight that active scene right now. gunfire breaking out in a municipal center in virginia beach. authorities reporting at least 11 dead. authorities saying a number of people already hospitalized. ambulances rushing to the scene. the fbi sending agents at this hour, and there is news tonight about the shooter. about abc's chef justice reporter pierre thomas leading us off. >> reporter: tonight police, guns drawn, descending on a city government building in virginia beach amid reports of an active shooter. 11 dead, six injured. >> one down, gunshot wound, 2405 courthouse drive, building 2. callers advising of a male in front of building 2 possibly shot. >> we have a victim down along with somebody shooting. >> reporter: the site of the shooting, the city municipal center housing scores of government workers. >> all you could hear are the gunshots and you're wondering if he's going come in where you're at. >> police tactical teams quickly converge. listen as they lock in on a suspect. >> still actively hearing gunshots. >> do we have any idea where the shooter at? i'm going in. >> all units he's on the second floor, shooters on the second floor detectives coming through the garage sally port. >> shots fired shots fired! second floor. he's going up the steps! >> reporter: at least six patients now taken to hospitals. they van canvass for other victims. >> this is the most devastating day in the history of virginia beach. >> authorities now surrounding the government building. we are learning more about the gunman now? >> the shooter is described as a long time city worker. he exchanged gunfire with police and was killed. no word on motive. this might be workplace violence. it happened in the middle of a work day in a building filled with city employees. a nightmare, david. >> we know bul following it into the night.n santa rosa californa scare at a high school just hours before graduation. a student at the school armed with a gun. students told to shelter in place while officers searched the campus. a junior college nearby was placed on lockdown. authorities say the student is in custody tonight. now to the other emergency unfolding this evening. the flooding emergency. there are new watches for severe weather again this friday night from texas to north carolina this weekend. we have the latest track. of course they don't need this. and there is already record flooding already and evacuations tonight. the arkansas river breaching the levee 60 miles outside of little rock. and a woman rescued from her vehicle. we time this out as we start the weekend. victor oquendo is in the storm zone. >> reporter: tonight, a major american waterway is bursting at the seams. the arkansas river breaching at least a 200 foot hole in a levee northwest of little rock. >> it started out only a few feet wide, but it has grown significantly since. it's really turning into a dangerous situation. >> reporter: the breach triggering a flash flood warning >> the 200 feet's too wide to repair, and the water's going too fast. so we can't repair it. >> reporter: residents racing to protect homes and businesses. workers telling us they have 15,000 to 20,000 sandbags thanks to more than 200 volunteers. officials already going door-to-door urging people in more than 150 homes to get out. >> with more water on the way, what can you do? >> pray. keep working and pray. >> north of little rock, this woman rescued from her vehicle, floodwaters washing it off the road thursday. the region plagued by storms for weeks. surveillance video showing the moment winds ripped the roof off this high school in corning, arkansas. miles upstream in oklahoma, for many the only way for many to get around is by boat. in tulsa, the keystone lake reservoir inundated, where water was released at the fastest rate in decades. >> victor oquendo joins us now just upstream from the levee break. what are the officials telling you now? >> reporter: the mayor warning people not to get in the water. it's phenomenal. he said it's carrying pollutants all the way from oklahoma. the breach levee cannot be fixed until the water recedes and with more rain in the forecast, they are looking at flooding here for the next two weeks. david? >> victor oquendo tonight. thank you. let's get to chief meteorologist ginger zee. you are watching more rain on the way and they don't need it. >> reporter: and they're going to get it. david, new numbers tonight coming in. 20 to 30-inch rainfall totals for this month. that is four times some of the main numbers or average for kansas and oklahoma. you look at the map, the arkansas river, the missouri river and the mississippi with flood warnings. that's all the green you see on the map. so many towns concerned going into this weekend. wichita to tulsa, a series of storms up to four inches early next week. severe thunderstorm watches tonight. more than 60 -- 45 right now. virginia, north carolina tomorrow, chicago, south bend, springfield, missouri, have to watch for damaging winds and hail, david. >> ginger zee tonight. thank you. your money tonight. the dow plummeting to end the week. swift reaction to president trump's surprise threat to increase tariffs on mexico. the dow plunging 355 points, closing below 25,000 for the first time since january. the president with tariffs on all products coming in the u.s. washing machines and produce at the grocery store. jonathan karl on what the president is demanding in return. >> reporter: in a move that surprised his own top advisers, the president decided to act after a group of more than 1,000 migrants crossed the border illegally near el paso on wednesday. the administration says it's the largest group of migrants ever detained at the border. mexico has taken advantage of the united states for decades, trump declared via twitter. time for them to finally do what must be done. the white house says the tariffs will begin as a tax of 5% on all goods that cross the border, adding another 5% every month until hitting 25% in october. the tariffs would remain in place until mexico does more to stop the flow of migrants, but it's unclear exactly what they're required to do. >> this is actually a brilliant move by the president. this will get everybody's attention in mexico. >> reporter: the economic impact will be felt quickly in the united states raising the costs of consumer goods ranging from washing machines to avocados. because so many auto parts come from mexico, the tariffs could increase the price of vehicles in the us by an estimated $1,300 per car. >> let's get to jonathan karl live at the white house. the president with the surprise tariffs, jon. how is mexico responding tonight? >> the mexican foreign minister says he is coming to washington next week to meet with secretary of state pompeo, and he spoke today on the phone with pompeo and jared kushner, expressing mexico's strong concern about with these tariffs. as he said via twitter, we will be firm and defend the dignity of mexico. david. >> jon, thank you. next tonight, the dramatic scene outside the u.s. embassy in honduras. the main entrance burned by protesters setting tires on fire in front of the building. they are angry about the plans to privatize education and health care. americans there have been told to remain indoors during the protests. it's unclear why the u.s. embassy is in fact targeted. we move on to the startling new headline out of north korea tonight. the u.s. is investigating an unconfirmed report claiming that kim jong-un purged his nuclear negotiating team, executing five officials for the failed meeting with trump. the spy who delivered the letter to president trump at the white house reportedly sent to forced labor. how is the trump administration responding? here is abc's terry moran. >> reporter: tonight, there are reports that the lives of these two top north korean officials, seen here in the oval office in january, may be in jeopardy or over because of kim jong un's fury. the report coming out of the region, impossible to confirm, suggests that the young tyrant turned on his own team, reportedly executing his lead negotiator and four foreign ministry officials and sending his former right-hand man, seen here delivering letters to president trump in washington, to one of north korea's notoriously brutal forced labor camps, along with the lead translator in the talks. all this because kim was furious over the collapse of his summit with president trump in hanoi in february. >> sometimes you have to walk, and this was just one of those times. >> reporter: kim was so embarrassed, he fired off missiles. earlier this week, president trump, who has said he and kim fell in love said even the missiles didn't bother him. >> you're not bothered at all by the small missiles? >> no, i'm not. i am personally not. >> he said he wasn't bothered by the move of kim jong un. live with terry moran no washington. we heard what the president says days ago. any word from the president or the administration tonight? >> reporter: not yet from the president, david. secretary of state pompeo said the u.s. is investigating but a few weeks ago he told abc news the next time he negotiates with north korea, his counterpart will likely be someone else. >> thanks, terry. next tonight, the american tourist who claimed she was brutally attacked in the dominican republic in a popular resort. she said she was badly beaten at the resort earlier this year. she said she was walking alone and suddenly was dragged into a maintenance room. here is gio benitez. >> reporter: it was supposed to be a dream getaway to an all-inclusive resort in the dominican republic, but tonight, tammy lawrence-daley is speaking out after a brutal attack, hoping to protect other women. she, her husband and two friends were at the majestic elegance resort in punta cana in january when, she says, she went out alone for a late-night snack and claims she was attacked by a man wearing a resort uniform. >> he just plowed into my back. and i just remember that grunt that he made when he hit me. it's, like, in my night marmare. he at that point started choking me, strangling me. >> reporter: she says the attacker dragged her into a maintenance room, then down into a basement -- where she says he left her for dead. >> all i could think of was that my husband was going to find me dead with my head bashed in. >> reporter: tammy says she was discovered eight hours later. tonight, she has this message. >> it's not safe. it's not safe for women to be alone and walk alone. they have to walk with somebody else. >> reporter: and david, police say they are investigating and they're looking at surveillance video. they say they've questioned ten people, but nobody has been arrested. we've reached out to the resort but have not heard back. david? >> all right, gio, thank you. now to the growing outrage about the violent takedown of a special education student in new mexico. newly released video showing an officer tasing a 15-year-old boy. what the boy's family is now demanding. here's abc's adrienne bankert. >> it hurts so much. >> reporter: tonight outrage and an investigation after a violent confrontation between a new mexico high school student and a sheriff's deputy ends with the student tased. it all began after the 15-year-old allegedly refused to be searched. police claimed he was observed exchanging possible drug paraphernalia. >> oh, he's refusing? that's fine. i'll put his little [ bleep ] in handcuffs and take him to santa fe. stand up so i can. turn around. you gonna be cooperative or uncooperative? >> what do you think i'm doing? >> fantastic, turn around. [ bleep ] >> reporter: that teen is heard calling the deputy a name, just before he's slammed on a desk. >> i'm going to tase you. >> reporter: the boy screams in pain as he's tased three times, >> get on the ground! >> reporter: later charged with resisting arrest and other offenses. tonight his family is taking legal action, their attorney releasing a statement saying, the child has a special education plan that requires deescalation before the school imposes any discipline. the sheriff's office says this case is under review adn that that deputy is still on regular patrol, david? >> adrienne bankert, thank you. there are new developments in the expanding search for that missing mother of five in new haven, connecticut. police reportedly finding blood in the home she was renting. she vanished without a trace after dropping her kids off at school and locked in a bitter divorce battle. whit johnson again tonight. >> reporter: the week-long desperate search for missing mother of five jennifer dulos is expanding. authorities in hartford, connecticut, looking for clues in a storm drain, turning up nothing. police crossing state lines into pound ridge, new york, searching a family home. in new canaan, where according to the hartford courant, investigators found traces of blood at her rental property. the 350-year-old locked in a two-year bitter custody battle with her husband, fotis dulos. in divorce filings, both making vicious accusations. i am terrified for my family. he is extremely dangerous. >> we are all incredibly concerned but very hopeful she will come back to us safe and sound. >> reporter: tonight police are not naming any suspects. the five children courting to court documents are with relatives protected by an armed guard. >> whit johnson, thank you, there is more ahead. and the drowning scare. the child under water for two minutes before she was rescued. she does survive this. the important warning tonight for everyone. also tonight, cbd. the compound extracted from marijuana, popular in oils and candies and what the fda said today. and feeling lucky this weekend? lottery fever is back. nearly $800 million up for grabs. the two places to get it, or try at least. nearly 800 million up for grabs. the two places to get it, or try at least. that their payment will arrive faster than this guy. hey. ♪ ♪ so whether i'm processing claims due to this fine gentleman... 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>> thank you. when we come back, the missing 4-year-old. the story has made national headlines. and the unwanted visitor in a florida home. the massive alligator breaking right through the window. and the unwanted visitor in florida, a massive alligator breaking right through the window. humira can help stop the clock. prescribed for 15 years, humira targets and blocks a source of inflammation that contributes to joint pain and irreversible damage. humira can lower your ability to fight infections. serious and sometimes fatal infections including tuberculosis, and cancers, including lymphoma, have happened; as have blood, liver, and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure. tell your doctor if you've been to areas where certain fungal infections are common, and if you've had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections, or have flu-like symptoms or sores. don't start humira if you have an infection. help stop the clock on further irreversible joint damage. talk to your rheumatologist. right here. right now. humira. findican be overwhelming.r dry eyes... for relief that lasts... you want soothe xp from bausch + lomb. soothe xp helps restore the eyes' lipid layer... ...seal in moisture... ...and protect against further irritation. soothe xp. the right choice for dry eyes. bill's back needed a afvacation from his vacation. an amusement park... so he stepped on the dr. scholl's kiosk. it recommends our best custom fit orthotic to relieve foot, knee, or lower back pain. so you can move more. dr. scholl's. born to move. safe drivers shouldnt have to pay as much for insurance... as not safe drivers! that's why esurance has drivesense.® the safer you drive, the more you save. although i'm not really driving right now that would be unsafe. when insurance is affordable, it's surprisingly painless. to the index and grim discovery in the to the index and a grim discovery in the search for a missing 4-year-old girl in houston. authorities say the suspect has reportedly confessed now to killing maleah davis. and he says he dumped her body in arkansas. authorities say finding a black garbage bag but haven't confirmed the find. he claims the girl's death was an accident. he initially told police she was kidnapped on the way to pick up her mother, his ex-fiance. and a rule on whether cbd should be streamlined. the cannabis compound is quickly growing into a billion dollar industry, but there are no federal regulations. advocates say benefits include relief from pain and anxiety. the fda noting questions about how much is too much and impacts on children. no decisions were made. the unwanted visitor inside a florida home. authorities in clear water responding to an alligator inside the kitchen. the 11-foot gator smashing through a ground-level window. a trapper removing it. no one was hurt. quite a surprise. and feeling lucky this weekend? there is a $444 million jackpot. if that doesn't grab you, there is $350 million in power ball. that is tomorrow night. good luck. when we come back, sharing a victory. they ran out of words. who is our person of the week? victory. they ran out of words. who is our person of the week? she's the progressive insurance lady. they cover pets if your owner gets into a car accident. covers us with what? you got me. 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[ cheers and applause ] you are correct! you are correct! >> each of them declared winners. and how were they at sharing? >> it's amazing to be able to share the title. >> i was very happy when i realized that yes, there was a chance that we could be octo-champs. >> yes, but how do you spell octo champ? we won't try. we chooses all eight for our persons of the week. i'm david muir. thanks for watching. i hope to see you monday. until then, you have a good evening. good night. only on abc 7 news. parents seeking justice and their son checked himself into a treatment center and hours later he was dead. dan anyez finds out far san francisco police went to find out who leaked a document to a home of a journalist with a crowbar and sledgehammer. police say this is the gun that led to a lockdown at santa rosa high school where we're minutes away from the start of the graduation ceremony. >> announcer: now, live breaking news. >> this day will not defy virginia beach. >> breaking news. 11 people and a suspected gunman are dead after a shooting. >> it happened this afternoon in virginia beach, virginia. the gunman entered a building that is a municipal complex and you could see it includes several buildings all close together, including the courthouse and city hall. >> six other injured people were taken to hospitals in the area. conditions of those people not known at this hour. one of the people shot was a


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protesters for blocking runway outside of boston on saturday group protesting against plans to add 47 new hangars to the airport. the group says the expansion would, quote, negate carbon benefits gained from solar power in the state. and spring football, here quo go yes. arch manny dominating in texas spring game yesterday -- he went 19 for 25 for 355 yards and three touchdowns including this 75-yard bomb. >> going deep. now what is honed in by deandre moore for the touchdown. white squad is on the board. manning to moore. pete: awesome. will: no quarterback controversy he'll be opening august 21st


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been made, 432 charges have been laid and 32 conviction is obtained which have resulted in 355 years imprisonment for offenders who might have thought that they had escaped justice. last year, operation litton resulted in the conviction of a further five offenders for a further 22 offences and these men were sentenced to 71.5 years imprisonment. as of today, we have another 3a individuals who are currently charged and are due to stand trial during this year and next. in addition to operation litton which continues, there are currently a further seven live cse investigation is taking place in rochdale. with reference to the 7a


Transcripts for BBCNEWS BBC News 20240604 09:56:00

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