Agjentët e Policisë Kombëtare Spanjolle, në një operacion të përbashkët me Policinë Gjyqësore të Portugalisë dhe Mbikëqyrjen Doganore të Agjencisë Tatimore, kanë sekuestruar një anije peshkimi pa flamur në ujërat pranë Cape Verde në Afrikë, të ngarkuar me 1000 kilogramë kokainë
Agents of the Spanish National Police, in a joint operation with the US FBI, have arrested a cyber-fraudster in Madrid who defrauded 2,500,000 euros from US multinational companies.
Agents of the Spanish National Police have dismantled a criminal organization allegedly dedicated to the theft of catalysts from vehicles throughout the national territory.
Agents of the Spanish National Police, in a joint operation with the Civil Guard and the Customs Surveillance Service of the Tax Agency, and with the collaboration of the Peruvian authorities, have seized more than 66 kilos of cocaine that were going to be introduced into Spain hidden inside industrial machinery.