The Bad Guys: Reign of Chaos (Korean Movie, 2019, 나쁜 녀석들: 더 무비) - Find the cast, latest updates, latest news, legal streaming links, DVDs, Blu-rays, collectibles, latest trailers, latest teasers, latest pictures, posters, images, videos for the Korean Movie The Bad Guys: Reign of Chaos with ,Ma Dong-seok,마동석,Kim Sang-joong,김상중,Kim Ah-joong,김아중,Jang Ki-yong,장기용
Happy Birthday Beautiful Kim Ah Joong!!!
2009-10-16 10:51:34)
A simple celebration, a gathering of friends; here is wishing you great happiness, a joy that never ends. Happy Birthday!
2009-10-16 08:12:11)
kim ah joong you are very beautiful in your movies 200 punds beauty you are the best good work ^^really like you
2009-09-01 06:07:23)
finished watching the new drama. Really enjoyed it. Kim is really a rare gem, very multi-talented and pretty:)