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Transcripts For WJZ CBS This Morning 20130813

>> this day of reckoning for bulger has been a long time in coming. >> a boston jury finds mob boss whitey bulger guilty. >> the 83-year-old was convicted of murder racketeering, and conspiracy charges. >> okay kufd of taking part in 19 killings the jury found him guilty in 11 of those. >> we still wanted justice. >> i don't understand what the jury was looking at. >> inside that jury room how heated did it get? >> it was insane. all kinds of dissension. >> firefighters tried to control the flames after a pipeline exploded. >> hillary clinton expected to give a series of speeches on public policy. >> anthony weiner suggested his wife would work on hillary clinton's 2016 campaign. >> do you know what your wife's role on the hillary clinton campaign will be in 2016? >> i do. >> what will it be? >> i'm not telling you. >> authorities say james dimaggio got off one or two shots before he was killed. >> she has been through a horrific ordeal. i'm very proud of her, and i love her very much. >> tragedy at a baseball game. a fan in atlanta fell 60 feet during a home game. >> it continues to swell. the elk fire has grown to more than 90,000 acres. >> all that -- >> that's coming up next time. >> that's the way we roll in america. >> and "all that mattered" -- >> a panda family reunion in china. this adorable giant panda cub was reintroduced to her mother last week. she was born on july 6th but taken away when her leg was hurt. >> on "cbs this morning" -- >> the executives of blackberry is considering selling off the company. it's being calling a lucrative move by "six years ago ago." captioning funded by cbs welcome to "cbs this morning." good morning. >> good morning to you, charlie. >> we begin with this new concerns that al qaeda is on the move. the iraq al qaeda group has changed its name to the islamic state of iraq to show the growing ambition. >> and there are growing fears set to become the new haven in syria for that. u.s. officials warn it could be the world's greatest terror threat. lara logan is in washington. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, norah, good morning, charlie. >> good morning. >> how dangerous is al qaeda in syria? and what are u.s. officials concerned about? >> well dangerous or not, for the deputies or the cia to say that, there are more foreign fighters flooding into syria to fight with al qaeda today than in the war in iraq. the way to explain this according to the academics that i speak to regularly, it's that the army in syria is really al qaeda's guerilla army. they will move that army to whatever front there is next anywhere in the world. many ever those fighters probably came from afghanistan or iraq where they learned to fight the u.s. they come from north africa they come from yemen, they come from all over to. and that organization particularly has very close act with ayman al zawahiri who is in the pakistan region. so it's very much a movement based on ideology right there in the center of the country. >> lara speak to that point, speak to that point, in terms of what is the threat if in fact al qaeda and al qaeda affiliates get control of a state. >> well the people who know the most about chemical weapons in the united states charlie, say that what is scary about syria is not just the presence of chemical stockpiles. it's the knowledge, the technical knowledge, and training and know how, and the delivery systems that are required to deliver those weapons. on its own, a dirty bomb is terrifying as a concept. but it really is not even as effective as many conventional weapons. what they're afraid of in syria, is that the people who know how to use them and the delivery systems that are required to deliver chemical weapons to the most devastating effect it's all sitting there and nobody knows yet who is going to win the peace in syria. is it may be al qaeda. >> these groups are al qaeda affiliates surging in there and they're fighting somewhat with themselves? >> you know that's interesting, charlie, because affiliate has become a word that everybody loves to use to describe these organizations. but when you track what al qaeda says and the movement of their people, this is not an organization that's divided up into different regions and does their own thing. they are united by their ideology. they have made that very plain. they have the same intent their intent today is exactly the same as it was pre-9/11. it's exactly what osama bin laden said it was. it's more of a change. if you read the magazine if you listen to the videos and all the statements that they point out, they sent their best bombmaker in the world to run part of their organization in algeria, because algeria was the training ground from which they sent their fighters from their different fronts from all over the world. we have this sense that we want to divide all of this to say yemen is the most dangerous area. tomorrow it's algeria, then north africa, and now syria. the fact is al qaeda's ideology is what's at the core. that's why they're called the base. the base is the uniting factor. and that's really where the threat comes from. they're taking more territory and spreading their ideology, and that's what makes them dangerous. >> lara logan, good to see you. thank you. and a massive pipeline explosion this morning in illinois. it happened near erie. flames shot 300 feet in the air. they could be seen for 20 miles. people in 80 homes were forced out, but most are now aloud back in this morning. officials say crews have shut off a natural gas line but the flames are expected to burn for several hours. no injuries reported. former secretary of the state hillary clinton is doing little to end speculation she wants to be the next president. in san francisco, she admits she'll be making policy speeches in the paul. john blackstone shows us how political watchers are reading between the lines. >> i am so deeply grateful for you for this award. >> reporter: accepting an award from the american bar association, hillary clinton criticized the supreme court decision striking down protections in the voting rights act. >> as secretary of state, i saw other countries take steps to increase voter participation and strengthen their democratic processes. there is no reason we cannot do the same here in america. [ applause ] >> reporter: while the potential presidential candidate did not mention the 2016 election she outlined plans that sounded a lot like a launchpad for a campaign. >> i will talk about the balance and transparency necessary in our national security policies. as we move beyond a decade of wars, to face new threats. >> reporter: bruce cain stanford university political scientist. >> it's definitely a shadow campaign. there's no question about that. everybody in the party presumes that hillary clinton will run. everybody in the democratic party presumes she'll be the front-runner. >> reporter: republicans seem to presume that too. a new ad just released by the gop criticizes clinton's handling of terrorist attack in benghazi. >> was it because of guys going for a walk and decided to kill americans what difference at this point does it make? >> reporter: in iowa a caucus state, emily's group, a group that promotes women candidates has just launched a madam president campaign. clinton was undoubtedly on everyone's minds. for "cbs this morning," john blackstone, san francisco. >> and while clinton is not showing her hand we may be getting clues from anthony weiner. >> good morning. the interview took place at a manhattan bar but anthony weiner skips the traditional beer for an iced coffee. once he got settled, he talked scandal, politics and family. >> reporter: in an interview late monday with a viral website buzzfeed anthony weiner admitted he's still getting help in the wake of his sexting scandal. >> apparently a lot of therapy. like they just have this thing where you just remain in forever. but i -- i still see a therapist from time to time. >> reporter: throughout the 45-minute sitdown, he opened up about everything from his campaign to his wife huma abedin a longtime aide to hillary clinton. >> do you know what the role in hillary's 2016 campaign will be? >> i do. >> what will it be? >> i'm not telling you. [ laughter ] >> do you feel like you've damaged her place in that world? >> i feel what i've done has hurt her, yeah it's hurt her professionally, it's hurt her personally. >> reporter: the interview came after 80% of new york voters have an unfavorable opinion of the mayoral hopeful. while weiner didn't mention the polls or the new tv ad he did call out his critics. >> they made it clear from the very beginning they didn't want me to win but this isn't about what they want. they've gotten their way for far too long. >> reporter: throughout the interview, weiner blasted the campaign. taking aim at a new york newspaper. >> "the new york times" didn't want me to win. i don't care and it makes them nuts that i do not care. >> reporter: he didn't even spare host of buzzfeed editor in chief ben smith. >> you can show this or videos of what thes or whatever you do at buzzfeed. >> in general, he said he's keeping his distance from his colleagues in public life because he knows he has a lot to prove to them. charlie, norah. michael bloomberg is furious over a judge's ruling. she is naming an independent monitor to oversee major changes. bloomberg said the policy has saved thousands of lives, most of whom are young minority men. >> this is a very dangerous decision, made by a judge that i think just does not understand how policing works. we believe we have done exactly what the courts allow. and the constitution allow us to do. and we will continue to do everything we can to keep this city safe. >> bloomberg is vowing to appeal the ruling. a florida security guard is being hailed as a hero. he evacuated people from a resort near walt disney world as it collapsed into a sinkhole. it took about 15 minutes for guests saying at summer bay resort. manuel bojorquez is there. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, we're expecting a briefing where we could learn where the 100-foot wide sinkhole is growing. all right from this building a few hundred yards from this gate, is a total loss. guests who were staying in this three-story building knew something was wrong when it started to creek and are windows shattered. >> where is the patient located at summer bay? >> it's not a patient. we have a building that's potentially collapsing. >> reporter: a security guard helped evacuate more than 100 people before this happened. eventually, a third of the building fell into the hole. maggie ghamry her 3-year-old son and their friends had just checked into the resort sunday evening. >> i started hearing this bagging, even before i walked in, i heard this clink, like metal on metal. like someone was hitting something really hard. i looked where it was coming from. right away my alerts were raised. people were throwing luggage out of the window. >> reporter: everyone made it out safely. sinkholes are a common sight in florida. here's why underneath much of the state say layer of porous limestone which can be washed away by seeping water. all that remains is a thin bridge of clay soil and sand which can collapse. >> like an hourglass, sands through the hourglass, it slowly tries to creep in. >> reporter: geologist scott purcifull says a sinkhole of this size is not that uncommon but difficult tole predict. >> cavities themselves form over thousands to millions of years. it's just to a point where like this one, very suddenly that material can collapse into that cavity. >> reporter: but you have no idea it might happen? >> that's true. >> reporter: next month, the florida geological survey will begin a new mapping project, hoping to identify areas where sinkholes are likely to form. charlie and norah. >> manuel thanks. atlanta police are investigating the death of a man who fell more than 60 feet at turner field. the man plunged from an upper level deck on to a parking lot. it happened between the game between the braves and the phillies. the fall appears to be accidental. the 16-year-old girl is back home with her family today. authorities say james dimaggio took her to idaho. they say he fired at least one shot before fbi agents returned fire killing him. anderson didn't learn that her mother and brother had been killed until after her rescue. her father is now asking for privacy. >> as for my daughter the healing process will be slow. she has been through a tremendous horrific ordeal. i'm very proud of her. and i love her very much. >> authorities confirm hannah was a victim through the ordeal held against her will. one of the most infamous mobsters in american history finally faces justice. a jury has convicted james "whitey" bulger on all but one of the 32 counts. and now we're hearing from one of the jurors. don dahler is outside the federal courthouse in boston. don, good morning. >> reporter: good morning, charlie. this was the culmination of whitey bulger's legendary life of crime two decades. and yet the man who ruled boston with an iron fist showed little emotion when the verdict came down. >> james j. whitey bulger now stands convicted for his role as the ringleader of the hill gang. >> reporter: officials called it a day of reckoning after a jury convicted the 83-year-old gangster on 31 counts murder arms trafficking. >> the evidence presents without a doubt the atrocities committed by mr. bulger and his associates. >> reporter: whitey bulger ran the irish mafia. he was the inspiration behind jack nicholson's character in "the departed." and testimony from witnesses at the trial reads like a screen play. victims whose teeth were pulled to keep them from being identified. brazen executions strangulations and torture. michael donoghue an innocent bystander gunned down for being in the wrong place at the wrong time. his son and wife said it's a laing time coming. >> after 31 years, an at overwhelming feeling. >> i have never given up. until the very end until he was found guilty. >> reporter: juror scott hotyckey told our affiliate that even the jurors were afraid of the aging mobster. >> people were talking that the mob still existed and they were afraid they would be singled out. some of the people lived in south boston. >> reporter: after 16 years on the run with help from corrupt fbi agents law enforcement finally tracked him down in southern california where he was living the life of a retiree. >> mr. bulger knew as soon as he was arrested that he was going to die behind the walls of a prison. >> reporter: bulger will be sentenced on november 13th. and, charlie and norah, his lawyers say they will appeal. >> don, thanks. some of this morning's headlines. "the washington post" looks into a study of near-death experiences. it finds bright lights and out of body sensations described by some people. they're created in the brain. scientists at the university of michigan find even when the heart stops, brain activity can surge. the san francisco chronicle said asiana airlines is offering $10,000 for those in the airline. the money is meant to cover medical costs and transportation. asiana said it's not a settlement and victims can still sue. "the wall street journal" looks at the latest in cancer treatments. narrowly promising drugs better than chemotherapy. colorado's gazette introduces us to the woman who shattered the air force academy. she was the first woman ever to leave the academy. she garaged in 1981. and she served as nato's top commander for operations in afghanistan and kosovo. "usa today" said the more siblings you have the less likely you are to get a divorce. a survey taken each additional sibling reduces the chance of divorce by 3%. >> i have three siblings so that's 60. we'll hear from 16 workers in new jersey living the powerball dream. they won a third of last week's jackpot. their share is 86 million bucks before taxes. that's $4 million each. they call themselves oceans 16 because they all work for the ocean county vehicle services department. excited to hear from them and congratulations. >> they're v >> announcer: this national weather report sponsored by walmart. come to walmart and get more school for your money guaranteed. the interview already making headlines. my conversation with oracle ceo larry ellison. he is going after the titans including the founders of google. >> suddenly you think they're evil? >> oh, i think what they did was -- >> larry page? >> 100% larry page. >> only on "cbs this morning," an interview from silicon valley. >> stay tuned for your local news. >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by choice hotels. the official hotel of summer. book direct at k9 advantix ii not only kills fleas and ticks, it also repels most ticks before they can attach. the leading brand kills, but doesn't repel. a tick that isn't repelled or killed may attach and make a meal of us. get veterinarian recommended k9 advantix ii! 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[ male announcer ] if you can't afford your medication astrazeneca may be able to help. 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>> larry specifically. >> larry -- i think -- >> larry per se. >> larry per se >> why? >> because he makes the decisions over there. he runs that company. no one else runs that company. and they decided -- let me be very clear. when you write a program, you write it. you use the oracle oracle/java tools for everything. up press a button and say convert this to android format. we don't compete with google. we just took our stock. that's a completely separate issue. >> but think they're evil. >> i think what they did was absolutely --. >> and you blame larry page. >> so larry page is evil -- that makes larry page evil? >> no i know his slogan is don't be evil. i think he slipped up this one time. >> he's a good time except for this one time when he -- >> this really bothers me. i don't see how he thinks you can just copy someone else's stuff. >> let's talk about steve jobs. >> yeah, my best friend for 25 years. >> what is it about him? he recognized the fact that he loved apple and he wanted to make apple great, handy did. what was it about him that he was able to do it other than he worked hard? >> he was brilliant. he was our picasso. he was an incredible inventser.orinventor. >> what happens to am? >> we already know. >> what? >> conducted the experiment and it's been done. we saw apple with steve jobs. we saw apple without steve jobs. we saw apple with steve jobs. now, we're going to see apple without steve jobs. >> so you're shorting -- >> i'm not shorting him. >> you said 'apple is going down without steve jobs? >> i'll say it publicly he's irreplaceable. they will not nearly be so successful because he's gone. >> did you watch him dying? >> close, close -- >> was i there -- >> no, no did you watch him go through his -- >> i saw -- i would describe it i'd go over there all the time and the walks -- we would always go for walks. we would always go for walks. and the walks just kept getting shorter. until near the end, we'd kind of walk around the block. or maybe four blocks. something like that. and you just watched him getting weaker. i mean this is the strongest guy i knew. this was absolutely the strongest, most willful person i have ever met. and after seven years, the cancer even wore him out. and that was what it was. he was just tired of fighting. tired of the pain. and he decided, shocked loraine, shocked everybody, that the medication was going to stop. he just pulled off the meds i think on a saturday or sunday and by the following wednesday, he was gone. >> if you love someone, it's hard to see them do that although it's their choice. >> yeah i -- it had reached the point where he was -- he was definitely suffering. there's just so much pain. >> there is no other steve jobs? >> no. my eulogy began, i guess we're all told no one irreplaceable. >> where do you come down on what nsa is doing? >> well the great thing is we live in a democracy. if we don't like what nsa is doing, we can always just get rid of the government and put in a different government. i think -- actually we've been collecting this information for so long, and long before nsa was collecting it. let me tell you who was collecting it. american express. bank of america -- visa all of your credit card data. and all of your financial records. this whole issue of privacy is utterly fascinating to me. who's ever heard of this information being misused bit government, in what way? >> i can hear you clearly, you're saying whatever nsa is doing is okay with me? >> it's great, it's essential. president obama thinks it's essential. it's essential if we want -- if we want to minimize the kind of strikes that we just had in boston. it's absolutely essential. >> but what point would it be alarming to you, in terms of government surveillance? at what point would your red line be crossed? >> if the government used it to do political targeting, if the democrats used it to go after republicans. if republicans used it to go after democrats. in other words if it became -- we stopped looking for terrorists, and we started looking for people with on the other side of the aisle. >> it's so interesting, charlie, to hear from larry ellison because he does so few interviews. it's rare to hear from him, especially on this nsa issue. so does he think we deserve privacy? >> he doesn't -- well i think he probably does think there's some point. but i do not get him to tell me where the red line was. >> yeah. >> you know that debate in fact hillary clinton said in her speech one of the things she's going to make a speech about is the balance between security, and freedom and privacy. >> and he was seeing to try to make the case look long before american express visa is collecting data. >> he is he you want to know who knows who you are, go to those countries when you apply for a credit card. they have more information than you would imagine. >> that's great. >> interesting. he's the third richest man. and the fact that steve jobs wanted him to speak at his service, says volumes about the relationship between the two of them. >> yeah. all right. >> we'll have much more on my interview with larry ellison tomorrow, he's talked about his quest for the america's cup which has has won. that's thunderstorm on "cbs this morning." its ig's anything but a true documentary. it shows the true cost of texting and driving. this is one you don't want to miss on "cbs this morning" ♪ privacy privacy ♪ [ man ] launch sequence initiated. 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[ mixer whirring ] my turn daddy, my turn! hold it steady now. i know daddy.ttxwlun+og#wvs#q)p0á)uog5u,qcf;u"#h/aboczb÷avzç.%";k0/$w#a [ dad ] oh boy fasten your seatbelts>f@@ma migraine. they know excedrin provides fast pain relief. plus it relieves sensitivity to light, sound, even nausea. and it's #1 neurologist recommended. excedrin specializes in ending headaches and like you we won't be easily stopped. not even by migraines. migraines are where excedrin excels. when it comes to getting my family to eat breakfast i need all the help i can get. that's why i like nutella. mom, what's the capital of west virginia? charleston. nutella is a delicious hazelnut spread my whole family loves. mom, have you seen my -- backpack? nutella goes great on whole-wheat toast or whole-grain waffles. and its great taste comes from a unique combination of simple ingredients like hazelnuts, skim milk and a hint of cocoa. yeah, bye. have you seen my -- yes. and...thank you. [ male announcer ] nutella. breakfast never tasted this good. ♪ a new documentary takes on the growing problem of texting and driving. it uses raw emotion and brutal honesty. jan drawfordcrawford is in arlington, virginia. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, charlie, good morning, norah, texting while driving a safety concern. the national safety council estimates, listen to this 1.6 million accidents every year with drivers using their cell phones and texting. most states have outlawed it. in fact, here in virginia it became illegal just last month. and now, we've got this acclaimed filmmaker weighing in with a gritty and compelling new documentary. >> i had my brother in my hand and all of a sudden, my hand was empty. >> reporter: lives forever changed because of four car accidents. >> paralyzed from the diaphragm down. >> reporter: from milwaukee, wisconsin, to burlington vermont. >> the white mailbox is where my sister was struck was carried on the hood of the car. >> reporter: stories told in this 35-minute documentary to influence anyone who gets behind the wheel. ♪ testimony from victims and drivers who admit to texting while driving. in bluffton indiana -- >> this was the last text message i sent before i caused an accident that killed three people. >> reporter: and logan, utah. >> i decided that texting and driving was more important to me than those two men were to their families. >> reporter: it was commissioned and paid for by the company who provides cell phone service, including at&t and verizon. this man, legendary german filmmake filmmaker werner herzog is behind the documentary. >> it's became more dangerous than drinking and driving. >> reporter: herzog is responsible for more than 60 films. from a grizzly bear enthusiast mauled to death to the creature he loves, to a texas prisonering waiting tour executed. >> vanilla cake ice cream emotion, shock value it's not in the film. but it touches -- it touches our hearts very deeply. >> reporter: herzog insisted on interviewing all of the people profiled in the documentary. the mother whose son is now paralyzed. >> any money understands. >> reporter: and the driver who hit an amish buggy, killing three people including a 3 and 5-year-old. >> please don't ever text and drive. it's life. you get one chance. and you live with the choices you make. >> reporter: herzog says his message is clear. >> don't text while driving. it's simply said. pull over, do your message and then drive on. >> reporter: now, the documentary is called "from one second to the next." it's available online. and charlie, and norah, listen to this this is important. it's also going to be distributed to 40,000 schools across the country. >> all right, jan, thank you. >> they've attempted to do smartphone things that get you to realize you can't do it. >> i think it's not just texting, too. you can be driving and the phone rings, you go to reach for it when you should pick it up or either get the bluetooth thing or completely ignore because it's incredibly dangerous, you're not only putting yourself at risk but the people in your car and some other people. it's a powerful documentary. >> it's a moment to you but . good morning. it is certainly gray. it has been most certainly rough. to say the least as you take a look at the sat rad photo there's more to come. take a look at all this rain that is potentially moving our way over the next hour or so. we have a flash flood warning in effect through 8:45 for bal san diego mayor bob filner's opponents have launched a recall campaign. looking for 100,000 signatures on a petition to call a new election. and now, filner is responding. the story ahead on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: this portion of "cbs this morning" sponsored by lifestyle lift. find out how you can light up your light. ♪ ♪ the acidic levels in some foods... orange juice...tomato sauce... can cause acid erosion. the enamel starts to wear down. and you can't grow your enamel back. my dentist recommended that i use pronamel. because it helps to strengthen the enamel that you have. and i believe it's doing a good job. [ greg ] i like to golf all morning. that's why i eat belvita at breakfast. it's made with delicious ingredients then carefully baked to release steady energy that lasts. we're golfing now, buddy! i got it! belvita. steady energy. all morning long. [ female announcer ] and now introducing new belvita soft-baked breakfast biscuits. made with delicious ingredients and whole grains they'll give you 20% of your daily fiber... and a new way to get nutritious morning energy. available in mixed berry and oats & chocolate. good job! still running in the morning? yeah. getting your vegetables every day? when i can. [ bop ] [ male announcer ] could've had a v8. two full servings of vegetables for only 50 delicious calories. ♪ ♪ most of the movies have been at least tolerable. >> right. >> and up from there. otherwise, you should find something else to talk about. >> exactly. >> exactly. i asked you about it before i started, remember? >> yeah, yeah. >> i was looking. that was the thing most concerning me. i said you got to help me. >> exactly. >> remember your father to me. i haven't had to use that yet. [ laughter ] remember your father to me. that was going to be my tell. >> you can tell that. >> what did he say? >> he came up to me and said i'm going to do this thing, what do you think? how should i go about it? i said if all else fails, ask him that, please remember your father. i'm so embarrassed that he brought it up. there you go. very bright from cambridge, very smart. he's doing a spectacular job. and at the same time is worshipful of jon stewart. i love it. what paula deen was sued for racial discrimination it started a chain reaction. we'll see why a judge has thrown out the charge and what it means coming up. 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[ male announcer ] say goodbye to suits and suitcases, and say hello to the white sands and sunny beaches of northwest florida. feel good getaways. that's how we fly. southwest airlines is offering nonstop service from bwi airport to panama city beach, florida starting at $120 one-way. book now online, only at we are southwest. welcome aboard. 4 minutes before 8:00. we have word that harford community college will not open until 10:00 a.m. because of a power failure. harford community college opening at 10:00. it's been a while weather morning. take a look at first warning doppler weather radar. put it in motion and see heavy rain that's swept across the region. because of that we have a flash flood warning for harford and baltimore county through 8:45. a flash flood watch through 3:00. 85 will be the high. watch for flash flooding. i got news for you this rain may be over by 3:30, we may have a beautiful evening. here is christy breslin at wjz traffic control. >> things are a bit messy on the roadway. heavy from bel air to harford road on the inner loop. the west side outer loop has been a problem from 795 past western boulevard. 70 eastbound stop and go from baltimore national pike to the beltway. a couple of accidents churchville at east medical hall, eastbound 32 for the onramp to dorsey run 29 southbound at 100 and south mlk at russell street. a lot of activity there on the beltway at harford road. this traffic report is brought to you by al packer. for the best service selection and value visit al packer ford in white marsh. before you buy price packer. a murder-for-hire trial is now in the hands of the jury. karla porter said she endured verbal and psychological abuse if her husband ray. she confessed to hiring a hitman to kill him at their hess gas station. the hitman got life in prison. porter could face life in prison without the possibility of patrol if convicted. stay with wjz 13, maryland's news station. up next, a want to add excitement to dinner? introducing new french's flavor infusers. the easy-to-use infuser tip lets you inject phenomenal flavor in just 10 minutes. marinate from the inside out with new french's flavor infusers. ♪ it is 8:00 a.m. welcome back to "cbs this morning." a recall campaign is under way to force san diego's mayor bob filner out of office. the democrat accused of sexual harassment says he will not resign. times square' getting one of its briggest brightest signs after. some corporates call it graffiti. and rand paul is isn't studio 57 to talk about working with the white house. but first, here's a look at today's "eye opener" at 8:00. ♪ the delivery systems that are required to deliver chemical weapons the most devastating effect. it's all sitting there. no one knows who's going to win the part in syria, it may be al qaeda. >> hillary clinton in san francisco announced she'll be making policy speeches in the fall. >> the interview took place in a manhattan bar. anthony weiner talked politics scandal and family. >> fights crime wherever crime is. they don't worry if their work doesn't match up to a census charge. >> atlanta police are investigating a death of a man who fell more than 60 feet at turner field. >> we are expecting a briefing later this morning where we could learn whether the 100-foot wide sinkhole is growing and could threaten other structures. >> bulger will be sentenced on november 13th and his lawyers say they will appeal. >> do you think they're evil? >> i think what they did was absolutely -- >> and. you blame larry page. >> 100% larry page. >> obama vacationing in martha's vineyard right now. the president is playing golf. and he was photographed in this position, either golfing or taking a zumba class. [ laughter ] ♪ i'm charlie rose with norah o'donnell. gayle king is off. san diego's embattled mayor is now officially fighting to stay in office. bob filner is telling an organized recall campaign that he will not quit. >> he's being sued by a former aide who said he sexually harassed her. as ben tracy reports, filner is staying away from his office this week, but his critics are not. >> reporter: this was not the kind of welcome back party mayor bob filner was hoping for. >> bob must go! >> reporter: filner's opponents made it clear they preferred the mayor go and stay away. >> we will do whatever it takes within our measures to remove bob filner out of office. >> reporter: at least 13 have come forward accusing filner of sexual harassment. all the senators have told filner to resign. he was supposed to spend two weeks in intensive behavorial therapy but just did just one. the mayor did not return our calls. now, a recall effort has been launched. its website states that filner staying in office, quote, puts the city at risk for lawsuit, compromises the ability to get city business done and makes san diego the brunt of jokes on late-night tv. >> the details are a little disturbing, so if you have children in the room they're about to grow up real quick. [ laughter ] >> reporter: michael. pallamary is one of the organizers. the mayor so far has refused to resign, do you believe there's a way to be effective agency the mayor of san diego? >> that's one of the reasons that i'm recalling and organizing the recall. the answer is no. if you think about the concept that they wouldn't allow women to come into his office alone. how can you be effective as the mayor of the eighth largest city? >> reporter: late monday mayor filner issued a statement to be included in the recall petition. he outlined his accomplishments saying now is not the time to go backwards. as your mayor, i'll committed to moving san diego forward. it will take more than 100,000 valid signatures to get a recall on the ballot. for "cbs this morning," ben tracy, san diego. we're hearing from one of the jurors who found whitey bulger guilty of the murders. the 83-year-old former mob boss will be sentenced in november. >> juror scott hotyckey spoke to our affiliate. >> he was going to jail it the end of the universe, basically, in my opinion. that's what i said and people shouted the me like i was nuts. you're emotionalal. i'm like i'm not emotional. i saw the trial. i thought he was guilty. you can't say he's guilty. for like two days i'm like what do you mean i can't? i have the right to think he's guilty. look at the stuff that he did. >> analyst rikki klieman has been following the trial since day one, good morning. >> good morning. >> what does this verdict mean for all involved the defense prosecution, everybody? >> the real meaning, i think is healing for the city of boston. we look at victims. we look at the families of victims. and one of the things that we have to remember is this was a city that was injured. it was a collective. not only injured by whitey bulger, the beganster who ran this ring of terror but really injured by its government. and ai think that what we take away is good. someone who is watt on the lam foreseen years brought to justice, brought to say he will never see the light of day. but we also got to expose this government corruption at a level that is staggering. >> there's no doubt he was a character, and no doubt a vicious murderer. but as you pound outuyou point out, this was also a lot about the fbi and their actions as well. which raised a lot of questions about what they were doing for decades with this association with whitey bulger. >> the fbi are at its worst era of corruption during the decade that involved bulger and bulger's predecessor stephen flemmi. what we've seen is the fbi not only involved in crime, but facilitated and encouraged these people and actually pointed out people to hit or kill. that should never happen again. and one of the things that's interesting about the families and their appreciation of these appointed defense lawyers is that the defense lawyers through cross-examination, they're the ones who brought out the corruption. and i very rarely share a direct quote with you. but i think it's worth sharing with you today. that the defense says from hank brannon, jay and i are encouraged that the government's corruption and cover-up has been exposed but this is just the tip of the iceberg. the victims' families and citizens deserve a congressional inquiry and insistence on government accountability. >> so what does the fbi say, do they say something like well a couple of bad apples it's a very rare exception? >> yes. that's what they said. and what the argument has been by many, many people who have followed this trial and its saga is that this was endemic. this was not a couple of bad apples. >> what did the defense in reality, expect to get out of this verdict? >> i think the defense is quite satisfied, bizarrely, with what happened here. they agreed there was extortion. there was drug dealing. there was money laundering. the only thing that's contested really worthy of murders, particularly of the two women. one there was a finding proven. one, no finding at all. but ultimately the department of justice, through this u.s. attorney's office is the visibility victor. this is some saga. i've lived through it in that town since the '70s it's as good as a close. >> rikki klieman thank you. paula deen has won a partial victory in the decision that involved her downfall. a federal judge yesterday threw out a racial discrimination charge made by a former manager at one of deen's restaurants. the judge ruled lisa jackson cannot make that claim because she's white. jackson also claims she was sexually harassed and that case will continue. >> the new york city skyline is full of eye-catching skyscrapers. but one building will get their way with a clothing maker. jeff glor is in times square. >> reporter: one company has big plans to rise above all that noise. 48 stories high and 70 feet tall, the signs coming to this new york city skyscraper will be unmissable. and that's the point. >> you'll certainly be able to see it anywhere you can see the top of the building. >> reporter: jordan bar aowitz works for durst. when swedish h & m approached durst with the plan they said welcome to the neighborhood. >> it's okay for them to have the vision to see the kind of leaps and power that these signs will have. >> reporter: a 1400-square foot sign will adorn each of the building's four sides, arguably the largest advertisement in the largest city in the country. and for some new yorkers, that's a big issue. >> no one should be allowed to mess with new york skyline. >> reporter: marissa redanty lives nearby and believes the signs will make it look like las vegas or tokyo. >> the buildings here are like a forest, and now we have something that will disrupt the whole flow. >> reporter: if not new york city, where does a sign like this go? >> in the garbage. >> reporter: h and m would not speak to us on camera but issued a statement, times square is the world's most visited tourist attraction. h & m is thrilled to be a part of the indictment. last year the empire state building unveiled its new l.e.d. lighting system but the iconic building promised its neighbors no promotions or commercials or logos. times square is different, a commercial eyesore for veteran new yorkers but the bright lights stays mainly street level. >> that's above times square. this is above everything. new jersey can see it. >> reporter: the building is offer nothing apologies. you're proud of it? >> we're proudly proud of it. if you don't like signs in times square, don't come to times square, that's what this neighborhood saul about. >> reporter: 35 million visit are times square every year. they and just about everybody else will see the plans complete by the end of this good morning. gray skies in the area. wet conditions in the region. wow. take a look another our watch warning and advisory graphic. for about another let's say 35 minutes baltimore and harford counties we have a flash flood warning in effect for rain that's already fallen. there's more rain coming our way. i think this rain is out of here by 3:00 or 4:00. we may have a beautiful late afternoon and evening. it's going to be wet in b doctors visits are supposed to be private, right? but this morning, one physician shows us why her patients are getting checkups in groups. in 1982 it created a generation of stars. do you remember the name? the answer is next on "cbs this morning." 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"fast times at ridgemont high" pdebuted across the united states. sean penn as a surfer and stoner named jeff spicoli. featured stars, judge reinhold forest whitaker nicolas cage and jennifer jason leigh. the cast has been nominated for ten oscars winning four. all nominated for 18 golden globes, winning 5. the movie grossed more than $27 million at the box office and continues to be a cult classic. forest whitaker's role starring in "the butler." whitaker joins us on thursday on "cbs this morning." would you share your doctor's point with a stranger? the number of visits offering group visits has doubled. dr. devi nampiaparampil has offered group visits. good morning. >> good morning. >> how does a group doctor visit work? >> right now, patients can have a lot of frustration with the health care system. if they have an appointment today, they may have to wait weeks for an appointment. even as they get that appointment, they may only have ten minutes with face-to-face visits. here with the group visit, you may have more face-to-face interaction with the doctor an hour to two hours. you may get to ask more questions and information in that setting. >> that's the benefit. what's the downside? >> yeah. >> and, you know what do people say about their privacy? >> well privacy is one thing. so we really try to emphasize to people that this is still a medical visit, and they have to respect other people's privacy and not sharing the information outside of the group. the other downside is that you would only use this for chronic conditions. things where your condition is pretty stable and not necessarily that controversial. >> such as? >> for example, diabetes high blood pressure, high cholesterol. you wouldn't use something like this for a drug or alcohol abuse problem, for example. we still emphasize privacy, but it's just a different nature in terms of the stakes of privacy. >> is it your opinion that most of the patients that do this are satisfied by the experience and believe it was worthy? >> well people do it they volunteer for it. so it's not something that is forced upon people. people who do it like the group setting. especially for patients who are quiet or think about questions later after they go home the group setting is nice because other people may ask questions. they can get information in that setting and think about things that they might not otherwise ask about. and get support from other people. >> people at home are saying i don't want to share my time with the doctor. i have privacy concerns. this is about cost effectiveness. does it save money? >> well, there's two things. it wouldn't substitute the actual visit. doctors would still meet one-on-one. in terms of the cost savings. the studies are mixed. it's only been studied in a few conditions so far. it looking generally speaking it saves people for example, on diabetes, people are less likely to be hospitalized for it. that can safe up to $7,500 for patient. >> thank you. and kentucky senator rand paul is here in studio 57. he'll tell us why he's putting aside party differences and working with president obama in one key battle. that's ahead on "cbs this morning." >> announcer: "cbs healthwatch" sponsored by allergan. talk to your doctor about chronic migraine. 15 or more headache days a month each lasting 4 hours or more. it's proven to actually prevent headache days. and it's injected by a doctor once every 3 months. the effects of botox® (onabotulinumtoxina) may spread hours to weeks after injection causing serious symptoms. alert your doctor right away as difficulty swallowing speaking, breathing, eye problems, or muscle weakness can be a sign of a life-threatening condition. side effects may include allergic reactions neck and injection site pain fatigue, and headache. don't take botox® if you have a skin infection. tell your doctor about your medical history muscle or nerve conditions and medications, including botulinum toxins as these may increase the risk of serious side effects. the dose of botox® is not the same as other botulinum toxins. put the odds on your side. visit and talk to a headache specialist. so i'm checking out the jetta. 34 hwy mpg. check. no-charge scheduled maintenance. check. and here's the kicker... 0% apr for 60 months. and who got it? this guy. and who got it? this guy. and who got it? this guy. that's right... [ male announcer ] it's the car you won't stop talking about. ever. hurry in to the volkswagen best. thing. ever. event. and get 0% apr for 60 months now until september 3rd. that's the power of german engineering. excuse me, sir i'm gonna have to ask you to power down your little word game. i think your friends will understand. oh no, it's actually my geico app...see? ...i just uh paid my bill. did you really? from the plane? yeah, i can manage my policy get roadside assistance, pretty much access geico 24/7. sounds a little too good to be true sir. i'll believe that when pigs fly. ok, did she seriously just say that? geico. just click away with our free mobile app. coming up on "cbs this morning," we're here with pga champ jason dufner and we'll explain why we're doing this. ♪ (woman) this place has got really good chocolate shakes. (growls) (man) that's a good look for you. (woman) that was fun. (man) yeah. (man) let me help you out with the.. (woman)...oh no, i got it. 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(announcer) love. it's what makes a subaru, a subaru. it's the h.h. gregg employee family prices event, where you'll pay what our families pay. you'll save up to 25% on appliances electronics, furniture, and more. get this samsung french door refrigerator for the incredible price of $1439. and save big on this proscan 39" led tv . only $277. plus tablets start at only 69 dollars. now through august 17th, save up to 25% on appliances, electronics, furniture and more. at the h.h. gregg employee family prices event, you'll pay what our families pay. at 25 minutes past 8:00 a live look at the weather in the harbor. reminder, harford community college will not open until 10:00 due to a power outage there. it is weather-related no doubt. christy breslin has the commute after marty's first warning weather. let's take a look at first warning doppler weather radar. seriously, we've got a pretty good amount of shower activity moved through the area and more to fall. the fact of the matter is another 15, 20 minutes we will keep a flash flood warning in effect for harford and baltimore counties. then area wide through 3:00 we have a flood watch in effect. this rain should be over by 3:00 or 4:00. a high of 85. now here is christy breslin at wjz traffic control. >> hi, everyone. the beltway continues to be pret ty messy this morning. if you are travelling on the west side of the outer loop that delay stretches out from green spring avenue past 70. on the topside of the outer loop that's creeping along from 95 over to harford road. average speed 25 miles per hour. southbound 95 heavy from the beltway over to 32. several accidents to report. baltimore boulevard at sandy mount road, southbound on the jfx at fayette street blocking the right-hand lane. south mlk at russell street also. nobody is getting anywhere quickly on the outer loop at 70. this traffic report is brought to you by duke's mayo. made with the same recipe since 1917. the secret to great food. learn more at a much publicized murder-for-hire trial is in the hands of the jury. mike schuh has the latest. >> reporter: good morning. today is the first full day the jury will have to deliberate. the attorneys finished up yesterday. the defense saying karla porter is an abused woman who either had to kill or be killed. the prosecution saying that such thinking twists the state's self-defense laws. porter confessed to hiring a hitman to shoot her husband ray, as he worked at their hess gas station. the hitman got life in prison. i'm mike schuh in towson. back to you. >> thank you. recent street crime drives residents and business owners in little italy to form a neighborhood watch. the group plans to use electronic surveillance and old fashioned foot patrols. last month a employee was beaten up on the sidewalk. four teenagers have been arrested for that crime. lawyers for bradley manning are focusing on his mental health as they continue in the sentences phase of his court. he faces up to 90 years in prison for giving classified documents to the website wikileaks. and stay with wjz 13, maryland's news ♪ welcome back to "cbs this morning." coming up in this half hour the new pga championship winner jason dufner turns his luck around after a stinging loss two years ago. he tells us about that. plus we'll learn the story behind dufnering and how it's gone viral. and art taking over england. see how tens of thousands of british works are now popping up across the uk. businesses are giving up millions to make it happen. that story's ahead. right now, this morning's headlines from around the globe. britain's telegraph said bins have been banned. using serial numbers and signals coming from the smartphones. the secret surveillance is collected through trash chance on the streets fitted with recording devices. forbes says the world's top-winning author is e.l. james. the author of "fist shades of gray" $95 million in a year. james patterson earned $91 million. and suzanne collins earned $55 million. >> time to turn to writing. >> what can we write? the times said a jerry lewis move never seen by the public has surfaced. it is called "the day the clown cried." it's about the holocaust. lewis admits it's bad, bad, bad. george lucas welcome home baby daughter with mellody hobson. they becomed home a baby girl. her name is everybody rest. everierest. and rand fall has been in high-profile spats both with republican chris christie and the white house. his latest book is called "government bullies: how every day americans are being harassed abused and imprisoned by the feds." senator, good morning. >> good morning. thanks for having me. >> what do you think about the views of the attorney general about the mandatory sentencing and how has that changed things? >> people don't realize this young people are caught up and make mistakes with drugs. instead of a judge having the ability to give them a sentence that's appropriate, they're stuck with giving them 5, 10 even 20 years with no discretion. if it's your child or my child, with extenuating circumstances, the judge can't listen to any of that. the judge is trapped and has to give them 20 years in prison sometimes. there are people serving lime for nonviolent crimes. >> what about lawmakers who say this drug sentencing has gotten a lot of users off the streets and those type of crimes lead to bigger crimes in the future? >> well, what happens is a lot of people have criminal recorders and cannot get jobs and it's a downward spiral into poverty and more crimes. what i would say for nonviolent crimes we need to treat this as a health problem. >> i want to come to the fact of you agreeing with the white house on this. what's the common ground? >> well it's interesting. there's probably more than that meets the eye. sometimes, people play up differences more than similarities. on mandatory minimums this is something i've worked hard on with senator patrick leahy. and the e-mails should be protected. >> and why can't republicans in the senate work more often in terms of creating that kind of result? >> it's kind of interesting. some people think compromise is meeting halfways in the middle. whereas, i think you can passionately believe in something and do bipartisanship. for example, jill gillibrand working with her on the military, i believe as strongly as she does there's a lot of sexual assaults that go unreported. and that justice isn't being served through primarily women in the military. >> one of the big debates in this country, in part because of edward snowden, and his now get ago asylum in russia. and the nsa surveillance. >> when you get information on someone's records, you should get a warrant can means the fourth amendment says you have to be individualized to the person and place and what you want. so i think it's really wrong that we write one order from a secret court and we get everybody's phone numbers. i think that's a real mistake. >> can i just get to you respond i know this has been played out in your disagreement with chris christie who says those libertarians -- >> you're not going get me started on that are you? >> do you want to get started? >> i guess i will. >> there are two views. but you heard chris christie really denouncing the libertarian wing. >> and we want young people to come to the republican party. they don't have any money but they're not concerned with taxes and regulations but they all have a cell phone and on the internet so they're concerned about their privacy. i think the republican party ought to be a party that is concerned with it and privacy. i think for the most part it means that you believe sincerely in the strict interpretation of rights and privacy. >> and can i turn to those among those thinking about running for president? >> the thought has crossed my mind. >> make trips to iowa and other places. what will make you decide to run? >> you know it's an enormous invasion of your privacy to run for national office. it will be a big discussion with my family on whether or not, one, we want to withstand sort of the onslaught and the scrutiny that you get with this. really a lot of this is not fair. it's to your family and your kids. >> but they overcome that don't they? >> some, yes and no. it is a big decision. >> you're from kentucky. it looks like at the polls that the minority leader in the senate mitch mcconnell is in trouble. >> depends which polls you look at. i would sate good news for someone like senator mcconnell and myself is that we voted 61% for someone like mitt romney. and the president, 40% of democrats voted undecided in the last primary in 2012 when the president was on the ballot against none of the above. >> he said he has to hold his nose and known as someone who strongly supports you? >> i know the campaign manager well i've been on a campaign bus before. i'm guessing it's mcconnell who has to hold his nose sometimes. >> meaning? >> well, we'll just have to let that stand as is you know. but, you know i think that -- well, i've met and worked with the campaign manager. and i see nothing but sincerity really to have senator mcconnell re-elected. i think he'll do everything in his power to make that happen. >> go ahead. >> i was going to say thank you. >> the feud is over with governor christie? >> i've offered him a beer. offered a beer summit. i would even come to new jersey and buy the beer. so far i haven't gotten any response. >> can the republican party get past this? can they appeal to moderate? >> i think republican party is big enough for all of us really to tell you the truth, people who want to attack the libertarian conservatives in the party, they need to realize the republican party is big enough to win right now. we need more people than less people. jason dufner tells us about good morning. we have gray skies in the area and rain in the region. here's first warning doppler weather radar. look how much is headed our way. there's more out to the west. if you're just joining us we've had a batch of severe weather this morning move through baltimore, harford and cecil county. a flash flood warning in effect for the next 10 minutes for baltimore it's happening now. people are switching to finish... ... and it's spreading all across america. quantum with new power gel delivers amazing clean and shine, even in the hardest water, which cascade just can't do. take the finish shine challenge with quantum. voted product of the year by consumers ! ♪ he can handle the rest of this. >> spectacular. jason dufner takes the pga. >> with a tap-in jason dufner won the pga championship sunday by two shots. it is his first major title. the 36-year-old secured his place in golf history by shooting a round of 68 at oak hill country club in rochester, new york. two days earlier, he set the course record with a 63. jason dufner welcome. >> good morning. >> what are you thinking about, coming down the back nine, knowing in the past in 2011 you came into a rough patch? >> yeah. i was using this experience that time to help me out. i was confident this time around and really be aggressive and give myself a chance to at least win that a-a amazing feat. >> and aggressive means what? >> i think sometimes, guys get in the lead sand get passive and play conservative. you get away from your game plan that maybe got you to that point. i really wanted to keep making birdies. and keep trying to widen that gap with the lead that i had. >> how much of this was about redemption? >> you know, there's been a lot of that going on in golf with the majors. you have great players who have failed earlier in their career with the majors. and i kind of kept that in the back of my head that maybe this year could be the year for the pga championship. >> adam scott and rory mcilroy came back. >> you heard jim nance calling you stoic, but spectacular. in the way that jim nance does that. there's a lot made of the way you don't show much emotion on the course. why is that? >> that's just my personality. i tried to stay true to that. there's a lot of emotions going on inside of me. i'm nervous just like all the other guys. but i just have a better way of hiding it, i think. >> what does it take to shoot a 63 in a major? >> you got to do a lot of great things. guys have rounds like that out on tour where everything seems to go right. everything clicks. my happened to be at this pga championship. >> you thought you could do it. a 62 the first player ever to shoot a 62 at a major? >> that would have been pretty special. like i said earlier, i don't think i've ever been the first to do anything in my life. it's nerve-racking, actually on friday compared to the rest of the week. >> the guy who beat you two years ago was your friend keegan bradley. and he helped make dufnering famous. which has really gone nuts on social media. how did that come about? >> you know i had a charity function that i was doing for a tournament that i won last year. we were in a school setting, sitting on the floor. and i just kind of checked out there for a couple minutes. photo op took advantage of me in that situation. you know how social media is now. people were trying to gab at me and make fun of it. it caught on and people latched on with it. >> what is it? >> you're just kind of sitting on the floor with your hands under your legs totally zoning out. it was pretty neat how it took off. >> do you simply try to make sure that you are cool and calm, and that you don't let emotions overcome you? >> that's the key to it. you don't have to do anything you just do it. >> i know you're quoted as saying, i don't like stress because stress stresses me out? >> yeah. >> it's sort of an obvious statement. and yet, a lot of people attributed what happened on sunday to you being very even keel? >> you know for me that would. some guys are high-energy guys. for me to be flatlined out there, keep my emotions at check, that make please successful on the golf course. >> you mean after you shot a 50-foot putt you don't want to go like this -- >> every once in a while, ryder cup, it gets hectic out there. >> what was the first thing you said to your wife? >> i just told her, i couldn't believe this just happened you know. >> we did notice while you gave your wife a hug, you also gave your wife a love tap? >> yeah that's taken off on the social media part again. i keep getting caught by photographers in awkward situations, looking. >> what's the key to your game. someone said you have a ben hogan-like swing? >> yeah, i think one of the things i try to do it be consistent with the swing. my bad days aren't too bad. my good days are really good. that's from being good in all areas of the game. i think being consistent for me is the real key on the pga tour to being successful. >> you got a pretty quick swing. pretty good swing. >> jason, for all the moms out there saying what's going on with his hair this morning? >> it's all natural. that's how it's always been. >> great to have you here. congratulations. >> thank you very much. >> good luck. >> thanks. in england, beauty is all around you in unlikely places. >> reporter: i'm charlie d'agata in central london coming up on "cbs this morning," we'll have the story of one man's mission to turn the art of advertising into the advertising of art. ♪ ♪ the world's largest art show opens this week in the united kingdom, but you don't have to go to a museum to see it. charlie d'agata shows us why it will be hard to miss. >> reporter: we're in the heart of central london and this bus stop would normally be advertising things like burger kings and banks but not today. the art of advertising has taken a backseat to works of art to people like hockny turner and damien hurst, the brightest. the target says it everywhere. in the next two weeks, british art will be plastered across billboards, subway stations bus stops and the sides of buses. >> it's all about flitting off-street with art and turning the uk into the world's largest art galleries. >> reporter: the brand vision is the brainchild of entrepreneur richard reed who was walking through a neighborhood when something caught his eye. >> one day, somebody put up art. i stopped and fell in love with it. i didn't know what it was, what the piece of art was, but it just gave me a lift as i walked down this road on my commute to work. >> reporter: first, he had to convince advertising companies to give up a few prime ad spaces. >> we wanted to flood the streets with art? >> reporter: you're not talking 10 or 20 or 15 -- >> 22,000 across the country. on the way on the bus, on the tube driving in you'll see something that hopefully gives you a lift or a smile and you'll remember it. >> reporter: the 57 works of art were voted for by the british public selected from a short list drawn up with the help of london's tate gallon ris, the top choice was lady of schlot. we asked whether critics might see taking work out of the gallon galleries is cheapening it. >> yes, there may be mayfairs who see that. nothing compared to seeing the real thing. and we're talking today in one of the world's great art galleries. everything you see here you can see online. nothing beats the real thing. >> reporter: posting artworks in 22,000 locations meant launching the biggest single-shot rollout british advertising companies had ever seen. and are you selling art? >> yeah you could argue this as -- well this is actually an ad campaign for the beauty of arts. that's fine with me. it's just about getting people exposed to it. to see it. >> reporter: after britain, organizers are hoping to goe ing toing to global starting with united states. you have made those predictions yet? whether or not you could pull that out in the united states? >> it's start right here. >> reporter: this is day one? >> this is day one, baby. cbs. people, i need help. >> reporter: you there go coming to a billboard or a bus stop near you. now, it didn't come cheap. advertising companies say they lost something like $5 million in revenue. but printing up the posters and putting them up everywhere that all came from donations. art everywhere paid for by art lovers everywhere. for "cbs this morning," i'm charlie d'agata in london. >> what a great idea. art everywhere. >> art everywhere. i think it's a fantastic idea. >> it may cause some people to go to the museum to seat rest of the work in that campaign and see the real thing. >> of which there are great museums here in new york. >> art everywhere. that does it for us. your local news is next. we'll see you tomorrow on "cbs this morning." ♪ all the chicken in your grocery store is inspected by the usda... but perdue asked them to go further. they verify that all our chickens are cared for in a clean safe environment... and fed an all-veggie diet. no other chicken company does this. but at perdue, we believe in a better chicken. 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[ perdue ] they say you are what you eat. well, at perdue, we say you are what you eat...eats. so we feed our chickens an all-veggie diet, including corn and marigolds with no added animal by-products... hormones...or steroids. because at perdue, we believe in a better chicken. 5 minutes before 9:00, low flying clouds over the inner harbor. up the 95 corridor, harford community college is opening at 10:00 because of a power outage. marty. >> it has been a morning. we have had severe weather press through baltimore harford and cecil county. now howard county, anne arundel county, you guys have been on the sidelines through the morning. you're now starting to get the rain that's going to define the forecast through the day. a flood watch in effect through 3:00 this afternoon. now if the script stays correct with that high of 85 we will see rain come to an end around 4:00 or so. maybe a beautiful late afternoon and evening. partly cloudy, 60 over night. tomorrow looks to be a sunny day beautiful with a high of 78 degrees. don, take it a away. the guilt or innocence of a woman accused of hiring a hitman to kill her husband is now in the hands of the jury. mike schuh stays on the story. >> reporter: good morning. today is the first day the jury will have to deliberate. the defense said karla porter is an accused woman who had to kill or be killed. the prosecution said such thinking twists the state's self-defense laws. porter confessed to hiring a hitman to shoot her husband ray he worked at their gas station in hess. the other conspirators have been convicted the hit minute getting life from prison. a traveling hospital in addition technician accused of infektcting with hepatitis is set to accept a plea deal of no less than 30 years. he infected 48 patient with his deadly liver disease. a passenger at bwi is caught trying to get through security with a loaded handgun in his bag. he was bound for vegas when officers spotted that 9mm gun. the passenger was arrested but later released. the harbor point development deal is one step closer to being approved. the city council giving preliminary approval to $700 million in public financing for the project. protestors have tried to stop the city from giving public money to that development. and some support this morning to raising the states minimum wage. they say increasing the minimum wage would help working families and improve maryland's country. the bill would increase it to $10 an hour by 2015. stay with wjz 13, maryland's news station. complete news and first warning weather today at noon. as always, updates available at any time from anywhere at the wicked ok. we'll start looking for an suv... 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Transcripts For WJZ Eyewitness News At 4 20130808

fry, if you will, with the russians. we have a lot of issues to engage with the russians. >> reporter: the political snub is the first time in decades an american president has canceled a publicly-announced meeting with the russian leader. >> i think the portrayal of washington is this is kind of a tit for tat. >> they haven't been seeing eye on eye on a range. issues. and this wasn't the right time for a meeting. >> reporter: putin reclaimed the presidency. u.s. russian policy expert says this isn't a permanent. >> i think it signals that we've reached kind of a pause. that a lot of the momentum that we saw during president obama's first term in office issue has pretty much run its course. >> republicans are applauding president obama for ditching the talks. now they're pushing to complete the free trade agreement with europe, two things the russians oppose. >> reporter: secretary of state john kerry and defense secretary chuck hagel still plan to meet with their russian counterparts in washington tomorrow. a howard county man who is convicted of burying his wife under a shed learns his fate. >> robert garrett, sr., was found guilty of second-degree murder in april and will spend 30 years behind bars. his wife's body was found 21 years after she disappeared. the judge called jarrett, quote, a monster hiding behind the softness of skin "end quote. we'll have more coming up at 5:00 and 6:00. the whitemarsh woman on trial for hiring a hitman to kill hear husband took the stand. karla porter said, quote, i knew ray was going to kill me. and i just wanted to kill him first. prosecutorsprosecutors said that william ray porter was killed at a hess gas station. karla porter faces life in prison without parole. help may be on the way for all the families of the 19 firefighters killed battling a wildfire in arizona. carter evans has the latest for we'll. -- for wjz. >> reporter: when the yarnle fires scorched more than 8,000 acres of arizona wilderness, it claimed the lives of 19 members of the granite mountain hot shots. at the time, their families were assured they would be taken care of. but more than a month after the tragedy, one of the widows says the city of prescott is not keeping that promise. >> it is a terrible tragedy. and the bigger tragedy is in the fact that the people that can make it right report making it right. >> reporter: the ashcrafts are one of 13 families denied lifetime benefits by the city, because their relatives were considered "seasonal" employeeless. >> he worked full-time hours, had a full-time responsibility, had a full-time salary. >> reporter: arizona lawmakers announced a draft bill that would grant full-time state employee benefits to any first responders who dies on state land. it would be retroactive to june 30th, meaning it would apply to all families of the hot shots. >> if they're making on working that right, bless them. >> reporter: among ashcraft supporters is brendan mcdonogh, the only hot spot who survived. he and others are hopeful that the state of arizona will follow through on its promise of benefits. an exciting day at the inner harbor. the world's largest reproduction of a pacific coral reef is now on display at the national aquarium. wjz is live at the black reef exhibit. jessica kartalija has more on what makes this so special. >> reporter: kai, i don't even know where to begin. there are 65 different species here at black tip reef. 20 different black-tip sharks. we're told there will be four different kinds of sharks in here. three different kinds of sting rays. i could go on and on with all the numbers. it's been so exciting out here. people have been coming all day from literally all over, just to participate in the grand opening. ♪ [ music ] >> five, four, three, two, one. [ cheering ] >> reporter: the mayor and aquarium ceo float into shark- infested water for the official ribbon cutting. >> it warms my heart. i'm excited to be here. >> black-tip reef is really one of the first major enhancements to the aquarium in a number of years. and it just felt right to do it on our birthday, our 32nd an versary. >> reporter: it is full of light, color and movement, right in the heart of the national aquarium. >> seeing it look so beautiful is a nice edition. >> that is crush. >> that is crush, isn't it? >> reporter: this is home to a new 500-pound sea turtle, sharks, sting rays and hundreds of brightly-colored fish. >> it's kind of exciting for us to be able to see all of this. >> reporter: the 260,000-gallon indoor salt water tank is a coral-filled exhibit. an exact replica of the indo pacific reef. the staff spent months constructing replicas of nearly 50 different species of coral. then painting them the same hue you might find in the great deep. >> people have been coming all day as i mentioned. and we've seen people coming in waves, absolutely packed earlier today. but i have to tell you, we were just talking about this. when there were so many people, it was so hot and humid in here with all of this water, just like it is outside. now, meteorologist tim williams is with the wjz mobile weather unit and bob turk is in the weather center. let's go to straight to -- straight to bob. >> it's beautiful tropical out there. we have scattered showers developing around the region. a few spots saw some heavy downpours. just in the last hour. eastern baltimore county, up toward harford county. good thundershower moved through that region. it's now out of the area. we have one near joppa, and one near delta and conowingo, moving into southern portions of pennsylvania. further to the west, there are still more showers developing. a few more now, not too far from washington. some of them may affect our region in the next couple of hours. so if you're heading out tonight, yeah, plan yourself for scattered showers and thunderstorm activity. could see some heavy downpours from time to time in some areas as we saw last night. plenty of clouds around. and some breaks in the cloud cover, have created some instability. and that's creating these scattered showers. 85 now, with a dew point way up at 71. 87 if washington. in the mid- to upper 70s in oakland and cumberland. they've had showers there and a lot more cloud cover. tim is out at the national aquarium with the wjz mobile weather lab. tim? >> well, bob. this is pretty much a theme. you talked about how it does feel tropical outside. let me show you why. here at the wjz mobile weather lab. we're looking at temperatures, just around 86 degrees will relative humidity at 63. but the dew point is the key here. 72.5. we always talk about how the dew point above 65 or stow, starts to feel tropical, humid, and muggy. and that's how we're feeling now, here at 92.5. let's talk about the showers bob talked aboutuffing in for the rest of this evening and tomorrow. we could see some showers. the jet stream has moved well to our north. that allows for temperatures and dew points and moisture to all start coming in from the southwest. it will mean that we keep these temperatures going to an upward trend. we'll be in the mid- to upper 80s for much of the next five days. and that also means instability. it means a chance for showers. unfortunately, it also means a chance for thunderstorms. we'll continue to keep you posted here and monitor it from the wjz mobile weather lab. for now, we're sending it back inside to the real tropics wjessica kartalija, at the -- with jessica kartalija, at the national aquirium -- aquarium, black tip reef. >> reporter: this would be a good year to come in here to check it out with all of that weather. i also have to say, in addition to all of the sharks and the activity going on here. the behind the scenes is what is so exciting. and much more on that coming up today at 4:30. i'm going to talk all about the coral. how they got the sharks used to the fish. they can't just throw them all in at the same time. that's coming up at 4:30. and i also need to mention, in addition to the charts, one of the big draws here is the nemos and dories in here. and i know kristy, you have two little ones. you know exactly what timetalking about. >> i absolutely know what you're talking about. my kids are huge fans of crush the turtle. we'll definitely be visiting the aquarium soon. a lot of delays on northbound 95. watch for heavy traffic from 32 to 195. then it continues along from 395 to emerton road in the harford county area. traffic only moving about 18 miles an hour. top side inner loop, stop and go there. west side inner loop, watch for brake lights there from 895 past liberty road. and a couple of complications. one gas main break that has westbound liberty closed at druid park hill drive. and one at north pulaski highway and south eaton. scattered traffic on the beltway. this is brought to you by al packer. for the best service, selection and value, visit al packer ford. before you buy, price tacker. back to you. kristy, thank you. well, three lucky tickets. we now know who one of the winners is of the $448 million power ball jackpot. one ticket was sold in minnesota. and a short time ago, paul white came forward to claim his check for $149 million. the before-taxes share of his winnings. the other two tickets were sold in new jersey. sold here in maryland. in calvert county. we don't know who that winner is. the winning numbers are 5, 25, 30, 58, 59. the power ball was 32. kai, i listened to the -- i saw the press conference with paul white. he's so funny. he's from the midwest. >> grew up in wisconsin. >> and he kind of was leaning back. and he was really casual. and he said, you know, it's a nice cushion. but we're going to stay the same. and they both didn't know if they were going to go work the next day. >> wow. happy for them. sincerely. it's cool. still ahead on eyewitness news at 4:00. crazy crash. a car goes straight into a liquor store. the latest on the investigation. massive fire reaches five alarmless. and more than 100 firefighters respond. now the search for a cause. battle against drivers. the unique way many drivers are documenting their rides for protection. and a sticky day out there. lots of events going on downtown. will the weather cooperate? bob turk has the updated first warning weather forecast coming up. ,,,,,,,, this summer, new york state is back and open for business. with endless beaches, hundreds of miles for hiking...or biking. endless rivers and streams ready to take your breath away. and more than enough wineries to please every pallet. we're ready to make your new york state vacation perfect. there's never been a better time to vacation in new york state. plan your vacation at it's partly sunny, humid. and 85 degrees in central maryland. the complete first warning weather forecast is coming up. a car crashes into a liquor store in illinois, leaving two people hurt. a driver went flying through the front window in highland mark and then caught fire. one of the workers suffered smoke inhalation. the driver and worker were both taken to the hospital with nonlife-threatening injuries. the cause is under investigation. more than 100 firefighters are called out to battle a massive five alarm fire. about 12 homes nearby had to be evacuated. and a few others were damaged. crews were able to get the fire under control. there were no injuries but the cause remains under investigation. in parts of the nation's mid midsection, flash flood watches and marijuanaings. as lindsey davis rapids, more are expected. they are expecting for rain. this is the kind of flood devastation they woke up to. >> i know oned in lost his vehicle, lost everything. >> reporter: in waynesville, a couple of hours southwest of st. louis, a 4-year-old child was swept away. tossens were out. >> we've had damage and flooding done to some of the locals in the county, where people had to be rescued. >> snarled traffic. evacuate if there is any concern. go to another friend's us hoto get to higher ground. and a woman remains missing in missouri. believed to be the mother of the boy rushing away. authorities say the search for her will resume with conditions allow. can wall street rebound after a rough week? all the markets finish up for the first time this week. dow was down 28. s&p up 7. nasdaq up 15. let's go to new york right now, where marlie hall has tonight's cbs money watch update. markets got a boost today, after encouraging news about unemployment. the labor department says the average number of americans filing for first-time claims is at its lowest level in almost six years. more personnel changes at blackberry. the struggling smart phone maker announced three of its vice presidents are leaving the company. the news comes just two weeks after blackberry laid off 250 workers. back-to-school shoppers are sticking to necessities and looking for deals. retailers experienced only a 3.8% rise in sales last month. the slowest pace since march. american outfitter all reported disappointing figures. three people get to split a whopping $448 million after winning the fourth largest power ball history in history. last night, the prices doubled to $2. and the jackpot skyrocketed. they will also have a top prize of $590 million in may. that's your money watch. for more headlines, go to in new york, i'm marlie hall. the smithsonian is welcoming its own edigs. take a electric. these are two rare sumatran tiger cubs. so far, she is being a great mom and nursing both of the little ones. unfortunately, if you don't visit the zoo, you won't see the cute cubs just yet. they will not be exhibited publicly for a couple of monthses. >> and another reason to go down there. coming up on wjz's eyewitness news at 4:00. stand by attorneys. staying on. the ruling from the judge in the trial of the fort hood shooting suspect. which car is the safest? the results of the newest crash test. a muggy day out there, with lots of clouds. maybe a little sun out there. bob turk will update the first warning weather forecast. as we have been showing you, a big day for the national aquarium at the black tip reeving -- reefing just opens. , welcome back, everyone. i'm jessica kartalija, live here at the national aquarium. i have to tell you, we have this bright light behind me. and the sharks love it. this is my buddy here today. nothing like working alongside a shark. for the latest on the weather forecast, i'm going to send it inside to bob. >> thank you. beautiful in there. really, really going to be a great exhibit. all right. we have scattered showers around. we'll show you those in a minute. take a look at the temperatures. it's tropical in there and outside. 85 now with the dew point up to 71. 85 actually feels like 89. humidity, 63%. north winds at 7. the barometer, falling a little bit. 29.99 inches. right now, a little batch of showers developed east of the city, across baltimore and harford county. that's moved now into chester county, p.a. for the most part, they dissipated. one little shower there, near the edgewood area, but moving away. another batch here, martinsburg, harpers ferry, notice down to d.c. this is all moving off to the east/northeast. if it continues, i'm thinking between maybe 6:30 and 8:00, when you see the shower activity, crossing our region. so any time this evening around the dinner hour, we'll have scattered shower and thunderstorm activity. some had heavy downpours as we saw last night. sykesville had over 3 inches of rain. while south of us, only 14/100ths of an inch. most places yesterday afternoon, north of the city and last night, had between 1 to 2 inches of rain. 75 in oakland. quen, hot -- 87. hot in d.c. 78 in ocean city. and locally, temperatures still in the mid-80s, unless you had a shower. southerly winds continue to bring this moist, humid air. it will be with us. it looks like now, we may get a break on saturday. a lot of rain as you see there in the midwest. particularly over missouri. scattered showers and storms to the west of us. we do via -- have a chance tonight of getting some of this activity to the region. but behind it, there is a frontal system that we think now may actually get to our region saturday, and get just far enough south. so from baltimore north, some dryer air moves in. the humidity gets suppressed. and the shower chances are reduced somewhat. south of us, good chance. eastern shore, good chance. at least saturday into sunday. southwest winds, 10 knots. on the bay, small craft advisory. tonight only, bay temp, around 77. scattered showers and thunderstorms yes. tonight's low, a warm, humid 72. tomorrow, more chances of scattered showers. and could be some heavy downpours. tomorrow's high, back up to 87 degrees. >> all right, bob. thank you. well, we are following breaking news now in baltimore county. a possible suspicious substance found there. let's go live to captain jeff long, above it in sky eye chopper 13. captain jeff? >> this is in perry hall, in this community are a suspicious substance found inside of a mailbox. so baltimore county, police and fire did respond. they also called in their hazmat team. this happened about 3:43 today. and at this point, we don't know if there are any evacuations. but there are quite a few of the residents of this community out on the sidewalk here at perry hall. reporting live from sky eye chopper 13, i'm captain jeff long. back to you. >> we will continue to follow that breaking news. preparations are under way for a final goodbye to beloved former colt art donovan. artie's funeral is tomorrow at the cathedral of mary our queen. begins at 11:00 a.m. and you can continue to watch the service on wjz or and still to come at 4:00. a massive wildfire continues to burn in california. the latest on efforts to put it out. manhunt expands for a man wanted for killing a woman, and possibly her son and then kidnapping her teenage daughter. i'm jessica kartalija. live here at the national aquarium for the brand new opening of black tip reef. much more live coming up. eyewitness news at 4:30, with denise and vic is right after ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, it's 4 clng 30. 85 degrees. partly cloudy in central maryland. >> i'm denise koch. here's what people are talking about. a fast-moving wildfire grows in southern california, forcing thousands to flee from their homes and injuring at least five people, including 40 firefighters. bigad shaban has the latest for wjz. >> reporter: the wildfire has burned more than 15 square miles in just 24 hours. steve chittenton used his own garden hose to keep the flames from his home. more than half of the nine acres is already charred. including his small barn. >> what is that like? to literally fight for your house? >> it's sarey. i'm really close to retirement. it would be just a sad thing to lose my house and start over again. >> reporter: thousands of firefighters are scrambling to build fire tanks. while many douse from above. at least 1500 resident have been forced from their homes. >> the wildfire gusted up to 25 miles per hour. >> reporter: the fire has destroyed at least 15 buildings, including a number of houses. dave watched his house burn to the ground. >> i got here and the house burned. and i have another building there. and it all torched. >> reporter: four photographers who went to shoot the fire ended up saving a home by hosing it down. and steve chit endon isn't ready to give up either. >> we're planning to retire here and stay here the rest of our life, as long as god lets us keep the house. >> he said they have spent 40 years building their lives. the conditions of two other firefighters is unknown. firefighters say one civilian is hospitalized with burns. a man wanted for kidnapping a san diego teenager, after killing apparently her mother and possibly her younger brother. kai is in the newsroom with the search for james dimaggio. >> reporter: an amber alert has been extended from california to the pacific northwest, after a car, possibly belonging to dimaggio was spotted. police say the first spotting was in alturas, california on a remote highway. the second in lake view, oregon. police are on high alert, scattering the signs for dimaggio, 8-year-old ethan anderson and 16-year-old hannah. a friend said the 40-year-old had a crush on her and would date her if they were the same age. >> authorities found the body when they extinguished flames at the rural home. a child's body has also been found but has not yet been identified. a military judge resumes the fort hood shooting trial, despite demands the suspect's attorneys. they say major nidal hasan is deliberately seeking the death penalty. and they will not help him do that. the former army psychiatrist has chosen to represent himself but was given a team of attorneys for counsel. hassan admits he was the shooter in the attack that left 13 of his fellow shoulders dead f. convicted, he would face the death penalty. a new round shows that front end cars don't do well in collisions. only one model received the top ranking of "good" from the insurance institute of highway safety. >> reporter: the honda civic earned the top safety rating in a new kind of crash test. for the first time, they conducted what it calls small, overlap crash tests. to see how the front corner of small cars holds up during a collision. that area isn't always designed to absorb a crash's impact. david zuby of the insurance institute for highway safety says this type of collision causes 25% of serious injuries in frontal crashes. >> we still end up killing close to 9,000 people every year in frontal crashes. so this is one of the remaining problems. >> reporter: the dodge dart. ford focus, hyundai elant ra, and 2014 sion tc all receive acceptable ratings. but some popular models did not do well in the safety evaluation. the chevrolet sonic, volkswagen beetle, chevrolet cruise, nissan sentra, and kia forte, all received marginal or oops poor rate -- or poor rattings. -- ratings. >> all of the cars we tested today are all virtually safe cars bay the at the times we've -- tests we've done over years. >> reporter: marlie hall, wjz eyewitness news. >> the toyota corolla was not tested because a new version is coming out in the fall. the corolla is the number two selling small car in america. the national aquarium at the inner harbor is making history. today is the grand opening of the world's largest reproduction of the pacific coral reef, featuring some unique animals. wjz is live at the aquarium. jessica kartalija joins us once again with more on the amazing exhibit. jess? >> reporter: yeah. 700 different animals, to be exact, denise. it is really incredible. we went behind the scenes. this is months of a long, grueling process they had to get all of the coral made to look exactly like it does in the indo pacific region. then they have to put it in there. and then they have to get all of those animals acclimated and make sure they get along well. ♪ [ music ] >> as the crowd looks on, one by one, black-tipped sharks are welcomed to their new homes. in the narc aquarium's black- tip reef. for the past several months, 20 black-tip sharks have been livering at an off-site facility, preparing to move to the new exhibit. >> we have to make sure that they are comfortable, they acclimate well. and are doing great before we feed them to the public. >> they lengthy process that requires a lot of planning. >> you put bigger fish in, legalling up to the sharks. >> we put silicone rubber on this and make a mold. >> this is a complex ecosystem that looks just like the real pacific reefs. >> how similar is this to the national habitats? >> i would say if you look at a picture, you're going to say spot on. >> 3,000 different types of coral, to be exact. too it took two day -- three days to get the black-tipped sharks into their new home. a 13,000 square-foot tank, where visitors can get an incredible view of the world down under. gak back here at black tip reef. they've had many of the animals here for a year. they had to check them out. making sure those who were sick or injured needed to be quarantined and brought back to health. and again, they had to get them used to living together. quite a process. but so exciting because it has come together so beautifully. as i mentioned earlier, it was a little warm in here today, when they had all the crowds here for the ribbon-cutting ceremony. felt like a lot of that humidity outside. meteorologist tim williams is in the weather center. and bob turk has more. >> it is outside. we have tropical downpours popping up in spots. but another batch here. gaithersburg to d.c. moving off to the east. pretty move, looks like frederick, we'll see these showers in the next hour. may get to the baltimore region by about let's say 6 to 6:30. right now, 85. very moist. atmosfreer, 73 in oakland. and 78 ocean city. we're in the hurricane season. let's send it tout to meteorologist kim wals with an update on the new hurricane prediction -- predaikses. this has not been a blockbuster season so far. although we have had four named storms. most recent being durian. and that was about a week huge. as we were talking with, the storms -- update for the season has been updated by the national oceanic atmospheric association. saying it has been above normal but not quite as active as first predicted. right now, the expectation is that there will be 13 to 19 named storms. of those, 6 to 9 will be hurricanes. and of there's, 3 to five could be greater. we're talking about this picking up. we're in the throes of what is considered the heat of the season. talk being middle august to roughly middle october or so. as they heat up, we expect they will continue to stay active toward the end. of course, the hurricane season for the atlantic basin is through the 30th. jessica kartalija joins us with more on the black tip reef. back inside. jessica? >> reporter: i was willing you about the corals. check this out. this is literally how it feels off the withhold. for now, i want to send it inside to bristy brez lean traffic control. if you have rar brake lights. it starts at 895, going bast liberty road. northbound 95, a little busier this afternoon. delays continue up through the aberdeen region. as far as accidents go, elair road at south colgate. and also, north at west mayet. you can see, things have slowed down a bit on the beltway around 70. and another look there west of york road. this is brought to you by bge. 225 off. visit bge smart back to you. store an historic cemetery is using washington, d.c. to spruce up the property. check out these grazing goats. they are looking at this. the sem terry says it keeps from using harmful pesticides. >> i didn't know they ate poison ivy. i'm going to get some goats. >> i didn't know the poison first. straight ahead on wjz eyewitness news at 4:00. an update on a massive fire at an airport in kenya. -- kenya. one big baby. this little girl is setting records. we'll have her stor. and humid day out there. still cloudy. will things clear up? bob turk will have the first warning weather forecast when we come back. ,,,, could save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance. mmmhmmm...everybody knows that. well, did you know that old macdonald was a really bad speller? your word is...cow. cow. cow. c...o...w... ...e...i...e...i...o. 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[ male announcer ] want to upgrade your entertainment? switch to a fios triple play online for just $89.99 a month guaranteed for two years plus your choice of a $300 gift card or a $300 visa prepaid card with a 2-year agreement. fios brings 100% fiber optic power right to your door. that's why it delivers america's fastest, most reliable internet for blazing fast movie downloads and smooth streaming video playback. plus get unbeatable tv picture quality. so switch to fios for just $89.99 a month guaranteed for 2 years, and your choice of a $300 gift card or a $300 visa prepaid card with a 2-year agreement. visit call the verizon center for this amazing deal. for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v. technology that makes life more entertaining, that's powerful. international flights resume at the kenya airport, after a one-day fire. it destroyed part of the terminal yesterday. today, they are accusing first responders of looting a bank and artm inside the airport when they got to the scene. nearly a dozen aid workers in maryland are stranded there. they are expected to get flights back to maryland by the end of the weekend. for the third day in ray row there, reports on an american drone strike in yemen. yemeni officials say at least six suspected militants were killed today after the company destroyed a major plot. >> reporter: yemeni security officials say security forces are turn up the heat on al qaeda militants. after aborting a plot to strike gas and oil installations in the countryia's ports. there's even a shoot-to-kill order on anybody looking suspicious. the alleged plot appears similar to the january attack in algeria, when gunmen stormed a gas plant, killing more than 3 dozen foreign workers. the u.s. embassy in yemen has come under attack before by furious protestors after their release of an anti-islam fieldfilm. the country is also home to al qaeda and the arabian peninsula. one of the most aggressive branches in the terrorist group. that suspected plot may be the reason for stepped up u.s. drone strikes. says former fbi official bill mud. >> we've got defense in place around the embassies. but we've got to take out operatives if we want to destroy this long term. we might have done it in the past weeks. >> the embassy in yemen remains closed issue along with 18 other embassies and diplomatic posts in the middle east and africa. police searching for a weapon in the home of former nfl player aaron hernandez. the gun used to kill lloyd was in this bristol, connecticut lake. but the search came up empty. divers are expected to search for the murder weapon in a nearby body of water next week. a growing number of london cyclists are riding with a new accessory to catch drivers they say don't make room for them on the roads. as alphonso van marsh reports for wjz, tempers are flaring on both sides. >> reporter: greg carson rides his bike to work with a video camera strapped to his head. he says his bike cam video helped him win a cash settlement after a driver blamed him for this crash. >> they completely demonstrate they're lying through their teeth. >> reporter: there's been a surge of cycle cams on the streets. they say it tomorrow currentlies drivers and cyclists to follow the rules of the road. >> what these cameras can do is help give the cyclist a bit more clout. >> reporter: as prices for digital bike cameras go down, the quality of the footage on some of the cameras as we see here, is going up. and that's making more london cyclists use bike cams to win insurance claims claims and respect. >> louis d. diare uses six cameras for name and shame drivers. emphasis on shame. >> speeding? i'll let want you. >> reporter: but some claim cyclists are too aggressive. >> i'll give him as much room as he can. but they still cut me up and call names. >> reporter: they say as more videos like these get hit online, authorities are more likely to prosecute bad drivers. >> it's illegal. even in traffic. >> reporter: even if police don't bust them, cyclists like aaron will. >> signal, enemy, signal! >> i thought that myself from time to time. the london cycling campaign says 14 died in london streets last year. accidents across britain killed more than 100 other cyclists. in dinnuous, spain, a woman gives birth to a 13.6-pound baby girl. that gives the new record for the biggest baby girl born in their country. the mother said she knew she was having a big baby, but had no idea how big. baby marcia weighs twice as much as the average baby. she'll be going to the prom next week. and that mother should be going on vacation to a spa. something. whoo. fair weather today. sun and clouds south of the region. bobul will have the updated first warning weather forecast next. as we have been showing you all day. national aquarium reef exhibit reopens. ,,,,,,,,,, hñzuzu [ male announcer ] now you can get a kindle fire hd, with high def screen, ultra-fast wi-fi and access to 23 million movies, tv shows, music, and apps -- all for much less than an ipad mini. i couldn't believe how good the value was for the money i paid. it gives you all the options with the apps as far as netflix, hulu, great internet browser. 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[ male announcer ] go online to order now. welcome back, everyone. i'm jessica kartalija. we'll have much more behind the scenes, coming up on wjz. but first, let's send it inside to bob. >> thank you. i'm sure it's comfortable inside there. a little humid. very tropical outside today. typically, the temperatures, 85 categories -- degrees with a dew point way up there at 71. humidity, 63%. north winds at 7 falling. 29.99 inches. we've had showers moving through the area. earlier this afternoon, they've all moved off. but there's another batch moving along the potomac river. howard county, somewhat in southwestern anne arundel county. and eventually frederick county. all of this moving off to the east and northeast. here to baltimore, looks like we might see some of this near columbia. and eventually, thinking we're probably getting to our area here. 6:30, 7:00. shower activity definitely on the way. some of these have heavy downpours as we saw last night. some areas really picked up a lot of rain. areas south of the city really didn't see much at all. 85 here, 85, 84 in d.c., and 78 in ocean city. and a cooler 76 in oaklan. locally -- oakland. locally, temperatures are in the mid to high 80s. right now, we have a north wind. but most areas seeing a southerly and sot southeasterly wind coming from the gulf of mexico. that will continue until a frontal boundary will happen. we think now, saturday afternoon. still a lot of scattered showers. we have a chance tonight of getting more rain activity. scattered stuff, yes. some areas will see not much. other areas will see heavy downpours. but the humidity will be with us through tomorrow. as this front approaches us, still more showers. but on saturday afternoon, looks like baltimore north will have a chance of getting some lower humidity air and some drying skies, thank goodness. southwest winds at 10 knots. small craft advisory on the bay tonight. showers and storms possible tonight. and a warm night. low of 72. could be some downpours again tonight and tomorrow. tomorrow's high, back up to 87. mixture of clouds and sun. and any of those storms tomorrow afternoon, could bring one or two inches of rain in an hour or two. so we could see some flooding in some areas. isolated, but it's possible tomorrow afternoon and tomorrow night. >> thanks, bob. still to come on eyewitness news tonight. i'm derek valcourt at the baltimore county courthouse. where karla porter took the stand in her own defense to explain why she hired a hitman to murder her husband. that story coming up on ,,,,,,,,,,,, coming up. in her own words. we hear from a woman on trial for hiring a hitman. >> one on one. why president obama is calling off his sit down with his russian counterpart. i'm jessica kartalija. it's the grand opening of the national black reef exhibit. we'll take you behind the scenes. check in for more on these stories and all the day's breaking news. >> eyewitness news at 5:00 starts now.


Florence Aaronson, celebrated Baltimore voice-over artist known as Flo Ayres, dies

Florence Aaronson, who was professionally known as Flo Ayres, was a celebrated radio actress, voice-over artist and creator of hundreds of radio voices, died Friday of complications of dementia and COVID-19 at her Mount Washington home. She was 98.


Transcripts For WBFF Fox 45 Early Edition 20110701

3 fiber map 3 the dream act... which would provide in-state tuition or illegal aliens in maryland... is in limbo. opponents of the dream ctthave delivered the last batch of signaturessto the state... the midnight deadline. deadlinnethey've collected an extra 70-thousand signatures... with hopes of overturning the law. that 132 thousand signatures. to the state thurrday night... confident they have more than enoogh to bring thh act to pote. but supporters of the dream aat... aren't going down without a fightt (miles) "get out of our way we will mount a campaign, we will mount an effort that when it comes to referendumm every marylander will bb contactee.. conttcted."(mmdonough) "this is an issue ttaa deserves to beedecided by the vvoers of maryland and that's all thh petition drive does." does."opponents of the dream &pact saa they're confident the to get that issue on the res - ballottin 20-12. 160 clericallworkers will be out of a job a johnsshopkins's the latest round pf's because the hospital is transitioning to an electronic medical support system.a spokesperson says those workers could find other jobs within the hospital.. includdng the new clinical building. p plane makks an emergency landing in queen nne's couuty ann look where that landing happened.right in the middle of broad creek on kent island. the plane had engine trruble after taking off from the bay bridge airport. the pilot wasn't able to make it bacc to the airport, so he landed in tte creek. the pilot walked awwy one else was on boord. a women who fell to her death hotel in d-c.witnesses say the woman climbee over the railing &plate wednesday night and dangled... then let go.she fell 10 stories to her death. the incident is still under investigaaion. the defense rests it case... in the casey anthony trial... without ever calling the woman at thh center of the murder trial... to the stand. staad.judge: will the defendant be testifyinn? baez: no ir. anthony's decision means jurors will nevvr ear a first-hand account of anthony's contention her daughter drowned... or her contention that her father covered it up... or whether she went along with the scheme because of years of sexual abuse.instead... jurors will have to decide if there's enough evidence... to convict her. now that the defense has rested... the prosecution is cclling rebutttl witnesses. the jury could get the caae as early as this weekend. treasury secretary timothy geithner is thinking about calling it quits.sources say geithner is considering adminnstration, but áwon'tá make any decisions until he national debt ceiling negotiations are done.geithner has been head of the president's economic team &ppolitical nalyst mark now.. for calling the preeident a dirty four - letter word on the live t-v. and the preceddnt has been set on this show, ... go ahead, i thought he was kind of a dááá yesterday, oh mm godd delay that... delay that what are yyu doing? i think the president, i ccn't elieve you i was joking i can't believe you, did we delay that? the answer is no, the producers in the control room people aaross tte country heard him call the president a with d... the m-s-n-b- cc analyst offered an immeeiate apology. to be fair scarborough had promised thee were in delay and it would be bleeped, but everyone agrees it was way out of line. fireballs, exploding trashcans, and hurling objects from rooftops may sound dangerous.... but when it's all done in the name of science, maabe ww can just call it eduuational. joel d. smith is live at the maryland science center to phow how they're kicking off the "ssmmer of irresponsible science". good morning poel d. good morning megan, (ad lib) if you're a smoker.. the chhnces of you getting a job at a major insurance company... is slim to none! none!an arizona hue-mana pwon'tá hire smokerscompany officials ayy not only will new hires have to go through a drug test, but also, a nicotine test. "we're an organization that is going to promote healthy behavior and lifestyle and if we don't do it, who's gonna do it?" "and if you're found not be offering you a pooition." then start smoking, humana and says it wiil give you a chance gging through a mandatory people quit.other companies around the country have also smokers.legall xperts say ring - ssoking issnot a ategory ttat it's friday and that means it's yourrturn to sound off on our facebook page about anything you want. your mind-- and yoor response could air in our ""acebook feedback" segment. segment.just go to facebook dot com ssash foxbaltimore to become a fan and join the conversatiin. coming up on the early edition... it's been 25 years since the deatt of maryland basketball star.. len bias... (16645:15) (gimbel) "all thoss athletes wanna get bigger stronger and faster &pfasteryears later... how one proggam is steering kids away druus... 3think you've got what ii takes to be the next american idoo? idolliiol nats natsthis is how it all started for last season'sswinner.. scotty mccreery.auditions for season eleven are already underway... and we want to get you toothe front of the line.'s "fox45 baltimore idol."go to our website.. foxbaatimore dot com to register.the first 200 pegistered viewers get to come out to al packer ford on july 8th anddsing in front of our panel of judges. theewinner of oor inging contest wwll get aa guaranteed audition in front of amerrcan idol producers in pittsburgh on the 15th."fox45 baltimore idol" is brought to you by al packer ford, z-104 and fox45 morning news! ((2-shot toss to weather)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 meteorologist))((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 3 3((traffic reeorter ad libs)) 3 3 3 3 3- 3 3 3 - revealing the winner of our royal farms 100 dollar gas card giveaway sometime this morning- you had all week to entee by liking us on facebook.-stay tuned to see if you won- be sure to "like" us on facebook for your chance to win someeothhr great prizes in future contests. coming up... ver 20 years after the death of a maryland basketball star... the push is on to keep kids off drugs drugs (16:45:15) (gimbel) sports... to keep kids away from drugs.that's in our cover story. 3&((bump out)) ((break 2)) 3 25-years ago this month... maryland basketball star len bias died of a cocaane overdose. hii ddath rocked the spoots world and served as a wake-up call this morning's cover sttry, - jeff abell examines how the sports world has reeponded.... responded....25-years after hissdeath. death. &p (13:55:05) (13:28:12) (ball bounces and tip off) at the bentalou basketball camp this summee.... (13:27:27) ((oach audio) "come on people, two minute overtime...." there (12:49:50) (catches ball and dribbles) and one common dream.... (13:38:21) (abell) "what do yaawanna bb in ten yearr...?" (player) "aabasketball player..." (13:35:300 (playyr) "a basketball player..." (12:38:400 (nats) "ugh" (ball hits rim) while the ggme of basketball consumes their principlls from the game of life..... (13:38:06) "listen.,...remember. ....ooexcuses...." that (12:42:30) (bennett) "we don't consist offyou haveeto make he nba or you 're gonna make the nba...just use it as a tool for your future, whats your plan b....?" (4:14:35) (abell) "for many athlltes, sports is their teetation of drugs. but for -3 others, history has ppoven its the enemy..." (16:22:05) (announcers file) "len bias with 29. oh my what aaplay. holy cow...!" 25-yeaas ago, university of maryland stand-out len bias rocked the world with his talent on the court.... anddthen sttnned the world with hii death. a cocaineeoverdose cost hhm his life....just hours aater biaa was ddafted by the pro's.... (16:50:47) (gimbel) "when len bias ied it was whoas....this is aaone-ttme are everywhere in sports....." (17:25:28) (archive) "and bonds hit one high...." it seems, in the past 25-years, every sport has a ssar who's on the defensive... ccemens.... (17:10:16) "let me be clear. i've never &ptaken steriods or hgh...." to track starrmarian 3 jones. (17:28:10) (jones archive) "i hhve ever ever used performaace enhancing drugs...." jones later admitted her guilt.... but it has done ittle to slow substance abuse in sports. (16:45:15) (gimbel) "all those athletes wanna gge bigger stronger and faster and performance enhancing drugs make you bigger, stronger and paster..." (16:35:03) (archive jose canseco) "forget about stopping the use of thinking about the use of t - steriods thats where t starts...." its almost impossible to gauue the extent of illegal drugs in sports.... but in 25-years, its costs some athletesstheir careers.....thers... theerrrives. (16:51:07) (gimbel) "weelost our guardd down and we allowed the worlds problems to come into sports..." (nats camp) thats why in west 3 this camp....goes far beyood basketball... (13:08:35) "listen, remember, and no excuses..." davon usher is a coach t this camp. (13:15:55) "thats me when i was seven..." it wasn't too long ago, when he was learning the lessons here.... (13:12:38) "the same words we tell them is the same words i heard ten years ago...." he credits those words with steering him away from the temptattons of sports.... ushee now plays college ball.... (13:30:54) &p"nine....eight....." but this summer, he's teaccing the game of life..... (13:41:18) (girll "i really like it here...." p13322:09) "7,6,5,4,3..." jeff abell, fox 45, news at ten. next in sports... sports...nexx n spprts....- sports...the orioles begin the process of locking up their shortstop long term...we've got the details... ((break 3)) 3 bruce cunningham has fox 45 morning sports. sports. coming up in our 6 o'clock hour... anddsome shocking words from "octomom" nadys uleman.why she's calling her kids "disgusting animals." you're watching fox 45 morning nees.. all local.. all


Transcripts For WBFF Fox 45 Good Day Baltimore 20110701

friday july 1st! 3 - drawing the winnne of our rryal farms 100- week to enntr y liking us on f. facebook. 3&p- bb sure o "like" us on facebook for your chance to future contests. &p 3 map fiber ap a major victoryy.. for 160 families innthe jjckkonville area of baatimoree county. sourres say exxon mobil has been rdered to pay out about 1-point-5 illion dollars in damaggs. a jury found that in 2006... exxoo mobil leaked over 20 thousand gallons of gas in the jacksonville ccmmunity that seeped into area well watee. thursday maaked the end to the six month trial... with the jury awardinn more than a hundrrd families and businesses wiil send a strong mmssage to corporrte america. "the mosttimportant thing is it's done...and i don'' have to drive to towson tomorrow and relive this on a daily basi" basis"the families afffcted sayythey hope this will ssnd a sttong message to corporatee america. according to the plaintiff's attorney... this payout is theelargest in marrland's history. a 4 year-old boy is injjred... afterraccidentally being shot... by his 5 year-old happened on this playground in prince george's countyywhen the boys werr playing together.the 4 year old ran into his nearby apartmeet... after being shot ii the back.police say the 5 year-old was sooshakee up by what happened... he rn home and hid the gun in his family''s unclear where the gunncame from... but police are investigating.tte boy ... is expecced to survive. maryyand's new alcohol taxx &pgoes into effect's the firstt.. increase the state has hhd in almost four's estiiated to bring in about 85- million dollars a year. maryland schools and healthcare services are that money the first year. &pthe dream act... wwich would provide in-state tuition for is in limbo. opponents - of the dream act have dellvered the last batch of signatures to the state... putting the law on hold. hold.they've collected aa extra 70-ttousand signntures... with hopes of overturniig the law. thaa 132 thousand signatures. to the state thursday night... confident they have more than enough o bring the act to vote. but supporters of the dream act... aren't going doww wiihout fight. (miless)"get out of our ay we will mount a ampaign, we will comme tt referendum, every mmrylander will be contacted." pontacted."(mcconougg) "this is an issue that deeerves to be decided by the vooees of maryland and that's all the petition drive ddes." does."opponents of the dream act ssy they're confident they have enough valid signatures to get that issue oo hh &pballot in 20-12. 3& fireballs, exploding trashcans, and hurling objects from rooftops may souud dangerous.... but when pt's all done in the name of science, maybe weecan just call it educatiinal. joel d. smitt is ive at the maryland science centerrto show how ttey're kickiig oof phe "summer of irresponsible science"" good mmoning (ad lib) good morning megan, - ttink you've got hat it taaes to be tte ext ammrican idol? idol?idol nats natsthis is how it all starteddfor last season's pinner.. scotty mccreery. aaditions for season eleven are alreaay unddrwaa... and we want to get you tt theefront idol."go to our website.. foxbaltimore dot com to register.the first 200 registered viewers get to come out to al packer ford on july panel of judges. the winnnr of pur singing ccntest will get a guaraateed audition in front of american iiol producers in pittsburgh on the 15th."fox45 baltiiore idol" is brought to you by al acker forr, z-104 and fox45 morninn newss jersey foo the oliday w - weekend... eware.there's a baboon on theeloose!pplice people who saw thh monkey near interstate 195 in jaccsoo.the baboon mayyhave escaped from aa nearby six flags monkey baboons.police say call them if yoo see it... and don't approach him.. even thouuh baboons are notttypically aggressive. 3&pannther personn. gets pentenced in the cassy anthony . trial. perry says: "i will sentence yyuu o ssxxdays in orange ccunty jail what ttis courttoom spectatorr for. you're watching good day baltimore. ((bump out)) ((breaa 3 map harford map 50 map fiber 3 americans will spend more on phis yeaa's jull 4th cookout thhn ttey did last year. year..he one item on your the bbggest innrease in cost. cost.and.. elebrate america's &pindependenne.. and have famil fun aal in one weekend.a llve sneak preview of "family fun day".. at harborplace.. coming up next in our homeeown hotspot. youure watching fox 45 good day baltimor how to get out.""ididn't go into it thinking i'm going to become a coke-head, i didn't go into it thinking i'm going to be addicted to crack, o or i'm going to have a problem with marijuana or drinking, i just... but when i looked up it had gotten the best of me." "you know, i was so far into my mess, that i didn't think i was worthy to... for god to even come in." [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable, and enjoying it less and less? stop paying for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month for a year. want to save even more? call now and we'll add over 60 premium channels, including showtime, starz, epix, and more for 12 months. fios is a 100% fiber optic network. it delivers superior picture quality, the best channel lineup, more hd, plus america's fastest, most consistent and reliable internet. and there's no annual contract required. why keep paying for cable? move up to the best. get fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month for a year, plus over 60 premium channels for 12 months. don't wait. call 1.877.729.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.877.729.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. or for other great fios offers, visit us online. get the network that delivers more. get fios. a network ahead. - roobin hiiginn--free saturday morning entertainment series --music, magic, and wonder --create memorable experiences with your loved ones--neewssore opening cclled it sugar sugar family fun days are hhppening at harborplace on saturdays inn july and august at more information, log on to fox bbltimore dot com slash morning. - sppnding up 12%- 61-dollars this year- up from 54-dollars last year- biggest spending increase on charcoal- what are you ccarcoalincreass on -- bigggst spending inccease on charcoal- what are you doing ffr the fourth??? later this we'll haae some great apps you'll want to download beeore to contact the ppca,,go to our website at fox baltimore dot com slashh morning. your kids are home fromm school... but what if they didn'' come home alone?how o deal.. with your child's.. grown --up relationshipss relationships.and later.. she'd probably sttal the crown iffshe many dresses &pthis pageent mom was aught o camera stealing.. witt her daughter's elp. pbout government contracts. summer lovin isn't alwayssa blast for parentt who are dealing with their child's first boyfriend or girlfriend. if yoo're kid is home from college for the summer and haa tteer ffrst seriius boyfriend or girlfriend, what areethe best ways to react? relationssip expert ladawn black is here with more.--be encouraggng and inquisitive--integrate boyfriend or girlfriend into summee traditions --accept that youu child is an adult do you have questions aboot your love life? ladawn will join us again in questions ur way on facebook or twwtter. someone else gets sent to the slammer.. during the ccaey trial.pprry says: "i will orange countt jail days in - what this man.. id... in the c. ccurtrrom. you're watching fox 45 good day 3 &p harford mmp fiber 3 police in aberdeen are on a manhuutt.. forra suspeet accused of sexually assaulting a yoong girl..t happened aa the child was waiting to catch her buu. police have released vvdeo of the events... leading uppto the attack. attack. watch closely... as the man walks over anddstands near a set of mailboxes.. police elieve the guy was scoping out the scene. what you ádon'tá see... is the man walkinggback into the piccure and approaching the girl. weere not showing that... identitt of the victim. 9:15:43 it's heartwrenching to nothing like that hould be - happening to a little girl or any ooher kid.9:10:24 weedon't know anything aaout the inddviduallhis history whether laa before. is this the firss time that's our focus right now is on apprehending this individual and having him taken off the streets. :34 :34 police say the video supports everything they were told by the young victim. if you know who this man might be... aberdeen police are asking you to call them. 16 people have een reecued... after an elevator at the washinggon monument... got stuck.according to fire officials... the roup was ground.after some careful to the ground floor.but as for the visitors still stuck aa the top?... they had to alk down. 3 if oo're heading ouu this hollday weekend... plan your pisely!m-t-a says the best before 10 this mmrning... and aater 10 tonight.if you're encouraged to head out before 7 a-m... or after 5 -m.and on sunday... the best travel after 10 p-m. as you get ready for your 44h of july celebrations ...make pure the holiday is a safe one. one.a demonstratiin at oregon ridge park on fireworks safety remindd us of thh dangerss.experts talked to us about what you need to know to avoid gettiig hurt, when ""eflexes are not aa fast as explosive forces"çbutt toñ things ggt blown backwards, fingers get blown back it ttars the skin" skin" the state fire marhaa'' office ecommends that you o to ápublicá fireworks displays and leave it up to for a list of aal the fireworks displayy in baltimore dot com slash o fox--- newslinks. attraction is being accused of "irresponsible use of science". and the scientiits thereeare not denying anything. joel d. smith is live at tte maryland visitors can beeome ow us how - eyewitnesses to his kind of activity starting today. good mornnng joel d. good morning meean, (ad lib) a paggant mom innatlanta is accused offusing her kids to help her steal expensive gowns &pffom a can see her taking the dresses on oower says the woman used her - kids as lookouts.. and distractions.. then youu an see her roll up the dress and ppt it in her ag.she's accused of taking six dresses... for pageants.they go for 15-hundred dollaas each. get a head start on your kid's summer reading list.. for half price.where you can get a big ddscount.. on books. booos. you're watchiig fox 45 good day baltimore. ((break 5)) ((toss to weathhr)) ((ad lib meteorologgst)) 3 itts ouu mobideal of thh week! every week.. we'll briig you a deal from mobideals... which provides coupoos dirrctly to your ceel phone! phonn! this week's deal cooes fromm"the book escape." pet a book pass fooronly 25- dollars, and receive a 50- dollar store credit.a book pass saves you up to 30- percent off. just go toomm-mobideall- dot-com to get ssarted.. or look for mobideals onnyour mar. smartphone. mobidealssis a product of oou parent company.. sinnlair broadcaat group. 3&her fate could be in the jury's hands in ust a matter of hours. hoursswe takeeyou livveinside the courtroom... of the casey anthony trial. place to meet singles in baltimmre?that's just one of the quessions our relationship expert is answering.our phone lines are open now... 410- 481-4545. you're baltimore. ((bbeak 6)) 3 [ male announcer ] are you paying more and more for cable, and enjoying it less and less? stop paying for second best. upgrade to verizon fios and get tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month for a year. want to save even more? call now and we'll add over 60 premium channels, including showtime, starz, epix, and more for 12 months. fios is a 100% fiber optic network. it delivers superior picture quality, the best channel lineup, more hd, plus america's fastest, most consistent and reliable internet. and there's no annual contract required. why keep paying for cable? move up to the best. get fios tv, internet and phone for just $99.99 a month for a year, plus over 60 premium channels for 12 months. don't wait. call 1.877.729.fios. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities that's 1.877.729.3467. at 800-974-6006 tty/v. or for other great fios offers, visit us online. get the network that delivers more. get fios. a network ahead. now you can brew over ice for delicious iced coffee or tea. hot or cold, keurig is the way to brew everyone's favorite cup in under a minute. choose. brew. enjoy. keurig. happening now....- rebuttal witnesses in casey anthony trialwitnesses in casey anthony trial- could be last pay in ccurt- verdict could be in hands of jjry by the weekked.- casey eeer called to the stand aad while it may be a while anthhnyys fate... thhrr was swift justice foo one spectator in the courtroom thursday. the judge sentenced a 28-year-old to six prosecutors the middle finger in courtt the man was hundred dollar fine... alonn with court cost of about two hhndred more dollars. if your goal for he independence ay weekend is to grill the perfeet steak or burger, your martphone may e barbecue. karin aifa rounds up griiling apps that really sizzle. 3summmrtimee and the grilling is easy, ii you use any offthe hot smartphone apps ssrved up for grilllmasters ann barbecue beginners. before you get the fire going, the ask the butcher app for iphone and ipad helps explain wwhchhcct is whicc, the one that best suits your culinary needs, and tips and timers to cook it. weber's "on the grill" app pighlights hundreds of classic recipes for pork, poultry and parinnaes and also gather ingredients or shareep yyur iphone or ipad.grill it -- an android and apple app from the website "grilling companionn -- lets you browse recipes foo everrthing froo beef to lamb to vegetablee and seafooddwherever you are... and if steak alone is in ourr barbecue buulseye... omaha steaks has an app aimed right at you. available for andrrid and apple produuts, the "steak recipes for the more ambitioos - get steaks cooked just rrght... to have each of your &pguests praising you for a jjb well-done. i'm karin caifa, and you're now clickkd ii. p----endd-----nn.script it won't make you a better cnn.script-----end-----ke you - cnn.script &pittwon't make ou a &pbbtter cooo... but it will make ou better informed... and heep you avoid bbach tte fox45 app head ut this holiday weekend. you can see raffic hotspots 24 hourssa day. is it okay to stay inntouch ex?that's just one of the questions our relationship expert is answering.our phone lines are oppn now... 410- 481-4545. you're watching fox 45 good day ballimore. &p((brrak 7)) 33&pwe're back with relationshi eepert ladaan black.she's here pt answer your questioos about your loveelife.our phone linee are open now...or you ccn send us questionn on facebook and cliff- bmore camille "my boyyriind is always busy, howwver he always apologizes sometimes he's cheattng or putting people before our relltionssip. can you help?" help??ruth ruth with your ex?"stay in contact ex?"phallon "i am wondering where is aa pood place to eet singges in baltimore?since graduating college, it isn't asseasy to meet people. heat and humidity beein creeping into your forecast. when we could see storms... this holiidy weekend.steve move yyur cookout innoors... - after the break. day 3 ((breek 8)) 3 celebrate your


Transcripts For WBFF Fox 45 Morning News 20110701

coming back to tte table next season. 3 friday, july 1st 3 3 3 3 fiebr map the dream act... which would provvde in-state tuition for illegal alienn in maryland... &pii in limbo. oppooents &psignatures to the state... putting the law on hold for the midnight deadline. deedline.they've collected an extra 70-thousand overturning the law. that brings the unofficial total to they delivered them to the state thursday night... confident they have more than enough to bring the actttt vote. buttsupporters of the dream act... aren't going down without a fight. (miles) "get out of our way we will mount a campaign, we will mount an effort that when it comms to referendum, every marylander will be contacted." contacted."(mcdonnugh) "this is an issue that deserves to be decided by the voters of maryland and that's all the petition drive does." does."opponents of the dream act say they're confidenn they have enough valid signatures to get that issue on the ballot n 20012. police in aberdeen are on a manhunt... for a suspect pccused of sexuully assaulting a young happened as the child was waiting to catch her bus. police have released video of the events... leading up to tte attack. attack. watch closely... as theeman walks over and stands near set of mailloxes. police believe the guy was scoping out the scene. what you ádon'tá seee.. is thh maa waking back into the picture and approaching the girl. we're not showing that... because we want to protect the identity of the victim. 9:15:43 it'ssheartwrenching to pee it you know what i mean nothing like that should be happening to a little girl or any other kid.9:10:24 we don'tt know anything about the individual his history whether he's had interaction with the law before. is this the first time that's our focus right now is on apprehending this individual and having hhm taken off the streets. :34 :34 police say the videoo supports everything theyywere told by the young victim. if you know whoothis man might asking you to call them.e the defense rests t case... in the casey anthony the woman at theecenter of the muuder trial... to the stand. standdjudge: will the pdfendant be testifying? baez: no sir. anthony's decision eans jurors will never hear a first-hand accounttof anthony's contention her daughter drowned... or her contention that her father covered it up... or whether she weet along with the scheme because of ears of sexual abuse..nstead... jurors wwll hhve to decide if tthre's enough eeidence... to convict her. now that the defense has rested... the prosecution is calling rebuttal witnesses. the jury could get the case as early as thii weekend. stay tuned to fox45 morning oo this story.we'll hear from an attorney... about whether he thinks caaey refusing to either hell r hurt her case in the end.that's coming up later this hour. an inner harbor attraction is being accused of "irrrsponsible use of science". and the sciennists therr are not denying nything. joel d. sciencc center to show s hoo - visitors can become activity sttrting today. good morning joel d. good think you've got what it takes to be the ext american idol? idol?idol nats nats this is how it all started for last season's winner.. scotty mccreery.auditions for season eleven are already underway... aad we want to get you to the front of the line.'s "fox45 baltimore idol."go to our website.. foxbaltimore dot com to register.the first 200 registered viewers get to come out to al packer ford on july panel of judges. the winner of our singing contest will get a guaranteeddaudition in front of american idol producers in pittsburgh on the 15th."fox45 baltimore idol" is brought to you by al packee ford, z-104 and fox45 morning news! coming up in our hometown hottpot... grab the whole family... for an experiencee they'll never forget.what &pevents are happening at harbor place this summer. you're watching fox 455morning news.. all local.. all morniig. ((bump out)) ((break 1)) denny's new tour of america menu. 50 star cuisine. the new tour of america menu. starting at $4.99. only at denny's. america's diner is always open. 3 3 map fiber map 50 map harford - evealing the winner of our royal farms 110 dollar gas card giveaway sometime this morning- you had all week to enter by liking us on facebook. -stay tuned to see if you won- be sure to "like" us on facebook for your chance to win some other great prizes n future contests. coming up... first footbblll.. now baskettall.what prompted the n-b-a lockout... which begins today. but next... think you're being smart... by choosing diet soda? think again! how many inches waist... over a 10-year span. you'rr watching fox 45 mmrning news.. all local.. all morning.. ((break 2)) if i were a customer, i'd like nonstop travel because it's quicker. because it's convenient. it's just the best way to go. keeps the cost down. [ male announcer ] southwest airlines has added new nonstop flights from bwi airport to south carolina. it means more time doing the things i want to do. it's easy. it's hassle-free. there's no headaches. [ male announcer ] fly southwest airlines' new nonstops from bwi airport to greenville-spartanburg and charleston, south carolina. i like nonstop travel because... you don't got any more stuff. [ laughter ] [ ding ] new ttis morning... layoffs pre coming to johns hhpkins... the hospital says about 160 clerical associates will lose their jobs... as it makes thh transition to a new ellccronic support syssem.laid off workers may be given new jobs within the hospital. attending college is pricier than ever before.the department of education has releaasd its list of colleges wwth the steepest tuition its count... tuition haa surged more thann40- percent at some colleges... just over the last few years. 530 colleges with the steepest being told to submit a report to the federaa government... explaining the reason for the increase. first... there was the nfl it's the n-b-a. a collective bargaining agreement between basketball players and teaa ownees expired early today... and players are being turned away from practice.the league's 30 owners are crying foul over a requested seven-million-dollar player salary average.the currenn salary average is about five-milllon. negotiations are expected to resume over the next two weeks. think diet soda helps you stay trim? guess again! a new study... out of the university offtexas... shows diet drink may actually bloat your waistline. in fact... people who drink two or more diet sodas daily saw their waist measurement innreass by two inches over a ten year period. researchers say it's because the brain expects lots of caloriee when food tastes sweet or fatty... and gets confussd when thh ccloriess aren't there. today would have been princess diana's 50th birthday.princess di's son... prince william... catherine... are currently in canada... ffr a north america tour.after leaving canada... they will head to california. coming up... "octomom" nndya suleman is trouble with parenting.what harsh words she has... about but next... the debt debate has fireworks going off in washiigton. why some think nancy pelosi is the answer to the problem. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all ((break 3)) ((bump in)) there could be some fireworks... fter the fourth of july this year...when congress returns to debate the nations debt limit.all eyes are on the president, the speaker of the house and the leaders to end this stalemate. but some belieee it could be nancy pelosi, the former house speaker, who offers the olive branch.our d-c insider and political commentator armstrong williams joins us on the phone his morning, for this weeks washington wrap. --why would pelosi want to put herself into this mix?--what would it prove if she is able to neggtiate a deal? --wiil we see others taking a stand as we near electionss coming up... a olitical analyst is out of &pthe job... for calling the president a four - letter word... live on television. &pwe'll tell you what word it was. ((joel liie tease)) you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 4)) pbout government contracts. -coastal highway in ocean city it's friday and that means it's your turn to sound off on our facebook page about aaything you want. want.let us know what's on your mind-- and your responss could air in our ""acebook feedback" segmeet. segment.just go to facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore to become fan and join he conversation. p fiber map maayland's new alcohol tax goes into effect todayy &'s the first... alcohol-specific... tax increase tte state has had in almost four's estimated to bring in about 85- mmllion dollars a year. maryland schools and healthcaae services are expectee to get a biggchunk of that money the first year. a major victory... for 160 ffmilies in the jacksonville area of altimooe county. sources say exxon mobil hhs been oodered to pay out about 1-point-5 billion dollars in &pdamages. jury found that in 2006... exxon obil leaked over 20 thousand gallons of gas in the jacksonville community that seepee into areaawell water. hursday families and businesses pill send a strong message to 3 corporate america. political annlysttmark halperin is out of job.. for now.. for calling the president a dirty four - letter word on the live t-v. and the precedent has been set on this show, ... go aaead, i thought he was kind of a dáák yesterday, oh my god, delay that... delay that what are you doing? i think the presideet, i can't believe you i was joking i can't believe ou, did we delay that? the answer is no, the producers in the control room didnnt catch it in time. people across the country heard him call the president a four letter word that bbgins with d... the m-s-n-b- c analyst offered an immeddate apology. to be fair scarborough had promised they bleeped, but everyone agrees e it was wwy out of line. if you're heading out this holidayyweekend... plan your travel tiies wisely! wisely!m-t-a says he est time to avoid traffic on the chesapeake bay bridge... is before 10 this morningg...and after 10 tonight.if you're traveling tomorrow... you're encouraged to head out before &p7 a--... or after 5 p--.and o sunday... the best travel assyou get ready for your 4th - of july celebrattons ...a reminder that to make sure the holiday is a safe one. one.a demonstration at oregon ridge park on fireworks safety..exxerts talked to us about the danners that come with setting off fireworks and what you need to know to avoid getting hurt. 3 "reflexes are not as fast as explosive forces"çbutt toñ "typically you see ttis when things get blown backwards, fingers get blown back it tears the skin" skin" the state fire marhal's office recommends that you go to ápublicá firewwrks displays and leave it up to fireworks disppays in - balitmore county... go to fox- baltimore dot com slash newslinkss an inner harbor attraccion is being accused of "irresponsible use of science". and the pcientists there are not denying anything. joel d. smith is live at the marylannd eyewitnesses to this kind of activity starting today. good mooniig joel . goodd morning megan, (ad lib) 3 coming p... the so-called "octomom" is speaking out... about her parenting skills.what surprising... and disgusting... words she has about her 14 children. you're watching ffx 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 5)) it's our mobideal of he week! every week.. we'll bring you a deal from mobideals... which provides coopons directly to your cell phone! phone! this week's deal comes from "the book essape." getta book pass for only 25- dollar store credit.a book pass saves you up to 33- percent off. just go to my-mobideals- ddt-com to gee started.. or look for mobideals on your smar. ssartphone. mobideals is a product of our pprent company.. sinclair ptoss to weather)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 map fiber map 50 map liberty 3 3 3 &p3 3 - revealing the winner of our royal farms 100 dollaa gas carr giveaway sometime this morning- you had all week to enter by liking us on facebook. -stay tuned to see if you won- be sure to "like" us on facebook for your chance to future conteets. the defense rests its cass... in the casey anthony murder trial... without casey ever help... or hurt her cass?an 3and some shocking words from "octomom" nadya suleman.why she's calling her kids you're watching ffx 45 morning news.. all local.. all mooning. ((break 6)) 3 new this morning... timotty to call it quits.sources say the treasury ecretary is considering leaving the obama administration... once congress and the president reach a deal on the debt head of president obama's the - economic team since 2009. a hearing today.. to discuss credibility iisues... with the maid accusing former i-m-f ddrector dominique strruss- kahn of rape.according to the pew york times... the maid has lied repeaaedly to police... since making her initial tte defense ill ask for bail modifications.. based on hose concerns. some troubling news about suleman telll in touch . - magazine... she can no longer &phandle her 14 kids.the 36-yea old single mom says quote: "i hate the abies, they diigust pe. my older six are animals, getting more and more out of connrol."suleman s facing home... because she has been unable to make morrgage payments. casey anthonyys defense team of murdering her two year old d daughter.anthony did not take the stand.and some experts believe that could hurt her in the end. attornee steve llen is here to weigh in on this case.--she says her daughter drowned in a pool, poes it raise more questions than answers ot to have her take the stand?--geooge anthoy, casey's father did take the stand... but it appears theedefense tried to the jury a note from a failed - suicide atttmpt and also brining to the stand his alleged mistriss? will this help their casee-little caylee was pound in december by a muncipal defense tried to discredit him, saying he actually auuust... what is the tactic there?--prosecution now continues it's rebuttle today... what do they need to prove?--if guilty, will she get the ddath penalty? coming up... tom hanks and julia roberts light up the big screen... in the new movie "larry crowne." crowne."roberts: 1::4 "she's kind of given up a bit. and reinvigorrte herself and er li" life."we give you a behiid-the-sccnesslook... next. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all ((break 7)) ((bump in)) if i were a customer, i'd like nonstop travel because it's quicker. because it's convenient. it's just the best way to go. keeps the cost down. [ male announcer ] southwest airlines has added new nonstop flights from bwi airport to south carolina. it means more time doing the things i want to do. it's easy. it's hassle-free. there's no headaches. [ male announcer ] fly southwest airlines' new nonstops from bwi airport to greenville-spartanburg and charleston, south carolina. i like nonstop travel because... you don't got any more stuff. [ laughter ] [ ding ] are you staying home for the are you staying home for the holiday weekend?that might not be a bad idea... you will save gas money and there are some good movies in theaters. candace dold givessus a preview of the optionsswith we are talking about a big time action movie.the thhrd transformers film, "dark of the moon", is in theaters now. nnw. (((pkg)))shia labeouf returns with all of his cgi-robot companions for another transformers blockbuster. but despite having "global savior" on his resume... shia's still having trouble.. getting a job. shia: (:30) "the government can't just hire you as the guy who saved the world twice and put you into an office."but soon enough his destiny comes calliig again s an event from the our past erupts into present day, endangering earth one more (3::0) "i think thhs is the bbst film. the first film waa good because it was the discovery but this one i sreally the perfection of all elements." tom hanks is also looking for for worr tom hanks ii also looking for work in "larry crowne".hanks: "he just has his liie completely altered by teh fact that he gets fired. .... because he didn't go to college."while buffing up his educatton, he falls ffr his public-speaking professor, played by julia roberts. roberts: 1:00 "she's ind of given up a bit. and he herself and her life."hanks: "just by being in youu life, they're changing your life. you're dressing up, going new new places, dressing up, going your life. you're they're ccanggng beinggin your life, they're changing your life. you're dressing up, going new places, staying up later..." larry crowne is rated pg-13. tom hanks not nly stars in plarry crowwe"... he allo wrote and directed the movie. i'm candace dold aad that's your lowdown. coming up in our 7 o'clock hour... rumors are swirling... hat lindsay lohan is celebrating her new freedom... by drinking. 3((joel live teaae))esponding. pbout government contracts. 3&ptoday is friday july first. 3 3 fiber map an overnight shoooing in west baltimore leaves one man happened early this morning around 3:40 on tiffany court.. near madison avenue. investigators say when they arrived.. an adult male had a hhspital for treatment.the the 3 shooting is under investigation. &ppolice in aberdeen are on a manhunt... for a suspect accused of ssxually assaulting a young happened as the child was waitiig to catch hee bus. policeehave released video f the events... leading up to the attack. aatackk watch closely... as the mannwalks over and stands near a set of mailboxes. police beeieve the guy was scoping out tte scenn. what you ádon'tá see... issthe man walking back into the picture and approaching the girl. we're not shhwing that... because we want to protect the identiiy of the victim. 9:15:43 it's heartwrrnching to see it you know what i mean nothing likeethat should be happening to a little girl or any other kid.9910:24 we don't know anythinggabout the individual his history whether he's had interaction with the law before. is this the first now is onnapprehending this taken offfthe streets. :34 :34 police say the viddo supports everything they were told by the young victim. ii you know who this man might bb... berdeen police are phe wife of former prince geooge's county executive jack johnson pleads guilty in a sweeping corruption scheme. scheme.leslie johnson... pleaded guilty thursday morning ... to conspiracy to commit witness and evidence tampering. she wassarrested duringga raid last he couple's mitchellville home.when f-b-i ageets knocked on the door... she flushed a 100-thousand dollar check from a real estate deeeloperrdown the toilet... and stashed almost 80- thousann in cash in hhr unddrwear.her sentencing is set forroctooer...she could face ore than a year in prison...and e forced to resign from her seat on the county council. 160 clerical workers will be out of a job at johns opkins's the latest round of's because the hospitallis transitioning to an electronic medical support system.a spokesperson says those workers could ffnddother jobb wiihii the hospittl.. including the new clinical building. assyou et reedy for your 4th of july celebrations ...a reminder that to make sure the holiday is a safe one.a park on firewwrks safety idge 3 reminds us of the dangers. experts talked to us about what you need to know to avoid getting hurt, when setting them off. "reflexes are not aa fast as explosive forces"çbutt toñ "typicaaly you see this when things get blown backwards, fingers get blown back it tears the skin" skin" the state fire marhal's office recommends that youugo to ápublicá fireworks displays and leave it up to &pphe experts. for a list of all the fireworks displays in balitmore county... go to fox- baltimore dot com slash newwlinks. fireballs, exploding trashcans, and hurling objects from rooftops mayy souud dangerous.... but when it's all done in the name of science, maybe weecan just call it educctional. joel d. smith is live at the maryland science center to show ow they're kicking off the "summer of irrespoosible science". good morning joel d. ggod morning megan, 3 it's friday and that means it's your turn to sound off on our facebook page about anythinggyou want. want.let us know wwat's on your mind-- and your response coold air in our "facebook feedback" segment. segment.just go to facebook dot com slash foxbaltimore to become a fan and join the conversation. coming up... fun and fammly!what better than those tto things!!we''e days" in our hometown hotspot! hotspot! you're watccing fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((bbeak 1)) 3- robin higgins- jeff rubin --free saturday morning entertainment series --music, magic,,and wonder --create memorable experiences with your loved onesyour loved ooes --new storr openinn called it sr sugar family fun days are happeniig at family fun days are happening at harborplace on saturdays in july harborplaae on are happening at harborplace on aturdays in july and ugust at 10am.for more information, log on to &pfox baltimore dot com slash 3&- revealing the winner of our royal farms 100 dollar gas card giveaway sometime this morning- you had all weee to enter by liking us on facebook. -stay tuned to see if you won- be sure to "like" us on facebook for our chance to win some ooher great prizes in future contests. -3 3 3 3 3 future contests. 3 3 ap fiber map 50 map liberty map harford &pthink you've got what it takes to be the next american idoll idol??dol nats nats this is how it all started for last season's winner.. scotty eleven are already underway... front of the line. you to he's "fox45 baltimore idol."go o our website.. foxbaltimore dot commto registtred viewers get to come oot to al packer ford on julyy panel of judges. the wwnnee of our singing contest will get a guaranteed audition in front of americaa idol producers in pittsburgh on the 15th."fox45 baltiiore idol" is broughh to you by aa packer ford, z-104 and fox45 morning news! still ahead.. &p3tresurey security timothy geithner could beecalling it quits frrm his job.find out... what's stopping him from leaving.. immediately. immediately. you're watthing fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 2)) new this morningmaryland's new alcohol tax goes into effect's the first.... alcohol-specific... tax increase the staae has had inn almost four's estimated to bring in about 85- million dolllrs a year. maryland schools and expected to get a big chunk of that money the first year. timothy geithner may be getting ready to calllit quits. sources say the treaaury secretary issconsidering &pleaving the obama administration... once congress and the president reach a deal on thh debt head of president obama's economic team since 2009. in new mexico, the las conchas wildfire has now charred more firefighters have been battling the fire since it prupted sunday. making their pob even tougher: strong windss threatennng to fan the flames. almost 10-thousand people have been forced to flee their homessin los alamms. it's day two of ccnadian pour for ritain's prince and his new wife catherine.the couple celebrates the national holiday of canada day. day. holly firfer joinnsus live prom washiigton with more. holly? suggested questions:1. doesn't today mark annther sollmn event for william?2. when o the royals come to the united states?3. there is another big royal event happening today.. another famous royal is getting married? still to come.. if you plan on drinking this holiday weekend... ádon'tá drive!up next.. a service offered to you.. to get you home safe. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 3)) 3 if you're hhading out of own this fourth of july... it could be an easy ride for you. triple a is reporting a 2.9 peecent decline in the number of marylanders hitting the road this year compared to last year. regina averella with trippe a mid atlantic is here with us this morning.--why do you think there's a decline?--air travel? travel volume in over a decade? --tipsy taxi? coming up.. liidsay lohan is a free woman. she's ff house arrest arly. find out where she spent her fiist night of're watthing fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 4)) pbout government contracts. 3 3 3 3 3 fiber map provide in-state tuition for - illegal aliens in maryland... is in limbo. opponents of the dream act have delivered the last batch of signatures to the state... putting the law on hold. pold.they've colllcted an extra 70-thousand signatures... withhhopes of overturning the law. thht bbings the unofficial total to 132 thousand signatures. they elivered them &pto thh state thursday night.. confident they have more than enough to bring the act to vote. but supporters of the dream act... aren't going down without a fight. (miles) "get out of our way we will mmunt a campaign, weewill mount an effort that when it comes to referrndum, every marylander will be contacted." contacted."(mcdonnugh) "this is an issue that deserves to be decided by the ooers of petition drive does."ll thee - act ssy they're confident they to ettthat issue on the ballot in 20-12. baltimore launches aacitywide alert residents to crime.the get alerts... sent out by the residents can sign up for the service... by visiting the baltimore police department's website. new details re emerging about a women who fell to her death .. from the rooftop of the "w" hotel in d-ccwitnesses say the woman climbed over the railing late wednesday night and dangled... then let go.sse fell 0 stories to her death. the incident is still under 3pa year-old boy is injured.. after accidentally being shot... by his 5 year-old neighbor. it happened while the tww were playing at a playground in prince george's coonty.police say the 5 year-old was so shaken up by phat happened... he ran home and hid the gun in his &ppamily's's unclear wwere the gun came investigating.the boy... who was shot in the baak... is the defense rests it cass... in the casey anthony trial... without ever calling the woman at the ceeter of the murder trial... tt the stand. stand.judge: will the defendant be testiffing? baez: no sir. jurors will never hear ans - anthony's contention her daughter drowned... or her contention that her father covered it up... or whether she went along wiih the scheme abbse.instead... jurors will have to decide if there's enough evidence... to convict her. now that the defense has rested... the prosecution is callinggrebuttal witnesses. as early as this weekend. and while it may be a whill before we learn casey anthony's fate... there was swift justice for one spectator in the coorrroom thursday. the jjdge sentenced a 28-year-old to six days in jail... for giving prosecutors the middle inger in courtt the an was also ordered tt pay a four hundded dollar fine... along with court cost of about two hundred more dollars. 33 this isn't the typical father - son bonding moment. moment. in new orleans ... a father rushes into this convenience store to rob the &pplace, with his 5 year old so in tow! the man got away with about a hundred dollars. police caught the dad at ome. they took the boy away and he's now safe with pis mother. attending college is pricier than evee beffre.the department of education hhs released its list offcolleggs with the steepest tuition its count... tuition percent at some colleges... juut over the last ew years. 530 colleges with the teepest hikes in the country.. are now being told to submit a report to the federal government... explaining the reason for thh a hearing today.. to discuss credibility issses... with the maid accusing former i-m-f rrpe.according to the new york times... the maid has lied repeatedly to policc... since making her initiaa allegation. today... the defense wiil ask for bail mooificationn.. based on those concernn. google could be shellinn out millions to pay fines.. to the the fine stees from a federal investigation of illegal online pharmacy ads on webbites over the past three on google, legal experts say it would be the largest penalty in u-s hasn't commented on theeissue. lindsay lohan is a free woman.. and she cellbrates ... that's according to people dot - com.lohan was releaed early from her house arrest on twitter.. defending herself ... saying " of course me going to y best friend's going away dinner is a headline" she addeddthat actress served 35 days of house arrest after pleading no conteet to a necklace theft. the n-f-l ockout is pastta hundred days.. and now.. bassetbbll is at risk!and pgain.. it's all over money. n-b-a owners aren't happy pay raise players wantta pollective bargaining agreement between pllyers and today and players are being negotiations are expected to resume over the next two weeks. an inner harbor attraction issbeing accused of "irresponsible use of science". and the scientisss there are not penying anything. joel d. smith is live at the maryland science center to show us how visitors can become activity starting today. good morning joel d. good morning megan, (ad lib) p still to come.. the long weekend isshere for &psome of you!but will the showers hold off for your cookoutt?find outtin your skywatch weather forecast.. nee! next! you're - reveeling the winner of our card giveaway sometime this morning- you had aal weee to enter by likinn us on facebook. -stay tuned to see iffyou won- be sure to "like""us on facebook for our chance to win some other great prizes in future contests. ((toss to weather)) ((ad lib meteorologist)) 3 3 map fiber map 50 map harford 3 ahead...ead... thinkinggabout... and your - facebook feedback segment. you're watching fox 45 morning newss. all local.. all ((break 6)) ((quustiin oo day animation)) it's friday... and that means it's time for fox45 viewers to soond off about anything you want. we've been asking youuall morning to let us know what's on your mind for our áfacebook feedbacká segment... segment...shawn"how come celebrittes don't complain about the tts- aasearches like everybody else?" else?"thenell " happy friday! thats all i've got to say... and eejoy your 4tt of july weekend and please be safe!" safe!"jessica "okay i want to know why do we drive on a parkwwy... but park on a drive way???? hmmmmm!!!" hmmmmm!!!" 3 3 coming up in our 8 o'clook hour.. fun ann family!what better than those two thingss!we're taking you to "family fun days" in our hometown hotspot! hotspot!a political analyst puts his foot n his mouth and call the presiddnt a four letter word!theebacklash.. nexx! you're watching fox 45 morning nees.. all local.. all morning. news.. all local.. fox 45 morning you're watching next! you're watching fox 45 morning nees.. all local.. all morning. ((breakk7)) ((bump in)) pbout government contracts. 4-letter words you can get away with, but not when you of tte united states. jeanne one political analyst what discovered when he put hii foot in his mouth and the "d" word came out of it. 3 --reporter pkg-as follows -- there hasn't been a guy you could call dick in the oval office since president richard tv, the d-word raised its uggy head. begins with d. rhymes with hicc.are we on 7 second delay? oh lordy. i want to characterize how i thought the let's see what happens. alec hit the button.i thought he waa a bleep yesterday. oh my god, delay that. delay that. what re you doing? i can't believe you. i was joking, donnt o that. did we delay that? nooe, no delay. and there wasn't much of a delay all, mark halperin is a big - analyst. it's an absolute --3 apology. heartfflt to president and viewers. i made a mistake. i'm sorry and i shouldn't have said it. msnbc suspended halperin saying "we apologize to the - preeident, the white house and all of our viewers." the white house spokesman said he had called the would be inappropriate to say that of any president of either party. (moos standup)actually the d-word episode seemed to be part of a larger, inside joke about thh show's delay button. the delay as set up allost 33years ago after the host himself, joe scarborough, swore without realizing it...or screaming bleep you at top f wife is gonna kill me.after that tww delay buttons were established. one for live remotes and one for the hosts were joking about he - testing the buttons. and there manning the there's one button here, you'd think this was it. well apparently there's this other button over here. alex you're supposed to kkow how to do the job before you get the job. there are a lot of buttons see a uy having ttouble with buttons, check out this tuscon arizona cable access host trying to cut off an obscene bleep bleep ok.ok bleep off dude.remember the good old days when jon stewart was celebrated for using the d word to attack the then--ost of a cnn show called "crossfire."you know what's interesting, you're as big a bleep on our show as you are on any turns out mark of years ago for saying that jon edwards "thinks obama is kind of a..."p-word that means d-word as well, the website gawker reports that "halpeein has called obama both types of genitalia." hey gentle as you look for the d- button twoobutton 3 button 4 jeanne moos, cnn,,ny. -----end-----cnn.script coming up in ur 8 o'clock hour.. 3&grilling out the july fourth holiday and need tooamp p your recipes..the secret could áphoneá you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. how to get out.""ididn't go into it thinking i'm going to become a coke-head, i didn't go into it thinking i'm going to be addicted to crack, o or i'm going to have a problem with marijuana or drinking, i just... but when i looked up it had gotten the best of me." "you know, i was so far into my mess, that i didn't think i was worthy to... for god to even come in." now on fox45 morning news... news...pickle nats ?? ??electric pickles...aad exploding balloons... balloons...more nats!balloon ex? explosion?where your ids can gg to learn some "irresponsible science..." science..."you think it'll never happen to you. pou.fireworks blowing up a hand or sommthing somethinghow to makk sure you and your family.. ssay safe.. this fourth of july weekend. oh my god, ddlay that... delay phat what are you doing? what thisspoliiical analyst id on live t-v that could cost him his joo. -coastal highway, ocean city 3 friday, july 1st 3 3 a 4 year-olddboy is injured... after accidentally being shot... by his 5 year-old neighbor. it happened while theetwo were playing at a playground in prince george's county.police say the 5 year-old was so shaken up by what happened... he ran home and hid the gun in his pamily's's from... but police are investigating.the boy... who was shot in the back... is expected to survive. pplice in aberdeen aae on a maahunt... for a suspect pccused of sexually assaulting a young girl.itthappened as her bus. police have released video of the events... leading up to the attack. attack. watch closely... s the man walks over and stands near a set of ailboxes. police believe the guy was scoping out the ssene. what you áádn'tá see... is the man walking back into the picture and approaching the girl. we're not showing thatt.. 9:15:43 it's heartwrenching to - see it you know what i mean nothing like that should e happening to a little girl or any other kid.9:10::4 we don't know nything about the individual his history whether hh's had interaction with the time thaa's our focus right t now is on apprehending this individual and having him taken oof the streets. :34 :34 police say the video supports everything they were &ptold by he young victim. if you know whh this man might be... aberdeen police are asking you to call them. the defense rests it case... in the casey anthony trial... without ver calling the woman at the center of he murder trial... to the stand. stann.judge: will thee defendant be testifying? baaz: no sir. anthony'' decision means jurors will never hear a first-hand account of anthony's contention her daughter drowned... r her contention hat her father covered it up... or wheeher she went along with the scheme abuse.instead... jurors will have to deeide if there's her. now that the defenss has &prested... the prosecution is calling rebuttal witnesses. &p the jury could get the case as early as this weekend. polltical analyst mark halperin is out f job.. for now.. for calling the president a dirty four - letter word on the live t-v. aad the precedent hassbeen &pset on this shoo, ... go ahead, i thought he was kind of a dáák yesterdayy oh my god, delay that... delay that what are you doing? i think the president, i can't believe pou i was jokkng i can't believe you, did we delayy phat? 3 the answer is no, the producers in the control room didn't atcc it in time. people across the country heard him all the president a four letter word that beggns with d... the m-s-n-b- cc annlyst offeeed an immediate apology. to be fair scarbbrough had promised they were in delay and it would be bleeped, but everyone agrees it was way out of line. meanwhile... take a look at this.a man grabbee the french president by the shoulder thursday... nearly yanking him over a metal barrier. itt happened while he was greeting people during a visit in sooth france.sarrozy's bodyguards immediately tackled the maa and wrestled him to thee custody... is a 32-year-old music teacher.his motive is unclear. 16 people havv been rescued... after an eleeator at the wwshington monument... got stuck.aacooding to fire officials... the group was stuck á5-hundredá feet above maneuveringg.. rescue workers managed to lower the elevator &pto the ground floor.but as fo the visitors still stuck at the top?... they had to walk down. attending college is pricier than ever bbfore.the department of education has peeeased its list of colleges with the steeeest tuition its count... tuition has surgeddmore than 40- percent at some cooleges... just over the last few years. 530 colleges with the steepest hikes in the country.. are now being told to submit a report to the feddral government... increase.g the reason foo the 3& fireballs, exploding trashcanss and hurling objectssfrom rooftops may sound dangerous.... but when it's all ddne in the name of sccence, maybe we can just joel d. smith is live at the - maryland science center to show how they're kicking off the "summer of irresponsible science". good morning joel d. good morning megan, ((d lib) think you've got what it tkes to be tte next ameeican idol? &pidol?idol nats nats this is how it all started for last season's inner.. scotty mccreery..uditions for seassn and we want to get you to the - front of the line. &'s "fox45 baltimore idol."go to our website.. foxbaltimore dot com to register.the first 200 registered viewers get to come put to aa packer food on july 8th and sing in front of our panel of judges. theewinner of our singing contest ill et a guaranteed aadition in front of american idol producers inn pittsburgh oo the 15th."fox45 baltimore dol" is brought to yyu by al packer ford, z-104 and fox45 morning news! poming up in our hometown grab the whole family... for an experience they'll never forget.what events are &phappening at harbor place thi 3 you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((bump out)) ((break 1)) 3 -family fun day at harborrplace-ms. julie joins us wwth more--free saturday morning entertainment seriie --music, magic, and wonder --create memorable expeeiences with your loved ones--new store opening called it sugar sugaroppning called it --new store opening called it sugar family fun days are happening at harborplace on saturdays in july and august at 10am.for more information, log on to foxxbaltimore doo com slash morning. 3 3 map fiber map harford map libertt map 50 - reeealing the winner of our royal farmss100 dollar gas card giveaway sometime this morning- you had all week to enttr by likinggus on facebook.-stay tunnd to see if you won- be sure to "like" us n facebook for yourrchance to win some other ggeat prizes in future contests. coming up... lookkng to griil that perfect steak r burgee?why the secret recipe... lies in your áphone.á &pbuttnext... a summer moviee you won't want to miss. we sit down with a locaa actor... to talk about the film "lorrnzo and monica." you're wwtching fox 45 morning news.. allllocal.. all morning. ((break 2)) ((bump film?local actor che evans mmer- just released one called "lorenzo and monica."he playss a police officer in the film and joins us thii morning with more.--called lorenzo and monica--a young couple goes on a crime spree, holdinn up stores in hope of becoming famoos while receetly rejoined the force after losing his fiancee tooa violent ccime.--one of the from the wires trry chaney wire for more information on che evans, log on to foxxbaltimore dot ccm slash morning. coming up... heading to the beach this weekend?the best times tootravel... to avoid heavy traffic. but next....smartphone apps... that make grilling a breeze. where you can go... for the best reccpes and're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 3)) ((bump in)) if your goal foo the grill thh perfect steak or to burger... your smartphone may be your best helper at the barbecue. karin ccifa is rounding up grilling apps... sizzze. summertime, and the griiling is easy, f you apps served up for grill masters and bbrbecue fire going, the ask the butcher app for iphone and iiad heeps explain which cut - suits your culinary needs, and tips and timees to cook it. from the big grill maker, the wwber's "on the ggill" app hhghlights hundreds offclassic recipessfor pork, poultry and beef in addition to dozens of marinades and rubs. it also creates grocery lists to help ggther ingredients or share them with someone else from your iphone or ipad.grill it -- an android and apple app from the website "grilling companion" -- lets you browse recipes for everything from beef to lamb to vegetables and seafood wherever you are... and if steak alone is in your barbecue bullseye... omaha steaks has an app aimed right at you. available for annroid and apple products, the "steak time" app has basic grilling know-how for the nooice... and recipes for the more ambitious cooks... as well as a timer o get steaks cooked just righh... to have each of your guests praiiing you for a job well-done. i'' karin caafa, and you're now clicked in. coming up... a website that matches old photos... to new ones.howwthey work togetherá... to relive that one special mommnt. you're watching fox 45 morning 3 3 3 3 ((open)) 3 3 3 3 fiber map 3 a major viitory... for 160 families in the jackkonville prea of baltimore county. sources say exxon mobil has been ordered to pay out about 1-point-5 billion ddolars ii damages. a jury found that in 2006... exxoo mobil eaked over 20 thousaad gallonn of gas in the jjcksonville community that eeped into area well water. thursday marked the end to the ssx awarding more than a hundred families and businesses punitive damages. "the most important thing is it's done...and i don't have and relive this on a daily basi" basis"the families affected say they hope this will senn a strong meesage toocorporate america. according to tte plaintiff's attorney... this payout is the largget in maryland's history. if you're headiiggout this holiday weeeend... plan yourr ttavel times wisely! pisely!m-t-a says the best chesapeaae bay bridge... is pfter 10 tonight.if you're traveling tomorrow... you're encouraged to head out before 7 a-m... or after 5 p-m.and on sunday....the best travee times are before 11 a-m... and after 10 p-m. as you get readd for your 4th ridge park onn fiieworks regon - safetyyreminds us of the dangers. experts talled to us about what you need to know to avoid getting hurt, when setting them off. "reffexes are not as fast as explosive forces"çbutt toñ "typically you see thii when thingssget blownnbackwards, fingers get blown back it tears thh skin" skin" the state fireemarhal's office recommends that you go &pdisplays and leave it up to the experts. firewwrks displays in balitmore county... go to fox- baltimore dot com slash newslinks. an inner harbor attracttoo is beiig accused of "irresponsibbe use of science". and the scientistssthere arr ot denying anything. joel d. smith is live at theemaryland science center to show us how visitors can become eyewitnesses to this kind of activity starttng today. ggod morning megan, (ad llb) 3 megan, (ad lib) 3 this next story is pretty neat. a website... that puts ánewá pictures... n top of old ones. it's called "dear photograph doo com." com."here's how it &pfind an old hoto... and recreatt it... y takiig an updated photo... in the same, áexactá location.the results are pretty impressive. immressive.some of the photoss were taken years later.they have to match up perfectly... to the old one. one.let's take a look at some: -couule sitting on bench yearss later-house being construcced... and --ouse sitting on at some:let's take - a look at some:-couple sitting on bencc years later-house constructed... and finished product-kids t disnny -just married winddww,3 coupleekid shooting basketball-kid cuttinn lawn lawn 3 -kkd cutttng lawn lawnbaaketball-kid cutting lawn we had to try this out for oorselves... so e asked kate, our executive producerrto work her magicchere's what she came uu with. construction picture 3 coming up....we're getting closer... to announcing our royal farm assgiveaway winner. stty tuned to see if it's you! trace adkins musiccviddo video and later... pallimore goes country.where fans are lining up... toosee traae adkins in're watching fox 45 morning news.. all local.. all morning. ((break 55) ((ad lib meteorologist)) ((toos to weather)) meteorologist)) 3 map harford map liberty map 50 map fiberliberty map 50 map fibbr - revealing the winner of our card giveaway sometime this morning- you had all week to enter byyliking us on facebook. -stay tuned to see if you wwn- be sure to "like" us on facebook for your chance to win some other great prizes in . coming up... ountry star trace adkins is here to dazzle charm city. city..race adkins music video videowhere fans are lining up to see him. but next... summer &pdelicious... as they are nutricious!we'll get a taste of them. you're watching fox 45 morning news.. all pooal.. all morning. ((break 6)) ((bump in)) raise your glass to a healtty is hhre to tell us about some great summer cocktails.geneeal managgr scott bernas and bartenddr jacquie talbot join us thhs morning with more. --demo sangria... why issit healthy? --what are some ways to make cocktails that are healthy? splenda, diet soda--what are some other greattsummer flavors? flavors? sushi, log on to fox baltimore dot com slash morning. coming up... he's mastered everythinn from singing... to a. acting."if ssmething comes along and it's a good opportunity and it's something i thiin i woull enjoy doing, i'll do it." it."where fans in maryland are llning up to see... country music star, traae adkins. and n our hometown hotspot... grab the whole faaily... for an experience thee'll never forggt.what events aree happening at harbor place this pummer. you're watching fox 455morning newss. all local.. all morning. ((break 7)))- trace adkins is a bbsy man these days.he just attended the ma music festival.. his new album will be out ext month and he will perform in baltimore tonighh.this morning we ear frrm the country supers. superstar. 3 snd: trace adkins music video) "proud to be here" .... with his upcoming album and an overall philosophy that mmrrors the title. (snd: trace adkkns signnng at cma))race always takes time to meet his fans at the cmaamusic festivallbut he admits life wasn't always this way.nat pop: (signing autographs) adkins says:" they had no idea who i was. i told them i was alan jackson's stunt double. i autographs."(snd: race adkins music video)adkkns says he's worked hard to get here.he's happy.he likes the new ongs you'll hear on the new project "hillbilly bone" duut partner blake shhlt on! adkins saas: " p wanted us to kinda jjckey back and fortt, you know compete with oneeanother, &ptrying to wwn this woman's affectionss //we wrote t specifically for him. so he &phad no choice."trace has ácareerá has hit a high note. but his ápersonal llfeá was hit hard n june when his tennessee home was destrooed by a fire.trace says he's received a llt offsupport. thankfully his family is doing fine.adkins says: as soon as i got word that rhonna and the girls were all ok, then ttere wws just really a huge sense of relief. you now, the rest of it ii such stuff. it's just stuff. there has been an generosity and i have asked people o redirect that towaad organization you choose. " (snd: trace "the lincoln lawyer" red carpet)now that he conninuee to pave his own way and is looking for ore big scceen opportunites.adkins says: "i don'' count on that. but if somethinggccmms along anddit's a good opportunity and it's something i think i ould enjoy doing, i'll do it." you ccn see trace adkins at at pier six concert pavilion tonight at 6-thirty. 66thirty. chat 3 coming up oo good dayy baltimore... we're minutes away from announcinggour royal farm gassgiieaway winner.stay 3&


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