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Transcripts For DW DW News 20190413 18:00:00

d.w. . this is d w news live from berlin sudan's new interim leader says the country will have a new civilian government interest nation saying a government will be in place within two years he also lifted a nighttime curfew which many pro-democracy demonstrators had defied and they claim another victory as the country's security chief steps down hours after the country's new military leader quits. also coming up our reporter speaks to the ecuadorian ambassador in the rooms occupied by julian and songe in the london embassy a nearly seven years state that ended abruptly his arrest earlier this week. i'm calling assman thanks for joining us the new head of sudan's military council says a civilian government will be formed after talks with the opposition in his first televised address earlier today lieutenant general abdel fatah bore han said the transition period would last for a maximum of two years the leader was also also said he was canceling a curfew ordered by his predecessor demonstrators have been keeping up the pressure demanding civilian rule activists say sixteen people including a soldier have been killed in the two days since the army ousted longtime president omar al bashir sudan's military chief stepped down just a day after he was sworn in as the country's new leader and the country's intelligence chief has now resigned as well. oh. this is sudan's naval headquarters inside the military transition council is hold up outside largely peaceful protests but with a clear message the sudanese people do not want to be ruled by the military chiefs who ended the thirty year regime of the veteran president omar al bashir. but the army is still very much in charge by shares immediate successor i want him in over a general linked to the genocide in darfur lasted just one day in the top job before announcing his resignation he was replaced by another army commander on the plus side the new chief abdel-fattah han is not wanted for war crimes but protesters want a clean break with the old many of the demonstrators are young and they're actively organizing including setting up their own security they say more than a dozen people have been killed by security forces in recent days and they have already intercepted one car with explosives. we also. call scum in the cold with. some scope like a modern call to three. civilian called we call comes through we call transports. so they see the tunnel so people. watch this no one not even the old is immune from being searched emotions are high but mixed. so this i feel like overwhelming. joy that. you feel like a friend yet. i feel like that the same time and believe me i know but i think. the protesters have to stay on the streets until a civilian not a military transitional council is in place. joining me now in studio de w's not are also not i mean things are changing so fast on the ground we heard the latest news of don's interim leader announcing the formation of a limited civilian government within two years what do you make of that recent announcement and it's interesting because he kind of made some concessions towards the protests movement to the opposition leaders. in contradiction to his predecessor who stepped down yesterday so it's not really known what's going to happen next because basically he said it's going to take two years that's was his for it is for disaster said yesterday so i'm not sure if the process will be happy with that that it's taking two years for them to have a transitional civilian government so we'll have to see how things develop in the next few weeks we've seen of course a few other victories for these protesters the defense minister abruptly stepping down that curfew has now been lifted. to get those protesters off the streets or do you expect them to keep protesting. yeah this is actually part of what they were demanding the actually what i hear from from all the people i've talked to. would be given a news people actually the important thing is to have a civilian government as soon as possible now the. leaders of the protest. movement they've met today with the military council and it seems that they're making some progress they're coming forward and they're trying to reach a deal what is very important for the protesters and their leaders is to have the civilian government and not to have to be under military rule and the next. few years maybe few months we heard that announcement of the military perhaps handing over some power to civilians how much trust is there though right now between the civilians in the military this is the problem trust is a very. rare thing here because people they don't want this egyptian like scenario to repeat itself in sudan they saw that the military in egypt took over power and they ousted the democratically elected president and then they just stayed in power and now they have a kind of a massive crackdown on all kind of up. they don't want this to happen in sudan and that's why they are still protesting still demanding that really civilian government should. be in power as soon as possible not also to us from the desk thanks very much to another african country shaken by protests now algeria's magistrates have said they will boycott controversial presidential elections scheduled for july but straights play a key role in the electoral process lawyers and a group of a hundred judges staged protests in the capital algiers mass demonstrations were also held on friday for the eighth time in a row and interim government announced the elections to replace the ousted former president adel beautifully on insecure as the old regime of trying to cling to power in a new gods. now let's take a look at some of the stories making headlines around the world indonesia's presidential candidates have ended their campaigns with larger rallies ahead of wednesday's vote incumbent djoko we don't know appears to be in the lead with promises of increased growth his challenger retired general. has strong support though from conservative muslims and some polls show him getting an uptick in support. north korean leader kim jong un says he's open to a third summit with u.s. president donald trump but kim says washington will have to be more flexible and come to the table with the quote right attitude he said the end of the year as a deadline to salvage the nuclear disarmament talks. a man has been arrested in london after driving his car at the police near the ukrainian embassy according to london's metropolitan police the man crashed his car into a parked vehicles he then charged at the police officers arriving at the scene causing one officer to fire his gun. after the arrest of wiki leaks founder julian assange on thursday reporter ana marie of grow up toward the ecuadorian embassy in london that's where a staunch spent nearly seven years and self-imposed exile she gained access to the rooms where a songe lived and spoke exclusively with ecuador's ambassador to the u.k. about his turbulent stay. in. the ecuadorian embassy in london this had been julian assange just home since august twenty. first. this is the main room in the embassy but it was use exclusively by mr sunshine. this is where he worked with his electronic and computer equipment connecting to his followers he directed aggressive interference in the political interests of other countries he did this in the us elections in spain with the sensitive issue of catalonia. also meddled with ecuadorian domestic politics it was in this meeting when that time a march on ecuador's ambassador to the u.k. told a sound decision to revoke his diplomatic asylum i handed him the letter i was standing while he was sitting down. i said to him you have to leave immediately hurry up highest court you to the door. and he got up. surprised. he stood up. and ran out. there was a code for this door which only he knew so he locked himself inside this room. you asuncion stop trying to hide when he realized the embassy police were waiting for him outside the door. the room is a sound used to have been cordoned off and now. the exchange took place here in front of the door the sun just departure from the building was coordinated with the british police according to ambassador marchand the ecuadorian diplomatic police led him to the store where the british police were already waiting for him outside a sandra's holdouts kicking and screaming these images of his sons resisting the arrest were widely circulated it was the first time the wiki leaks co-founder had set first outside this embassy in seven years of diplomatic asylum. the chinese artist ai wei wei as unveiled a new exhibition in mexico city this week it is titled reestablishing memories of one million lego bricks show the portraits of the forty three mexican students who disappeared twenty fourteen a case and conflicting information from mexican authorities about their potential murder sparked months of protests and it became a rallying cry against widespread violence in mexico by way says every crime committed damages human society as a whole. for more i'm joined by de w's nicole reese you've been taking a closer look at that exhibition now nikolai way of course known for his controversial art pieces why is he now focusing on the disappearance of these students well this obviously is not just an exhibition about i don't know different take on pixel art this is pretty much his very unique way of showing that he demands justice for those who have to sit i mean if we look at these portraits these are the same faces that we saw on the post after this whole case happened of parents who printed these faces of their sons on the premises and they took to the streets they asked about the truth they ask what happened to my children so it's a very personal thing as well having these pictures shown them that we see on the wall as well and he has also met with some of the family members and that pretty much emotionally overwhelmed him himself as a son at the press conference he said well he could not imagine losing his son like that and not knowing his whereabouts and that's also something else he said let's take a listen forget about the markers are among human beings and select few for you here's someone you heart you neighbor is. boy can never come back. and the government take four years cannot you go concretion what kind of our government is that you know what kind of society would be. so you can destroy says there are now walk us back to twenty fourteen and remind us about the significance of these particular students well these particular students have kind of become the symbol for corruption and violence that has been haunting mexico for many many years and when they disappeared on the twenty sixth of september in two thousand and fourteen mexicans just had enough it was enough that forty three people at one point just disappeared and nobody really knew what happened so that's when they got angry and overwhelmed with the overall situation these guys were on the way to protest i wanted to protest against the discriminating hiring practices of teachers they themselves were on the path to becoming teachers and that's supposedly when they were stopped and attacked by the police then handed over to a local drug gang who then is set to have killed these people and burned them in a garbage dump you know if that's pretty much leaves off without a trace but there's another investigation by independent pendant experts that says we don't believe that it happened by reopen the case and that didn't happen back leaving everybody else pretty much in limbo not knowing what happened to these guys emotional case in an emotional exhibit there from highway i. think of a much thank you. all right switching gears now ed in golf we're seeing a resurgence for tiger woods he's put himself within striking distance of his first major tournament when in over a decade woods looked like a young tiger going six under par at the halfway point of the u.s. masters at augusta and he's just one shot behind a group of five other leaders but it nearly always wrong to take a look at this he barely avoided being knocked over by a security guard who slipped on the wet grass there luckily for tiger he escaped and. now it's all good you know that happen. i've had a gallery run already it's just. you know and when you play in front of a lot of people. things out that also made you know some distance pots nine fourteen fifteen. you know those were on that were not nice to make and you know if i keep it in a puzzle my line they'll start dropping you're watching the news from berlin we


Transcripts For DW DW News 20190414 09:00:00

now why does. the streets. this is the w. news live in sudan's latest military chief fowles to people power thousands again take to the streets to press that a mob to civilian rule the country's second new leader in just two days lifts the curfew and pledges the army will hand over power within to me it is but is this enough for the people also coming out as the battle for the libyan capital tripoli intensifies the united nations cools for thousands of refugees course up in the fighting to be evacuated. and to choose goals from jade and sunshine help don't want to be minds and reclaim the top spot in the blood of the sleaziest soundings. mackinnon thanks so much for joining us. the new head of sudan's military council has promised a fresh start for the country following this week's coup he vowed to quote up through to the old regime new tenants general abdel fattah says a civilian government will be formed after talks with the opposition with a maximum transition period of two years but demonstrators remain unimpressed boosted by the resignation of two top officials they presented a list of demands to the military rulers among them civilian control now. outside the military headquarters in khartoum protesters are making their voices heard they're fed up with decades of autocratic rule and they've been calling for democracy for almost four months. only except a real change satisfying the revolutionary people who are looking for a good future. with. the sudanese people reject the military chiefs who ended the thirty year regime of the veteran president omar al bashir but the army is still very much in charge but your successor even if is a general link to the genocide in darfur and he lasted just one day on the job before announcing his resignation many are unhappy that he was replaced by another army commander though abdel fatah is not wanted for war crimes. mediately sought to appease the crowds of the streets he announced the end of a curfew imposed by his predecessor and promised that a civilian government would be formed within two years. but the demonstrators want a clean break from the old regime who will never leave this place we will shout it out together. to our freedom liberty our. justice well this is the least we hope. for justice we all sitting for free the wizarding for another government representing by by by out by our own. people having straight or say the first step towards a new beginning is to replace the military transition council with the civilian government. joining me in the studio now to talk about this. thanks for joining us not a now protest as a insisting on more rapid change and in particular on the civilian government why because they know that there is a very short and very brief window for real. change of pace think if they now hand over the power to a military council then this military council of good really seize power and stay in power for the next maybe thirty years that like what's happened in sudan back thirty years ago when one of the hugh himself led a military coup and then appointed himself president so they don't want this scenario to repeat itself they also think we don't want to see what's happened in egypt in the north the north the neighbor egypt to repeat itself in sudan were a military council and the military descends. he took over power and then stayed in power and now he's the president of egypt they don't want this. to repeat itself and yet the new interim leader yesterday promised to quote up root the old regime. of president bashir so how credible is the promise that he made yesterday. people are very suspicious they say ok this. he wasn't from the inner circle of the former president omar bashir but there is no coincidence between them to treat the broadest movement now there's still no coincidence they are negotiating there is a delegation who will continue negotiating with the military council today but what they basically want is a kind of a goodwill gesture to see ok this military council is not going to reign forever it will hand over the power to a civilian bed turns of government and they don't want to military council. to going to lead this transition they want a presidential council with they move tree as a side from several sides and not leading this to this council so there is a lack of trust yet the talks between the. test as in the military council continuing who would you say has the upper hand right now. i would say if the brought to continue in the magnitude and the strength that we have been seeing in the last. week in seven days then the protest movement has the upper hand they will say in the streets they will continue their sit in front of the mother three headquarters in kabul and also in other countries we also have to. remember that there are many other parts of sudan the arctic part in this. uprising so i think there is a kind of a. movement and the protesters. step up the pressure. and they have i think the upper hand now. peoples now. thank you so much. take a look at some of the other stories making news around the world today new protests have been held in serbia against the government of president alexander which thousands have been taking to the streets every weekend for months the demonstrators accuse the church of becoming increasingly autocratic intimidating the opposition and trying to silence the media. palestinian president mahmoud abbas has sworn in a new government led by a longtime ally from his dominant party the government excludes all representatives from hamas movement that runs gaza hamas has called the move a blow to unity efforts between the two groups which have been at all of this for more than a decade. sixty two migrants who have been stranded at sea for more than ten days have now disembarks and and then yes another european standoff over migration says they will be transferred to germany france portugal and luxembourg they were on a german charity ship that rescued them off the coast of libya. now today was supposed to be the date for a united nations backed conference aimed at bringing peace to libya but as fighting rages around the capital tripoli the u.n. is instead warning that the lives of thousands of civilians are at risk among the many refugees who previously escaped conflict in their own countries a warlord general khalifa haftar is battling to unseat the internationally recognized government. these families fled as have tours troops advanced on tripoli from the south they've sought shelter in a school building with the capital in their sights have tars fighters are paying little heed to the safety of the civilians in their way. my children and i had to leave our hirees because i was afraid we'd get bombed. cos the. government fighters are trying to hold their positions but they are faced with tough times heavily armed forces which can draw on tanks artillery and air support if they breach tripoli's defenses the fighting will soon spill over into the city the families huddled in the school would be in danger once again in the absence of help from the government they're relying on boy scouts volunteers for survival with . no support from the government or aid organisations whatever aid were distributed has come from neighbors. of the. according to the un at least eight thousand people have fled the fighting for those who remain food and medicine are in increasingly short supply. finland is very saying in parliamentary elections today with the electorate specter to show strong opposition to governmental spending cuts and center right government is expected to be overturned amid widespread opposition to its austerity policies the opposition social democrats are predicted to win by a small margin and have found to alleviate the governing is coalitions governing coalitions monetary policies finland is set to take over the european union presidency in july with an agenda likely to be driven by climate action. these students and one there are on the move in helsinki like in other european capitals protest marches for the environment has become weekly here climate change is one of the hot issues for sunday's elections many fans say it will decide their vote you must go everywhere in. the warming doesn't wait for us. we need to stop it now. opposition supporters and young voters are expected to be out in force on sunday next to the greens the right wing populist triffids party is set to benefit paul showed they could emerge as the second largest political force in finland that's what strengthened anti immigrant sentiment in the national parliament and also had a bloc of local opponents to environmental policies finland a country which just five million inhabitants will take over the european union presidency in july politicians have already pledged to work towards an e.u. carbon exchange. the report on the international panel on climate change again reminded us that trade both by climate change to life on earth we can't walk away from science beside a trip i see many possibilities in this global challenge like a quarter finland lies above to pull our circle making the country one of the first to feel the effects of global warming climate change will be a high priority for the new finish cabinet just how high it depends on the success of the climate skeptic show fence on sunday. and abundantly needed a boost after their miserable five mill defeat to buy in last week they needed to beat minds to go top of the table again at least until by and play later on sunday and open got the three points but only thanks to some goalkeeper keeping heroics. mario goodes was started as the lone striker for dortmund with pacquiao caps are still missing sheets of injury coach lucy and father switching up his side following their humiliation by and. dortmund after the pressure more fireworks from good. and jaden sanchez made it one nil on not eight minutes by. the teenager's first goal in six games. dortmund dominated their after with minds far too passive on twenty four minutes thomas delaney released search organic and it was too male. and eleventh goal of the season for the young englishman gave dortmund a two goal caution. yet following the break dortmund stretton two on two they could work eventually months had the would be champions penned inside their own pops and twice and made it to one on eighty three minutes. and the siege continued. but somehow. dorman survives thanks to the heroics of roman burkey his trip to save confirming a two one victory which keeps dortmund in touch at the top it's right. to formula one now and lewis hamilton coasted to victory at the chinese graeme prix with mercedes dominating formula one's one thousandth race reigning world champion hamilton lead home may sadie's one to finishing more than six and a half seconds ahead of his teammate valtteri bottas ferrari sebastien fettle was third hamilton's win means he overtakes potus at the top of the driver's standings . and engulfed tiger woods remains on course to win his first major golfing title in more than a decade as he heads into the final round of the u.s. masters woods fired six birdies in round three at augusta he's just two shots behind leader francesco molinari tee off times for the final day have been brought forward due to the threat of thunderstorms players will be grouped in threes instead of the usual two. now it's super plane with six engines two fuselages and the longest wing span ever created has completed its maiden flight the so-called stress of the one took off from the mojave desert in california and flew for two whole hours the aircraft is designed to look at a satellite laden rockets into space from high up in the air all of them in the


Transcripts For DW World Stories 20190421 17:15:00

has been a very very colorful election campaign with candidates giving blood tests to test for drugs so the debates on friday in the country's biggest stadium so this is just part of that excitement tension that we've been seeing of the past weeks. in a debate last week selenski said he would seek to break this system what exactly did he mean by that. so solecki is pitching himself as the face of a new generation someone to really do away with the corrupt status quo after all poroshenko and to machine code for prime minister who came in third place they've all been told at school scene for twenty thirty years and he is someone who on the one hand is known to everyone as a star of t.v. and comedy so he had no problem getting people to recognize him but he quit some of his not associates with all that baggage and all the disappointments of ukraine's politics and ukraine's failure to live up to its huge potential of the past years so that is really his ticket not going to too much detail the policy his critics would say promising all things to all people in the hope of attracting a wide coalition of voters and seems to have come off earlier on in the political season a candidate who was very supportive of russia did not quite make it to the next round what links if any does the lenski have with russia. so having a bit of trouble hearing here but the thing about the let's get it really appeal to voters is a positivity campaign was not about the war but standing up to russia and it seemed like a look basically like a lot of more hard work ahead for ukrainians bring that in that livingstone that support the army and basically sit out this conflict with russia solecki came in with a new tone using social media or all of the conventional campaigning trying to tell people they have a chance of changing things in a hurry and improving their situation fast that something that appeals to should with younger voters but not only and it seems to really appealed across the country i'm going to ask you know the question nick i hope you can hear me what does this mean now for poor shango he has lost to a political novice he's out of office what does this mean for his future. well definitely there's a lot of nervousness as well as to what's next in store for him. potentially of see you there is always a possibility that the judiciary under a new president could look into his business dealings definitely there have been lots of accusations from the selenski camp about pushing those not him so much personally as his closest team and their involvement in disposability dubious government procurement contracts for defense having said that apart from an affair which the president who was overthrown by the modern revolution and who is now in russia all of ukraine's other post-independence presidents are in country and have more or less basically enjoyed immunity but it is difficult time for him now what his future will be we do have a parliament elections in the autumn so potentially pushing through much try and stay along and make sure his party stays in parliament but the extent of this defeat is really shocking this is something that how we haven't seen ukrainian politics before and this will be definitely a tense night for petro poroshenko and its allies nic let's try this again i know it's very difficult to hear me where you were lots of celebration. but if you can tell us what is the link that people believe zelinsky has with russia. there are different levels of this on the one hand he is someone who is a russian speaker of his native languages russian rather than ukrainian and has used russian in public appearances something that was a bit of a taboo in ukrainian public life but it seemingly something that goes down very well with many russian speaking regions of ukraine in terms of russia's top politicians he has kept a significant distance that there was another candidate who actually traveled simic the russian prime minister video and other top figures in the election campaign he only came in fourth place so actually in modern ukraine following crimea falling don't pass being seen as too friendly to russia is definitely a bit of a political to boot but he is a new figure he maybe could bring some new energy into direct debates of the kremlin where basically pushing through and putin are at loggerheads and don't seem able willing to talk to each other direct or even in. formats including european powers so the hit there is that potential for a new start but he's not in every hurry to show himself as a friend of russia he there were there was some criticism of the fact that some of his films had been shown in russia and there was some financial relationship there but there is no suggestion here that he is a direct candidate of russia more a problem for him or his links to. a ukrainian all agog who's currently living out of the country who used to own the country's biggest bank and who is one of his biggest enemies speculation there that as a let's get presidency there could be preferential treatment for calm with his businesses so that really has been the main thing the main allegation he's been having to deal with in the past because now you are in the room of course at this event when the actual election results came in can you tell us a little bit more about the reactions in the room and specifically if you might know the really the reaction that selenski himself that. i'm sorry the line is a bit difficult again but this was an extraordinarily brief appearance here of a high. just as we start the show he was walking past the exit poll came out and just literally spent no more than two or three minutes thanking his team and his coaches there was no detail what his next steps would be no further. where he was going to take his first days with the transition period this is something that is the criticized by journalists in ukraine time time again this is someone who isn't open to difficult probing questioning from journalist someone who prefers to talk to people directors social media in an environment he can control without being questioned or put under pressure and seemingly this is the pattern is going to continue this was an extraordinarily free briefing and just as soon as he basically had appeared on the stage he was gone again and i'm not even sure we're going to see him again tonight here at this election. thank you very much nic connelly for keeping us up to day nic thank you. now to some of the other stories making news around the world more than seventy thousand people gathered in st peter's square to listen to the pope deliver his traditional easter address in his annual irby obree speech latin for to the city and to the world francis offered a pardon for sins in a reflection on the world's war ravaged region. tripoli's only working airport has reopened after being hit by her strifes airport had been shut down amid two weeks of fighting for the libyan capital forces loyal to strongman khalifa haftar have been unable to break into the city defended by libya's internationally recognized. egyptians are voting for a second day in a referendum that could grant the country's all over tarion leader abdel fattah el-sisi another term in office the proposed changes to the constitution would also give the former army general more power over the judiciary a move heavily criticized by international human rights groups. several thousand people turned out for new anti-government protests in the serbian capital belgrade on saturday they demand more democracy and media freedom in the country the fresh protests come just a day after president alexander held a mass rally in an apparent bid to counter months of street demonstrations against him saturday after saturday tens of thousands have gathered in belgrade to demonstrate against president bush. critics accuse him of being corrupt authoritarian and gagging the media and the civil service there protesting under the motto one of five million a reference to a claim that footage once made insisting he would not respond to these accusations even if five million people showed up to protest on friday future tell to rally for his serbian progressive party in the capital supporters came from all over serbia state media said that one hundred thousand joined the rally. but it's unclear how many of them made the journey voluntarily reports like that of nineveh to a vet are piling up the nurse said her superiors at work repeatedly pressured her to attend the provost has demonstration against her will. and it's not just in the house service of the public employees who are telling people to support food cheech and even some private sector firms with this a cool pressure on the workers. to keep people happy. both sides are competing to bring the most supporters out onto the streets many serbian media outlets barely report on the issues focusing instead on the numbers of demonstrators the catalyst for the protests was a series of incidents last november which included the beating of an opposition leader. the opposition believes his party paid the attackers the christians around the world or attending church services and praying our next report comes from poland where one priest has found a novel way to encourage people to pray and the day of the year. at first glance woods looks just like any other place you paint up park your car it's fairly cheap and only charges seventy five cents an hour. and this is a private parking lot so you have to pay for it. the first start roche's up or i'd teach. this is also a private parking lot but it's free with god's blessing you can leave your car in the parking lot of the parish of st mary of the perpetual help. whenever i park here i never forget to pray the rosary is part of our daily life so you can easily to attend how mary used to you go home yesterday had no need to get what i got. the priest does not charge money he requires you to pray in order to park here but parking your car long term comes with the morning the price goes up. in minutes and i charge ten hail marys and for every additional fifteen minutes ten more hell marys. whether stealing your car or later in church motorists can pray where and when they want but no one wants to pray on camera even here in catholic poland. top should end up as a sacred truth that applies to everyone who parks here after all this parking lot belongs to us the church and the priest built it so everyone who parks here should come inside the church and pray properly and very. much. if someone refuses i say to them don't you even want to pray for your own parents but no one checks sometimes people make jokes and ask where do i kneel then i say you don't have to kneel here. for a priest this parking lot attendant in some cities you have to pray just to find parking and you have to pray after you found a spot. to sudan where the country's ruling military council says it's committed to handing over power to civilian government the military leader general abdel fatah says he will respond within a week to demands for civilian control televised announcement came after further street demonstrations protest organizers have put forward a list of candidates including some military representatives the army has been in control since ousting sudan's longtime leader omar al bashir ten days ago. to the buddhist leader now where dortmund have cut the gap to leaders by in munich back to a point they won four nil at freiburg with england winger jadon sanchez scoring one goal and superbly setting up another by an endorsement have just four games left in a thrilling end to the season. and a reminder of the top story we're following for you a wave of easter sunday bombings in sri lanka have killed at least two hundred and seven hundreds more were wounded the government has called the attacks a terrorist incident and blamed religious extremists several people have reportedly been arrested a nationwide curfew is in place. exit polls from ukraine's presidential election shows a landslide victory for volodymyr selenski the poll gives comedian and actor seventy three percent of the vote an incumbent petro poroshenko has twenty five percent. don't forget you can always get news on the go just download our app from the google play word from the app store that'll give you access to all the latest news from around the world as well as push notifications for any breaking news you can also use to send us your photos and videos. you're watching live from berlin up next lifestyle your i'll be back at the top of the hour with more news thanks for tuning in to watch if you've got. the latest fashion in chocolate easter eggs part of a special easter collection created by construction or. concept this year in. modeled on designs. cakes twisted easter creation. moment. for a. reliable. news distance for sixty. little. automotive history.


Transcripts For DW DW News 20190414 18:00:00

the renaissance. starts of people trying to save. you. this is the news live from berlin the fighting rages near libya's capital tripoli with scores already dead the united nations calls for thousands of refugees caught in the crossfire to be evacuated we'll find out what options they have left also coming up thousands in sudan pressed their demand for an immediate return to civilian rule they say their new military chiefs pledge to hand over power within two years is not enough. and vote counting is underway finland's parliamentary election the poll looks likely to dethrone the central right coalition in favor of left leaning anti austerity party is a populist party was predicted to make big gains but the e.u. already appears to be trying. thanks for joining us today was supposed to be the day for a united nations backed conference aimed at bringing peace to libya instead the u.n. is warning the lives of thousands of civilians including refugees are at risk the death toll is already saying the world health organization says fighting near tripoli has killed more than one hundred twenty people and wounded nearly six hundred that's strongman khalifa launched an offensive earlier this month to take the libyan capital. his from libya's u.n. back to government. general. the government has offered an end to the fighting in exchange for hostiles with rule. from the government of national accord would welcome a ceasefire but that does not mean it welcomes the continuation of this current situation the invading forces must return to where they came from once and for all . the humanitarian cost is rising on the day of a planned peace conference the un instead warned that thousands of civilians could be caught in the crossfire including refugees who have escaped conflict elsewhere only to find themselves again in danger some civilians have taken shelter in the school. my children and i had to leave our hosts because i was afraid we'd get bombed. government fighters are trying to hold their positions but they are faced with how fatah is heavily armed ground forces boosted by and support. on saturday and strike hit a schoolyard on the southern outskirts of tripoli where fighting between the factions has been fiestas images of the damage are a stark reminder of the threat also facing those seeking refuge in this school according to the un at least eight thousand people have fled the fighting for those who remain food and medicine are increasingly short supply. earlier we spoke with a los. institute's a policy think tank focused on libya we asked him about the humanitarian situation there. destruction of. ten thousand people already displaced and that the numbers that wanted to roy is coming to or. people looking to. their homes for their lives spread this month this would be the war for five years since the beginning of the civil war. pointed to koreans all of them of armed rebels. that's the story should be on the fuel supplies are working to ensure local services will work destruct and that's going to that's a causing more damage but it's the humanitarian support system the hospitals the places that host displaced people also be targeted ambulances for them because. it's very damaging that was unless al gore monti in london in sudan the interim and military council held its first meeting today after seizing power from veteran leader omar al bashir the new head about council lieutenant general abdel fatah or han chaired the meeting in the capital khartoum earlier he perspired to protesters demands by promising to form a civilian government within two years the sudanese people are keeping up the pressure they've presented a list of demands to military rulers including immediate civilian control of the government. outside the military headquarters in khartoum protesters are making their voices heard fed up with decades of autocratic rule they've been calling for democracy for almost four months. only except a real change satisfying the revolutionary people who are looking for a good future. with. this it in these people reject the military chiefs who ended the thirty year regime of the veteran president omar al bashir but the army is still very much in charge but she has success or even who fled general link to the genocide in darfur lasted just one day in the top job before announcing his resignation many are unhappy that he was replaced by another commander although abdel fattah han is not wanted for war crimes the home immediately sought to appease the crowds on the streets he announced the end of a curfew imposed by his predecessor and promised that a civilian government would be formed within two years but the demonstrators want a clean break with the old regime. that will never leave this place we will shout it out together who shout it out to our freedom liberty and do our. good it does this or this or that we all sit in her work just as we all sit in for free the wizarding for another new government representing by our by by out by our own so there is be able protesters say the first step towards a new beginning is to replace the military transition council with a civilian one. but let's take a look now at some of the other stories making headlines around the world freshly re-elected israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu has convened the first meeting of his new cabinet and yahoo was nearly awarded a record fifth term after elections last week although he is likely to soon face indictments on corruption charges. egypt has unveiled a newly discovered two min the pyramids near cairo belong to a fifth dynasty dignitary and it contains well preserved paintings and artifacts of two is believed to be more than four thousand years old. a super plane with six engines two fuselages and longest win span ever created as completed its maiden flight the so-called strata launch took off from the mojave desert in california or hours the aircraft designed to launch satellites laden rockets into space from high up in the air. you're watching still to come a dramatic pleas from beneath the waves president of the seychelles is warning that's exactly where his country could end up in action is not taken. or i will voting vote counting is underway in finland's parliamentary elections after a campaign dominated by debates over climate change welfare and immigration initial results of the social democrats in the lead party leader. looks set to become finland's first leftist prime minister in over twenty years he's faced stiff competition from the right wing party but they're currently in third place behind the conservatives which have governed in coalition with the center party for the last few years. and here now to talk more about the finnish elections is you. who is from finland you've of course been following those elections closely first of all what do we know about the results of our so right now. and indeed it looks like the democrats are coming out with a very strong lead. close the. national coalition the true party. populist party. indeed i mean it's quite interesting because these especially acknowledged. the social democrats they have been in the opposition. the whole vote seems to be also an expression of discontent over the prime minister's reforms that he has for instance. cutting unemployment benefits for thin people now finland has just over five million people on is the elections there don't often make the news so can you convince our viewers why they should be paid paying attention this time bro well indeed. it is a small country a small nordic country it is though also a member of the european union and it will hold your presidency starting in july which is a very interesting phase because this is just a couple of months after the e.u. elections in may also that the year can commission will still be formed and of course finland hopes it will be able to also influence in some way the policies that are going to take place on an equal level especially when it comes to climate change in the next couple of years ok so we should be paying attention this election let's talk about this finland right wing populist party the finns party as you mentioned they're on track to become the second largest party now in finland tell me about the party well what's it like and how does it compare to other populist parties we've seen gaining power in other european countries well it's actually very similar to many of the parties that we would count as right wing populist it is quite. immigrant it's also has a lot of. what's quite interesting actually is that they have already been in the finnish parliament since two thousand and eleven and they have had a very strong representation there but now also for the first time they were actually complaining with a agenda that has to do with what they call the climate hysteria so they are also taking. something that other parties are having a very well of a club. they're saying that they want to fight climate change and. they want to stop the climate and have people come back to things that matter and there. are most are a lot going on there during this election thank you for that update. thanks very much sports now and the latest buddhist leader results are in the big news by munich has returned to the top of the table with a convincing win the defending champions cruised past fortuna dusseldorf kingsley coleman's going twice there in a dominant four one victory earlier on sunday hoffenheim defeated hertz a berlin two know these stand up match from saturday was of course stuart and one win over bites and that keeps them within striking distance of bahrain and we have one final result coming in just now frankfurt losing two outs burge three two one lewis hamilton goes to the victory at the chinese grand prix with mercedes dominating formula one's one thousand race reigning world champion hamilton overtook teammate fall terry botha at the start and he did not look back leaving home overseas one to finish ferrari's sebastian fettle finished third elton's win means he replaces both of the top of the drivers said it's. a great job today and to have a one two together think is very special on the one thousand. the start was. made the difference and after that kind of history. otherwise. ok in other words the pace was similar in the first interest. to dirtier couldn't follow. the seychelles is one of many countries threatened by rising sea levels it's feared many of its islands could soon disappear below the waves so that's exactly where the president of the seychelles made a dramatic pleas for action on climate change he also called for greater research and the world's oceans adding that we know more about the surface of mars than we do about the seabed. seychelles is on a mission a mission to save the ocean and thereby the very existence of this string of one hundred fifteen islands off africa's eastern coast the islands are among the places already feeling threatened by climate change and in march a team of scientists launched the next ocean mission to explore the secrets of the indian ocean. on sunday president danny for a drop down below the sea surface to make a plea for greater international conservation for more than one hundred twenty meters deep. to see how as a special relationship with all of us. it keeps the planet. it keeps us alive and it is clear to me that it is under threat like never before. the marine special plans are an initiative put forth by seychelles to promote long term management and create a sustainable economic zone around the islands if implemented it would be the first large scale marine management plant in the western indian ocean and the largest such plan in the world the indian ocean is the least known at least protected of all scientists estimate as much as ninety five percent of it has yet to be explored scientists with the seychelles next to an ocean mission say international help is needed to decrease the greatest threats to the region including global temperature increases coral bleaching overfishing and the widespread use of plastics choking out our ocean ecosystems worldwide. just a reminder now the top story that we're following for you at this hour boat counting is underway in finland's parliamentary elections the poll looks likely to


Transcripts For DW DW News 20190413 15:00:00

sions from around the world. every week on t.w. . plane. this is d w news live from berlin sudan's new interim leader says the country will have a new civilian government he trusts the nation saying the government will be in place within two years we also looked at the nighttime curfew which many pro-democracy demonstrators had to buy and they claim another victory as the country's security chief steps down hours after the country's new military leader quits also coming off thousands defy riot police in algeria to press their demands for democratic change it's the country's eighth consecutive past protest. and a game changer in gaza to meet the palestinian entities are using football as the title of their personal triumph. i'm calling osman thanks for joining us the new head of sudan's military council says a civilian government would be formed after consultations with the opposition in his first televised address to attend a general abdel fatah or honey said he was also canceling a curfew order by his predecessor a leader also said the transition period would last or a maximum of two years demonstrators have been keeping up the pressure demanding civilian rule. activists say sixteen people including a soldier have been killed in the two days since the army ousted long time president omar al bashir sudan's military chief stepped down just a day after he was sworn in as the country's new leader and the head of the country's intelligence has now resigned as well. as naval headquarters inside the military transition council is holed up outside a largely peaceful protests but with a clear message the sudanese people do not want to be ruled by the military chiefs who ended the thirty year regime of the veteran president omar al bashir. but the army is still very much in charge nash years immediate successor i want him in over a general links to the genocide in darfur lasted just one day in the top job before announcing his resignation he was replaced by another army commander on the plus side the new chief abdel-fattah han is not wanted for war crimes but protesters want a clean break with the old many of the demonstrators are young and they're actively organizing including setting up their own security they say more than a dozen people have been killed by security forces in recent days and they have already intercepted one car with explosives. and we also. have. calls coming in called with a. scope like a modern call to three. civilian called we call comes through we call transports. so they see the title so people. watch watch this no one not even the old is immune from being searched emotions are high but mixed. so this i feel like oh well. julie said that you feel like a friend yeah. i feel like i said the same time and believe me i know but i think. the protesters have to stay on the streets until a civilian not a military transitional council is in place. i don't even now in studio w.'s not. not i mean things are changing so fast on the ground we heard the latest news of don's interim leader announcing the formation of a limited civilian government within two years what do you make of that recent announcement it's interesting because he kind of made some concessions towards the protests movement to the. leaders. in contradiction to his predecessor who stepped down yesterday so it's not really known what's going to happen next because basically he said it's going to take two years that's was his produce is for disaster said yesterday so i'm not sure if the process would be happy with that that it's taking two years for them to have a transitional civilian government so we'll have to see how things develop in the next few weeks we've seen of course a few other victories for these protesters the defense minister abruptly stepping down that curfew has now been lifted will this all be enough to get those protesters off the streets or do you expect them to keep protesting. yeah this is actually part of what they were demanding the actually what i hear from from all the people i've talked to and all what will be given in the news people actually the more important thing is to have a civilian government as soon as possible now the. leaders of the protest. movement they've met today with the military council and it seems that they're making some progress they're coming forward and they're trying to reach a deal what is very important for the protesters and their leaders is to have the civilian government and not to have to be under military rule in the next. few years maybe five months we heard that announcement of the military perhaps handing over some power to civilians how much trust is there though right now between the civilians in the military this is the problem trust is a very. rare thing here because people they don't want this egyptian like scenario to repeat itself in sudan they saw that the military in egypt took over power and they ousted the democratically elected president and then they just stayed in power and now they have a kind of a massive crackdown on. kind of opposition so they don't want this to happen in sudan and that's why they are still protesting still demanding that really civilian government should. be in power as soon as possible another hang on a just a second we'll come back to you because we want to bring in a similar story that's been unfolding in algeria thousands of demonstrators there have defied riot police to stage a mass protest in the capital. friday in a row now an interim government has been announced has announced elections in july replace the ousted former president. but opponents there say the old regime is trying to cling to power just in a new guys. are coming back. strong similarities between what's going on the sudan and algeria how would you compare the two and perhaps even comparisons as you mentioned the arab spring and twenty yeah this is interesting because when these protests broke out and people started to magically comparing this to what happened in two thousand and eleven in tunisia and egypt so we see that the motives of the people why they go. to demonstrate where they take the streets are the same the dire economic situation the prize is very high of bread and you know basically the things. is in a very bad situation high unemployment especially among the youth and this is actually you who are. in the process the protesters are the youth they are taking the street you can imagine a country like nigeria is actually supposed to be rich. to the oil and gas and all these are natural resources of thirty percent almost of them are unemployed out of forty two. million people so the problem is really the youth needs to see a change in. it's to see really all this corruption and all this of the turn in regimes gone and this is what's happening now no jury and so down i think it's also sending a very strong signal to other african countries sub-saharan countries who look very carefully who which very carefully what's happening is for the jury of those young people in the streets they want change or not are also to us from desk thanks very much. now let's get you caught up on some of the other stories making news around the world indonesia's presidential candidates have ended their campaigns with large rallies ahead of wednesday's vote incumbent djoko we go to air is to be in the lead with promises of increased growth his challenger retired general probable sugianto as strong support from conservative muslims and some polls show an uptick in support for him. north korean leader kim jong un says he's open to a third summit with u.s. president donald trump but kim says washington will have to be more flexible and come to the table with the quote right attitude at the end of the year as a deadline to salvage the nuclear disarmament talks. india has been marking the hundredth anniversary of a massacre of civilians by british troops and ceremony opposition leader raul gandhi paid homage to the hundreds of victims of the massacre and the british high commissioner to india called it a shameful event in british indian history. on sunday people in finland head to the ballot box in parliamentary elections the nordic country will preside over the european union starting in july with what looks like a climate driven agenda but that's not something all finnish voters support. these students and one polar bear are on the move in helsinki like in other european capitals protest marches ford environment has become weekly here climate change is one of the hot issues for sunday's elections many fans say it will decide their vote you must know everything in. the warming doesn't wait for us. we need to stop it now. opposition supporters and young voters are expected to be out in force on sunday next to the greens the right wing populist triffids party is set to benefit paul showed they could emerge as the second largest political force in finland that's what strengthens anti immigrant sentiment in the national parliament and also out a bloc of vocal opponents to environmental policies finland a country which just five million inhabitants will take over the european union presidency in july politicians have already pledged to work towards an e.u. carbon exchange. the report on the international panel on climate change again reminded us. both by climate change to life on earth we can't walk away from science beside a trade i see many possibilities in this global challenge. a quarter finland lies above the pole are circle making the country one of the first to feel the effects of global warming climate change will be a high priority for the new finnish cabinet just how high it depends on the success of the climate skeptics who fence on sunday. sports now and there were some late drama on friday nights in the bundesliga game between norberg and. you could both put north america head in the eighty second minutes and the home side looks to be on course to pick up just their fourth one of the season but show him right back two minutes later there is that ball being diverted into the nets much as it scoring and that game ended in a one one finals. in formula one balls haribo to us as claimed pole position at the chinese grand prix it's a special one because it marks formula one's one thousand race which us if his team mate lewis hamilton the first place on the grid the mercedes were well ahead of their nearest challengers are already in mile alexander all bone and didn't even qualify he didn't make a qualifying take a look at this after a big crash luckily the tie driver walked away on hertz will start tomorrow's race from the back of the grid. all right now to gaza where football is giving palestinian n.p.c. victims new hope they were left disabled as a result of last year's violent border clashes with israeli soldiers they play using crutches and all of them are intense on winning gaza's first amputee football tournament this weekend. abdel-rahman a full never imagine stepping onto a football pitch again like the majority of these players twelve year old after a loss to live after being sharks near the gaza border. thought of so now the doctors gave me an artificial leg after that they call my father and told him that there's a football game for people with amputations now i come to train every monday and thursday but. the original absentee team was founded last year during mass protests by palestinians along the gaza israel border palestinian authority say more than one hundred twenty five people had to have amputations after being shot by israeli soldiers who are now enough players for an entire tournament. we started with five players but now we have five teams so if a person really wants to do something they will step by step. football provides these players with a sense of purpose that something simon baker knows all too well and that p.c. victim who self he's been involved in preparing the tournament any sport for somebody that's been for a traumatic incident or illness is a great way to rehabilitate people get back people back into so i city just because you've lost your leg doesn't mean you're disabled doesn't mean you're useless. no matter their age they all have a common goal playing the sport they love despite the difficulties that have come



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