reporter: to 1 1/2 times greater pressure than it would experience on a dive. it is capable of doing 20,000 psi, which is more than challenging the deepest part of the ocean. reporter: fewer people have gone to the ocean depths than into space. why do humans need to be at that depth? it really goes to helping us understand our planet. reporter: vital research, they say, must continue safely. kristen dahlgren, nbc news, woods hole, massachusetts. when we come back, our look back at the legendary career of actor alan arkin. ackt ththe a ackt ththe a liviving with ececzema we re used d to this fefeeli. liviving with ececzema it s time youour skin gegets used toto a differerene with opzpzelura. fofor the treaeatment of m md toto moderate e eczema fofor the treaeatment of m md opopzelura is s proven to o cr fofor the treaeatment of m md or almlmost clear r skin. fofor the treaeatment of m md and sisignificantltly reduce i, fast. and sisignificantltly reduce i, op