painkillers but no sleep inducing drugs. in order to check whether the electrodes for deep brain stimulation are correctly positioned the patient is taken out of hypnosis. or count to 3 open your eyes wide and take a good breath ok they re all here and there. if you know what organization has been your ologists it s important to be able to test patients during the operation to see the effect on the trauma so for that the patient needs to be awake and alert or general anesthesia sometimes doesn t clear up straight away or patients are tired so they can do the tasks promptly that s different with hypnosis patients are awake and can participate well which helps improve the surgery outcome is that what s going on as a. gnosis has many advantages patients are less scared their blood circulation is more stable bleeding happens less often less pain medication gets
a. gnosis has many advantages patients are less scared their blood circulation is more stable bleeding happens less often less pain medication gets used and patients who are hypnotised stay in hospitals for less time than those who received general anesthesia. medicine has made huge leaps forward and only one in 136000 operations has a patient died from the effects of anesthesia. going under anesthesia 30 years ago was very different to our it is today in terms of tolerance effectiveness maintenance side effects. but there s still room for improvement using e.g. to monitor anaesthesia depth is not yet standard everywhere. i still don t understand why anesthesiologist measure everything blood pressure heart rate saturation but the brain where things are happening isn t monitored. basic research