Thanks to sheffield and members of the at lant at this history and lecture fund and making it possible to for me to come visit again in atlanta, this beautiful jewel of a city. What is pleasure it is to be here especially at the Atlanta History Center, so devoted as it is to the study of the history of this city, of the state of georgia and the United States. It is great to be back again. I wonder if we could have the lights down a bit because we have some pictures to see. Looking back, over 20 years, Alexander Stewart webb, declared, that the battle of gettysburg was, and is now throughout the world, known to be the waterloo of the rebellion certainly alex webb earned the right to speak with authority about gettysburg. He was 26 when the civil war broke out in 1861 and even though this grandson of a minuteman at bunker hill was only six years out of west point, he rocketed up the ladder of promotion to brigadier general, just a week before the union and confederate armies collided in