india earlier this month it s expected extra levies will be placed on american elements walnuts and apples among other things a source within the indian commerce ministry has been quoted as saying the us will take a hit of around 2 $120000000.00 as a result the white house has warned that the emphasis of higher tariffs by india could break world trade organization rules. german drugs and chemicals company buyer has launched a p.r. offensive to counter the growing criticism over its we kill or roundup and the controversial key ingredient cliff is it which is said to cause cancer roundup was a top seller of u.s. agro chemical company monsanto and and now belongs to buyer after $63000000000.00 merger last year. buyer is making headlines once again following talks with politicians shareholders and environmental activists the company has conceded that it must make changes they promise to invest 5000000000 euros in research over the
am but most and nothing with the trip to germany thinks deep into the german culture. you don t seem ridiculous grandma down to you it s all about. look i m rachel join me to meet the gemini monkeys up. the phone. the end of the trading week sees markets a little worse for wear made fading hopes of a speedy resolution to the u.s. china trade war. also coming up funded by costly litigation over round up a buyer announces a 5000000000 euro investment in a new weave killer but can it outrun its ghosts. and tourism brings together nests in the demilitarized zone between the 2 koreas. this is
controversial key ingredient glyphosate which is said to cause cancer roundup was a top seller of u.s. agro chemical company monsanto and and now belongs to buyer after $63000000000.00 merger last year. buyer is making headlines once again following talks with politicians shareholders and environmental activists the company has conceded that it must make changes they promise to invest 5000000000 euros in research over the next 10 years to develop a more sustainable alternative to glyphosate in the p.r. campaign however by air is repeating its cya mold mantra life a site is safe when used correctly and it wishes to continue selling the product but the very existence of this p.r. campaign shows buyer is feeling the pressure court cases in the us have done particular damage to the company s image and to their bank balance by a was sued for $2000000000.00 in my by a married couple who both got cancer and
german drugs and chemicals company by our house launched a p.r. offensive to counter the growing criticism over its weak killer roundup under the controversial key ingredient for states which is said to cause cancer a round of was a top seller of u.s. africa mikkel company monsanto and now belongs to buy a $63000000000.00 merger last year. buyer is making headlines once again following talks with politicians shareholders and environmental activists the company has conceded that it must make changes they promise to invest 5000000000 euros in research over the next 10 years to develop a more sustainable alternative to glyphosate in the p.r. campaign however the buyer is repeating it sorry i m old mantra quite a site is safe when used correctly and it wishes to continue selling the product but the very existence of this p.r. campaign shows buyer is feeling the pressure of court cases in the us have done
a more sustainable alternative to glyphosate. buyer is making headlines once again following talks with politicians shareholders and environmental activists the company has conceded that it must make changes they promise to invest 5000000000 euros in research over the next 10 years to develop a more sustainable alternative to glyphosate in the p.r. campaign however fire is repeating it sorry i m old mantra for site is safe when used correctly and it wishes to continue selling the product but the very existence of this p.r. campaign shows buyer is feeling the pressure court cases in the us have done particular damage to the company s image and to their bank balance by a was sued for $2000000000.00 in my by a married couple who both got cancer and a further $13400.00 people have filed lawsuits their dented reputation is reflected in the share price which is almost hard in just one year shareholders are