Do we have an 8-year memory in an industry with 10-year business cycles? Bridging the gap between affordability, qualifying with a low income, and rising house prices are not issues confined to the United States. A new company and product out of London (Habito) claims to do all that, and is offering medical professionals and public servants a break. We don’t need to slide down the credit curve at the same time investors want higher yielding assets, as that didn’t work out so well in 2006-2008. Switching gears, New York’s Westminster Dog Show is the latest COVID variant casualty, being postponed. I received plenty of notes (most complimentary, some not) about the COVID and work-from-home (WFH) policies of major financial service sector companies. One person sent me a study by the U.S. Census Bureau titled, “Who Are the Adults Not Vaccinated against COVID.” There is no denying that lenders and vendors have more people are working from their homes these