Indian-Origin scientist develops nano 3D device to detect Covid-19 virus in 15 seconds Posted by: Narsingrao Sridhar January 10, 2021
Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University have developed an advanced nanomaterial-based biosensing platform that detects, within seconds, antibodies specific to SARS-CoV-2 or the coronavirus. It also helps to assess patient immunological response to the new vaccine.
The study, published in the journal
Advanced Materials, is Carnegie Mellon’s collaboration with the University of Pittsburgh (Pitt) and the UPMC.
The testing platform identifies the presence of two of the virus’ antibodies, spike S1 protein and receptor binding domain (RBD), in a very small drop of blood (about 5 microliters). Antibody concentrations can be extremely low and still detected below one picomolar (0.15 nanograms per milliliter). This detection happens through an electrochemical reaction within a handheld microfluidic device which sends results almost immediat