Tennessee residents who are eligible for the state’s Families First Program can expect to see an extra $500 payment this month, with checks expected to arrive by the end of this month.
president obama s stimulus. the same people who would have taken earmarks, every dimes7 of infrastructure support under president bush or president clinton orxd president reagan.5a ideology, sometimes people use the rhetoric ofe1 ideologye1 to here s the thing. here s the thing. one o south is you do have a high percentage ofu poor people. poor african-americans, poor whites and now poor latinos. think that, to a great nos. extent, southern politicians, particularly more conservative southern politicians have been able to emphasize social issueìc and avoid confronting the deep economic challenges of the south where you do have successful and you do have a middleñãclass. but you have a greatñr deal of poor people, rural and urban, in the south. we re going to come right back and continue to talk about the south and about ohio.