When we recognize ourselves as a living expression of the Holy, prayer takes on a new dimension. It becomes an intimate conversation with the divine essence that resides within us. We pray, in silence or out loud, then feel into the body to notice the response. From this perspective, prayer is not merely a one-way dialogue; it becomes a dynamic exchange between our human self and our divine nature. We know that every prayer is heard, and we approach prayer as an opportunity to awaken to our inherent divinity, to acknowledge our connection to the sacred web of life, and to nurture the qualities of compassion, kindness, and love that lie at the core of our being.
Ceasing from evil, grasping, the constellations of greed, becomes generosity. Ceasing from evil, aversion, the constellations of separation and resentment and hatred, becomes clarity. And, ceasing from evil, certainties all the constellations of certainty become endless curiosity, the not knowing that our tradition tells us is most intimate.So, cease from evil.