how could i forget someone like i was incorporating songs. if you don t know them in the next hour, you ll hear a tornillo of them. but it s happy birthday time for adele. adele, the singer. 35 years young today. when she was born 35 years ago this day, ronald reagan was still president. maggie thatcher was president. roll-up jeans and high tops were the rage. little did we know that a pop sensation was about to take it by storm and capture the hearts of millions, including yours truly. we broke it first on fox. the dust up with one adele. only my favorite singer. the bad news is in the middle of october, we could run out of cash. the good news is about the same time that adele will release a new song. look what it did to the marks. they re calling it the adele rally. maybe they re not. i am. i picked up the phone one time and she answered hello. thank you, adenim. he locally to you. he s a big story. now, let me be clear, not like adele, suddenly quitting a pro
how could i forget someone like i was incorporating songs. if you don t know them in the next hour, you ll hear a tornillo of them. but it s happy birthday time for adele. adele, the singer. 35 years young today. when she was born 35 years ago this day, ronald reagan was still president. maggie thatcher was president. roll-up jeans and high tops were the rage. little did we know that a pop sensation was about to take it by storm and capture the hearts of millions, including yours truly. we broke it first on fox. the dust up with one adele. only my favorite singer. the bad news is in the middle of october, we could run out of cash. the good news is about the same time that adele will release a new song. look what it did to the marks. they re calling it the adele rally. maybe they re not. i am. i picked up the phone one time and she answered hello.
liquidated to markets today. they are calling it the adele rally. maybe they are not, but i am. captivating lyrics that adele brings to a world that needs a welcome distraction. that s why this was so big! that is a wrap on your world for 2021, wishing you and your loved ones a happy new year. the five starts now. jesse: hello, i m jesse watters with dagen mcdowell, geraldo rivera, dana perino, and bill hemmer. it s 5:00 in new york city, and this is the five. welcome to our new year s special. what a wild 12 months it has been, from covid to the crime crisis, the major bite and missteps, high-profile tribes, celebrity news, and everything else in between. discovered a lot, and we are
singer s impeccable timing. so today, all of these stories that dominate our national discourse, the mess in washington, the soaring prices, the spending craziness, they re all taking a back seat to a front and center superstar that might ever so briefly take our minds off of what ailes us and units it. the markets are calling it the adele rally. maybe they re not but i am. that s why i m making a big deal out of it. not some weird, disturbing obsession but because of the calming, captivating lyrics that she brings to the world that needs this welcome distraction. that s why this is so big. because something good is back. what better way to jump in to a weekend, right? by the way, you re welcome, america. the world is watching. at least your world.
hollywood stereotype. and she s done it for herself. you re right. i think that she does look different. some people think she looks too thin. i have to say, i think she s kept it really classy with her style. she has glamour in her recent vogue cover, which reminded me of bridget bardo. and i told you about the adele rally on wall street. many say it had nothing to do with her. that s a separate issue. i want to go to dr. joe benny. he quoted a great story in the wall street journal. he knows what he speaks of. you go back in history to prove that songs about breakups and divorces, they cut across the musical spectrum here with the biggest names. those songs end up doing quite