going to go in there and [bleep]. jesse: this is nancy pelosi being asked about that statement. i m not in the censorship business. i don t like that language. i wouldn t use that language. i don t establish a language standard for my colleagues. but i don t think it s anything worse than what the president has said. i don t think we should make a big deal of it. that s how people talk around. jesse: that s the speaker of the house not taking a hard stance on that language. this is congressman cleaver who had a different thought about it. this young person who just got elected might think this is okay. i don t know her and i haven t spoken with her. i have seen the video. what she did was absolute swli
what she did was absolute swli wrong. at this point i m refusing to accept the vulgarity. i heard people on the floor saying they were aghast at what was said. jesse: delays fracture among the democratic leadership and the entire house about this you will have garrity in-your-face d about this vulgarity. it would have cost me a mouthful of soap had i ever said anything like that when i was growing up. i didn t want to eat soap. i found other things to eat. but kudos for congressman cleaver for being bold enough not to defend that. even more so. it s not just her words about the president.
what she did was absolute swli wrong. at this point i m refusing to accept the vulgarity. i heard people on the floor saying they were aghast at what was said. jesse: delays fracture among the democratic leadership and the entire house about this you will have garrity in-your-face d about this vulgarity. it would have cost me a mouthful of soap had i ever said anything like that when i was growing up. i didn t want to eat soap. i found other things to eat. but kudos for congressman cleaver for being bold enough not to defend that. even more so. it s not just her words about