The Kerala Catholic Bishops’ Council spokesperson said ‘The Kerala Story’ 'exposes the atrocities committed by the Islamic State. It cannot be so evaluated on the lines of communalism'. It had also demanded a ban on staging ‘Kakkukali’ play, alleging that it puts the Christian community in a bad light
With Left and Congress calling the film part of Sangh Parivar agenda "to defame Kerala", BJP questions their silence on ‘Kakkukali’ play as sign of Muslim appeasement
Thiruvananthapuram, May 1: The Kerala Catholic Bishops Conference (KCBC) president Cardinal Baselios Cleemis on Monday asked the state government and the political parties to come clean on an insulting play to Christianity, that is being staged in the state despite protests.
The Kerala Catholic Bishops Conference (KCBC) president Cardinal Baselios Cleemis on Monday asked the state government and the political parties to come clean on an insulting play to Christianity, that is being staged in the state despite .