The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Tuesday carried out searches at premises linked to now insolvent ABG Shipyard in a money laundering case registered by the agency. Searches were underway at 26 premises including those in Mumbai, Pune and Surat. ED has registered a money laundering case against the firm, its promoters for defrauding banks of Rs 22,842 crore
The IBC does not lay down the parameters to determine the nature and quantum of contributions and leaves it to be determined by Adjudicating Authority.
Earlier, the Central Bureau of Investigation had registered a case against the company and its former chairman and managing director Rishi Kamlesh Agarwal.
Former chairman and managing director of ABG Shipyard Rishi Agarwal reached the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) office in order to join the agency’s probe into the Rs 22,842 crore bank fraud case