right now on early start, donald trump and his republican allies about to knee cap a compromise ongration. is the border deal doomed? house republicans ready to impeach biden s cabinet secretary in charge of the border. do they have the votes? and just in to cnn i should have been a cowboy i should have learned to rope and ride country star toby keith. we re remembering him after he lost his battle with cancer. good morning to our viewers in the united states and around the world. i m casey hunt. it s tuesday, february 6th. 5:00 a.m. in washington where the massive immigration compromise is all but doomed this morning. last night barely 24 hours after the bipartisan border bill was released, republicans emerged from a critical meeting vowing to filibuster it later this week. the measure which includes a number of provisions that conservatives demanded and that progressive senators are opposed to, it s stalling in the face of opposition from former president
there is growing momentum in the white house to work with senators on making some sort of change to the filibuster. i m joined by california democratic senator alex madea. can you name ten republicans who you think would vote for this bill? i m not going to go through the exercise of naming ten because i think all 50 should be on board. i ve been in the middle of this debate and discussion since i got here in january. if it s one thing i keep hearing from republicans it s, they are so committed to making it easier to vote and harder to cheat. we know it s hard to cheat. voter fraud in america is rare. if they want to make it easier to vote, here is that plan. multiple options for registering to vote, staying registered to vote and actually casting your ballot. should and is are two different things. republicans have made it very
us are rational enough to understand he cannot. why not proceed to getting rid of the filibuster? look, i think this is the process of getting to the point where republicans cannot have it both ways. they cannot insist that changes to election law at the federal level has to be done on a bipartisan basis while they are complicit with partisan attacks on a right to vote in statehouse after statehouse across america. we need every democrat to acknowledge that and have the gumption to change the rules if they need to for the sake of our democracy. i hope that that is the outcome. thank you very much, senator. appreciate your time tonight. still ahead, all it took was one tweet from nicki minaj to her 22 million followers to serve up a whole boat load of controversy about vaccine misinformation. we will respond with just the facts next.
the right thing or short of that redo, undo these outdated rules in the united states senate for the sake of our democracy. yes, in time for the 2022 elections. let me show just to remind you. 18 states have passed 30 new laws, anti-voter laws where they are in a lot of the usual suspect states, where you would expect, particularly in the old confederate states. 400 plus restrictive voting provisions introduced in 49 states. republicans control most of the gerrymandering opportunities. republicans control 187 districts. democrats only control 75. we are headed toward minority rule, senator. republicans want minority rule. i will just re-rack my question. why waste the time to allow joe manchin to do this, when both of