barry, anybody who studies political history knows restrictions on voting opportunities help republicans. they re tougher voters. rain or shine. democrats aren t always going to vote. education challenges, economic challenges generally. if you want to win an election for the republicans, make it harder to vote. and here they go again. is any motivation to shut down early voting in person? what the secretary has said is that under a new plan in ohio this year, every registered voter about 7 million people will be getting in the fall an absentee ballot application. his argument is that gives you 750 hours in which to cast your ballot without having to leave the ez-chair in your living room. and the argument is valid. the problem is, many african-americans actually prefer to vote in person for a variety of reasons. not least of which is the degree
person in the recipient of an absentee ballot application? does that make up for what we re talking about? not completely. one of the things republicans not only in ohio but generally say is if you re going to vote you ve got to take responsibility for it. if you get bad advice in your polling place or wrong deadline, that s your problem. you ve got to fix it. democrats would like to see more ease and access. if your poll worker gives you bad information on how to cast your ballot, you shouldn t be penalized. so it s great that ohio is doing that in terms of absentee voting, but i think in general, as long as we have the right monitors in place and conditions in place it should be easier to vote and not harder to vote. gentlemen, thank you. thank you for your reporting. up next, michele bachmann gets some backup on absurd accusations on the muslim brotherhood by stephen colbert.
toward ensuring uniformity statewide. in fact, in the area you only have to look to two suburban counties. butler and warren which are heavy and went strong for mccain. he did not intervene in those cases. the democrats went along with republicans in allowing the extra hours. the democrats feel they re being penalized for saying let s make voting easy. whereas republicans are being much more selective and much more strategic in how they approach that. the chairman of the hamilton county republican party has said reportedly that voting access will not be restricted. quote, this year every registered voter will get an absentee ballot application so the people can vote 24/7 from home for weeks before the election. there will be plenty of hours to vote early. it s just not true that we re trying to restrict access. mark halperin, is that enough of a remedial pressure that every
aunt, if she supported walker, when the voter didn t know, she was given an absentee ballot application to sign had her behalf. it was caught by the city clerk and say it s apparent voter fraud. it makes more work when people try to defraud the system. but we caught it. we knew we would. we have never had one slip through. they re not going to get an extra ballot on. that won t work. eric: could there be voter fraud in this race? we have the communications director with media trackers, a conservative watchdog group. brian, welcome. what are you concerned about? eric, as we go into the recall election on tuesday here in the state of wisconsin, wisconsin has a history of tight elections and narrow outcomes and voter fraud could sway the election. going into tuesday, the state is at a disadvantage from where it could be, key voting provisions that could have led to protection of the ballot laws are no longer in place as a
voters told us they never signed be a tennessee applications for votes cast in their names. so you didn t write that. did i not. you didn t cast a ballot. i did not. did you vote? no. did you fill out an absentee ballot application. no. i didn t fill out any of those. so your vote was a fraud? it was. stunning allegations focused on democratic members of the troy city council and political operatives. only one of them that was charged yesterday pled not guilty. is he troy city council president ken campana. last year he told us he didn t do anything wrong. one of the democratic operatives who was charged and pled guilty was anthony defiglio. at the told police how the voter fraud operation worked saying, quote, this is an ongoing scheme and it occurs on both sides of the aisle. the people who are targeted live in low-income housing there is a sense they are less allot less likely to ask any questions. what appears as a huge conspiracy to nonpolitical