the pentagon working together in hopes of finding more answers as to where it came from and what its purpose was. fox team coverage on the latest development with alexandria hoff in washington and lucas tomlinson outside the white house. lucas: senior white house official this object was not detected after penetrating air space in alaska. yesterday the pentagon would only say when it was detected thursday night and not where. it entered into u.s. air space on february 9th. we sent up aircraft to assess what it was. the decision was made that it posed a reasonable threat to civilian air traffic. the president gave the order to take it down and we took it down. lucas: right now helicopters used to rescue airmen, are combing the area off the rugged north of alaska where the object was destroyed by raptor in anchorage. the temperature minus 20 degrees. at the white house john kirby was asked about the nomenclature. shot down near prudhoe bay, enormous 2,000 spy machine the size
is in its early stages, only a very small amount of electronics had been found, the balloon canopy and wiring those types of things have been sent to the fbi lab for analyzing. fbi agents on board are cataloging and decontaminating the debris from salt water and obviously from all the sea water inside of the debris and alicia they say salvage operation can last two weeks but who knows in the delay in weather. alicia: we are watching and waiting, bryan llenas. mike: with us mat gormann, and kristin hahn democratic strategist and blue dog coalition communication director. welcome to both of you. let s start with the friday afternoon shootdown over alaska here is president biden. do you have anything to say about the object shot down in
recommendation of the pentagon, president biden ordered military to down the object. lucas: the pentagon says the object was shot down because it was cruising at 30,000 feet, close to altitude of most civilians airliners mike. mike: lucas, many thanks. lawmakers on both sides reacting to latest shootdown of flying object over the united states with some raising concerns about the security of u.s. air space. let s go to alexandria hoff for the update. good to be with you. republicans and democrats are expressing grieving that must be proven effective. he expressed concerned over repeat air space interruptions writing if the last few days, this may be the new norm and we must be prepared. governor continued that it raises questions about president biden not shooting down spy