carried republican districts were carried by hillary clinton. so they were already democrat leaning. we had a large, large majority in the house of delegates. when you add it up, it s not this fantastic victory in a purple and a red state. adolfo, the president continues to tweet like he does and do these clownish things, not talking about policy, the clownish behavior continues he ll lose the suburbs like he lost last night. you re a belligerent fellow. good luck. according to last night s exit polls in virginia, the number one issue was not statues of confederate generals. it was health care. big discussion about the lack of expansion of medicaid and the gun issue. 49/49, pro and against, second amendment issues. interesting. today s senator, chris murphy of connecticut tweeted yesterday s virginia election showed that gun policy is as big a driver of democratic turnout as republican turnout. game changer.
energized virginia, a state that normally votes democrat. look at the you say you say it s not a big deal because it s a democrat state then you say he should have been more republican. that s the only way. republicans have won in virginia. i don t think trying to become a democrat in virginia and trying to appeal to democratic voters adolfo, we have covered it here every night. been covering gillespie talking about ms-13, the immigration horror story, crime generally with the gangs and about the statutes. he embraced the whole trump m mumbo jumbo. what s your point? there is a conservative message. i think the race might have gone different had northam not taken a different position on sanctuary cities, for example. i think had he honed in on the message earlier, or cory stewart, i think they could have made the difference in the race
in rural virginia. that s just not what was going on on the ground, with all due respect. we had all of these great women candidates for delegate, particularly in these ex-urban and suburban areas. they were talking on the doors about health care, they were talking about good jobs, good paying jobs. but they were also talking about the divisiveness and what i think is really extraordinary about what happened last night this is what i was looking for were all these women who marched in january, who have been calling about devos and going to their offices, were they going to organize and go to the polls. that s the problem with democrats. you better believe it. you brought their friends with them. it s a big surprise. i have to end this now. adolfo. quickly. two things. those women were around last year. everybody knew what donald trump stood for, and he won the election. secondly, 17 of those house districts in virginia were
up in bankruptcy court. they couldn t afford it. their policies didn t come with basic things. so he s helping all people we re going to bankruptcy court left and right before obamacare because we had companies who offered package that s when i was governor we wouldn t allow in pennsylvania. we keexercised our state licensg power said unless you cover this, this, this we re not going to let you sell a phoney plan. as for port heuerto rico, it s most humiliating episode. these are american citizens and right now we re virtually doing nothing to get water, food, and power to the nation. now there are obstacles, of course. but we ought to be trying. we ought not to be talking about pulling out feem yachlt you think we would be pulling fema out of alabama or louisiana? adolfo, answer that point. for him to suggest an expiration date we re not going to be there in the middle of our not being
getting the supplies that we re in line for and people received them were grateful. that didn t get a lot of coverage. the larger picture about puerto rico though is the following. i think general kelly got it right when he ratified the president s remarks. we aren t going to be there forever. that s what the president said. but do you say that in the middle of people suffering? well are we have enough supplies there. we are doing there is a distribution problem and logistical problem in puerto rico. the president visited there, the vice president, the resources are there. i realize you re not in that position. let me ask you one question just between you and i, governor rendell and eugene scott. does he realize he is the president of the virgin islands? i mean does he realize that? did y all tell him that? you said you were with him this week. you said he met with the president of virgin islands. you have to admit, that s a littleror. well, i mean, look thank you, adol