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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox And Friends First 20180803 08:00:00

A precursor to Fox News's morning show, featuring the news and first looks at the other stories of the day. in court today charged with attempted murder. he was out on bond for a weapons charge. put the man police a friend to shoot a congresswoman set to face a judge today. carlos is accused of leading voice mail for the majority whip and caffrey -- kathy mc mars rogers, they told him, quote, we are going to feed them led, make no mistake, you will pay. scalise nearly killed last year after a gunman opened fire at a republican baseball practice. jillian: donald from rallying the crowd in the keystone state out of his economic success, slamming his opponents and calling for a government shutdown. rob: drumming up support for lou barletta's senate bid. >> reporter: in classic form, in >> maxine waters, very low iq. running against pocahontas or crazy bernie. i saw him up there the other day. that hair is getting wider and wider, he is getting crazier and crazier. >> reporter: the attack on the media was a centerpiece of the rally message. >> we are doing better in all of these states than we did on election night. despite only negative publicity, only negative stories from the fakers back there. >> reporter: donald trump surprised many when he won in 2016 which is why this race for the senate seat is a big prize this november. barletta trails by double digits. it will be an uphill climb but the president going back to the arena he has gone to in the past. todd: pocahontas, crazy bernie is now sleeping bob. he loves the nicknames. donald trump using his rally to encourage voters to go to the polls in november as the partisan gap grows wider. >> the midterm elections offer the once forgotten men and women a chance to make their voices heard again. >> we have a chance for a historic election to give the american people and honest choice between a radical extremist democratic party and the progressive wing gradually being destroyed by radical extremists or they can try to appease the elites. if they run district by district campaign they blues the house. it is impossible in the modern era, rush limbaugh approved of it. 435 districts every day. republicans are going to win the fight, when the argument, all the issues on their side but the question is do they have the courage. >> the midterms 95 days away. todd: mike pompeo with his counterpart overnight demanding an american pastor held captive be set free. the two speaking privately in singapore. pompeo is hopeful something will get done. pastor andrew brunson is facing terror-related charges while under house arrest, the white house is not budget and economic sanctions on turkey after they refused to release him. jillian: a newcomer claims victory in the gop primary for tennessee governor. bill leads beating out three republicans to get the nod. one of them congresswoman diane black was favored to win, karl dean in november. congresswoman marsha blackburn easily winning the gop facing tennessee's former governor, democrat who won by a landslide. todd: 9 minutes after the hour. we are just hours from the july jobs report. american workers get their biggest pay raise in more than a decade. economist peter moricci with why trump's economy is bad news for the democrats in the midterms. >> you cannot say the press is not the enemy of the people. >> it is ironic that not only you in the media attack the president for his rhetoric. jillian: hot off the press, sarah sanders and jim acosta, how the fire exchange ended. ♪ have no answers. >> america is winning again. last week we announced that the us economy grew 4.1% last quarter, nobody thought that was possible and if the democrats got in, that number would be 1.2, it could even turn negative. jillian: will the jobs report due out in just hours add to the president's successes? peter moricci joins me now. thank you for being here. what do you expect in the next few hours? >> 210,000 jobs which is in line with what we averaged the last several months with an expanding and growing economy. jillian: that is the number we have seen the last couple months, 213,000 jobs created in june 2018. do you expect this number to plateau? >> we should not expect to see bigger numbers, and at that pace of growth, gradually getting people off the bench and that is people who weren't in the job market, who were really -- to start looking again. pulling a lot of minorities and disadvantaged people. people who might have a black mark on the record, people with criminal records, this is a very robust job market. people with some experience, opportunity to switch jobs and -- jillian: it is a nice number and you have critics out there saying american people are not seeing a difference. what do you say to the critics? >> what else are the democrats going to say? donald trump has accomplished 45% better growth then democrats did. he is averaging 2.7% a year. barack obama averaged 1.8, 1.9. the record is stark. all they can do is make up fake news, that there is great unfairness in the country and every mainstream church wagging a newspaper in people's eyes, not just the media saying there is terrible unfairness in america. the reality is a lot of the raises are going to people at the bottom and people who didn't have opportunities before have opportunities. we are going to make it so you don't have to work. we give you guaranteed annual income. we have an economy where nobody works, borrow money from chinese and democrats will get elected that way. i don't think that is a winning formula. jillian: what do you think these numbers mean as we head into the midterms? >> good news for the republicans. unfortunately the republicans don't always have the strongest candidates. in a special election coming up on tuesday, when things look dark for the republicans a lot of people bail. it was hard to recruit the kinds of candidates, now we are stuck with what we have got. democrats raising a lot more money, hollywood on their side and silicon valley on her side. and the rich and wealthy went to dupe the poor into keeping them in power. >> that report, we are standing by to see the numbers. todd: democrats testing a new method to win over voters for the midterms, text messaging, that can work. jillian: kurt the cyber guy with the downside. ♪ are you ready to take your wifi to the next level? it gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most wifi coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. it's the ultimate wifi experience. xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. todd: 21 after the hour, democratic darling alexandria ocasio-cortez hits the city of angels but the socialist star ab too far left for hollywood liberals. according to the hollywood reporter she won't meet with any entertainment bigshot donors. she showed up to an occupy ice lunch. establishment democrats find her too extreme. she has a fundraiser with democratic socialists of america. jillian: ocasio-cortez's victory causing a rise of democratic socialists on college campuses, young democratic socialists of america experiencing a 280% increase from 2016 from 2018. in the fall over 250 campuses registered for a chapter which is the most ever. todd: politicians looking to win over use of voters sending a text message that. todd: fighting that is a got texts and vented mailers donated to campaigns. voters only got mailers. todd: is there a downside to this political spam? let's bring in kurt the cyber guy. >> when we look at this closely it is a brilliant way for political campaigns to reach people not only for the vote but donations to their campaign. a group of people have been using a similar way, instead of volunteers sitting around calling you and annoying you in the evening hours they will instead text you. hi, jillian, what is going on, who is this? at the end of the day it is much less annoying than getting a phone call according to people receiving this. what happened in tennessee, where it is being sent to the moon? never areas actors, badmouthing, doing political attacks against opponents. it is certainly not allowed. at this point you don't know who is behind it. jillian: there is the national do not call list, don't know if that works for text messages. >> robot machine, vote for me because that would not be allowed. you are completely allowed to have an individual text you at a time so they created software applications that work for political campaigns, individually texting you. their databases so virtually everything including what nail color you have. we have that information out there, you may have offered it before to a political party. >> can i do anything to stop this? >> there is a little bit you can do. once you receive this, you can request as they call you please don't text me again. is a going to be effective? apparently not. the second go around they start to think about removing you from the list. how to remove anybody who is bothering you by text. jillian: including people you know. todd: the final day. jillian: where can we find that? >> jillian: a new clue in the search were missing iowa student as the family of molly tibbetts refuses to give up hope. >> molly didn't go to work today. at that moment adrenaline shot through my body, something is terribly wrong. heather: disgrace will act calling stone from the grave of a fallen hero. carly shimkus with growing outrage from a goldstar mother. >> friday the all-american summer concert series eating up, king and country ready to rock the plaza, stay where you are. ♪ >> fox news alert, brand-new clue in the search for molly to its. a red shirt found near the pig farm investigators have been coming through. rob: the family of the missing college student not giving up hope just yet. >> we believe that molly is still alive. of someone has abducted her we are pleading with you to please release her. todd: that was molly's mother pleading for the return of her daughter who she believes is still around after disappearing two weeks ago. jillian: ted wilson sat down with her yesterday and joins us with that interview. what is the latest information that you know? >> reporter: i can tell you over my shoulder here is the command center where local, state, and federal law enforcement officers will be converging in this area with one objective and that objective is to bring molly home. they have gotten quite a few clues, some of it they shared with us and hold close to their vests. >> i want to play some sound from your interview with molly's mom. >> i was quietly sitting in the public library and approximately 5:15 my youngest son scott called me and said molly didn't go to work today. at that moment adrenaline shot to my body, something is terribly wrong. law enforcement has been essential, crucial. i can't find the words to say what happened. >> how are you holding up? >> through some kind of internal strength that is just there. todd: we heard how important hope is during this process, you are there with molly's mom. what did you see in her eyes when you spoke to her? >> reporter: i saw what i have seen thousands of times as an investigator over the years, someone clutching onto just a glimmer of hope that at some stage in the future they will be able to hug their loved one who is missing. molly's mother's eyes, my heart went out to her. jillian: all of america's heart goes out to their family. in your conversation with molly's mother, do they have any suspicions of their own what may have happened to their daughter? >> reporter: some do and some don't. i mean some of her relatives have an idea, they believe she is somewhere abducted, that she is alive. they believe sooner or later the person who is holding her, that person will release molly award. >> take us through what happens of law enforcement identifies this. >> once they identified the suspect they will bring that person or persons in, look physically over that person because if there are any abrasions, in a fight with the person, and confiscates their cell phones and bring them in, they will do what is done with a digital footprint and find out about the person's background. and confiscate their automobile. one of the most important things they do, and aspect of suspects to take a polygraph examination as part of the investigative process. jillian: the number to call if you know anything no matter how small you think the detail maybe you can call the sheriff at 641-623-5679. thank you very much. >> reporter: the pleasure. jillian: an exclusive look at the military gear and personal items returned with us marines from north korea, helmets, campaign buttons, from the korean war, caskets recently handed over to the us. also found, this dog tag. it will be given to the fallen soldiers two sons at arlington, virginia. the remains being tested in hawaii after mike pence accepted them on wednesday. todd: sarah huckabee sanders flipping the script on reporters during a fiery exchange in the white house briefing room. >> the president is rightfully frustrated. 90% of the coverage on him is negative despite the fact the economy is booming, isis is on the run and american leadership is being reasserted around the world. >> you did not say that the press is not the memory -- enemy of the people. >> personal attacks without any content other than anger. the media has attacked me personally on a number of occasions including her own network, harassed, that i should be choked. todd: jim acosta tweeting that he walked out of the briefing room in protest. mark live in slamming the press corps. >> the dc press corps today is the least professional press corps of my lifetime. they think that their job is to make it impossible for the president to function. as long as they keep putting clowns like jim acosta out there who is a drama queen of sorts, the reaction of the american people. todd: live-in says the press needs to take a look at itself but it won't. as anti-trump rhetoric rams up eric trump is shining a light on how his family has been a target. >> i have been threatened, we have had white power show up in our house. there is no moral outrage about that but when it happens to them, when they are offended by a message. todd: vanessa trump was hospitalized after opening a suspicious letter with a white powdery substance addressed to her ex-husband donald trump junior. jillian: hundreds of protesters fed up with gun violence take to the streets of chicago. the march shutting down a major highway during rush hour, demonstrators sending a loud and clear message to democratic mayor rahm emanuel, make changes or resign. >> 16 shots covered up. we are praying today, the mayor and city council, do something different. jillian: gianna caldwell is on the ground with the protestant will join us live in the next hour. todd: democrats blasted by their own party over their efforts to impeach the president. >> not a single person in the senate democratic caucus has shown the common sense or the sense of right and wrong to support impeachment. jillian: carly shimkus with serious xm 115 with reaction to those comments. >> reporter: tom stier made his money on wall street, he is a billionaire who became an environmentalist and is founder of a campaign aimed at impeaching donald trump. you heard him calling out members of the democratic establishment who have not backed his campaign but conservatives on social media are responding to his comments, when twitter user rights goes to show you common sense is not needed to become a billionaire. another rights you actually have to commit a crime to be impeached. nora on twitter writing sorry but not liking him is not a valid reason for impeachment. stier pledged $40 million in his business campaign to impeach donald trump. todd: it is about having grounds on which to impeach. really unfortunate situation in massachusetts. >> the mother of a fallen soldier said thieves have been stealing coins people are leaving on her son's graveyard. take a listen. >> it just makes me, it makes me sick to think that someone could do that. >> the mother noticed the coins were missing a couple weeks ago. it is a tradition for people who knew a fallen soldier to leave money on their gravestone. a lot of people on social media sympathizing with this family. i never heard of this tradition but love it. how dare people steal the coins, so much disrespect, such a beautiful young man he was and another twitter user rights there is no accounting for scum who would violate the grave. jillian: 3 girls on horseback going viral. >> 3 girls in california came up with a unique way to thank firefighters and first responders battling the car wildfire. they are riding past the command center on horseback carrying american flags and a sign it says thank you. it listed their spirits and people in social media responding to this, one twitter user rights that is the country i grew up in and we have to get back to and another twitter user says my hometown, proud of those girls, a simple thank you in a unique way. jillian: i will not get on horseback to say thank you. 39 after the hour, 17 years after 9/11 airplanes are a real target for terrorists. >> terrorists want to bring down aircraft. they still see aviation as the crown jewel target. jillian: why in the world with the tsa cut security screenings at airports across the country? jim hansen, an expert in hunting extremists, joins us with why he says this could be catastrophic. rob: this video showing a dramatic car rescue, americans help officers. the weather across the country. ♪ not ♪ a hero ♪ the hero in the morning sky ♪ - in a crossfit gym, we're really engaged upload your logo or start your design today at >> booklet, travelers, tsa weighing a new plan to stop security screenings at 150 airports nationwide. jillian: critics worry it will or terrorists to those airports. john kelly has this morning. >> reporter: terrorists want to bring down aircraft to disrupt their economy, undermine our way of life and it works. which is why they still see aviation as the crown jewels target. jillian: joining us with reaction his former us army special forces conducting counterterrorism operations, jim hansen. thank you for joining us. i want to hear what you have to think of this was we were stunned yesterday when we heard it. >> reporter: it does not seem like a wise move. as secretary kelly said the terrorists have always focused on aircraft. if you can knock an airplane out of the sky or as on 9/11 use them as weapons you create a very normal fear for people. there is something completely not quite right about putting a couple hundred humans in a tube and hurdling them through the sky. we all have a rational fear of that. i have jumped out of them at the same altitude, but the terrorists know that puts fear in us and disrupting that and our air travel system causes massive disruption to people and businesses. it is a great target and we need to keep our eye on it. todd: you can't put a price on human life but for arguments sake, say they came back and said this will save us $100 billion. then there might be a little more of an argument here. $115 million annually. that is nothing compared to the scope of what we pay at airports and how much the federal government has. this is insanity. >> you can make the case there are plenty of other targets. a terrorist in nice, france, killed 87 people and wounded 450 with a cargo truck. it is not like they don't have other ways to do it but this is the one they focus on. this is the one that given a choice they will do. the idea of saying smaller airports if we go ahead and leave them a little bit foldable they won't go there but the 9/11 hijackers focused on an airport in portland, maine based on the assumption that security at smaller airports would be less. they proved the fallacy in that thinking. tsa needs to accept the fact that we either protect all our airports or none because knocking a plane with 50 people out of the sky is not much less bad than knocking one out with a couple hundred. jillian: a statement from the tsa says, quote, there have been no decisions to illuminate passenger screening at any federalized us airport. you brought up a good point when you were talking about what happened in nice. we saw terror play out in many aspects since 9/11, vehicles on multiple occasions, a lot of shootings, concert venues targeted. just because we are seeing other factors of terrorism doesn't mean you start getting lacks at the airports. >> i don't think this is the place to make cuts especially for budgetary reasons. let's go ahead and if we are going to secure our air travel system we have to secure it on this go in through the weakest spot and weakest links in the chain. secure it all and look at procedures that are ridiculous at some of the checkpoints but no reason to stop screening luggage or other things. if they sneak a bomb on a plane anywhere in the united states on the us aircraft or anywhere else on the world especially our own us travelers that will cause a massive disruption and we can't let them. todd: thank you for adding a little sense to a senseless argument. heather: falling into a fountain while texting isn't bad enough, one town once you to pay with cold hard cash. todd: one homeowner mrs. amazon prime. ♪ who let the dogs out ♪ who let the dogs out ♪ who let the dogs out ♪ who let the dogs out ♪ it's great when you see a hundred orders come in, a hundred orders come in, but then you realize i've got a hundred orders i have to ship out. shipstation streamlined that wh the order data, the weights of , everything is seamlessly put into shipstation, so when we print the shipping ll everything's pretty much done. it's so much easier so now, we're ready, bring on t. shipstation. the number one ch of online sellers. go to and get two months free. are you ready to take your then you need xfinity xfi.? a more powerful way to stay connected. it gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most wifi coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. it's the ultimate wifi experience. xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. ♪ at the site of you ♪ todd: if you do want free food you can come to the plaza later today. 14 and country will be performing the. jillian: best corn muffins i ever had. amazing. my first line is do you want free food? get a job. donald trump urging lawmakers to work together to put the rule in the farm bill. the president tweeting when house and senate meet on the farm bill, hopefully they will be able to leave work provisions approved. the senate should go to 51 votes. the current farm bill ends next month. todd: promise you won't laugh at this. this woman so distracted by her phone she falls into a fountain. california wants to ban people from using the phones while crossing the street. people who cover both ears with headphones, violators could be punished with a $500 -- honolulu became the first major american city. with a similar law. jillian: sometimes it is insane. no one is paying attention. pay attention to this. stores closing their doors for good. todd: tracy carrasco is here to explain why. i found that one -- jillian: i like brookstone. >> you need to find another place to get chairs or high-tech gadgets. they filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy. they will be closing all mall locations, about 100 of them. they hope to keep 35 of their airport locations open but this is all due to declining foot traffic at malls, more people shopping online. another victim of the retail ice age. jillian: they have the softest blankets. >> reporter: i have a blanket from brookstone. todd: some big guinness news. >> reporter: the first guinness brewery in the united states in 60 years is opening today just outside maryland. the guinness (worry, not going to be brewing the iconic stout, that is coming from dublin, ireland but they will be brewing the lacquer, they will have a visitor center, task force, you can take tours. this is opening up today, first time in several years. todd: the players are not getting in. >> reporter: you can taste the imported beer from ireland. they are not doing that iconic status. >> time for the good, the bad and the ugly. a lot on the line to pool a man from a burning car. first responders pooling the unconscious driver out. he crashed in southern california. jillian: a teenager tried to steal a plane to go to a rock concert, the 18-year-old found bike security arkansas city in the cockpit of an american eagle jet but he doesn't know how to fly. heather: caught red pod, a company named savage seen on surveillance video stealing and amazon package. it was not the only thing savage swiped. he took a pair of prescription sunglasses and a garden hose nozzle the owner did not realize. jillian: all right. chicago protesters outraged over rising gun violence instead of democratic leadership. >> not everyone believes chicago is a trump freezone. i accept his help. we can't turn any help away. todd: born and raised in the windy city, joins us live with reaction in the next hour of "fox and friends first". ♪


Transcripts For DW DW News 20190611 21:30:00

the gulf coast. it's all a winning coach of pretty. sure link to use from africa and the world. your link to exemption stories and discussions in the unwelcome student news after going program a night from for an exam to meet from the news of easy town language safety debate it comes to africa join us on facebook d w africa. her. this is the news africa coming up in the next 15 minutes in landmark ruling on a reason to celebrate its one assassin was that's right he is no longer a crime so how does this the last time l g b t i activist. also coming out of a crowded and under-funded we go inside a youth prison in nigeria to meet the inmates with little hope for the future and the mob trying to prepare them for life after. anybody could julia as the name you're welcome to the show it was all tears of joy in major breakthrough in botswana as the country's high courts decriminalized homosexuality activist said when the landmark judgment was read out until today on the books one is on to gay laws offenders could be jailed for up to 70 is reading out their highly anticipated verdict the judge said sexual orientation is human it's not a question of fashion. making a strong case for human equality and nondiscrimination we'll be talking to an activist in a moment but 1st let's take a look at the daily hardship that faced what's one as gay community. today's judgment matters to touch again see more than most and we were correct botswana's 1st gay rights organization he hopes this will be a defining moment seeing homosexuals treated equally in every decent you ations. cause then when you say this is that we require men that somnus is there not i will and even good government has been to be loosed negative comments say to you so we just want to be free to add to the services through the charity leg. when the team fight for l.g.b. to write and provide vital support to the country's past security geek community he has some encouragement for others struggling with their own sense of self-worth. that will have to be true that everybody deserves to be hip in the way they should embrace who in the. end. accept it as it is because if you don't as accept yourself there's no community can accept. after today perhaps society's acceptance will know come a little easier joining me now from botswana's capital governor on is. brilliant cody hello brilliant nice to have you here now you were in accords room when the ruling was made exactly what was going through your mind at the moment. i was going through a lot of mixed emotions i was really in shouts to make hi and you want to know what this is the and decides and when this is the end all when they're quite rude. i was trucked and in as well as excited at the same time so i must say it really was at the of mixed emotions but mostly excitement. now what does this ruling mean today community in botswana this ruling means so much to us this ruling means that finally now i'm trio. we feel confident as well because now the fact that there are i chair you just up white house to us that's on is then got quite a few dents not that we've really do not see a lot more. we really feel as the quote is like an ordinary guy that once on we actually know it would be nettles on. who are now in more than half of. the 54 african countries homosexuality is still illegal what do you envisage for the future of the l.g.b. teac you community especially after the news that you had today. what i envision is us. history that was a fire on time taken away from us or that for a long time was kept secret from us because i also would just stand that more sexuality is very much you know. look i'm a sick child it is very much i think ken and it's about time that now we busy actually. reclaim this and continue from the way when we were promised. yes. now you sort of set a bit of what my final question was because many people would say homosexuality on african but you see it is african after all is that was i what your position is. it is it is it is in the ditch and it's about time we create good mission and all this unity that really did you say that for a long time busy has been kept away from us so the terrorists only now. tens of you know that also include you fight in how the future looks like and we've got to get that this is only had it not ok brilliant cody it's one his capital gaborone. activist thanks for your time. now to a story about correctional services for teenagers in nigeria thousands are in prison for us awaiting trial and many prisons are overcrowded cameras are usually not welcome there but my colleague find if i saw you see access to a correctional facility for juvenile offenders. in ogun states. there are as young as 14 juvenile offenders briefly allowed outside the facility and under close watch one of them we will call him tyo he's cutting back we see his stories all too common. john's seen a few. reporters are usually not. in prisons they are known for being notoriously overcrowded we are given a rare access by a guidance counsellor who works at the facility he wants the conditions to improve this juvenile prison was built for 200 inmates it currently holds almost twice that number to force me to this moment for such people useful if they feel both people will want to keep for me definitely a time surviving movie gentlemen are no good yes that means there is very little space 35 people share this cell they call their hostel and just one shower. so it's clearly overcrowded and yes is it your fancy for. dogs it's a wildcard and there is not much to do not enough teachers lack of adequate vocational training to prepare for a life outside what they miss the most is something else. for your 3 don't they are a man tells me he's been locked up for a year for drug related crime others are here for rape or some petty crime the goal is to make them better nigerians but the government's resources are stretched to. use of shows me the library it's too small and is in need of renovation the school books are outdated. you don't like it because if you don't good need to be doing. true do one direction that means once released many end up hanging out on the street and getting involved in crime again but today should be about positivity where the government's efforts fall short and seek to fill the gap. is being given out to $385.00 students at. the special day because music these days is supposed to be about. to restore. children. guest speakers are here as part of a private initiative to reform prisons in nigeria 1st stop a well known fitness trainer. he tells the students they can become anything they want it's not too late words of encouragement they seldom hear and seldom believe the world is also a grim nigeria's youth unemployment rate is one of the highest in the ruled so it's all too likely that after they have served their time here the teenagers who resume their old ways with their old friends and risk being locked up again. i'm joined by and in morton who is a state court and you dream again prison and you'd foundation in nigeria they prepare children and teenagers for life after prison hello and thanks for your time is a nigerian government feeling it's just delinquents thank you so much. thank you for having me. the government needs to do more absolutely the government needs to be intentional about what she wants for the future of the young ones in one cheer because the crime for rate is increasing i mean that the rate of crime right now is on the increase and the juvenile offenses is becoming. so the government needs to do more the government needs to put in policies needs to put in programs need to do a lot to call this offenses happening. we're talking about offenses but also one of the big situations is overcrowding what are the core of overcrowded juvenile prison facilities. the caught the crowd in is the fact that the increase in crime rates keeps increasing and doors are we to try ohs need to be attended to speedily the government needs to do all they can to make sure that the young ones the young offenders who are awaiting trials should be attended to instead of just kept there for a very long period of time without being attended to and then the poverty rate also is on the increase and family instability leads to this overcrowding happening right now in the facilities because a lot of the children are going into crimes. like it's a combination of many different factors that can make this situation better now while the i'm prison go on yes those in prison be better managed by the government and other stakeholders there's a lot of blame on the government. well they can manage it by putting a lot of programs to create awareness so the young offenders know the consequences of what they actually going into so what they can do is make sure they put in more programs to create awareness of consequences for these crimes. i mean none of them will be spared if they go into such then also they can create a system tends to cases on the ground that might not need to pay for that long at the facilities and also create. all welfare for those who might have been convicted one you know how to reintegrate them back into society thank you very much and i thank. you for having me thank you. cards for last stories on our website on facebook. decriminalizing with. these pictures. and abrasions across the country. lovely to see you next time i've been up. to. my. rock and doing. my. bond movie. reduced down to by the turn. do you mean that you feel when you think. of. stopping no one is more popular than. rock and religion a clash that brings many parallels to late. for the 2 really soon to reconcile. come. june 17th. on a very warm welcome to arts and culture today a photographer who trains his lens on those fighting to save our oceans also coming up a unique festival in austria combining the arts technology and society. and


Transcripts For DW DW News 20190706 18:00:00

the law simply. was no longer strong starch 20 years on w. . let him out of the. plane. plane. the law. this is. from 1000000000 a rescue ship carrying nearly 50 migrants in the italian or to lampedusa the alexandra defiance of the bad by israelis hardline interior minister. and the standoff continues with another aid organization baseball that's standing by just off the coast and seeking a safe course. of that also coming up. southern california is rational by one of the biggest plates in 2 decades speed magnitude 7 point one they chase buildings have to tell us the flags and box bias and more time those may be on the way. and at the women's world cup sweden linden the 3rd place they often show they did the affronts empty handed. and i'm christine one to welcome to the program. a magnitude 7 point one earthquake has struck 7 kind of fornia the region's strongest tremor in 2 decades the epicenter was some 200 kilometers northeast of los angeles injuries and fires have been reported it's the latest in a series of recent quakes to hit california and experts are warning more are likely to come. from residents watched helplessly as the quake hit the most powerful in 20 years. god knows you know the travelers traveled as far south as mexico for tourists visiting the region it was a surreal moment well we were just you know joe room what if you do you know. of a sudden the room started sort of shaking and we didn't know you don't really know what what leads you to think what you did it doesn't register straightaway that until being killed every everything's moving in the chandelier was shaking and the kids were saying it's an earthquake that is every word in the whole day i was sitting on my share in every way that she will they were and they would realize oh my god when we run out of. the quake triggered fires power outages and damaged roads minor injuries were also reported. here it was the 2nd to strike the region this week the 1st came as americans were celebrating the 4th of july experts are urging residents to be prepared for earthquakes of all sizes. so this earthquake is yet another opportunity for people to be aware that there will be a big earthquake in southern california it's not a matter of if it's a matter of when but the really important thing is just not to prepare for the big one even these moderate earthquakes like the one that happened yesterday in ridgecrest can cause damage. the anxiety has reignited fears of what's called the big one a predicted catastrophic earthquake on the san andreas fault line runs through california the statewide warning system is currently being created to inform residents of impending danger. and italian risk is ship with 46 migrants on board has stocks in the city despite being banned from doing so the vessel enough to do so is operated by an italian. crew declined an offer to say along to malta saying the long journey would have been dangerous for the people on board interior minister matteo self and he has tried to close italian ports to the charity ships. correspondent is in lampedusa hi amy and so the boat stopped has anyone been allowed off yet. well if you can see the this is not the ship behind me this is a massive vessel that just came in so the sailboat that was carrying the 41 migrants has been moved by it i believe they went over to where the coast guard is on the other side of the bay to make room for this ship actually there was one person taken off in a stretcher that's the only one i saw come off yet there were no arrests i asked the talian police here they said no one has been arrested of course you might remember last saturday caught hold of a kid from the german angio rescue ship was taken into custody because of her forcing her way into the port here at lampedusa so the ship has just gone over to the other side of the bay i'm going to go over there soon and have a report for you to tell you what's going on over there are a.b.c.'s one person being taken off on a stretcher presumably they're going to go and get make ok but when i do is to eventually get off the plane if they're allowed to what's going to happen to them well there have been a lot of arrivals in the past couple of days and so far all of them have been brought to the immigration center that's up in the middle of the island here where it's just further inland it's blocked off to the public i wasn't allowed to go in but it doesn't mean the migrants can't come out i'm sure as soon as they go in they will receive whatever medical attention they need and then they would be free to come out into lampedusa like the migrants that i talked to yesterday ok amy and so there is another boat child this is the german sea i rescue bush it's in the same losses in limbo what's happening there. well that boat of course is still stuck out there that did not come in like the alex a sailboat that just came in today alex sailboat is italian the other the n.g.o.s the c.i. it's the name of the boat is the island kirti that is a german n.g.o.s you said that has about over 50 migrants still on it they're out there waiting for word from the italian government but so far they've been blockaded now because it is a larger ship they have more resources unlike this sailboat that declared a state of emergency and came into the port all right amy in a safe enough to do some reporting for me thank you. now to some of the other stories making news around the world spain's annual running of the bulls festival has begun the 9 days that abrasion in the northern city of pamplona sees hundreds of dead devils run through the streets with the bulls before the animals are killed at a bull fight now before the event and more rights activists protest against what they call mass cruelty. the high speed rail link between france and switzerland has been knocked out by europe's heat wave passengers face long delays and had to travel instead by bus the train operators say israel checks have buckled in the intense heat of the link is unlikely to reopen before sunday. and hundreds of thousands of our other have marched for gay rights in the london pride parade organizers are calling it the largest and most center of the largest and most integration of the us so far the l g b t movement is celebrating its 50th anniversary the raids have also taken place in other major european cities such as would have passed and madrid. and britain prince harry and his wife megan have christened their 2 month old son archie the baby is 7th in line to the bridge through his parents also known as the duke and duchess of sussex while the ceremony in private large crowds gathered all the same outside women's acosta with the chapel is locations. to the women's football world cup now in sweden have taken 3rd place of the tournament beating england 21 to talk us through the action i'm joined now by tom in the lawyer from well it's good to see you so sweet and have the consolation of getting the bronze medal help will they be well i mean it's better than nothing it's 3rd place unfortunately is really the it's hard to but no one wants to win now the english coach phil neville. said that when you've been trying to motivate him so for this game you have to be reminded by a colleague that it's only a bronze medal although if you hold it in the right like it looks a little bit more confident for him that's no consolation that he's going to get so enjoy because in will be in 21 by the swedes in the east here is how the game unfolds. the penultimate game at the women's world cup offered consolation to 2 teams who appeared genuine chances to sing on the big stage sweden settled 1st to take advantage of an england era with just 10 minutes gone. as loni with the 1st before the breakout star of the swedish side sophia jakobsen extended the late . i having to her growing highlight reel from france as england looked desperate for a spot to finally ignite de di i did friend kirby but the stunning solo with. i the minus is good suddenly smelled blood again and looked to have drawn level with the opposition only to come face to face with the toughest opponent of the tournament the video assistant referee helen watch for oil does video killed the football star for a 2nd strike match in the sweet finish to. the champions unite the country and the u.s. take on the netherlands in the final smart but there's a bit of a story about something. more about that yeah that's correct now 2 men's finals are also going to be taking place tomorrow that's the gold cup final between mexico and the usa and the cup by america far no 0 between brazil and peru yeah can you believe it now. who's been voted out throughout the tournament is among those who are less than impressed with the scheduling decision now is of course a bit of a distraction from the women's world cup final which is you know the biggest game in this 4 doesn't really convince anybody that the women's game is held in very high esteem now. responsible for scheduling those 2 finals actually in the case of the copa america come the bold the south american federation and in the case of the gold cup comcast now a victim of the boss of congress about this recently he admitted that it had been an oversight that it was a mistake he said it wouldn't happen again but the. tried to pass the buck a bit on to fee for by saying and the ultimately they had the mosses of the have and have also said that they were involved in the process now whoever was ultimately responsible megan rapinoe is not very happy it's who she was asked a press conference earlier today what she thought about this decision and this is what she had to say now i mean this terrible scheduling for everyone don't you guys feel disrespected by that i mean as you know as someone who works in football as someone who plays in football that's a terrible idea put everything on the same day in every way especially i mean obviously there's you know there's 2 other finals going on but this is the world cup final. you know this is like cancel everything day i quite agree ok it's all about the final so maybe the winds are going to start his and the dogs essentially some are but they'll be possibly without their star player yeah that's true that might be an extra hindrance because they are possibly going to be missing the commodities now she had to go off during the hof to during halftime in the in the semifinal against sweden with a foot injury so there are question marks over whether or not she's going to be able to make it on sunday she's been crucial really for japan sorry for the netherlands it was a game of course against japan in the round of 16 where she's got both goals to send them through it's true of course the netherlands are really going to be underdogs tomorrow but nonetheless they all the european champions and they have carved themselves away to the final so they just be hoping that the usa will be underestimating them i think however it does have to be said the usa have been a class above all of their opponents so far at the tournament and i think they're fairly confident that they can be able to keep their top so if they do so out of 8 wins world cups in history that will mean that the usa have won 4 they really are the titanic power in this game so i think they they are right tom get away from danger spots so they. right hong kong has recently been rocked by a series of protests over it all that would lead ease extraditions to china but that's just one of the main issues angry residents they're worried about china's increasing influence over the region deja news much is split into visited a train station way china's reach extends deep into the heart of hong kong. this train station is highly controversial since last year west kowloon station in hong kong has connected the city to the chinese mainland. i am now standing at the top of this railway station the rooftop is accessible as a sightseeing point the government promotes this station as a way to access china's vast high speed rail network and it highlights that travel time to one joe the metropolis of southern china is now half of what it was before the 130 kilometer train joining 2 going to takes just 45 minutes beijing 2000 kilometers away can be reached in 9 hours but many hong kong as do not appreciate these new trends between cities need to ken general secretary of the confederation of trade unions is one of them look at this high speed rail you know it's like us the frosting in the hot paul called the reason for his discontent inside the railway station there is a controlled border between hong kong and mainland china an official video explains the consequences. attention after entering the mainland port area departing passengers will need to comply with mainland laws. the opposition sees this as a breach of hong kong as one country 2 systems arrangement that guarantees hong kong its own rule of law it's a gradual slippery slope where gradually you know chinese begin to intervene into our rule of law and then take away a piece of land and claim it to be chinese judicial system. for many people in hong kong the station has become yet another symbol for the mainland influence in this city. you're watching news from berlin we'll leave you with some of the newly named wonders of the well the un's cultural organization unesco is meeting right now to decide which places should be part of the world heritage list here are some of the places they've already added from myself and the rest of the team here to the back . good. to see you. see. where i come from we have to fight for a free press and was born and raised in a military dictatorship with just one t.v. shadow and a few newspapers with official information as a journalist i have walked off the streets of many cantrips and they have all those


Transcripts For DW DW News 20191004 03:00:00

the palms code. to berlin been on d w. this is deja vu news live from berlin donald trump openly urges china to investigate his leading political rival. the us president wants beijing to open a corruption for open to democratic presidential candidate joe biden that's even as trophy says an impeachment inquiry for making the same request to the president of ukraine will get an update from washington and. dozens are killed demonstrating against miserable conditions in iraq even the government says the protesters are right to demand an end to corruption. thanks for joining us u.s. president donald trump has suggested that china should investigate former vice president joe biden and biden's son hunter who had a business relationship with a chinese company trump floated the idea as congressional investigators heard testimony from their 1st witness in the impeachment inquiry against him. was questioned behind closed doors about his role in trump's attempt to prod ukraine's president into investigating the bidens volcker was trumped special envoy for ukraine until he resign. last week right after a whistleblower filed a complaint about the now famous phone call between trump and the ukrainian leader polluted news the lead's. rational democrats say tribes efforts caused acute abuse of power but if it's not ready for more let's bring in dubuque correspondent. in washington d.c. so this is the 1st inquiry into what could be a long road ahead what more do we know well before we actually get on to those rather extraordinary comments from president trump of course we do need to focus on this testimony the 1st testimony in this impeachment inquiry and as you mentioned curt falter now he's the former u.s. special envoy to ukraine and what we're hearing from media reports is here. told rudy giuliani no that's president trump's personal attorney he essentially warned him that the information that you leon he was that was getting from the ukrainians and it wasn't really trustworthy he also it's also being said here in the media that president trump ordered the removal of the former u.s. ambassador to ukraine following complaints by giuliani now let's also go back a little bit because in the whistleblower complaint it was said that folk are just one day after the phone call between president trump and the ukrainian president met with the president selenski alongside the u.s. ambassador to the european union in which they spoke to him about how to navigate trump's requests now before his testimony folk are also handed over documents including copies of text messages that he had with rudy giuliani but of course this testimony has been taking place behind closed doors and a lot of the attention today has been focused very much on those rather explosive comments that came from president trump. exactly the president's making new accusations saying that it's not just ukraine but china that should probe the bidens let's hear what the president had to say. they best to gauge that because that is a company but only for the world cup but if you look good by the way like white guys just started to gauge it. because what happened is. just about as bad as what happened with. your brain so just as we're getting used to this ukraine story all of a sudden china why china why call on beijing. now president trump is referring back to a trip by the former vice president and of course one of the democratic presidential nominees joe biden back in 2013 he traveled there alongside his son hunter and his daughter and hunter met a chinese banker who would later become. his business associate now i want to speak i want to talk to you about what the republican senator and finance chairman chuck grassley said he said the younger biden hunter had a history of investing in and collaborating with chinese companies including at least one posing significant national security concerns and then we also need to just focus on the fact that president trump is essentially asking china a country which in just a few days' time is going to be holding trade talks has been engaged in a trade war with the united states for a century help in investigating a u.s. national and also in that same press conference he reiterated those calls for ukraine to investigate joe biden so as you can imagine you know the fallout from those comments here in particular from democrats has been rather intense. and where do you see all of this going politically. well i mean it's quite a complicated situation so fast moving we're hearing so many you know different reports day today what i think we need to focus on the fact that republicans have come out several in support of president trump but there are a significant number who have sat back there listening they're waiting to see what those inquiries are going to reveal and you know for the time being of course the democrats are focusing very much on continuing with their inquiry but you know what this is going to be a fast moving investigation and inquiry we'll see where it ends up ok top of the list in washington d.c. thank you for that. more than 30 people have been killed in the n.t. government protest in iraq authorities have imposed curfews and internet blackouts there's widespread anger over unemployment corruption and poor basic services. in cities across the country young mostly unemployed iraqis but directing their anger. they blame the government for failing to create jobs the authorities heavy handed response to the protests only increases their resentment. we are peaceful but they meet us with bullets and tear gas the government is fighting us but we will carry on and we will not retreat so the university graduate mr often here lives working as a shop keeper to make ends meet. there's corruption everywhere. graduated from the same color just she's unemployed but there's no work and that's because of corruption in the government but they promise but they never deliver. 2 years after the end of the war against the islamic state terrorist group there's little sign of any peace dividend one in 4 young iraqis are out of work basic services like water and electricity are unreliable hospitals roads and schools own lack funding. kind of way the flow of young people have no jobs and no money the country is taking money from abroad but it doesn't benefit our own people we have a very tired look at a video but with sadness we say those who are corrupt should go we have protesting for our rights. but. even the government admits the protesters are right to demand an end to corruption the prime minister is proposing a new law granting families a basic income that may not be enough to end the un rest in the short term 7. and now to some of the other stories making news around the world. a police employee with a knife killed 4 colleagues at paris's police headquarters before another officer shot him to death investigators have not determined a motive rampage came a day after officers marched through the french capital to protest against a long hours and rising suicide rates. a collection of nazi artifacts is going on display at the holocaust museum in buenos aires as part of the permanent collection the items were found in an antique collector secret room nazi paraphernalia are not illegal in argentina but the relics were seized while the collector faces charges of trafficking of items. in london have used a fire engine to spray hundreds of gallons of fake blood onto the facade of the british treasury. aim to draw attention to what activists say is the government's failure to address a looming global climate catastrophe. and the 1st arab to visit the international space station has returned to earth after 8 days in space. and story of the united arab emirates kazakstan on a soyuz capsule also on board were an american. and. from russia they both spent about 6 months in the space station. the hong kong government may invoke a colonial era state of emergency law to empower police to crack down on the anti-government protests that have rocked the city for months officials are reportedly considering a curfew and a ban on face masks. scenes like this have become common on hong kong streets every weekend and even some weekdays protesters face off against police many of the demonstrators wear masks and some are warning of dire consequences if a ban on face masks is put into effect. if this regime really wants to suppress the voice of the people like this it will only make the deficiency in our society more serious i think our people won't be afraid they'll continue to hit the streets and use more drastic methods to fight. such masks are commonly available many people buy them at pharmacies they're one of the few defenses against the widespread use of facial recognition software by the chinese government authorities say that's part of the problem. this law is the best way to help police officers to prevent those violent acts it's challenging for the police officers to collect evidence if the protesters wear masks but there's little agreement on whether the move would actually help the authorities. the help is measures work deters great powers and also to crowds greater powers for the police to detain protesters as some of the skeptics already expressed their concern that this may valid they think it will buy side home call and more importantly this new doubts that whether this will intimidate radical protestors are not. with no sign of a swift resolution both sides are digging in the situation is likely to escalate. germany is marking the anniversary of the reunification of its east and west after decades of hostile division during the cold war commemorations have taken place in the northern city of kill chancellor angela merkel says more still needs to be done to end inequality. sound lines evoking the shifting counters of germany's history as a country marked 29 years of unity in the northwestern city of killer chancellor and america highlighted to successes of reunification but she acknowledged that there was still work to do. and you know in advance if you are in the 29 years that have gone by since for unification an incredible amount has been achieved overall in both western and eastern germany people are now more contented with their lives than is any other time since reunification but we also know that that is not the whole truth surveys show that 29 years since reunification the majority of people from eastern germany feel they are 2nd class citizens. drawing upon her own experience and going to america spoke of the mixed feelings of east germans i think country disappeared. from asian few under the control myself and to many others the fall of the berling wall in 1989 and german reunification in 1990 when moments of happiness of confidence and of openness but others were intimidated by this new openness for them the east german system was a form of support was. chance and america also used the occasion to pay tribute to victims of the company's 2 regime. well you know there's that most i also want to remember the victims of the dictatorship those who lost their lives trying to flee those who were persecuted imprisoned they shouldn't be forgotten even on a day full of joy like today you forget some of them talk the foid of people it and . the german chancellor acknowledged that a gap still remains that in raising a border between 2 states wasn't enough to overcome differences in the to 210 values when you guys behaved less than half of the east germans a happy with democracy here in germany which means that aside from one happened all of us politicians and civil society alike have to understand that and also why german unity wasn't just a positive experience for many east germans. in a positive is. that they are said abrasion for germany but also in occasion to look at how difference is that still exists between east and west can be mended. time for sport now and in football frankfurt has secured their 1st win this season's europa league after beating portuguese. scored the only goal of a game in the 1st half the victory gets frankfurt back on track in europe after they lost their previous game. and a reminder of the top stories we're following for you. u.s. president donald trump has publicly urged china to investigate presidential candidate joe biden trump's comments came as u.s. lawmakers began hearing witnesses in the impeachment inquiry against. watching you give you a few news coming up next is indeed a new business thanks for watching. us after the fall of the berlin wall november night d.w. . i was here when i arrived here i slept with 6


Transcripts for MSNBC Dateline 20240604 06:24:00

he headed toward the cars? are used as phone to call for help? we was a phone? >> it was found to his right side. >> lovely was more convinced than ever that pravin's death was a result of foul play which is why she was so surprised when six weeks after his death, the official autopsy report came back and confirm what police had originally said. pravin died of hypothermia. the report did note some abrasions on his body but said there was no significant trauma. one report has one report not needing a band-aid a one blunt force trauma. >> that's a time i thought i'm in the twilight zone. >> there was something else in the autopsy report. something big. no alcohol had been founded pravin's blood. didn't that undermine the theory that he had gotten lost because he was drunk? it certainly got the attention of the police pathologist who wrote strangely tax is negative. no reason for pravin's bizarre


Transcripts for MSNBC Dateline 20240604 07:40:00

>> there were no broken bones. any substantial abrasions or contusions. they simply weren't there. >> every accident is different. every fall is different. is it possible she just fell in a certain way? didn't produce those injuries you were looking for? >> no. if she handed head first, she would have had head injuries, facial fractures. spinal trauma. none of that was present. >> reporter: so sheriff bruce made a quick conclusion. no injuries meant no fall. we went back to the sheriff in may of 2014. >> we got a late snowstorm this year. >> reporter: a spring storm had just blanketed the woods and rocks. >> i have to say, i'm honestly nervous just standing here. this is very steep. >> it's a sheer dropoff. >> reporter: it was up here


Transcripts for MSNBC Dateline 20240604 07:35:00

leslie's last moments alive. as he stared at leslie, the vibrant wife and mother, sheriff bruce's gut told him to keep looking. >> the vibes were all wrong. a little bit gives me the chills. coming up, vibes are one thing, but investigators thought they also had evidence that fred wasn't telling the truth. >> he told me she fell 20 feet. where was the trauma? the injuries? >> no broken bones. any substantial abrasions or contusions. >> reporter: what really happened to leslie that day? when dateline continues. that ? when dateline continues. but shingrix protects. only shingrix is proven over 90% effective. shingrix is a vaccine used to prevent shingles in adults 50 years and older. shingrix does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients or to a previous dose. an increased risk of guillain-barré syndrome was observed after getting shingrix. fainting can also happen.


Transcripts for MSNBC Dateline 20240604 10:24:00

man showed up at her door, expected to have violent sex with angela. he told police they sent him away. other men followed. all invited by email responses to rape fantasy ads. >> it had escalated began. to the point where angela calls plays department that another person had showed up and had actually tried to rape her. >> police officers responded to angela's 9-1-1 call. >> what did their counter? >> they encountered a very distraught angela diaz who said that another person had shown up. >> and she is abrasions. i care. >> on her neck. her shirt is torn. >> this is beyond misdemeanor mischief. this is a criminal act that you're seeing. >> most definitely, a criminal act. >> who is inviting men to rape angela? places like there was no question that it was michelle hadley. that is what led them to arrest michelle outside of her parents home. angela reported that during the night


Transcripts for MSNBC Dateline 20240604 07:24:00

>> it had escalated began. to the point where angela calls plays department that another person had showed up and had actually tried to rape her. >> police officers responded to angela's 9-1-1 call. >> what did their counter? >> they encountered a very distraught angela diaz who said that another person had shown up. >> and she is abrasions. i care. >> on her neck. her shirt is torn. >> this is beyond misdemeanor mischief. this is a criminal act that you're seeing. >> most definitely, a criminal act. >> who is inviting men to rape angela? places like there was no question that it was michelle hadley. that is what led them to arrest michelle outside of her parents home. angela reported that during the night that michelle sent -- suspended home, she didn't receive an. emails michelle may bail, she was out. >> almost immediately, but the mail started again. >> who is the deal here the book is actively? >> correct. >> it is continuing? >> correct. >> this is a complicated


Transcripts for MSNBC Chris Jansing Reports 20240604 17:15:00

so even the coroner came out and said there was no signs at all of abrasions on his body or a physical confrontation. that is the aftermath of what the gas station looked like following this community anger. i'm going to show you a picture right now of cyrus and note the fact that this picture came courtesy of a state representative, todd rutherford who said he was taken aback just looking at the image, it looks so much like his own son. he said this is a familiar story, someone who was racially profiled in his words and shot down in the street like a dog. that is in many ways how so many in this community, 41% african american are feeling right now. the sheriff did come out and say this is not an issue of race, racial profiling, race dynamics. however, he's white. the shop owner was asian, and of course the victim was black, and right now these are all layers to this story, a 14-year-old african american boy is dead, will not be continuing his life. his family is grieving and why, because he committed the grievous offense of looking at


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