15 minutes. I understand the Ranking Member is on his way. We will begin this hearing. Let me offer our apologies to our witnesses. We intended to start this hearing an hour ago but we were interrupted by votes on the floor so apologies for that. We are holding this hearing in person and remotely and in compliance with the regulation for Committee Proceedings pursuant to House Resolution 8. Generally we ask witnesses joining us remotely to keep their microphones muted. We want to limit background noise. If you are joining remotely, please keep your camera on at all times. I asked unanimous consent that all members have five legislative days to extend remarks and have any written statements be made part of the record. Without objection, that is so ordered. The independent state Legislature Theory exclusive authority to regulate federal elections under the United States constitution. The theory is not grounded in history or logic but it has gained increasing following in some sectors of
15 minutes. I understand the Ranking Member is on his way. We will begin this hearing. Let me offer our apologies to our witnesses. We intended to start this hearing an hour ago but we were interrupted by votes on the floor so apologies for that. We are holding this hearing in person and remotely and in compliance with the regulation for Committee Proceedings pursuant to House Resolution 8. Generally we ask witnesses joining us remotely to keep their microphones muted. We want to limit background noise. If you are joining remotely, please keep your camera on at all times. I asked unanimous consent that all members have five legislative days to extend remarks and have any written statements be made part of the record. Without objection, that is so ordered. The independent state Legislature Theory exclusive authority to regulate federal elections under the United States constitution. The theory is not grounded in history or logic but it has gained increasing following in some sectors of