James Omoro |
March 13th 2021 at 12:58:32 GMT +0300
Agoro Sare High School teachers Caroline Ogweno and Leah Otieno, Board of Management chairman Solomon Ouko, Principal James Momanyi, Homa Bay County Director of Education Fredrick Kiiru and the county TSC Director Solomon Leseewa during the launch of Agoro Sare High School Strategic Plan for 2021-25 at a Kisumu hotel on March 12, 2021. [James Omoro, Standard]
Teachers have been told to avoid restricting their efforts on the academic timetables alone in an effort to achieve excellent performance in schools.
Homa Bay County Director of Education Fredrick Kiiru and his TSC counterpart Solomon Leseewa want teachers in the county to go an extra mile in their efforts to achieve sterling academic results.