Up Next 25 Feb 2021, 15:08 UTC ·
Once a modern Porsche 911 generation reaches full maturity, something the current 992 has yet to achieve, it can bring together over twenty derivatives at a time (yes, the Carrera s RWD and AWD versions do count as separate models here). And one way of knowing what s what on the rear-engined scene is to add another layer of complexity and keep track of the latest optional goodies that land in the real world. Case in point with this 992 911 Turbo S, which, with all its extras, manages to double the starting price of a standard Turbo. 11 photos
The Neunelfer we re feasting our eyes on recently landed in Illinois, USA. And there s no reason to check one s account balance in an attempt to take the $364,170 machine home, as the vehicle has already been spoken for.