Nikki Houde of Edmonton, a middle school success coach, discovered a pivotal turning point in her life at the age of 41 when she was formally diagnosed with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Roughly four to six per cent of Canadian adults are diagnosed with ADHD, but thousands more are undiagnosed, experts say, because they don't match the stereotypical image of someone living with the condition.
As is common for people with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, 27-year-old Maylee Bossier of Chatham, Ont., said she had long put off making an appointment to get a diagnosis, as recommended by her therapist. Then the pandemic hit.
ADHD: Not Just For KidsHealth, Wellbeing|2017|41:48|G
It used to be just for kids, but not anymore. ADHD: Not Just For Kids dispels the myths about this neurobiological syndrome that children and adults often live with unrecognized for years. Women especially tend to be ignored or misdiagnosed with depression. Successful adults share stories of attempting to cope for years with a condition they never even knew they had. Specialists and researchers provide insight on current science and treatment. These include psychiatrist Dr. Mayer Hoffer, pediatrician Dr. Laura Gerber, who has ADHD herself (along with her three children), ADHD coach Robert Pal, specialist Dr. Ainslie Gray, and Dr. Jennifer Crosbie and Dr. Russell Schachar of SickKids Hospital.