Clinging on: Olivia Lawrence says the Government has abandoned her cohort entirely
Credit: Olivia Lawrence
While the pandemic has been a grim affair for all students, the switch to mostly online learning has been particularly difficult for those studying drama. It’s a subject that usually involves in-depth, practical classes and physical training – and graduates need all those skills as soon as they enter a highly competitive job market.
Olivia Lawrence, who is in her second year studying for a BA in musical theatre (so acting, singing and dancing) at Trinity Laban in London, had a huge response to her Tweet stating that drama schools shouldn’t take in another cohort of students this September, and should instead “let all the year groups they already have retake the entire year for free. We have paid thousands for training we have not received.” Tagging Prime Minister Boris Johnson in a follow-up tweet, she added: “This is a severe injustice for young people.”