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Transcripts For KCSM France 24 News 20140225

the settlers. i'm going to oppose the head of the french army in central african republic leads his troops to make a difference. as the french parliament decides nature and extent of twenty oh four strikeouts and care murphy in parts ukraine's caretaker president alexander church enough has been due to form a unity government this tuesday days after the asking of moscow backed viktor yanukovich from office. but aaron it was announced the move had been too late last week three weeks of anti government protests descended into carnage that eighty two protesters killed in independence square the rest weren't has been issued for the former president a connection with the mouse merger of demonstrators he was last sighted in the crimea. his current whereabouts are unknown. that speak to our correspondent over cried he joins us on the line from kiev. celebrate the expected appointment of the prime minister and cabinet is tuesday has been postponed why. well over a drink and rainy that are currently earning. i think even now but to get things right for me with underage drinker learn and think of you but you should know about you that the eu commission include a new puppy. both me and the fact is that there is very very difficult for them to agree the ukrainian of war altercation with make up for three very cute puppy that i think it's going to load up the mountain of chocolate and a kitchenette which to be the most difficult position but he will urge to make about their position anymore and that it talked about the witch and the ribbon with the internal division. i'm open to people the thing the record in the way of other people paying into that thing nobody can know what got into the parliamentary intention of the week that he thought that a filter that the situation where mt to begin improving the region's top teeth are now looking for everything that it wasn't by the us with opposition parties are to continue what to think that you'd think that the door to the appropriate to get them out without the need to take the club. the appeal petition and was throwing the lucky girl with a very good in other divisions thirty three and the other then turned to a very very hard to go. he mentioned his protests outside parliament today. can you tell us more of the campus here well i'm ready to put it into taking very very proud and somewhat carrying out the other thing we won the london connection now. and the meaning of life that would bolster demand to change the microphone and all of the state of mind to and say that it would be and could lead to nowhere going to bring the following morning. and that there would be an aunt a storm about but not knowing that the chemical that just shouldn't she have the time that the government and now in ukraine and he has done but rather think he would order to make sure that the people were out of the paying one third of the ukrainian parliament with you. and it was worth the visit was that i can even go yet ready to that. in impassioned address to october of that to be commended on the telly know it's going to go get new people to which i couldn't read it only that but think that that image and in the making. lunch and tea and sings like to bring this all the nations. russia has referred to recent events as a means to me and says that the humanitarian rights of russians risk. today the country's foreign minister sergei down prop has been meeting with luxembourg sculpted much in moscow in turkey catcher marks that iraq's kurds that ukraine not be forced to choose between russia or the west take a listen. with compost with the quilted is dangerous and counterproductive to try to twist ukraine to make the choice on the principle deal with us or against us is that we all have an interest in seeing that ukraine continues to be cautious of fine european find me at every level. while the eu foreign policy chief catherine ashton has been in kiev for talks on hand to shore up its ailing economy us two is disgusting. must get on the administration has signaled it no longer recognizes that to yanukovich as ukraine's president of both the eu and us politicians have been seeking to reassure russia that it does not have to be shoved out of the future relationship with the new dispensation in kiev the interim government their estimates that meets her two five billion dollars to escape bankruptcy. let's move on to some other world news into these new prime minister has called for a radical change in the recession hit country that air nz was at dining his government's reform agenda before winning a crucial confidence vote in the center security cheesesteak in an energetic speak to the city's youngest ever premiere date as his plans for overhauling the tax system jobs market and administration. brent has the support. then dunno if im not up. winning the vote of confidence with one hundred and sixty nine bullets in favor and one hundred and thirty nine against material red sea is one step closer to confirming into these new government. the third unelected leader in just three years rents the alice did his predecessor and re commit to saying it failed to boost the party's long liking economy. muscat said. this change of speed is born of a need to get concrete answers and it has an urgent need. we want to bring in new john performs one of the justice reforms. different tax policy is going to bed with only amaze us. rinse the promise to cut the tops burden within months. and to pay off debt but some senators wonder where the money will come from. i'm not and we need them most of the most that they will make it there is lot of james a lot of discussions with the most relevant issue did not refer to a possible source of financial reach. all in the latrine is fueling that i'm thinking no not sworn into office on site today gracie and thirty nine years old. his attorneys youngest ever premier. he won the confidence of all the support of his own center left democratic party and its coalition partners the centrists on the new center right party. for the phillies new government is younger and includes more female representatives than ever before. many of the ministers are new comers to national government. with the bolt obtained in the senate the government was clear one more hurdle. a second vote is expected the tour on tuesday in the chamber of deputies where rents his coalition has a comfortable majority the head of the french army deployed to central african republic claims his troops have made a difference the comments come as the french parliament votes later on extending the mission general francisco soriano said sectarian violence has a base hit since the arrival of french peacekeepers in december it's the standard rate of five thousand weapons production and a fun spunky she didn't bonk he has found that in certain districts of the capital. the muslim population still fears for the knights chris moore and james on fixing this report chris got to see these markets towards him home he's picked out these districts seeing switched to normal as possible but see. it was the maturing presence of such african forces. david fight and sixty s betrayed is upset that it is juggling the site taking a bit of a soldier's provide security at the end of the tv they don't really go into the back streets there we'll attempt ever christians was tim's wants to graffiti in the streets look to the mall. we just down the roots of the french tank that could defuse the deserted stretch of road spitz pay cut to saturn. now the christians have just been talking to appear at the top of the hill. the bolton boss this no man's land of smashing on the mend and businesses and the neighborhoods few remaining residents. in the stock. so grounded in love with a list of the three thousands. he confuses last listings so let's think about this most the death and all that is piled up by the boat so it is still waiting for safe passage out. ruby did the salty we have interested to go and find somewhere safe to be resting on the head for one and a half maybe two months. we haven't been able to go to his horrible it is the remote whoo hoo. despite the protective african troops despite the enclave faces frequent attacks and to the lack of shut eye injury school was the oldest eighty over the coming down. i made from this. for the continued flow of the second baronet in fact told that getting us the debates just post this dress suits dad's house situation critical. i would just like cent of young children are malnourished one patient to it just to make this testing positive for malaria becoming the chicago area. nzpa the new testament children under five. as the de musique in their situation. and like most is called peace muslims. these people have a choice to leave but now it seems impossible to have returned to pick and choose. graham has signed a deal to sell iran arms and ammunition worth one hundred and ninety five million dollars. that's according to reports on the reuters news wire. it would be a controversial move because it breaks the un embargo on weapons than spiderman. it's claimed the agreement was reached last november documents show it occurred just weeks after iraq's prime minister gary allan and eight he returned from not being the obama administration in washington for extra weapons to find qaeda linked militants. pakistan's military has launched air strikes against suspected militant hideouts in the north west of the country killing at least thirty people. officials say fighter jets bombed targets in the north with dearest and tribal area on tuesday. its conclusions had established training center is time for preparing suicide bombers talks between the pakistani government and time bound manner. negotiations broke down last week after a taliban linked group claimed responsibility for killing two dozen soldiers. israeli aircraft have carried out chilly air strikes near the lebanese syrian border that's according to lebanon's state news agency. there was no immediate confirmation from lebanese security officials and the israeli ministry declined to comment reports say the air raids took place near not be she's a remote village in the eastern bank of the week the porous border is frequently used by fighters and smugglers to move people and weapons between lebanon and syria. anti government unrest continues in venezuela protesters have set up barricades and blocked traffic in caracas despite calls within the opposition for peaceful demonstrations in the eastern border station to share at another person has died during clashes. it brings to an indefinite number of protesters that have lost their nights in over a fortnight to finance it really has more. kathy came to a halt in parts of crack it's as anti government protest is the drum bass and set up barricades on the capital's main routes of ahmedabad of these fine doesn't belong only to students. this isn't a top government supporters are the position it's about all of venezuela about everyone the test is blamed. this is interesting. you're a socialist government for the country's high crime rates and economic troubles the world's people on to spoil produce and is struggling with the record inflation and twenty shortages of basic goods separately hundreds of cities days. government supporters in the loop the lake either stop this count them as motorbike rally in the capital addressing the crown. due to kick on the heel position it's a little to lift the top rope and no it's not a protest was not in israel is facing a flash is the duty to fund the continued imperial aggression. we want to put an end to the revolution. democracy yes the opposition needed government and the appeal is refused him the team we need to do as a national dialogue he says it's just a ploy by government on its estimates locally. one of the night ian and going to a meeting with the federal council to help him save face for he has no i'm not going to be like the orchestra on the titanic on optimization. the boat is sinking. again i'm going to be the one playing the music no you're not going to use me. some opposition say talks and off the table and super tasty than the code in the hands is released from jail in the terminal and its chinese hands and swimming to safety is another addiction the students know that cools repeats done on the same duty to consult the crisis unless the government stops the sun the gangs as a show of good faith. and that's all the news for the moment that this more from the team here in the news to me about fifteen minutes time sadistic into full swing. he says welcome to the interview she's one of ukraine's this moon think it's ear and a cop out broke singapore for an vocal critic of the yanukovich system. she's appeared on independence square in kiev during the recent protests firing up the crowds. with the rhetorical questions do we want to join the european union to the one on history to be written in the kremlin urine accompanies the leader of her and roll bands cop out which is the opening act the us golf metal legend marilyn manson and give jesus a written six books including the controversial get everything which includes explicit scenes of multiple outlets at twelve she joins me to date from the ukrainian capital. welcome to the program to rent a cop or just tell us how your feeling about the events of the last few days while i i feel just like everybody else got school took part is all you know some people can read to each other was that victory but then the other hand nobody really feel so happy because we love silliness and polite to know. then i think as we waited too long we could not avoid that and you have to leave in the middle like tragedy at the last bands to us fence of the friends. when people with sticks went on to gains despite purse was the arms now and now you can see the new political games can hear you cannot have an euphoria in now and then the other hand that this society. here we are and where did that so just to lots and lots of luck would have to do now. today revealed the new society but she can hear all alike. after just twenty three years of independence. we finally have in the nation to be born and i feel quite confident about it is in the long term blog and when you are in a new early twenties when the orange revolution happened ten years day. um how do you feel about this is it is much less euphoric sort of moods this time around he think i think it is quite different to know better than it was the smallest revolution velvet revolution we had done no not at all everybody was inspired and kind of need. that's why we left our pic to me to politicians and we just went home snow and now it's kind of our responsibility to the old is saying this is not enough happened because now we re not going to lose this victory. i believe that we should know it all in control and this is different it's the more ironic people get the more you know donald see what politicians say we did not have any idea like we had huge and call before you know we did not the skeleton babies names. we know that the can onli like each other here and two on the ukrainian two ukrainian who hit him in last few weeks it to youtube page. who in an era in a roll cage and that you were making fun of politicians at that point and you think you've tapped into something quite deep that in the sense that people are generally quite cynical about routes to maneuver is whatever the color that who ever the politician is i think selling things that make people laugh even as the sarcasm. it really helps to kill the fear in now and here was the oldest people they were completely fearless and they've been learning this ironic morgan a lake when the fourth time before twice. i think yes this impact of any kind of humorous things see there's can be likened to motivate there are some toy or an article or to block area to actually show to people for the real person is enough and the banal with when you can see of there. how was this in all this cage and all the steps and still to let go of any taste and when you see this and really ugly things that they were surrounded in southlake and trying to follow button on the tube over maybe maybe someone else that they believe that link rich people supposed to be like this it's like really and it's kind of caricature in the chest with a head here so i iwas so was it together with the joint town hall group and we made this kind of um short verses that spoke a long weekend in ukrainian when we replace that that bad to worse experts that once was the other ones which didn't try and get it but it is still attended two became really popular i think this nativity was to make fun of ghosts and when you make money from the person. i'm the person is not so scary anymore. and of course you'll quiet moment for you or explicit language and some of your books but i went to a little bit about them that the music's own body. this just might do on the mend and that i'd like us is to take a quick listen to a clip boy to produce director called to the kiev. which view feature in and i should warn you is that on some of the people who appear in this clip unfortunately that donate to the max every bloody crackdown last week the goal about a day. he ran a couple of inches just to toss in general you feel on since this campaign engaged. so far in in these protests and would you believe that musicians rights as intellectuals have a gt to be in bold as to its ngo activists and all of the bands musicians are right is what you think about that i well i think if the musician or a con artist that is enough being in daycare. it's his direct obligation to be there in the streets to be together with the people as a nation to show the support this we are if you were artists you're obviously humanitarian and you are interested in civil society with its human rights will be held where when we get out like a basic human freedoms to please them which we didn't have in ukraine. and of course we still have lots of love stuff like popstars send unlike kind of people who will always laugh a minute and they even performed and some complications ratings during all this link glad the happenings that we had but you know nobody really takes them so serious anymore i think so everybody was forest lake was stressful right as musicians actors painters. they were all down the streets you know we had kind of art this year and it's too and even when people had helmets practice with the rights of the lake with them and make something confirmed that they even made a lot stuff like this and wanting to do much of it it's like street posters with lots of street art. so you could see it was a big boom into a selective could express themselves and at this point i believe that when something so important happens to your country happens to the people next to you. you can have like cobbler and johnson thousand inspiration for the rest of your life you know cuz its like very extreme emotional states that euronext to win people's fuel age heroes when they have so much carts when they have nothing to lose when they are ready to die in the lake having a tin of twenty years old but there it is to die for their next generation snow. this is something that you have the unique chance to enjoy life to to go through not so in a curio artistic and b that this is the unique thing you can see. of course we knew who he met the people you're talking about those who are eighteen in the streets and you were part of that movement in the arm independent school that but what about the rest of the people. i'm thinking of of russian speakers in the in the east and southeast i mean how did they fit into little bits and juicy and the force in society today. maybe it's just some form of civil society or indeed artists or musicians he can try to bring the country together well i think we are all together here no matter where you are if you're a pace that you're a student to adopt her teacher only like small businessman or art is then no matter from where you are the we would all night if you need on the gun was a small representation of the whole country. i was helping a tuesday like this bloody day two to bring people to fight us from one place to another to bring them to underground hospitals and i was asking about two and a blank restaurant. so somewhere for a ukrainian somewhere from school so it's basically south and east and center and west. we are all from every everywhere now and then of what we need to actually tool to to bring us all together and nine is not the ultimate ukrainians russians because for all sold and would leave the lake we laughed about that than good way because it's that time when people from finance from high compression speakers they learned to reply to this like we have glory to crank them and then the reply his glory to cheerios enough and they talk in that they spoke in russian the same things he knows that this is the time when you feel your apache up no matter what language speak if you're a cop or your actions. i also had fumbled for lincoln's breakaway protecting the peaceful demonstrators they think it's a unique case in all of this evil ukrainian navy cross. no i don't i don't know if it ever happens anywhere in the world can also lay one and pelvic thanks to for hope will begin switching to a note to protect the civil society. i would own ski one question and doubt you will into two because of course the eu have caused a bit of a scare with as some of us actually explicit language and situations and some of your books into one of your books was referred to the national commission for morality of what he's trying to cheat with. with such scenes and such a character and situations with the dewsbury to the role of sexuality i know what to name him and like my current pair are provoked of books on buying and changing old so it's normal that the person they know that more experience you get older you get the early church has changed the beach to soak up for that very moment i felt that the provocation is their right methods to discover the person in the lake if somebody on the cd sexual scenes in my books and they only see the explicit lyrics and they do not go for some deeper sense to store all the philosophies of phil of the fifth episode three the message is that we're actually the establishment of human person. so for me it's also kind of a non day of losses for the other person and this commission for morality it's another another instalment of the censorship here is a know it was nothing more than let's say it ranks high on kindle. if we use this that it's bad words and i like for example henry miller in now so it was not more explicit than that and so we have lots of examples of wealth to its rich area which is almost classic it's probably much more scandalous that what i do roll it up but it's the least nine ec no two t is some variety. so people can show the real faces they can really show what they care about. but then the other hand they think this link it's very important to make it up to date and also in that the people can talk about you blokes. ike makes people are used which is also a nice cause and also says it mean to discount it since elementary as well and pushing on getting to have ended there because we didn't have anymore time. but perhaps another time who gets to bat you what you wanted to check the rent a cop a rope swing at. and also thank you very much for joining me from kiev that will be interviewing cos i kept the eye. i think i'm going to some extent it can be recycled as economical in the making. my attempts to win the seat combo house brittany on france's when scholes. this pioneering couple decided to go. on top of the skeletal structure made of wood paper and cardboard twenty five centimeters thick. thirty leaders are bound together and protected with water resistant steel. an effective material for installation this can be re used. so its advantages that can be recycled seven times that is to say is tomorrow a house destroyed the material gets recycled. it can be used to when you want. it's an environmentally useful material. it's all that cars can be seen in the flooring being tested here. does that mean. he invented to withstand storms and extreme weather. cardboard is not surprisingly cheap it cost thirty percent less to build the cars were called in a conventional one. whether in buildings were makeshift shelter. the material can be put to a wide variety of uses but it remains to be seen now what does yours open topped. the mum. and. does lead you one of . first week. a live debate on top of the day. monday concert at seven pm optional. and come talk to him. to find a way to stop and a squeeze play the process. you will will will will the eye the anderson has a bias received the chairman of the catholic agency for the regulation of macha monopolies the top spot in an awkward dock during the meaning the main measures of proving that their policy is causing issues of improving the quality of regulated services and strengthening control over the activities of matchup and the police or discussed but apple's bottom also represented to the president of the images of growth of investments of monopolies and show the result of the industry modernization additional investments were treated to a lower depreciation and reduction of losses. ias


Transcripts For KCSM Newsline 20140227

trying to cause endangered animals rescued from an illegal traders. armed groups have seized local government and parliament buildings in ukraine's crimea region adding to the tension in the country's south the seizure came on thursday morning. just as leaders of ukraine's pro western opposition were preparing to officially launch an interim administration. meeting the new cabinet the previous day following the ouster of pro russian preston victory in a covert. ethnic russians account for about sixty percent of the population of the economists republic of crimea. the group's occupy the buildings in the regional capital. since pearl pole and twisted to the russians lacks they appeared to be as aggression scully for tiniest incorporation into russia since terrible soul a clash between ethnic russians in minority touch ours. earlier on wednesday. the ethics of sars. support ukraine's new leaders of the clash reportedly left at least two people dead and thirty five others injured. russia's foreign ministry posted a twitter message on thursday morning again to attacks on ethnic russians in ukraine the message said russia would react without compromise if their rights are violated. ukraine's acting president alexander church in oz has warned that if russia's black sea fleet leaves its base in crimea. he was regarded as a military attack. ousted president's victory in a covert says that he's still ukraine's president. he said in statements to several russian news agency from news agencies that is from an unknown location. gannett co which also gave warning to what he calls the countries would be legitimate rulers he says people would never accept small role. it's been almost a week since ukrainians have heard from the leader. his government was toppled by violent protests in kiev the sixty three year old is now wanted in ukraine on charges of mass murder. people in some parts of japan have put on a face put on face mask to protect themselves from the blanket of white fog layer contains hazardous particles called pm two point five. scientists say it came across the sea from china. officials with ten local governments have issued advisories local comic con has the details the stadium downtown. that caused the cbo the city seal meat sla. the multiple instance exceed its country's environmental standards for the first time. what do you know this motor show and it's one of the most. simply if you are worried about my health. it's unusual to create such a bad error in the city. she also did not forbid not. children the playground. government standards said the practical limit and an average of seventy micrograms per day in many parts of japan some level exceed it. officials in and take pictures instead of five series ford said resist to not go outside unless necessary. and to the frame on the carousel to access times. now snow ecj for environmental studies. this is the only some ten not carry pm two point five. it's a cute naked in death and all for several days because of a calm america. he also says self or oxide gas from chinese power plants and factories. also i get to the pool and water. yes we accept the sunlight creating even more ep and two point five and this and is seen as london in time. the advantage count of the particle in the same concept concept of day. almost eighteen times funnier than the lapels of the icc and ninety nine hundreds of people leading the team took to the streets the peppery taste. i mean there's been so long. in june where is that blue sky i feel long time since i've seen. environmental officials say the pollutants that was unlikely to rise to become a mom. experts say more cooperation on a transparent and countrymen to speak to them and china and south korea is necessary to help couples out there. month on a chair. japanese nuclear regulators for a screening safety plans for reactor in a potentially dangerous area operators want to put the plan to back online despite the possibility of a mega quake. we love. members of the nuclear regulation authority spoke with representatives of two electric power company they wanted to know about safety measures staff have put in place for the hamilton plant in central japan. as the regulators earlier this month to check their safety measures for the plants number four reactor. they have to satisfy tougher new government guidelines before they can restart in the reactor. company representative said they're building a twenty two meter breakwater in case of a tsunami. regulators asked colleagues studied the possible effects of an earthquake when data on the focal area are limited and he asks how badly the tsunami could damage facilities that cools the reactors. when operator shut down and their reactors two months after the folk wish him a nuclear accident in two thousand and eleven government officials asked them to take the facilities offline because they were concerned about the possibility of a mega quick. japanese power companies have applied for safety screenings for seventeen reactors and ten plants. that's one third of the reactors across the nation on nuclear plants in japan are offline. staff at libraries in tokyo and spent the past week wondering who vandalize books about the holocaust. no workers and one liberia are celebrating an unexpected gift. someone donated books about anne frank including the diary she kept during world war two the boxes containing one hundred forty books arrived at the tokyo metropolitan central library a cover letter was signed by someone calling himself to you in this city how to. a japanese diplomat with that name save thousands of during world war two by giving them travel visas the library then got the gift had escaped the vandalism staff plan to share the books with other took a lead groups that want them. i imagine the donation came from someone who felt bad about what happened we'll make good use of it then another members of the jewish community also replace some of the growing violence. they gave books to see the dummy war. neither is there suffered the most tantalizing. the embassy of israel and the community and i'm excited to help andrew plays doubles as a guest the friendship between our people. singing the reward me year deal had not expressed his appreciation and condemned the damage. a noble soul. i did a lot of debates and analyzing them is unforgivable. i wonder what the reason you must hopefully for you i might not do that. optimal use of that. the israeli embassy staff say they plan to give three hundred more books. i i i i don't know. south korean defense ministry officials say north korea has fired four missiles towards the sea of japan. they say the missiles were launched at around five forty pm local time on thursday from the eastern cool coastal city of one son in a north easterly direction they say the missiles are thought to have a range of more than two hundred km. south korean and us troops began joint military exercises on monday analysts suggested the possibility of provocations on the part of the north as pyongyang has condemned the drill. the us and south korea are watching closely for further actions from the north. a group of south koreans who they say were forced to work as a wartime fact region and have filed a lawsuit. they are demanding compensation from their former employer fourth plane has filed the suit on thursday and the district court in the southern city of one jew they're asking for about five hundred and sixty thousand dollars for mitsubishi heavy industries the former workers say they were forced to engage in a large labor when their nation was under japanese colonial rule. the lawsuit is the seventh to be filed since may of two thousand and twelve. south korea's supreme court recognize the rights of individuals to demand compensation for forced more time later. in july of last year plaintiffs' claims were upheld by local courts into the cases. the two accused japanese firms appeals and are awaiting a decision by the supreme court. analysts say the claims are very likely to be upheld the seoul government has yet to state its position on the rulings. it has not publicly come out aggies japan's position that in nineteen sixty five agreement normalizing bilateral ties does not allow such compensation. a similar lawsuit against japanese companies was filed on wednesday in china. anti corruption investigators question time prime ministry election a once lawyer on thursday if they find ying was guilty. she faces impeachment by the upper house president alison has the story. the anti corruption commission or any since he is investigating comments or on suspicion of negligence of duty the government's why this person program is the issue the representing the not in any sense of hearing. she's in her home province of chiang mai northern thailand the meeting ended and i know that the prime minister is willing to cooperate with the macc. she is willing to give information and evidence to the macc. because the prime minister is confident in her honesty the rice planting scheme benefits to farmers the supporters gathered around a nice mess of august at times she had long since been getting down to one of the heats. supporters of the mau mau brother of former prime minister toxic in a watch and see how you define islam criticize the judiciary the state simple to complex in groups. i was purchasing program is one of the block administration's policies the dot the i's rise from local farmers at prices higher than the market breaks but stockpiles have been growing and the guy who has fallen behind in payments to farmers. they are becoming frustrated and tired after the state government is due to the country's finances the scenic road and causes corruption. the program will continue and says she's not involved in managing its. if the accc finds the prime minister guilty she could each of the opera house and suspended from office we plunged into further turmoil thai society is split between tax and supporters most bbc populace rule areas texan groups largely made up of people from the lead to the urban middle class. and by instinct was to climb the political landscape in thailand. a grenade exploded on wednesday at a tv station in bangkok. nobody was hurt but a series of explosions last week after five people including four children sony's own province on the island of sumatra have declared a state of emergency due to the east. even though the clearing at large while but there are complying officials at indonesia's national disaster agency status mom has covertly our province for several weeks reality is a major source of palm oil. these and really felt was the one km on thursday. reuters says the prophet authorities in the region have canceled the plan for its apple flights. health officials see more people are suffering from respiratory ailments the predicted to be the most communities that has blanketed the professor agreed to. it's rumored to be a fine crumbs and consists of respite programs. but to be increased to twenty two thousand cases by fiddling with it. this situation is very worried. the schools in southeast asia in two thousand thirteen was the worse in sixteen years in the room and diplomatic issue in any surprise to see the bomb on it and don't apologize to the people of singapore and malaysia and plans to control the problem how has long been known as a hotspot in the human torch the evening danger to wildlife and things are getting worse. the students went and got cleaned up the last few years. i was intercepted by the authorities face another problem in not being able to return to the wild. the wells was the end of the body and reports the customs office in thailand has seen almost every kind of rare species numbers and in the two animals confiscate it more than doubled from two thousand and two thousand and nine to forty six thousand in two thousand and nine. i think that is the demand for wild animals on the black market is high time that has led to an increase of the illegal wildlife trade from all around asia. if you are. i was lucky enough to be rescued. it is not the beginning of another nightmare. more than forty thousand of them are currently stuck in cramped years in captivity. in a city sixty two tigers have been rescued and were it to other countries. this is why he had told mr that he needed to go and see pieces of an animal smugglers and still remains in captivity. i shall turn around thirty percent of the animals die every year according to the anthologies they say no to lack adequate state's funding and staff to take care of animals. usher tortoise is listed as critically endangered on the icu and the list of threatened species. they may be fluent in five hundred left in the wild west. more than sixty thai authorities have seized. i'm trying to survive. oh but they do that we've done our best. but because jesus pcs for most part island. we face difficulties such as locked in cages from her crib and in all it can. and people able to take care of all the unusual species. but you know mom got home from the law and uncle. someone was trying to survive the cold conditions in captivity. it's still a struggle to get them back on many stand up to a decade in limbo. as time of the prior smugglers to be convicted for the animals can be moved on even then. both countries involved have to agree on how to send them back. as a result fewer than one percent are repatriated. we tried to prepare as well as we can we never know how many and what kind of animals are coming to us about one am. sometimes it's just beyond our ability to meet you all the situation worsening. one group is taking matters into its own hands. a spacious facility which opened in two thousand and one more than four hundred animals are kept the founder and since then the confiscated animals need better protection and care for the food he eats. they are rescued. you know taken taken on by their officials um some animals on altria priority such as tour goals or mechanics monkeys you know the kind of animals they can in large numbers. and somehow they are neglected. this happens all over asia. where these animals are on leaving the horrible eyes until they die usually a cosmic accident and that that is really worrying and stressing for us to see. the local straight to thailand intensifies. it seems clear that africa's needed to prevent even more endangered animals from darryl hunt i saw real insight last year. cross regional body at any scale also caught the sun in bangkok. prime minister shinzo lama says japan will not set a deadline for concluding a free trade deal under the trans pacific partnership he says placing a time limit on negotiations could for japan's bargaining position. this code when you consider that the upgrades in our interests to wrap up the deals you. but sitting in the dying chance to tie the hands of our negotiators it to the benefit of lebanon could say that i detest simon made the comments at a meeting of the lower house budget committee. trade ministers from countries involved in the t p p negotiations meant for four days in singapore. they fail to reach an agreement and they haven't set a date for the next round of times on this said negotiations are entering their final stage in the japan will intensify efforts to arrange new working level discussions. so members can trying to conclude a deal for business groups say japan should cut corporate taxes that's if the country wants to attract more investments from abroad the japanese government launched the battle earlier this month to study the possibility of cutting the corporate tax rate the paddle invited officials from the american chamber of commerce and the european business council to its first meeting. by twenty twenty japan is aiming to boost investments from our bronze more than three hundred and forty billion dollars as part of its economic growth plan that's double the figure in two thousand and twelve. who knew we would like to receive your views on how to make japan attractive for more foreign investors including improving the rules at the meeting participants said that japan's corporate tax rate is too high. it's currently about thirty five percent. they also said they want to see clearer rules on laying off employees in a more flexible system for part timers. central bankers in brazil and raise the country's benchmark interest rate again but there are slowing the pace of monetary tightening. members of the bank's monetary policy committee decided to raise the key lending rate by one quarter of a percentage point to ten point seven five percent. it's the eighth straight time they agreed to raise the rates that the previous six meetings they raised it by one half percentage point. high inflation in brazil has sent the cost of food and land soaring. but consumer prices in january rose at an annual pace of five point six percent that's below the upper end of the bank's target range. so policymakers decided on the lower interest rate hike. rising interest rates and lower corporate earnings have slowed brazil's economy. some analysts say the policy makers are trying to get a handle on both inflation and economic growth the reward investors through the weekend due to the east the tokyo market linked with born to rule the world this is the quick change the course of the economy belated christmas. there's more to do. and now with the bike stolen from a brown one. oh but wait this is that these kids into it with a heater on youtube. a xander warmer and tokyo are meteorologist robert spencer has more rubber. yeah so we are seeing are here today is this warming trend for silly is unaccompanied by on this high humidity along with those particles in the atmosphere so deftly people with respiratory issues are having a hard time here from what's been even up the t i is for many of you now that's not just a pain even a witch with korea and china but we are to be seeing some improvements in the forecast now what's causing added several low pressure areas moving through these cold fronts not a high pressure coming in from the northwest. that's to bring in some cooling air with the added that though we are seeing a warming trend and in tokyo eating in the beginning of the team by friday summer the warmest weather yet here in two thousand and fourteen importantly some lyall bay since this is what you gotta deal with this coming out or not though prefecture and just the bus driving along their eight people onboard no one was injured but when the small little avalanches did take place and i hit the side of the bus stands get back that he's ill are talkin about the improvements at least in the forecast i was back on tuesday. we did see that i'm basically just shrouded in fog out there across much of beijing now by friday whether this the high is coming in from the north clearing conditions for a lot of you. southeastern china even around shanghai you're still have to deal with that the conditions will be improving as what looks like a cross to ban of tokyo with ivy eighteen i knew friday but by saturday we are looking at the cooling trend that cooling air cons and some rain showers as well in the workforce osaka and even hoped for it's all said and i definitely see it right there in your temperatures let's talk about the rainfall in guam as well i know it's late february early march very rare that a tropical system of year especially this time of year. bob rae now we go to trial with fresh and lingering for the southeast of the island. but then from what this city does continue to intensify jamie is expected to become a tropical storm possible tropical storm facts night. it's gonna be lingering here for sometime and deftly bring in some heavy rainfall dare cross gallons or is the risk of flying as it does persist up when we continue to watch is through next week. now over toward see america as we are seeing the rainbow more you need the rain fall. is california unfortunately is all coming here once we have this low pressure area. just popping them we strive to our audience of about viral bases is the top thirty to fifty centimeters of snow fall could expect the low lying areas often that a hundred fifty millimeters of the rain what that means or sharpie a good time. is there is the risk of flash flooding that good news is can add as snow pack abs in the water god willing have a little bit of a relief from the drought that has been occurring on here because ortiz high pressure coming in across much of the great lakes region ahead of that below that spring about five centimeters of snow fall across much of the northeastern coastline unfortunately the high is also bring in some gusty winds and what we are seeing is he's barely wind chills acted to goggle minus eleven korea hike here well the latest minus seventy in their korean problem minus eleven even below freezing temperatures in atlanta. by the wind chill. some of you it is gonna feel like minus twenty i hear definitely very chilly. now today to look over towards europe while western europe. oliver that will coming through praise and gusty winds and heavy rainfall in general. much of the west. i hear the saying some priests of it a shot here france spain portugal as well. could be a risk of flooding but also snow fall on the higher elevations cross the aisle finds italy you're dealing with thunderstorms here on a friday. be careful out there you are on about but eastern europe. a warming trend in place of physics and forecasts. i am noon. i do the road. his lines for the seller and she knows the ins. all of this year three. the offer. cheers and you need to teach you new units come with this sort and you see it. we'll show you too. who trampled on. see the students see with the co chair where traditions in people's everyday lives. he seemed to. do. it is december twenty thirteen a striking new building was unveiled on tokyo's wreaths it is so noble. the kitty on the building. he is the work of japanese architect nor the heat going on. in recent years he has won a number of competitions in each. one of his winners was this young sean visitors center in taiwan. his architecture merges with the surrounding mountains and lake creating a new landscape


Transcripts For KCSM Arirang News 20140407

than stomp on time. fan. i know. or to rei. those of you were watching around the world. it's monday it will set your soul. i need to have lunch on wednesday so much for joining us. we begin this evening on seoul's defence front the discovery of three drones in the less than a month which are most likely thought to be sent from the north and south korea on high alert defence ministry called for tighter vigilant against new threats defence ministry correspondent even been reports. key commanders from every branch of the military held an emergency meeting monday. this was the reason the patrician supplementary of vehicles. the pessimistic in loans and home of the meeting heard all the military to be at the ready for any threat of tongue out. kim emphasize that the three trials on the south korea recent days were for surveillance purposes. the war in the future once they'd use to carry out attacks. north korea has hundreds of amen area vehicles in its possession so there could very well be more found in south korea in the coming days and weeks. the south korean military says is well equipped to deal with an image of incursions and attack you the us. but as dad is much more difficult to take these types of units which are very small and soft seoul says it plans to produce low altitude radar and other military gadgetry to prevent further invitations. so strange uses that said it would take strong action to overcome yes violation of its airspace bell also mobilize units across the country the surfer of the groans of third row was done on the mountains from telkom province. i was deported to the military authorities last friday. initial investigations show that joan is the same model as the one that passed the puck too late last month it is a worry. as a south korean military failed to take these ones to the press on south korea's oil. the ministry says that the drums are confirmed to come from the north. who could come in clear violation of not only the korean armistice agreement. also of an international treatments for this climb over another country's airspace without prior notification. london. i don't dance. i was of south korea united states and japan will hold the meeting in washington on this monday a separate one on one between seoul and tokyo could also take place on the sidelines she's in it as deacons continually appointed south korean envoy to the six party talks in general is in the us capital for talks with its american and japanese counterparts on showing up countermeasures and preventive steps to deal with north korea's latest provocation. according to south korean officials on his schedule to meet with washington special envoy glyn davies and japanese foreign ministry director general j e t hideout on monday. speaking to reporters upon his arrival in washington on the set that also are designed to reaffirm ordination among the three nations in regards to further provocative acts by north korea. the south korean officials also thinking that there might be a chance for a bilateral meeting with tokens chief nuclear envoy something that didn't happen the last time the three countries met in this format last november if the meeting is held analysts like south korea's push for strengthening security partnership with japan despite a number of lysol territorial and historical disputes. qantas said it would be code i natural for the new clear on police and neighboring countries not to me. any top down might occur which center on the north korean nuclear threat and that's all i could not rule out the possibility that tongue and make good on its direct to contact me for a new contest at the united nations headquarters friday north korea's deputy ambassador to the un ego me and repeated the threat he said can only carry any new form of nuclear test to protect itself from the job last week she sent this card bent on wreaking change since then in imu. united states which has been navigating disputes between japan and china for decades now is in the latest one sticking up for tokyo to asian nations are in the middle of the diplomatic route first oracle and territorial issues of foreign affairs correspondent of funky report the united states has signed with japan in a dispute with china and that's brewing over historical and territorial and cheese and a biennial western pacific naval symposium next month and she did at the center stage china has invited all the competing nations to take part in an international fleet review critique and parade their chef with one exception japan. washington has said no american ships will sail and no japanese chefs do. this is not the first time the us has deemed running to the escalating diplomatic route between japan and china late last year china sparked a transcript of the upper part i be crying in her defense identification zone giving itself the right to identify and take military action against aircraft knew that japan controlled think of the island which is also claimed by china. washington to fight the chain by sending military planes into this alan unannounced. in another sign of support for a japan u s defense secretary chuck a film of those tokens crash or collective self defense by altering its war renouncing constitution. kato said sunday in tokyo at japan the strain of proactive role in contributing to global and the stalled peace and stability. whether he killed will address the fleet review in a sheet during his visit and eight and remained unclear that experts say china may not want japanese were shipped in its waters because of japan's occupation of china and during the second world war. i need to be told that south korea a country also mired in a diplomatic dispute with japan and tightening its fun to china. according to sources monday sells financial supervisory service covering their chastity and that his chinese counterpart in the gym last week and agreed to bolster financial cooperation. the past that to me and had maintained closer economic ties with japan chambers will also conduct a joint study of japan's wartime sexual and placement of when and in historical documents preserved in china he can use. for your gateway to the day's biggest story in korea and around the world breaking these are the hottest interview and a whole lot more. enjoying a gunshot limit and ug head of the heart of salt brine tiny be done. well i had it on and on to the next general election. the national assembly trade finance minister cannot stop was hot seat as lawmakers grilled and the related string and a belief that the nation in recent months. political correspondent ian gill has more on the third day after column entry inter police and such. it was taking the public's personally from a shoe was on the top of the agenda during monday's assembly session. both ruling and main opposition party lawmakers asked whether proper measures had been taken the lead of three massive weeks of private data and this year alone including the nation's largest airport in january. finance officials assured us that secondary data leaks could not have been caught in march the three credit card firms confirmed that more than eighty three million cases of client data were leaked to a third party to twenty megabits. i give my sincere apologies to the people with a secondary data leaks did not include coins credit card customers for their cbc though it is impossible to forge a credit card without the two. he said the governor released in three measures in march the strength and data protection which include call someone a trio of boys fishing or species dad's find a contingency plans will be announced in the first half of the year. lawmakers from the opposition new politics alliance for democracy take a bath as the impact of regulation dr stated to read it undermined the economy there are good regulations and that regulations air regulations and need to be lifted to stimulate the economy. however oppression companies trying to do away with too many. he says. the government is trying to use gene regulation as a tool to stimulate the economy by promoting investment in creating jobs our objective is to have excessive red tape in a hinder business activity lawmakers also mentioned to chris laurie household debt problem which had a record nine hundred fifty built in us dollars as of the end of last year. i've been hearing the government said it is doing all they can to help low income debtors and the loan repayments from government funding programs cover some lawmakers demanded that the government advice more concrete measures to deal with combined debt held by households companies and government organizations snow again. add the onions thus it accounts for about seventy per cent of household assets in korea and the figure is setting off alarm bells as price cuts in the housing market can have a devastating impact in people's financial health and turned the economy. sometimes he can have this report the ratio of non financial assets to all assets in korean households is among the highest in the world statistics korea data shows that every show was over seventy percent last year far above the united states. real estate assets and particularly accounted for around fifty eight percent of those held by korean households down almost two percentage points from two thousand and twelve. that will ever represent the biggest chunk. experts see really see this person because it's a profitable and stable investment outlets. he also cautioned that an acid structure that we store heavily on property could have a devastating impact on household finances. a two hr issue of real estate assets are especially high among the elderly and when property prices go down they will have less money to spend for their years after retirement the experts that there is a high possibility venetians property prices will fall since korean households will likely start selling their real estate to secure a stable source of income after retirement he advised people to diversify their assets and make the best out of pension funds that allow people to secure loans based on the property they have mortgaged their identity overseas orders for south korea's industrial plant surge from a year earlier in the first three months of this year on the back of increased orders from africa and the middle east the trade ministry says overseas orders for the first quarter amounted to sixteen point eight billion us dollars. a spike of forty two percent from the same period last year. government efforts to make it easier for local firms to go bronze are getting the credit for the surge. the growth was especially pronounced in africa where orders jumped more than forty fold the government's goal is to boost annual overseas orders over seventy billion dollars this year for the first time ever. april seven marks the internet symbolic birthday and to look for two with the technology is has a breeze bringing dr moon's hometown professor of business at the korea advanced institute of science and technology will come professor minus two decades in sweat came out to make the impossible can you walk through that brief history of the internet. yes the internet was invented twenty five years ago and he was indeed too easy. who would like to put to use in twenty five years or what and if forced to twenty years he too has been two years. the room he smiled exposure can use the tees are the means to change policy quinn didn't eat homepage the mission to korea where by the. beijing idiotic. is that how we transitioned from an international is relatively close to one that he was globally accessible as we know now and on other functionalities that we take for granted. he didn't own it was a very difficult to use the approach and i think she'll be into it it is the same. it hasn't been changed for me. how do you see is different. and so from syracuse this. the look the fortunate thing turned out kind of say five g and the internet of things the idea that evil for a drive to future evolution of the internet itself. what are they and why we need to understand the difference between fuji and privacy you can think over pro four gb as always it has on the kindness and haste each get a pic and post. frenzy is over. one thousand dollars each. so this one hundred times the perps had me go. in wa. many more things you can achieve in the future. and many more things to be digitized in the future present for the press box you see them manage their anger parks the report says. he should remain. does it making their hearts. in this year and have prompted by jesus is to return. which i keep companies are setting the trends in the five g why he assumes initially. surah this because of the order the corio reinforced retorted peak in two thousand ha. pancreas and eight which is two dollars and twenty euro to focus on reporting so when companies and the judges components of radio two show to know our position as a force to move on and turns it up in the water must go with the facial we look out for when it comes to developing the higher t technologists ticket you can. i'm always in more than chess set. no aqua would interest. about the p five billion dollars. in a couple weeks. recently an end cool world premiere of mr the company reaching towards the room temperate interesting beating. and he is chewing. and who were also quite a bit awkward. this region more than one dollars as of today the opening scene is a kind of about three dimension of the screen about the size. and no ones he pours into reverse. here is what discipleship in front the case of billboards. i did spray. the hike was to come from a would take us. so that's the ideal to be the rta and then dove who were accused of more than to sit up and every other companies bit confused. i'm very anxious or hard part cool to me. ri wall professors did so much for joining us tonight. think of it. excited to check on some other stories making headlines on the global front of their poly at the new center. well it started with a hopeful sign in the search for the missing malaysia airliner with the latest with these pains. one disappears leading the search see they've come across are most promising me yet. an australian navy ship has detected using knows they're consistent with those emitted from aircraft lock boxes the timing is not on their side are connie came reports it could be the break in the spirit has been seeking out for one month now. your search for malaysia airlines flight three seventy two separate signals were detected by the australian vessel known as ocean shield over the weekend. clearly this is the most promising way. and probably in the senate side up. it's the it's probably the best information that we are packed. kiffin said the first signal picked up in the notion that lasted for about two and half hours and the second one for about thirty minutes. officials said the paintings were consistent with those committed by aircraft black boxes. while optimistic about the discovery. tuesday was quick to tamp down expectations. he said further confirmation was needed at the sounds were heard from a depth of forty five hundred meter is the search team plans to lower plinth and twenty one ocean shields underwater economists people once they can pinpoint a more exact location for the signal but officials say it'll take days to confirm whether the paintings were from the missing aircraft the most pressing issue now is time. the search to interdict thirty first day on monday and the batteries of the black box are feared to run out any day now. if they haven't already. they're currently twelve aircraft and fourteen ships taking part in search operations. the severe weather conditions in the south indian ocean are in the forecast. their job even more difficult. flight three seventeen caring two hundred thirty nine people is believed to have gone down in the indian ocean some time on march. honey can. i don't use moving on to the latest seen as civil unrest in ukraine's pro russian groups had taken over key government buildings in the eastern part of the country. in turn ukrainian president alexander church now has called emergency meeting of his security chiefs to deal with this fresh crisis and cancel the visit to lithuania police and pro russian protesters clash on sunday in three eastern ukrainian cities demanding a crummy us down referenda. thousands of demonstrators these regional government buildings chanting russia and raising russian plans. minogue kiev prime minister r c yet seen yet is accusing moscow of orchestrating the address as part of a plan to send troops across the border. an over now to india where the country has kicked off the world's largest collections. some eight hundred fifty million indians will be eligible to cast your votes for next month. that's one hundred more than during the last elections held in two thousand and nine the polls to elect members of the country's lower house of parliament will take place in nine days is the next five weeks. their first baby is already underway in the northeastern states of us on entry for ron paul's released sunday night show that the ruling congress party led by the interim gandhi dynasty is likely to take a hit or bring his prolonged economic slowdown meanwhile the bar rta should not trump party led by hindu nationalist leader narendra modi is for canceling the largest number of parliamentary seats. voting will continue through may twelve of the ballots will be completely counted on to make sixteen. and speaking of elections hungry just wrapped up their first time during prime minister viktor of oregon has declared victory in sunday's prone entry election winning a second consecutive term. with nearly all the ballots counted election officials have rejected or bounce ruling center right party would win over two hundred two thirds of the one hundred and ninety nine seats in parliament is what the rba they would do this was not just in awe of victory. we have scored such a comprehensive victory the significance of which we cannot yet fully grasp it tonight projections also saw the center left opposition alliance traveling with thirty nine seats on the far right your big party would take twenty five. there are several wicked international stories making headlines around the world. i'll see you back here tomorrow night the two prime time sports speed in check. it was always difficult for an athlete to retire from the sport they love. and after almost two decades. simon crean speed skater you can tell has officially hung up his skates up for good. it officially said that the sochi olympics with his last and how the ceremony and scored to make it official. he needed to six olympic games since nineteen ninety four the most for south korean but did not win a medal coming as close as sport that's for real in two thousand and six. he said despite not winning one. he was grateful for the opportunity and gained so much from it all. still he retires with four straight world title says wallace has inspired a new generation of students in korea and getting to the greens nineteen year old american alike c thompson beat out the field at the kraft nabisco championship or her first major way. she surged in the final round to end at fourteen under par three shots. michelle wie. the mall for them and matt jones won the shell houston open for his first pga victory earning himself a ticket to the master scored the opening on thursday this week. and take a look at formula one lewis hamilton took the chequered flag at the korean cloncurry four consecutive wins so for the season. mercedes teammate nico rosberg came in second yet again like at the malaysian gp putting on display. mercedes dominance in the first three races in twenty fourteen. meanwhile roster who won the opening race in the spray liao still has an eleven point beagle for hamilton on the overall standings. and over and the nba. kevin durand is having speaker rare for the ages. having just broken one of michael jordan's prolific scoring records in the oklahoma city thunder is one twenty two to one fifteen loss to the phoenix suns on sunday. the rent scored thirty points for his forty first consecutive game with more than twenty five points scored. now everything is clicking for the three time scoring champion who is now led his team to four straight division titles since two thousand and eleven. and ending off with a link or rather in england with premier league action liverpool has returned to the top of the standings after eight to one win over west ham on sunday. steven gerard steam successful penalties led the way and giving liverpool a two point lead over chelsea who crashed to stoke city reno on saturday. man city meanwhile is still in contention for the title as well. sitting just four points back with five fixtures remaining. and that's all i have for now this has been stated cent aussie back to twitter for more from the world of sports today was a mild spring day with clear skies which was a welcome relief after the cold snap we had over the weekend that's right from our left wing things ever try kimball down at the weather center the couch tv guide from the good news that tamara lake city and other moderates bring day but as for now i dry weather warning has been issued in some parts of the country including townsville province. keep in mind that the dry conditions and strong winds may lead to forced by the stairs look continued to rise leading to a warmer than it sees average whether to wind back and said this week that otherwise might result are forecast to fall from a nine zero sunday morning. apparently due to the high pressure fronts where seemed clear skies across the nation. on tuesday average daytime highs will take between eighteen to twenty four degrees though makes it is the path of spring as kind as barrett's rating of twelve tops out at ninety degrees blockade when you make it to admit when he's holding on to other regions taking peeks at eighteen degrees while ago and i've got reach the mid teens. at this hour but i'll be back in march after midnight. the option to broadcast on this money can be to install some trouble and thanks for watching force he said. you'll. i did that before. get the flu. we'll see. i'm against it. i know my kids. like the bike it up i'm employed. it is. the end you know what. it worked danny. she cried. i do. air dd. a. nm. and. he did. you can. chu was one. this program is brought you by critically. waste from norway's mainstream crews were lies. exploring one thousand miles of norwegian coastline the report include counters and access to wilkinson. the russia back to


Transcripts For KCSM JN1 Headline News 20140411

acting prime minister is any of you is expected to travel to the depth of april eleven resisted efforts to reach a compromise. march has been suspended from the council of europe in protest against what god created your towards ukraine and the annexation upright me out. the ap russian parliamentarian to worship and it will not be able to vote in the assembly or take part in an election observation mission. nevada was preceded by a three hour debate boycotted by most of the russian delegation the council of europe whose members come from forty seven european states stopped short of withdrawing price is right for good arguing that it would not help the effort to solve the biggest crisis between the west to rush up to the fall of the berlin wall . i knew the routine use of june more. when we want when you leave. no more. i know. it is. the eu the to break the results and not be over according to the municipal health department has confirmed twenty five cases of the highly contagious disease the fifth of february. it starts with a high fever and rash falling debris nose red eyes and a cough measles virus can last for at least a week. starting in the face and moving down the body at times even spreading to the palms of hands and soles of feet. the emergency room doctor i didn't hear the gospel says that what really complicates the situation could be and freakishly medical workers failed to recognize the core institutions. this results in the disease spreading especially since the price is airborne and highly infectious for up to four hours in a closed off days. a lot of doctors are not familiar with that of the presentation which often is the rest of the term begins in the years to a high fever first and then the rest was from the head down to the body the face to face to the tram to the abdomen. and there's a disease which a lot of doctors young doctors and ever seen. measles can also cause serious complications like diarrhea pneumonia anything dad. one of every one thousand cases a speedo there's also a high chance of concocting a lifelong disability. fiji's deafness and blindness. highly contagious virus has been eliminated in us and canada in two thousand and two according to a branch of the world health organization in the americas. however the large increase in cost effective people coming from abroad said tuesday that it doesn't live in a break in quebec canada which lasted almost two years the western your gently separate governments tend to trend among youth to convert to islam joined islamist rebel groups to fight in middle eastern insurgencies mothers fathers brothers and sisters of the article i steamed the two met in paris the french anthropologist specializing in some detail on this our first apartment that will help to deal with the pain and suffering of the freedom of belief is that a cliff. sabina college sixteen year old daughter sarah left for syria and my mother or father dropped off at school three days later she called her parents to say she was fine but could not tell them where she was a disaster it's so cute that she used to tell him pushing years old younger sister not to waste is dumped on the internet that the chairs because it was not put the house so she didn't steal any of these we didn't even have the slightest idea she was brainwashed and in some way be typed into the theme was awestruck at the surface of the books to school dominique owns a sixty discovered last year to thirty lbs on the cliff and corn protect islam and been killed in suicide bombing in the syrian city of homes in december twenty second of his younger half brother dijon danielle had been killed in fighting month earlier. those easy and fun they all used up i have nothing against religion of islam. when you convert it into a team that seems like too often it is less tedious. that's the thing we have denounced as he must be able to find who is behind that and some of the month occurred because people to make me keep them on saturday night in the sun then the second. as many as two thousand youths have traveled to syria to fight alongside islamic and come back pretty sure all of god's covenant with the rebellion started nearly three years to go. france europe's largest muslim population has become a major center for recruitment to six hundred and seven hundred french nationalist residents are believed to have volunteered to fight in syria the eye rottnest the correct name a few years ago. ultra traditional dishes with a modern twist or served with finest israel the winds one would think it would be difficult to introduce scoring once in prawn stock on to win to reach winemaking tradition. but the yen the frock will be installed to quote you if a great number of oscar wines has succeeded in attracting wine lovers who are extra. is that he could get in the dumps i was elated to crush their intensity is they are the ones we're becoming a director and actor. and i decided to take it personally i went to israel. i'm able to produce tears they capitalized. he's going to drown in walkabout went to a quieter boring college aid and development guilty so i could make appointments for disaster and the first one which was made in collaboration with eminem who was the famous and he and they need to tune in next to his opening panel. i am today wednesday at christie's really want him thinking that the most important extra toes really boring. mr morgan said he went to the ground with local content costs are going for it to grow. it really that old self esteem into the age eighteen and three good conscience goings on at length on an adjusted the seat. the natural association between wine and pleasure gave to me i am and her team the gao organizing meetings for people looking for a soulmate. if you don't see eye to eye the air trying to read it like to see the classical guitar concert going into the tickets especially for unmarried people for the company in the ngo community. they will be able to meet and talk with a single lines. i try to make those crazies and played games so they can wear and have fun and hopefully for many who come to that. yes danielle. after working for many years as a tv producer yen and the frog decided to try to live for her passion for inventive dishes growing spear asian from different to jewish hollinger tradition. i specialize in caustic a scene from all over tomorrow is my passion i read a lot of books here are beginning toipes at contend for a taste of he authotoddrets a tssue with the crazyte parenting rights. i mean frankly that the trial was announced grants to bring peace to northern africa. we also stand to face with coconut milk and honey with two nephews pastrami he could be good to have their mind or at least we can leave it right to be creative and have fun but also to help people the re discovery was sayremely things going on a that you are looking around to look at. yeah i was cutting the cos her wines are a perfect match for people to open up in the honduras. this tuesday the twenty third is just the excuse that people can meet aaron something friendly. we like it here the scene of the sponsors of the evening. everything is caution has to understand whether you're looking for israeli wine court refusing to romance. you definitely should stop the body in the opener of a peach jam one paris the increased use cheaper units he has voiced concerns of rising anti semitism in the country following the far right she'll put policy success in last weekend's national elections. one in five hungarians budget for the widely perceived anti semitic feel that you would buy party promises to create jokes cracked down on crime and hold a referendum on eu membership the substantial election plainfield it makes it one of the strongly supports the far right politician year. laurie for tens of thousands of cheese and red meat chips he's hungry. if in a can be prosecuted for that despite assurances from recently elected prime minister the government who was more to integrate them into society. the capital budapest is hunted out a two percent of countries to use one of the seat is rocky's ribeiro told israeli media that govern the peace and torrents of swastikas have been dying for but not instances of government acts have been reposted the world jewish congress still has a new assembly in budapest last year is to do is due to a recent venue to highlight the rise of neo political parties across european states. following the result the hon gary and ambassador to israel. i'm too and i she was going to do this angle which was a minority in our county which enjoy manipulating the country's disadvantaged groups he added that the ruling consent of the best policy would not tolerate hostile speeches against anyone who couldn't use and that the punishment for denying the holocaust would be enforced. no bikini the devil one on has tried to minimize the parties' anti semitic stereotypes. despite previous to my aunt's from one needle micah in two thousand twelve to requested the government to drop a list of cheese he produced what he called a national threat the growing support the opaque reflects the far right shift which also encompasses greece's golden dawn france's national front in ukraine so called upon to write is political forces are expected to make gains in the parliamentary elections next month . lifted from pool to cool down an estimated six and a half million in united states making it the largest jewish community in the world in recent years we have seen the widening split between the communities in israel and us with some very crucial issues which those sides differ in their opinions the pew research center in washington has recently published the most comprehensive poll ever conducted of the in america and it's the researchers have made it all the way to israel to shed their alarming results to maybe to wake up this summer that the israeli decision makers. today i was in an israeli diplomat for many years that makes the rich indigenous people of israel and the jewish people in america is truly alarming i am very close to the way it did not open to us and he is in my head through the ages weekly lineup for the jewish people living in and added that a meeting in the united states it is a protected and a survey which did you. it's the team gave the police arrived it was yet to tell me. this sixty percent. all the jewish population. i won't. isn't that nice to see her in pursuing a ph growth. it's not the easement that day. we should be taught that the state. being bald is one of the jewish people. place dough into two isn't that difficult for a shadow cabinet to use the uk. gah living dead. i doubt if many jewish federation in illinois called an open center though the united states. it cannot be too little ditty by the government buildings in any society that the god to give the american cheese increasingly especially among younger cheaper to make two of religion to eat it at that cute institute alan cooper man who has led the study talks about numbers that should worry every june and lo there a lot of different rhythms of life one that thinks it's gained a lot of attention. it is that there's a growing percentage of american who identifies tuition. don't identify with the jewish religion. that is to see the gospel with their religion is they will not tell you jewish they will say atheist or nonstick or nothing in particular among younger jewish adults those under the age of thirty fully a third cannot identify with the jewish religion when it only lets relationships and choose the religion. there are less than fall to less connected with jewish organizations the jewish community in general and united states and their attitudes toward israel. ahh are also blessed positive there are less emotionally attached to israel and the supportive of israel and their growing percentage of younger in particular in the states. the chairman of the new bell family foundation jr dollar admit it was crucial for him when he decided to fund the three such that no dishes in his nation would be involved in conducting it so that no one could ever played. it was biased. the support of the pew study. thank you for all those pure research wyatt's buy anything. would it not one of the jewish organization supporting this gorgeous ourselves that is our family foundation. and when you are interested in getting the facts out to the for forty five years the united states. very concerned about jewish continuity and many other organizations united states federation's synagogues the church communities looking at the numbers and saying what do we do some things that we've been doing arrived at the right conclusions. we don't see results. with the take the same resources and rectum somewhere else to read the expression the young people point to the jewish community. the chairman of the change agents he is running up and tell us it makes it wakes up every morning when he gets to be in them. this strategy is to convince to come to israel danger to israel and abroad that are developing normal most love to send them into the future due to the souls of different densities in expenses. it was rooting for that so called jewish education. i have many different ways and developing new ways to produce eggs and you should have. looks like the di luca the least begun but the question to be asked is who will be that jason eaton who will be strong enough to pick up the gloves and stepped up to do what needs to be done in order to reunite the jewish people around the world. the jane wyman on jacobson in israel i the one of the most highly prized pieces of chinese porcelain on the planet has sold for thirty six million us dollars so these auction in hong kong to the new world record for any piece of chinese porcelain ever sold these chicken cups were first created in the tango of rain in the fifteenth century the last couple offered for sale with the nineteen ninety nine and it is an established a record for any chinese work of art that cup soldier talks and is one of only four taking top remaining in private hands. it has gone to extraordinary good home. i'm in shanghai. the collection of mr du chien who hasn't the very famous museum was opened recently that the digital museum. and it will be when it returns the committee jamie and chicken cup and the whole time. he still has snow this week. they hugged and divine a jade necklace acquired by the cardiac ct stamps the world record for any gti title seventh and doubled its estimate of twenty seven point four four million us dollars after a fierce twenty minutes of bidding. i think that you think that the moods of being on call at this moment in asia is going to be seen in this entire week it's for the price is an appeal that the content the paintings. more than paintings purely an al qaeda cell. i think that to keep the updates an extremely good sign that the present climate it will grant financial climate of uncertainty this week spring sale indicates a strong appetite for high end art and jewelry in asia the davidson known for there should be torn bikes built for the open highway has unveiled a new light. harley like any model has released before with than expected retail price of six thousand five hundred to seven thousand five hundred us dollars the streets will be the most affordable by the company of book marketing years in the first u s small bites praying the holy name in over fifty years the harley davidson motorcycles are known as hogs are usually bigger heavy bikes suited for the open road to be incredibly stable on the highway on so they wouldn't be as suitable for a city environment where you have to hunt the terms then i'm in an hour traffic and so forth. so this new bike is designed with that in mind the release of the street put charlie in direct competition with japanese bike makers who already have strong brands of their own history is one of the simplest motorcycles the party has ever produced and with the cost is just a bit more than the best the school to the company hopes its trip down to zion with check the younger demographic with them and in this number one market the us declined. since traditional customer base. why is it a white man all over fifty are round fifty nine years in asia and over the last few years they've really it moved to break that demographic and reach a much wider audience history will arrive in american jewish it this way the party expects to ship anywhere from seven thousand to ten thousand units as well as they can find rollout in half a dozen countries including italy spain and portugal. the iconic lotus but the world renowned artist claude mundane routine christie's impressionist and modern art sale in new york next month june eighteen oh seven pm to watch and at least valued at thirty five million yen stalinist is part of the collection of masterpieces by bringing our accounts and informal featuring a preview in hong kong. morning was two days of this exceptional quality didn't appear on the auction market very often. what's doubly excited about this painting is the fact that it's being hidden from view for nearly eight years old by the presenter in nineteen thirty and not seen since three of the race continues while in the scoring in the eyes depicting his card in france are part of the collection from the estate of william andrews clark america's richest and the turn of the twentieth century the haunting works of art can only conclude that those invited into the apartments of clark's daughter and amateur artists can pop them in nineteen thirty. there are three more masterpieces by french impressionist care and peace to remark from the carcass date for auction through our state. i don't play is valued at two five million years dollars isn't a most valued at five point five million dollars and is raised the issue on all the dow is worth fifteen million us dollars. she's a pro highlights of the screen you precious to more than a score of contemporary art sales to hong kong because we have a strong and growing collective based here in asia. i think there is certainly a strong and the long tradition of collecting and is on the world whether it is weston on school will hold warm glow and it's an area where we are expecting increasing growth for the coming years. according to christie's fifty four a lot auction is expected to raise two hundred forty five million years dollars to ten and sixteen leaders dollars heist can still party for such art since may two thousand ten. prehistoric reptiles known as tassel is believed to have gone extinct sixty six million years ago are now getting a new lease on life at new york's american museum of natural history although they do not belong to the dinosaur family did consider close relatives and lived in the same era scientists now believe that they would not only the first backbone creatures other than birds and bats that have applied but also the largest ever inhabit our planet. just hours after only you knew who they were that the first animals with god wants to achieve true power flapping flight so that there will be unique in the adelaide hills represent the largest animals we know of africa have power some of the twin spans up to ten meters across. this is a huge huge animal. how's the moment they're not related to birds are not related to doubts are just a unique group of reptiles that after our costs related to dinosaurs but are dinosaurs which did when they of all that they were very diverse and innovative in every time the exhibition includes tessa was fossils as well as interactive tools which explored how the animals with their plight. we have a couple of differing in iraq is in the show which allowed him to manipulate s doesn't end with an initial one that talks about the things that make up slightly from that interact and crossed back he warned about those then you can go in and try those out on wine two different types of ties. when you can sort of catch fish. the others he can chase cicadas are very thick forest. the exhibit is expected to stay at the museum into jesuit fourth two thousand and fifteen giving everyone the opportunity to step back in time in marble that the magnificent and unusual creatures i know. palm beach county the jewish population has exploded in recent years in addition to a sizeable all the population the number of younger families has also expanded and now going places like boynton beach and boca raton on. the population of palm beach county just north of miami stands at about one hundred million people. the u s census bureau says the population rose to eighty four percent between two thousand ten in two thousand thirteen. despite having a significant jewish population as recently as the nineteen seventies in some parts of this area now over fifty percent of households are jewish. traditionally this part of the us has been a haven for retirees of march a jewish communities. much of the recent growth can be attributed to younger jewish families. lebanon's president and ceo of the jewish federation of south palm beach county starting to see especially in our own community here in south beach county. the indigenous community candidates living here working here raising their families. um building a life here really be a need to take their will and arrived in their place within the jewish communal structure getting involved in setting of orange agency warns federation boards and being part of the true fabric of jewish life. among them that prowess family who live in poker account. according to the jewish federations of north america they represent a trend in palm beach county brian and joe i'm prowess as children aged two and three a lot of the jewish population under the age of seventy units more than doubled in some parts of the mustang came. it's really an advantage for awesome for our children because with all of those families come opportunities for things to do with your children and in ways to engage them in the jewish community in different activities that they can be involved with so i think that's part of what draws people to this area is that they're sorry so much here to enjoy and take advantage of brian prowess to leave south florida's become immortal. the jewish communities worldwide will venture into great young people. it seems to me that the jewish community naturally globally is realizing that i'm there reaching out to young families and families of young children. his is the best way to ensure continuity and among the jewish people i think we're seeing that in practice local. the rind until i met around say that grows in the jewish population of south florida's having negative consequences too there's a sense of complacency there's a sense of being jewish by location or association and not as much of a desire to tend to dive in and then really immerse yourself in the courtroom the community as the jewish population of palm beach county continues to grow so do with the number of services catering to the jewish community of schools to senegal to community centers. and it's a trend that demographer see continuing into the future speak more to jerry and one and the court of florida. i the rule. do. rudy. to me. do we who are. the room. all i did. as i . open. . zune. i want my child. american institute in taiwan spokesperson marks america speaking rumor is that the united states pressured democratic progressive party over the cross strait trade in services agreement sandra's that the us has maintained a neutral standpoint as this is an issue for the people of taiwan to be solved the annual the end o


Transcripts For KCSM Newsline 20140508

their products and are feeling the pinch. pro russian separatists in eastern ukraine are going ahead with plans to hold a referendum this sunday to seek greater autonomy the man and an expert to discuss russian president vladimir putin's requests for most home. analysts say putin wants to pave the way for talks with authorities the separatists leader dennis push him and told reporters after the meeting and he decided that voters will cast their ballots on the eleventh as scheduled ukraine's military has been trying to convict armed pro russian separatists from buildings they are occupying as funny as in several eastern cities. many civilians on both sides of the couple have been killed or wounded since fighting intensified last week ukraine's acting present alexander church and of the said on thursday his government is ready to meet with representatives of local governments in activist but he said he will talk on people with blood on their hands. anti government protesters in thailand are calling for a new administration a day after prime minister you like no one was forced to step down tried to douse in a bangkok as the story. now sit demonstrations are planned in the coming days by supporters and going in something that her brother self exiled former prime minister taxation and watch the political confusion is deepening. the world cup on someone's back reports the us the constitutional court decision that won't be the prime minister. he then moved to anti government groups. the court allows the ministers to remain bitter cold. but protesters started monday direct summation of all the cabinet members. keep fighting until the entire cabinet resigned on wednesday the court brown promised reading not guilty of abusing or how were you i'd interfering in the appointment of a senior official in two thousand and eleven. tonight the ministers who were allegedly involved in the incident were posted there were many ministers held a cabinet meeting on thursday to confirm that the parliament re election would take place in july as casual. he doesn't love a bargain. we insisted on pushing for an election. but i think we'll know who is causing a problem. felix loves you the home of prime minister singh and his loyalists government. don't make it to the people in the heavily populated north and northeast. the pretence of being left behind by economic growth. you can pass a law student elections in two thousand and one the anti government parties have only a slim chance to win votes. protesters who disrupted actions during the general election in the preemie to the mind reform of the electorate history. there's no guarantee the election is liable to how smoothly. and does come without any dialogue. there must be a dial up the lincoln should be done and this election will not be an ordinary election just as i read it all. he would have to be an election in order to warm up on together just like the national parliament the government's progress as the election caretaker has already been curtailed the ousting of the problem is there and other key command members has only deepened the political vacuum. therefore long term while it is this that and the undermining of honesty and second largest economy when someone so much and as kewell bangkok. should this house is clean shiny stones from these vessels continued on thursday in disputed waters in the south china sea about one hundred shots with explanations remain around the disputed carousel iowans the confrontation broke out when a chinese state run oil company began drilling in the waters claimed by both countries. the area has rich oil reserves. the two nations are teaching fierce criticism with no sign of a resolution the wills act. the ports. if not supporting the nice treaty if i just about drinking speaking chinese. an enemy because i caught a fish out of bed. the chinese have them meet you and i would take turns at the big money spent. it didn't mean coming strongly objects to the tiny state. according to a decision that the non hostile to the chinese ships deliberately rammed into the mini strokes. corey jones made front page news in economics major news paper is on top of. the he carried it down to parts of the developments in this house tennessee and the cba down a street of economics than seventh. i bought on the solution should resort to coax him and want to get a nice complement to take a strong stance toward china. i think that i didn't know vietnam cannot make any concessions to tiny as this would affect other countries in the south china sea the chinese foreign ministry rejected an announcement. do you think you know you're here to read the eatery where this incident took place has always been on chinese territory to launch in china should of course with god and his territorial sovereignty and other core interests and geelong vfl should be aware of this but i believe china and vietnam. i should be able to resort to maintain the friendship another operation between the two nations. you can get us assistant secretary of state daniel ross know if his team handling it. he expressed concern about the intent of time that the devotees and security. you use when are you coming on all the countries in the region hard to refrain from unilateral actions that are can jeopardize peace. and on and raise tensions sis. what moves him to be speaking south china sea contest a week of the u s president obama about his war cabinet in the nation. they being signed daniel a pre agreement with the states. o'neill was before obama is keep the country. the themes also has up to current dispute with china and in this house the inmate area agreement and am blessed us both is so used to eat it then sticking to the teens. experts said china is testing vietnam association of south east asian nations invaded tuesday it has an alliance with the nineteen states. but did not pour off and on many dutch ninety vomiting crazy and has to cough up tying them on sale. the days of asean nations will call it this coming week. now i need to step up cooperation with the advent of cell membranes to see canada's edition while trying to upload to find the inspiration of patients he could see how timely any scale are you going. it's how the salsa will intensify attacks in afghanistan. they now spend is raising concerns about the safety of the runoff presidential election later this month how then released a statement on the net on thursday the group to clear it will launch a spring offensive against intruders and their collaborators from next monday. the statements as that will upgrade its attacks against the us led international troops afghan security forces and senior government officials. most of the foreign troops in afghanistan are scheduled to withdraw from the country this year. calvin says it's pi is entering a crucial phase. not much to choose the successor to president karzai. siobhan has been continuing its attempts to disrupt the election. this thinking is adding to the hears about whether security he explained during their prime. in bangkok will go back her studio in tokyo thanks. you do. who is struggling with pain he told its citizens to whom and in increasing the rate of one of the entropy. she will come so don't open til tuesday every weekday from going into the world. people in the philippines are still rebuilding after one of the strongest typhoons ever recorded swept through the country. six months ago typhoon honey and flattening villages and left more than seventy three hundred people dead or missing. today two million people are still living in shelters an eight year old charming paragraph this report from one of the hardest hit areas six years on we are back on dvd and read thousands of homes and buildings for that the commercial center of the band has been repealed the nature cd and water are back on. on the town's outskirts. along the coast you can see real was a makeshift shelters made of tarps and high tennis salvage from the rubble the devastation was most severe in the spinach. people now putting you in on debating each which is the type who seem intent on five hundred people died when the wind out of every five. a seven year old vineyard up went this last record and a storm surge when a ship grounded to lead her brother and his family had been missing since then so many people do anything we found an ideal state for the property. parents he said a letter that will do. she is in the shelter using materials gathered from the rubble. her husband children and grandchildren well the all union under one roof. they want to move to temporary housing. mix dough into a million other people so far nine is available when tissues to treat each at a local market that the job is gone. she sets she only has three he was on its creamy. this is tough every now and i are hitting on to write in candidates they have seen. due to hormone east. i know it you'll soon have to say abt the people he badly wanted to be relegated and all the city. we needed to pee how and where that be don't know. local and national governments have plans to build two hundred thousand temporary houses in the areas of me from the coast. but they are having problems securing the land. so far twenty one hundred thirty units have been a lot something worthy. but it really be. six more months to complete. all senior and it's a dental implant is how smoothly things to worry about me me. this year's typhoon season which starts next month. i will not let up but we do with your hand. i need to replace the historic leadership again. he lied three now. people can only predict the winner will be kind to him in the coming season. cheney made and actions. and teach the world no mind. the philippine red cross is one of the organizations that has been assisting people in devastated areas. when paying is the organisation's secretary general. she spoke to the nhk world about the current situation there i told her about it in order to emerge. he gets his due time. i would like to know tonight will be based on the import how old i am. i should eat and drink shelter material. me and poured it over one hundred fourteenth our house for them. or if you buy them go and fight for scandal. even changing. yes actively join he mentioned the shelter of a curio. it was no need. i'm show their support. i didn't want to help. i want to take the time and all of what a cheeky time. tht we had the lead up to help out where we're going to that the band. and i'm too much. after watching the pinky orange we need to laugh. he kept thinking that for a good part of getting it in these tendencies new things and helping people in the hospital to receive. i let other people and where to go for help. this should go pretty high he said. i teach because defeated. maybe i do that. toby had to reach the target brand identities of the department said. it was because he might have been that bad. and oh i know of any organization had not even reach the point of view shut up. i helped the team whitney had to call people have helped here. to me. we are in the future of teaching support. it was a dog for improving their skills in it that they can't just be the wire is hard to break them down. the international red cross and red crescent movement have reached more than three hundred fifty million us dollars to help survivors of the typhoon. i and i. policymakers at the european central bank and decided to keep the record low key interest rate unchanged at zero point two five percent. ecb board members met in brussels on thursday to drop monetary policies for the single currency bloc. deflation concerns remain strong in the eurozone the consumer price index went up zero point seven percent in april it was higher than the previous month but was below market expectations policymakers are also concerned about russia's stand up with the us and european nations over ukraine and has been a turbulent factor in the financial markets. here the latest market figures the eye. it is would you do. its readership see nine months of peace talks with the palestinians and in disarray and they find themselves in an economic squeeze more and more europeans have been demanding that the israelis and their occupation of palestinian territories. and they're refusing to buy israeli products. nhk world call it sushi reports from jerusalem i know it the boycott movement is gathering steam these are cases in its origin. going to buy his body you see across the uk. my front teeth. saving one one ec and continue generating global publicity for their cause. i can just call it depends on getting these should be quashed. for these friendly company. this is after storm of trees. she resigned as goodwill ambassador for the national energy ol' box for each position she held for eight years. sorry for the company is in the crosshairs. because its production base is in the west bank. he's already occupied territory. kosmina after this started a boy called moved back in two thousand and five. recently it's attracting strong support from the. some customers are steering clear of items from israel. also the two i have nothing against the israeli people the i'm going to do so to show my opposition the government's occupation policies. this idea. for the last year. european union added to the press. decided to withdraw tax breaks but what i do called oprah that won't do the occupied west bank. it was a hard lol. it was ready farmers. rose was in the west bank with government support the eu decision means that it was cortex and no longer competitive in your pmr. it looks interesting the showcase and sell some joke like close to twenty percent on video. so in addition i didn't think the damage would be so great i don't know if i can continue farming. just get things stay this way farmers aren't the only ones feeling the heat. my front door behind the bar sophie the house has seen its gold price fall. i would say the oval one. when pressed as to what. i did contribute their business. steyn be argued for the slightly scary costumes they are the company is forced to end operations in joke if i cared for. many palestinians will lose their jobs. i can either shut down its factory in fire one thousand three hundred people among them five hundred palestinians you met many of them today they will go hungry and their families will go hungry. why is a place of employment to an obstacle to peace on the contrary a place of employment can bring people together to normalize people's lives. even as the boycott movement gains momentum. the israeli government is pushing ahead with its occupation policies if ever a design means a person elbow those latter belonging to palestinian bomber. some doctors. and who did more than one hundred page thesis. the israeli forces cited security concerns. darling who lives in the occupied territory had no choice but to accept the destruction. no more than i intended to choose carefully as i move them they were my children have been in a multiple of the bay when i pulled a source of income to me in my family. i'll give up what movement has been a throw in the spotlight. for now waits to see what impact it has and occupation kosmina said. i've got four aces in the world. he was about. rainy season is arriving in parts of japan and china and our meteorologist roberts better hence more on this robber well yes we are continuing the wants is a big band of cloud cover and rain showers really stretched across much of southeastern china over through the southern japanese islands in the far today actually we have seen some fairly heavy rainfall on thursday across much of open our mouth at low pressures which topped with these but the band still really pushes back and forth the west in what we are seeing is heavy showers continue to linger across much of food on the guangdong province. i see some areas over the next three or four days could see as much as three to four hundred millimeters of rain the threat with that is definitely flying even some landslides out here just with the persistent showers continuing to occur and as this develops is going to eventually start to work its way off there towards the east so those of you in too much of mainland japan why sell by saturday night into sunday as well is eventually going to start the track off to orchard direction now. until that happens to one of the accumulation i love most of the present edition is remaining back and forth the west but much of mainland japan even off their tours and work it out to sea had the widespread showers a few afternoon pop up thunderstorms very well could occur though he did in the tokyo though the surprise by friday evening. if you do hear a rumble of thunder to back towards the west of the korean peninsula some clear skies in all four castle with a high of twenty four and on for the soft tropical afternoon thunderstorms continuing the pub opposite there for you those of you in to manila the height of thirty five thousand take a look over towards the americas i don't want to talk about a lovely tropical disturbance the week is kind of a relative term because it still bringing rain showers read along the immediate coastline of central portions of mexico just northwest of acapulco is going to be really good lingering there so for those of you father in linen to mexico city. don't expect much rain showers there for you but if you're off the toys the west there is still a threat of flooding so some of the threat of flooding in the not so much that but the damaging winds tornadoes in a large pale another one a severe weather outbreaks going on across much of the central plains this storm system continued to roll off their twenties even rain showers and thunderstorms extracting all the way over towards new york city but its southern portions of another minnesota northern iowa where the high use the rocks of the wall tornadoes a large field of i seventy years in diameter it even up to mama hundred and ten km province could occur from all souls farther down the towards south zone texas oklahoma awarded be surprised if you see any reports of some damaging weather there as well as the system does continue the roll off therefore ceased out ahead of it. actually looking at some pretty steamy weather caitlin atlanta thirty one there for your height all fours washed in dc at twenty seven miami at thirty two in chicago and twenty eight bought by friday morning. chicago year to be seen alone the single digits once that front. does push by off therefore ceased to wire wrap things up here in europe we are continuing to watch a little actually push across the western portions of the year for the sins of the british isles the low countries is hearing the satellite picture some fairly windy conditions on here. also some pretty rough weather if you are over tours much of the northern france and germany. some thunderstorms in ukraine with that. meanwhile back for ccs are many trees in the low pressure area that is continuing the leader here and that can bring some nasty weather through the coming days i just wonder whether is it some forecasts ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay ay. i taught. researchers in tokyo have been showing authentic eco friendly new way to travel. they developed a belt that runs on batteries a team and to be a diversity of marine science and technology came up with the design the vessel can carry five people at speeds up to twenty kilometers an hour they can travel one hundred km then takes three hours to recharge the researchers say their boat is ideal for all these coaches propelled by three poetry treatment towards question for cures his new initiatives passengers will enjoy this but it is pretty well the route of cheney's it hopes to put the boat into commercial use a head of the twenty twenty the below pics. he says he would be a great way for foreign visitors to see the city. and then snooze line was around you know tony in tokyo the tests. here it with nhk world ep of the selection of bands and this week's lineup here we go out with diapers in nineteen ninety nine but it was the concert she became the youngest ever winner of the prestigious hiking in the competition. the program reports on every side don't sell it to help this year with a nine year old master pianist. next up is the last period on saturday. also i don't see the first survivors from the african continent has risen quickly to the sport's top division. but it hasn't always been easy for him in the traditional world of sumo. forget the story of this up and coming talent. it's the attic treasures the sunday program which focuses on bicycle ye eat this. artists from around the world finds deep appeal in the creative freedom allowed when making this degree i keep pondering report on the passion of these artisans and on their turf the lavish creations please check our website for the broadcast gentle in your time zone and state stands to nhk world tv. and he's a celebrity in two completely different way world famous film director. can she keep going. and brilliant comedian to be catchy. he keeps his finger on the poles apart might have been caught attention. for me. she's been known to the world takeshi to come out. he's come to japan and remote all he can reach and to meet in august and fuses traditional craft with cutting edge design she


Transcripts For ALJAZ News 20220817

hit europe during a sweltering summer of drought storms and record breaking heat pump car kenya's, president elect says he'll engage with any challenge to his victory while his rival prepares to contest the election results. ah, the cost of living crisis is hitting economies and hurting consumers all over the world. a perfect storm created by pandemic lead supply shortages. the ukraine war and crops devastated by climate change has seen inflation surge globally. that's leading to unrest and discontent. as families struggled to put food on the table, huge demonstrations are taking place in argentine as trade unions demand urgent action from the government. the nation has one of the highest inflation rates in the world where consumer prices have risen, a staggering 71 percent in the past year. the u case become the 1st g 7 nation to see inflation enter double digits. sewing food prices pushed the consumer price index a twin point one percent in july, well ahead forecast. and despite 6 interest rate rises was spiraling course aren't just hurting wealthy economies in the 11 years since the conflict began in syria. country seen its currency collapse to one percent of its pre war value, or we have more on that in just a 2nd. but 1st, this report from daniel schriner, inborn as iris. what these are all of those, raise your, your groups a coming out today. they generally support the left leaning government a fernandez. they recognize that the government is in a very difficult situation. you mentioned in your introduction, judy that inflation so far the last 12 months has been at 71 percent. some analysts pretty good going to be as high as 90 to 100 percent or maybe more by the end of 2022 to a very serious situation. really hitting work is very, very hard that seeing the value of their wages diminishing by the 7.4 percent in july. or the latest figures that we have for argentina to this pledging that supports jeopardy for the government of what they're calling for. those who sent the prices, the entrepreneurs, the supermarket, owes us the farmers. they're asking them to try to control the prices, keep the crisis down to a livable level so they can cope. or they can put food on their table or with a daily basis. and not have to deal with watching the price is going up almost by the day here in argentina, a country that has been suffering high inflation for several years now. not particularly bad at the moment, threatening to get much more was in the months ahead to really argentina needs to make drastic steps towards solving the intrinsic problems, the fundamental problems that has willing to culminate before it can bring inflation down. so very, very serious situation out this at this stage and the government options are very limited while it is cripple without international data. it's very difficult to pay . so against the u. s. dollar. inflation in the u. k is jump to 10 point one percent in july. it's highest since february 1982 businesses and has sold who were already feeling discrete or under even more economic pressure. intensifying peer 7 energy and economic crisis. sonya k go reports from london in testing times come opportunities for don parsons, a founding partner, the case, largest electric bike business. the shadow cost by the pandemic was a chance to get people out of the vehicles and try a greener, more cost effective way of getting around it paid off. but what's happened is demand has gone up enormously for alternative means of transport. and supply has just fallen through the flow, our costs as a business of great enormously as well. you know, we've seen rent in cases and they're across associated with that. across the country, businesses are feeling the pressure in 2020 to design a cap. mccone overcame financial challenges by focusing on e commerce, but now her business has to navigate those storing, shipping costs, affecting global trade. we're looking at about 35 to 40 percent in some cases on, on last year costs. which really isn't our margin. say we're actually being on stock in from china at the moment. so we're actually looking to move from by match, manufactured to spain, sort of eliminate some of that extra shipping costs. well, businesses are seeing huge increases in the cost of materials. many of those that can't afford to absorb those costs for having to pass them on to the consumers. have less cash to spend. and with many of them also having to make serious choices about what they need to come back on, such as food or fuel. as energy costs rise, so to have food prices pushing inflation up to a 40 year high with the bank of england predicting it will get worse before the end of the year. people who are already working already have job the still call find the way to make and the, and that's where we have all these energy prices started to increase in the problem is you pay quarter mirror much longer period of time has actually been people have been doing the right thing, but unable to pay the bills, but a cost of living outstripping wage growth in the u. k. there is already enormous pressure on household. but as the summer turns to autumn, further challenges await. the bank of england predicts inflation will increase before the end of the year, just when the capital fuel prices set to increase. seeing a massive rise in energy bills, leaving many fearing a winter of discontent. and the government faced with difficult decisions on how to deal with the incoming storm. sony diagonal i'll to 0 london. ah. at least a 100 people have died as a result of heavy rains and trench of floods across saddam dozens of villages have been destroyed. the government says the floods of cause more damage than it can handle. hip morgan purports furniture here. some item fair and had the alley is trying to collect what he can from his home. it was damaged and left submerged by heavy rains and torrential floods. in a manner again into dance g 0, estate law market, lashara, blah you hi le you hi we now dont have any food or water. the floods came in the middle of the not well, i was working on a night shift to be able to provide food from our family. similar damage and destruction can be seen in houses around the village. more than 700 homes were destroyed in over 50 villages in edmond again, the district has been declared a disaster zone. abraham use of family was one of more than 3000 affected by the floods in the region. maria hush, it got added, added. the water came in tor, down the front walls. they then entered the rooms and we moved away as they started collapsing around us. all these houses have collapsed to none more. and my goal is now largely sub married homes are not the only places affected. farm lands have also been devastated by floods threatening the harvest season. around november, already nearly a 3rd of to dance $43000000.00 people are short of food, and prices have increased in the past month. government officials say the scale of damage in almanac. it is unprecedented. local number 2, okay. and in nor law, we were expecting the damage should be less. so we were surprised by the amount of destruction the flood season usually causes damage with that. but what we have seen this year is beyond the state's ability to respond. many people are now waiting for help, but with more torrential rains forecast and floods expected. they're worried it may come too late. he but morgan, alta 0 with this have overflowed across large parts of india, forcing residence to abandon their homes, buildings in western. my shorter and good europe states have been inundated with muddy waters or flood victims in easton edition said say they're struggling with a shortage of drinking water. seasonal monsoon rains cause deaths and masters placement, of course south asia every year, but they also deliver within 70 percent percent of india's rainfall and they're crucial for farmers at least $26.00 people have been killed and dozens injured in forest fires in northeastern algeria. most of the desk were in l. tar. near the border with to museum firefighters and helicopters are trying to contain almost 40 blazes, which are threatening residence in several provinces. when the 350 people have been forced to flee their homes, scientists a warning that europe strive could be the worst in 500 years while fires in southern parts of the continent are still devastating large areas. but is nadine barbara reports extreme rainfall is also causing chaos. ah, my point is retreating briefly in southeastern spain there trying to stop the flames from reaching houses in the valley. the able area near valencia huge fight began when like the struck the weekend fuel quite strong winds. it's forced hundreds of people from their homes. what i say for this year's plains had almost 400 walt boys, and they've already destroyed more than 3 times the area consumed by flames. in 2021. they've been fueled by heat waves and drought conditions that scientists attribute to climate change. in germany, the drought means you can see so called hunger stones at various sections of the river royal centuries ago. they were placed on dry river beds and marched toward the future. generations, their exposure could signal famine over in france, the country's longest river, the low arc looks like this. record drought has cut the river flow to a trickle meaning in places, people could almost walk from one shore to the other. and then were some atrista. some at least perish. we need on elijah, it makes me sad because i grew up here and i've never seen it like that before we go to the border holes over there with the children and fish. scientists are wanting that low river levels across france are assigned that can't be ignored. relationship ma, comanche e, got it and in error climate change is underway. it's undeniable. and that compels us to rethink our rules for sharing water resources. we must understand that we're all affected, author is a common good will, and every one of us will have to rethink our behavior. or if we share where the rain has finally arrived. like here in paris, it's badly needed, but europe's having to get used to heavier down pause. travelers on the metro had to contend with flooded stations. metty or false reported that one months worth of rain fell in the space of an hour. at scotch. oh, and the sky is also opened in london with parts of the u. k. capital, experiencing flash flooding. thunderstorms are expected in england and wales, and with the dry soil, almost impenetrable. in areas people are being wants to watch out for further flooding. nadine barber al jazeera in northern argentina, a huge wild fire is burning through peep land and giving off thick smoke local seats becoming hard to breathe. the region of entre rios has been coping with a 4 year drive driving a fire season. that's worse than usual. several people have been killed in a powerful explosion at a sunny mosque in the northern cobble. the blast happened during evening prayers on wednesday. police haven't yet confirmed the number of casualties, but say the mom of the mosque was amongst those killed cobbles. emergency hospital says it's treating at least $27.00 patients, including a 7 year old child, but it's not get no one what caused the explosion? arsons tax and explosions of hits 17 locations in southern thailand, in what appears to be a series of coordinated assaults on shops and petrol stations. the 7 people were injured in the attacks in 3 provinces. no one's claimed responsibility, but they have been decades though of low level insurgency in areas near the border with malaysia. groups are seeking independence for predominantly muslim areas. still to come on out to 0. diplomatic reset between israel and turkey. they're restoring relations after years of string ties. is another conflict brewing in the balkans, natal chiefs hall crisis towards the serbia and possible. aah! hello there. severe weather. warnings remain for new zealand. but before we get there, let's have a look at australia. we've got high pressure in charge, keeping things launching fine and dry up in the north. and we will see a return of those conditions to the west. that's off to that severe cold front moves across the bite, bringing those gusty winds, heavy rain and storms, and snow to the alpine regions of the south east. now behind this we have got some very chilly winds, moving enough to knock temperatures down across many of the cities here. and even sydney will see a decline in the temperature as the rain rolls in on friday. but there will be some sunshine coming in by saturday. now it's looking very unsettled across new zealand . we've had exceptional amounts of rain. you can see from the satellite image. we've got to convey a belt of rain moving in. that's thanks to an atmospheric river that's moving down south. we could see up to 600 millimeters of rainfall here. that's $2.00 to $4.00 times the amount we usually see in august. those red rain warnings remaining for the west. but by the time we get into friday, that system blows its way down further south. it is an improving picture for the south, but up in the north while the rain continues. oakland is going to be rather wet this weekend that she weather update. ah. when covert night team 1st hit, the need to minimize contact drove many of the world's judicial systems online. now in the name of cost and efficiency, some of them want to stay there. but what is holding trials in cyberspace denies defendants the right to a fair hearing and remove safeguards against abuse. people empower investigate on line justice on a j 0. lou ah, ah. reminder of our top stores here on al jazeera, huge demonstrations are taking place in argentina. as the rising cost of living continues to take its toll argentina as $1.00 of the highest inflation rates and consumer prices. there have risen staggering 71 percent in the past year. at least a 100 people have died as a result of heavy rains and renshaw floods across sedan. dozens of villages have been destroy. the government says the flags have cause more damage than the country can handle. scientists war and the ongoing drive in europe could be the worst in 500 years. the fire scene in southern parts of the continent are still devastating large areas. some regions, though, are now experiencing extreme rainfall. israel and turkey are restoring full diplomatic ties. after years of discord, both countries will be re appointing ambassadors. the turkish foreign minister said despite the move, turkey would not be abandoning its support for the palestinian sir, wrestle. sir, dur has mourner for miss tumble. the breakthrough announced it to be from his ride to prime minister, yet le pete at defined a moment for the 2 states that used to cooperate in military and other spheres, but who over 10 years had become estranged and the turkish foreign minister mode of shoulder was quick to confirm the development it is fled in normal, less messy conason that up among the steps we plan to normalize relations. there was also the re appointment with respect of ambassador. if you remember, we made a statement in the news conference we held with mister left that we started work on the employment of a positive step came from israel as the result of things f searcy. we also decided to appoint them passage to israel televi feel that nation between the 2 companies sought after israel attack garza in 2008, killing more than a 1000 palestinians. but it was the gun floated rate in 2010. the fully severed ties between the 2 countries, israeli clues attacked the flotilla, which was carrying mediterranean 8 for gaza in international waters killing 9 turkish citizens. since then, diplomatic ties had been virtually non existent when i guess. in one year there will be a presidential election here in turkey, but it inflation at more than 70 percent wants to attract in western us from regional countries. there are security challenges to in syria and the eastern mediterranean basin to get these israel as a strong player. and for israel turkey is seen as a balance of power in a region threatened by iran. the final push to man relations started last year in march is rarely present. isaac isaac, this is a turkey and mad turkish president raj, a pipe out on 2 months later, took his for the minister cho shawl. a visit to tel aviv. the final major step toward normalization of relations was when his ready prime minister yield up hit wisdom arkwright in june. it was during that trip that the 2 sites agreed on a roadmap to fully restored a diplomatic ties however took. he also made it clear that it will not compromise when it comes to supporting the palestinian course. has the missouri lithium is given. we have always said we will continue to defend the rights of palestine, jerusalem and garza. and it's important that our messages are conveyed directly at the ambassadorial level in television that that support for palestinians remains assassin. and even with the full restoration of, to put my ties, is likely to remain a contentious difference between the 2 countries. rescue so that i'll just euro stumble. you and human rights, she says it's still not safe for hundreds of thousands of for hinge a refugee to return to me and my almost 5 years after they fled, a brutal military cracked. an michelle by chalet has been meeting with ginger in bangladesh, where the government schooling impatient about hosting refugees isolate also press bangladesh, o'lance human rights record as tanveer chandry report snap from the capital docker during your visit. michelle, especially the high commissioner for human rights, met with the bundle of the prime minister shack casino and government high officials, as well as civil society and rights groups. the high commissioner made clear that extra judicial killings and force disappearances where huge obstacles and the pursuit of justice. a race might be concerned about this is allegation, govern ministers, and highlighted the need for an impartial independence and transparent investigation into this allegations, accompanied by the sexual reform for international and local human rights organizations have the un high commissioner for human rights to press the bank with the government to ensure full accountability for the human rights abuse as but still persist in the country. beschler also raised our concern about self censorship in bung with the media. consequence of the digital security act, we have submitted a recommendations where we feel a revision of certain provisions of the act with a view to ensure the compliance with international restoral understand us preventing application or misuse. bachelor also visit the world's largest refugee camp in cox's bazaar on the south east coast. need to know should we be, must, then, what's the value of this response? press to create conditions for return, address the root causes and pursue the b team. she met with several refugees in the camp. the value that we just bought, i phone almost like i told her, we do want to return to me and my but we don't want to face depression and persecution again. and that needs to be insured. she assured us out to miles will be presented accordingly. a young not only are visiting here, michele bachelor, said the importance of bangladesh of humanitarian contribution and its historical significance cannot be overstated. unfortunately, the currency portion across the border means that the conditionals are not right for returns, repressive rebut she ation must always be conducted in a voluntary and dignified manner. only one save a sustainable conditions exist in me a marm. finally, she oxer bung with the she host to include members of the ro hang a community in the country, social and economic sectors. while they were in exile, tundra children, i'll 0 dot gov ukrainian president ramirez salon sky has shared a video of what he says is a russian strike on a dormitory in the city of car keith. the video shows emergency services at a building on fire, surrounded by debit card gives governor earlier said ocean shilling in a residential district, killed 6 people and injured several others, but it's not known. if this is the same attack, the head of the world health organization has suggested that racism is behind a lack of international attention being given to the plight of civilians in ethiopia. as war torn t drive legion ted drawers are not on gip, reggae sauce says 6000000 people. they are unable to access basic services due to the ongoing conflict question, why? the situation in te gray is not getting the same coverage as the war ukraine. in terms of humanitarian crisis. i can tell you that the humanitarian crisis integrate is more than you crate. without an exaggeration. and i say it is many months ago may be the reason these, the color of the scheme of the people into gray. i haven't heard of been the last 5 few months, several months. no. even the head of state talking about the ticket condition anywhere in the developed world, especially why i think we know a rebel quote in ethiopia has proposed to humanitarian truce as the country grapples with drought and warnings of famine. they are all more liberation. army says it's agreed to stop fighting, so agencies can deliver supplies to desperate areas who group also says it will open a humanitarian corridor. if the truce fails, aroma are the largest of the guilty as federal states is one of the areas most severely affected by drought. the un says more than 20000000 people in ethiopia are estimated to be in need of assistance. the sheer and most of them are women and children can yes, president elect william routine says there is no time to waste in running the country while his vow to lead a transparent democratic and accountable government and to get the economy back on track. on monday the electoral commission declared brutal the winner of the presidential vote by a razor thin margin of 50.4 percent. but his opponent royal at anger is disputing that result saying that he'll challenge it in court on tv screen, people for all 4 months. okay, say we listened to you guys. we want to know when the delivery of local minima is going to big i want to know that the expedition over the people are they're all. we do not have the whiskey any time. or malcolm webb has more now from nairobi. it was talking mostly about what they want to do when it from when they take office good. he was very much we'll get about when speaking with a lot of confidence that that would happen. but it was on tuesday afternoon, right? we're doing rejected those results and said that him and his coalition would do everything they could legally and constitutionally to get those results overturned . now the constitution give petition is 7 days after the announcement of the result . they were just 5 days left to file a petition to the supreme court waiting to find out. if ryder we're doing is immune coalition, or if other rights groups will file petitions in it, it can be expected at this stage for at least any politically motivated petitioners to keep that card close to that chest. when this happened last time, 5 years ago, following the election, then riley were doing it was at the time leading the opposition. he challenged the election results in court. that petition was submitted right to the last hour before that deadline was met. likely. so that lawyers given maximum time to gather evidence and minimum time for any responding to prepare. so we'll be watching over the next few days to see if anyone will be finding a petition up to the deadline, which will come on monday. nature peacekeepers will boost their numbers and take any measures necessary to ensure peace and possible attentions rise with serbia. as according to the alliance as chief against oldenburg, so crisis talks with serbia uncomfortable leaders to try to avert fresh conflict in the balkans intention since the end of july wouldn't possible declared the serbian identity documents and car number place wouldn't be valid on possible territory. serve minority in cost of all reacted by pre sample and firing guns in the air. you will host rare direct talks between serving president alexander church and possible prime minister alban currency thursday. odyssey was ordinance or it has more from rough nato secretary general young salzburg said in brussels that they are peacekeeping mission impossible. k 4 is ready to intervene if stability between serbia and kosovo is at 3 for them. are kept stock sweets, president of serbia, alexander will beach and kosovo prime minister all be in court on a recent vengeance between 2 western balkan neighbors and the day before their upcoming talks in your facility. the dialogue. so be our president said that he and possible prime minister disagree on almost everything, but about the fees and stability were crucially important. lay the specials were 3 years later in july, i had a customer intention to implement a law making all surfaces equal the serbs to use cost of our car plates. also, people from serbia answering possible will have to have reached do not. you should exit entry documents, reachable to be used as an idea during their stay. this move through good local service could put up our old blocks and sounded air raid sirens fully faded. the several gunshots have been reported. gossip was thorn implementations of the low for one month and therapy every more drop books, but that asians give spades. you expressed a grave concern over de grove in fleming 3rd authority. so both sides and cold war to jim quarter to work on the escalation in order to find a mutually agreeable solution for generalization of the relations of serbia and its former province that declared independence in 2008. to major u. s. pharmacy chains have been ordered to pay about $650000000.00 to, to cavities in the state of ohio. to address the damage inflicted by the opioid epidemic. a court found the pharmacy change, c vs. walmart, and walgreens. helped to create a public me since by over supplying addictive pain pills, many of which found their way on to the black market pharmacies have said that they're going to go ahead and appeal that verdict. course you can find much more. the stories were following at al jazeera dot com headlines in just a sec. ah, very quick reminder of our current top stores on al jazeera, huge demonstrations are taking place in argentina. as the rising cost of living continues to take its toll. trade unions are demanding urgent action from the government. country has a one of the highest inflation rates in consumer prices have risen 71 percent in the past year.


Transcripts For ALJAZ NEWSHOUR 20220817

damaged glass. a glass top 10 years president elect says he'll engage with any challenge to his victory whilst his rival appears to contest those election results in sport amory, the cano looks to be hitting form just in time for the us open, a teenager has followed up with her when over serena williams with another impressive victory in cincinnati, 2nd street, ah. hello there, a warm welcome to the news our. the cost of living crisis is hitting economies and hurting consumers all over the world. a perfect storm created by pandemic lead supply shortages. the ukraine war and crops devastated by climate change has seen inflation surge globally. that's leading on rest and discontent, as family struggle to put food on the table. huge demonstrations are taking place in argentina as trade unions demand urgent action from the government. the nation has one of the highest inflation rates in the world where consumer prices have risen a staggering 71 percent in the past year. well, the u case become the 1st g 7 nation to see inflation enter double digits. so ring foot price is pushed the consumer price index to 10 point one percent in july. well ahead of forecasts and despite 6 interest rate vises, but spiraling costs on just hurting wealthy economies. in the 11 years since the conflict began in syria, the country has seen its currency collapse to one percent of its pre war value will have more on that to in just to will refers this report from daniel schwein, la in one as iris. so these are all of a trade in groups in argentina coming out today, they generally support the left leaning governments of fernandez. they recognize that the government is in a very difficult situation. you mentioned your introduction, judah, inflation, so far in the last 12 months has been at 71 percent. some analysts pretty good going to be as high as 90 to 100 percent or maybe more by the end of 2022 to a very serious situation. really hitting work is very, very hard that see the value of their wages diminishing by the month 7.4 percent in july, or the latest figures that we have for argentina today, pledging their supports generally full to got most of all that calling for those who sent the prices, the entrepreneurs, the supermarket owes us the farmers. they're asking them to try to control the prices, keep the crises down to a livable level so they can cope. or they can put food on their table a daily basis and not have to deal with watching the price is going up almost by the day here in argentina, a country the husbands don't bring high inflation for several years now. not particularly bad at the moment, threatening to get much more was in the months ahead to really i can see that needs to make drastic steps towards solving the intrinsic problems the, the fundamental problems that has willing to culminate before it can bring inflation down very, very serious situation out this at this stage and the government options are very limited while it is cripple without international data. it's very difficult to pay, so against the us dollar will inflation here in the u. k has jumped to 10 point one percent in july. it's highest since february 1982 businesses and households who were a wedding feeling to squeeze that on the even more economic pressure. intensifying fears of an energy and economic crisis sung, you get acre report snacks from london in testing times, opportunities for don parsons, a founding partner, the case, largest electric bike business. the shadow cost by the pandemic was a chance to get people out of the vehicles and try a greener, more cost effective way of getting around it paid off. but what's happened is demand has gone up enormously for alternative means of transport. and supply has just fallen through the flow, our costs as a business of great enormously as well. you know, we've seen rent increases and there are costs associated with that. across the country, businesses are feeling the pressure in 2020 to design a cap. mccone overcame financial challenges by focusing on e commerce, but now her business has to navigate those storing, shipping costs, affecting global trade. we're looking at about 35 to 40 percent in some cases on, on last year costs. which really isn't our margin. say we're actually being on stock in from china at the moment. so we're actually looking to move from by match, manufactured to spain, sort of eliminate some of that extra shipping costs. well, businesses are seeing huge increases in the cost of materials. many of those that can't afford to absorb those costs for having to pass them on to the consumers. have less cash to spend. and with many of them also having to make serious choices about what they need to come back on, such as food or fuel. as energy costs rise, so to have food prices pushing inflation up to a 40 year high with a bank of england predicting it will get worse before the end of the year. people are already working. already have job the still call find a way to make and the, and that's where we have all these energy prices started to increase in the problem is you pay cormier much longer period of time has actually been people have been doing the right thing, but unable to pay the bill, but the cost of living outstripping wage growth in the u. k. there is already enormous pressure and household. but as the summer turns to autumn, further challenges await the back of england predicts inflation will increase before the end of the year. just when the capital fuel prices are set to increase, seeing a massive rise in energy bills, leaving many fearing a winter of discontent. and the government faced with difficult decisions on how to deal with the oncoming storm. sony diagonal algebra london. after more than a decade of conflict in sibley or the rising cost of living there means people are struggling to make ends meet. the country's economy has been on the brink of collapse now for years and spiraling fuel costs are making the situation even worse . gillian wolf explains mohammed makes the living selling charcoal a single taxi fair and serious capital damascus cost the same as her daily income. so she carries out her errands across the city on foot, and the bon bon mitzvah collodion. i have a daughter working towards her high school certificate, one of the main reason she filled her class was because of transport. when she registered at a school that she would walk, if she couldn't catch public transportation, she couldn't find any. she would need a taxi, which i cannot afford on armando, could that up? she says people miss city have stopped socializing because of the sparling fuel costs. taxi of many bus drivers and serious struggle to make a living during a decade of conflict. and now with the surgeon energy prices around the world, it's becoming tougher. 2 weeks ago or authorities more than double the cost, subsidized petrol with it stressful, but have high blood pressure. and i've had 2 strokes, but i want to lose. i don't want to big. it's difficult for me to big library, even though bigger mike, more money nowadays, begging is more profitable than the minibus in the 11 years since the war and syria began, it's local currency has collapsed to barely one percent of its pre war value. and that's leaving little hope for its people. chilling wolf, al jazeera, several people have been killed in a powerful explosion at a silly mosque in northern cobble. the blast happened during evening prayers on wedding state. please happen, confirmed the number of casualties that say the mom of the mosque was amongst those killed cobbles. emergency hospital says it's treating at least 27 patients, including a 7 year old child. it's not yet know what caused the explosion. coming up on the al jazeera news, our fires and floods hit europe during a sweltering summer of drought storms and record breaking ukrainian 1st responders prepare for a possible nuclear melt. i am following several close calls at the south parisha plant in sport, the online clean champions league run i run of ukraine's top football team could be coming to an end ah, at least a 100 people have died as a result of heavy rains and to ensure floods across sudan, dozens of villages have been destroy. the government has the floods of cause more damage than it can handle. hipaa. morgan reports furniture here, some items there. and had the alley is trying to collect what he can from his home . it was damaged and left submerged by heavy rains and torrential floods in a manner going in to dance to 0 state law. america lasharon, you know, we never have any food or water. the floods came in the middle of the night while i was working on a night shift to be able to provide food for my family. similar damage and destruction can be seen in houses around the village. more than 700 homes were destroyed in over 50 villages in my neck in the district has been declared a disaster zone. abraham youth of family was one of more than 3000 affected by the floods in the region where a hush of the water came in tor, down the front walls. they then entered the rooms and we moved away as they started collapsing round us. all these houses have collapsed and maggie is now largely married homes, are not the only places effected farmland have also been devastated by flood, threatening the harvest season. around november. already nearly a 3rd of to dance $43000000.00 people are short of food and prices have increased in the past month. government officials, the scale of damage in illinois, is unprecedented. radical number 2. ok and then on we were expecting the damage should be less. so we were surprised by the amount of destruction the flood season usually causes damage with it. but what we have seen this year is beyond the state's ability to respond. many people are now waiting for help, but with more attention rains forecast and flipped expected. they're worried, it may come to late, he will morgan august 0 rivers have overflowed across large parts of india, forcing residence to abandon their homes, buildings in western mahash trotter and good gerard states have been inundated with muddy waters while flood victims in eastern on dishes state said they are struggling with a shortage of drinking water. sees no monson rains, cause death and mass displacement across asia every year. they also deliver more than 70 percent of india's rainfall and they're crucial for farmers. at least 26 people have been killed and dozens injured in forest fires in northeastern algeria, most of the deaths were in l. tar. that's near the border, which nicea firefighters and helicopters are trying to contain almost 40 blazes, which are threatening residents in several provinces. when 350 people have been forced to flee their homes, scientists are warning that europe stripe could be the worst in 500 years. wildfire and southern parts of the continent. i still devastating large areas, but as knitting bother reports, extreme rainfall is also causing chaos. ah. my flight is retreating briefly in southeast, in spain there trying to stop the flames from reaching houses in the valley. the able area near valencia. the huge 5 again, when lightning struck it the weekend fueled by strong winds, it's forced hundreds of people from their homes. what i say, father, he explained, had almost 400 wildfires. they've already destroyed more than 3 times the area consumed by flames. in 2021. they've been fueled by heat waves and drought conditions that scientists attribute to climate change. in germany, the drought means you can see so called hunger stones at various sections of the river ryan, centuries ago, they were placed on dry river beds and marched to warm future generations. their exposure could signal famine over in france, the country's longest river, the la looks like this. record drought has cut the river flow to a trickle meaning in places. people could almost walk from one shore to the other. and then one summer krista semi place because she need on she, i shall. it makes me sad because i grew up here and i've never seen it like that before. we could go to the border holes over there with the children and fish scientists, a warning that low river levels across france are assigned that can't be ignored. relationship ma comanche, it encore, it and any other climate change is underway. it's undeniable. and that compels us to rethink our rules for sharing water resources. we must understand that we're all affected. author is a common good way, and every one of us will have to rethink our behavior. or if we share where the rain has finally arrived. like here in paris, it's badly needed, but europe's having to get used to heavier downpours travelers on the metro had to contend with flooded stations. material also reported that one months worth of rain fell in the space of an hour. with scotch, the back window and the sky also opened in london with parts of the u. k. capital experiencing flush flooding. thunderstorms are expected in england and wales with the dry soil, almost impenetrable. in areas. people are being warned to watch out for further flooding. the d barbara al jazeera in northern argentina. a huge wild fire is burning through pete land and giving off thick smoke local se it's becoming hard to breathe. the region of entre rios has been cold pink with a 4 year drive driving a fire fire season. that is way worse than usual. thirties in central china are trying to ease power and water shortage is caused by record high temperatures and dr. bear 2 months of hot dry weather has disrupted cropped growth and threatening livestock. cha ching is one of the worst affected regions and neighboring c. one province. an air raid shelter has been converted to provide shade and ally residents to keep cool awesome attacks and explosions of hits 17 locations in southern thailand and what appears to be a series of coordinated assaults on shops and petrol stations. and the 7 people were injured in the attacks in 3 provinces, but no one's yet claimed responsibility. there have been though, decades of low level insurgency in areas near the border with malaysia groups are seeking independence for predominantly muslim areas. korean president vladimir soleski has shared footage of what he says is a russian strike on a dormitory. in the city of car cave video shows emergency services at a building on fire surrounded by debris. car gives governor earlier said russian shilling in a residential district, killed 6 people and injured several others. it's not known. if this is the same attack elsewhere, at least 4 people were injured in strike side of the port. city of odessa missiles hit the coastal town of satoka destroying several residential buildings and causing a fire at a seaside resort. the railway bridge ins, atoka is a key connection between the odessa region and the rest of ukraine and its been targeted several times during the war. lost them over on cobra show garages. there was a huge block, crating, a neighborhood, but the house left in charge of all of them of bugs, even the house is made of stone. everything is destroyed. only the walls really. everything turned to ashes. russia says at least one person's been killed in ukrainian shelling in the dorm exclusion officials in the separatist held area, say, several homes were destroyed when a ukrainian missa had a settlement in the regions. ne ukraine denies its forces ever shell civilian targets and accuses russia and revel trips of firing inside residential areas. units from the self proclaimed an ex people's republic. i'm joined the russian offensive in the don bass, ukraine's eastern industrial hard land residential construction by rushes. military is underway in one of north, heavily bombed areas of the occupied city of mario pool. the 1st 2 buildings of a new complex are set to be completed by september. the struggle for this one's bustling ukrainian city on the shores of the sea of as of left it pulverized back in may. once home to more than 400000 people is estimated, just tens of thousands of ukrainians remained there once the city fell to russian control. cleaning authorities in sac parisha have joined nuclear disaster response drills. now the exercise is taking place after repeated shelling incidents and europe's largest nuclear power plant, often crane and russia. blame each other for the attacks. green's industry minister says his government's very concerned about the safety of the site, which is occupied by russian troops. but run by ukrainian engineers, the shillings been widely condemned leading to calls for an urgent visit by the international atomic energy agency. of course we are concerned that that's for sure and, and, and that was the breakthrough. we see that the situation from the when they start throwing from of the people of august, it's changed dramatically. and of course we're concerned. that's why we're here. that's why we're great with this group. that's why we on the wharf in the everyday communication with theirs. and we speak to our international partners. the head of the world health organization has suggested racism is behind a lack of international attention been given to the plight civilians in ethiopia as war torn t cry region tetras ana give braces, says 6000000 people. there are unable to access basic services due to the ongoing conflict, and he questioned why the situation in t guy is not getting the same coverage as the war in ukraine. in terms of humanitarian crisis, i can tell you that the humanitarian crisis integrate is more than you crate. without in exaggeration. and i say it is many months ago. maybe the reason is the color of the scheme of the people in to cry. i haven't heard of been the last 5 few months, several months. no, even the head of stay talking about the ticket condition anywhere in the developing world, especially why i think we know a rebel group in ethiopia has proposed to humanitarian truce as the country gravels with drought, and warnings of famine. they are all more liberation. army says it's agreed to stop finding, so aid agencies can deliver supplies to desperate areas. the group also says it will open a humanitarian corridor. if the truce fails, are all me, are the largest of ethiopian federal states, is one of the areas will severely affected by drought. the un says more than 20000000 people in ethiopia are estimated to be in need of assistance this year. and most of them are women and children. will samuel get to choose an independent journalist based in addis ababa? hi there, samuel. good to have you on the poor lamb. just how important is this truth? well, it's really important, but this is just a vision. it has to be accepted by both sides, the tube and government in our de southerbuys insisting their sears. they're going to open services, banking services, electricity and basic services to perhaps pay the down payment to see this conflict come to an end. this conflict that began in november of 2020 has really produced millions of victims. according to the united nations, a millions of with your best are displaced. there is a famine like condition, no justin to gray and i'm horror. and our fire in our own was, you mentioned, and there's inflation going on. and this conflict has really also touched neighboring countries, including the sudan, which has been forced to take care of, or if you're been thousands of her ethiopians that have been heading to to gray. and the t p are left as insisting from mccully or through at spokesperson get her to read or saying that the open government is no serious enough. so this gives you a glimpse of, for the kind of misgivings there is between the 2 sides. that was going to be my next question, samuel about whether people have any sense of faith and hope in this, as you called a vision. do people have a sense that maybe this time will be different because of the other factors that play? well, to begin was there as a basic understanding by old sites, including these european government in our d'silva, as well as the, the government in mckelly. and also donors that this conflict has really has to come to an end because it's really impacting millen sofa ethiopians, a famine that really define ethiopia and the 1980s is becoming it's a reality in 2022. there is inflation, the, even the conflict in the ukraine has really impacted ethiopia in terms of for the importation of for grants that really used to feed millions of video bents that her in need are there is the issue of inflation as it, as i mentioned. so there is a sears understanding that this conflict somehow through perhaps negotiation that's hosted by the africa mean an perhaps the envoy that's coming from washington dc from the biden administration playing a role, but it has to come to an end. there is also misgiving when it comes to the t p and f, which has been insisting that they don't want the african union in boy to get involved . they preferred the cannon president kenyatta to get involved in the tube, and government is assisting itself the communion that has to play a bigger role to bring this conflict to an end. so there is a misgiving from both sides and there is a risk that this conflict my gone for, you know ahead santa we, we also heard those comments and we played them just a few minutes ago from the w. h o. director hill asked the question, you know, why doesn't this conflict in the situation? ethiopia more generally get the attention it deserves from the international community. and what do you think and is this a message that is going to help in turning that attention back around to what something is affecting 6000000 people to, to, to be honest, or even when her head or fur devil if he was an ad december, his head, there are investing some of the funding that was to be headed to at the seller to the ukraine, or he did not say a perhaps that's linked to racism. but he has said they had to cut back some of their oppression in this country to make sure that some of it is headed to, to the ukraine. ah, but you have to know that that their head of fur, doubly chal, was once a foreign minister in ethiopia. he is, and it's your band citizen. but when he comes to this conflict, the difference between him and the cuban government headed by a prime minister or be a hammered there. they are not on the same page, or if they've been accusing each other. there has been counter accommodations or even disagreeing on who's started this conflict. and, but there is again, an understanding that term, the disaster that has been the last 2 years is be noticed by all sides, samuel getting their, joining us from ada, samara, samuel thanking. thank you. still to come on al jazeera, this news hour is another conflict. bring in the balkans. nato's chief holds crisis, talks with serbia and coastal. 3 major u. s. pharmacies are ordered to pay millions for their role in opioid crisis which ravaged the state of ohio and sport. south africa dominate day. one of their test series against england. ah hello, there has been a change in the fortunes the western areas of europe. after that he was broken by this area of low pressure bringing some really wet and windy weather to the north west. we saw flash flooding in parts of britain island and france. thanks to those violent thunderstorms. now that wet weather is going to shift its way more centrally on thursday. but we've still got that corridor heat running down from the baltics through to the balkans, with red alerts out for temperatures in serbia. if we have a look at the 3 day for bow grade will be picking up to $37.00 degrees, but there's some relief that's going to come in with that wet weather. now weather has brought temperatures down for britain and island. we've got another wave of rain rolling in on thursday, effecting western areas that will move across the north sea into scandinavia lively showers, very heavy rain for the likes of sweden and for germany and more central areas, we could see some flooding across the southern areas of france more than areas of italy from that very heavy rain, soaking wet and windy across the mediterranean and northern areas of spain. but there is still hot and dry conditions dominating for southern areas of spain and portugal. and we will see that heat come back into port to go by the weekend. lots of sunshine here. ah, a reporter's retreat in a brutal civil war. if a commodore hadn't been there, the israel invasion would not have been so well reported. the commodore had become journalistic center. you could be in the safe enclave and then you went out into civil war. i started off leaving this while the grand suite at the commodore hotel . the next room i was in was underground that a tiny prison. so as a hostage, a route the commodore war hotels on al jazeera boats, janice and the police violently dispersing protest. this, these are some of the 10s of thousands of people try to flee. gobble, inspired to program, making welcome to generation chains, unrivalled broadcasting. white people did not want black children in the schools we have high forecasted and al jazeera english proud recipient of the new york festivals broadcaster of the year award for the 6 year running. lou ah ah, our minds of our top stories you and algebra, huge demonstrations are taking place in argentina as the rising cost of living continues to take its toll. argentina has one of the highest inflation rates. consumer prices have risen. they are a staggering 71 percent in the past year. and he sandra people have died as a result of heavy rains and torrential floods across sudan. dozens of villages have been destroyed. the government says the floods of cause more damage in the country can handle. scientists warn the ongoing drive in europe could be the worst in 500 years. the fires seen in southern parts of the continent are still devastating large areas. some regions, though, are now experiencing extreme rainfall. 3 major u. s. pharmacy chains have been ordered to pay about $650000000.00 to, to cavities in the state of ohio to address the damage inflicted by the opioid epidemic. a court fine pharmacy change cbs, wal mart and walgreens helped create a public nuisance by over supplying addictive pain pills, many of which find their way on to the black market. pharmacies have said that they will appeal the verdict. rose jordan joins us live from washington. d, c. hi, there was tell us more about this verdict then and whether there are any more like this in the pipeline. well, this is the result of a guilty verdict of that. i was loving upon the a 3 retailers last november. they were sued by us, by attorneys from lake and tremble, counties which are both east of cleveland, which is a, the largest city in the state of ohio. these counties had alleged that between 20122016, those 4 year that 4 year period more than 1400000000 opioid pills had been distributed within their 2 counties. in other words, 400 pills for every person living in those counties. that's a lot of medicine, but it's also a very dangerous medicine. and so what the counties have said was that they had to spend billions of dollars trying to respond to this addiction crisis. they want it 4 times as much as what the federal judge in cleveland order awarded them on wednesday, $650000000000.00. one county lake county will get $306000000.00. trumbull county will get $344000000.00 and the retailers need to make available out of that $650000000.00 ward. they need to make a almost $88000000.00 available in the next 2 years. so that these 2 counties can start responding to what they say is very much a public health crisis, aggravated by the acts of these 3 major retailers. now this is just one of some, 3000 doug lawsuits brought against these retailers and major pharmaceutical countries. companies, excuse me, 3000 of those cases have been consolidated in the south federal court in cleveland . there are another 1000 or so cases that are being brought against the retailers, the distributors and the pharmaceutical companies in state courts across the country was charging with the latest airline from washington, dc. wells. thank keith. nato peacekeepers will boost their numbers and take any measures necessary to ensure peace in kosovo as tensions rise with serbia. that's according to the alliance's chief gins dalton. burge, herself. crisis talks with serbia and casa was leader to try to avert fresh conflict in the balkans. there's been tensions as the end of july when constable declared that serbian identity documents and car number plates wouldn't be valid on constables territory served minority and call civil reactive by putting up road blocks and firing guns in the air or the evil host ray or direct told between serbian president alexander church and constables prime minister alban courtesy on thursday. why aren't you serious odeman storage has more now from brussels. nato secretary general leanne, salzburg said in brussels that they are peacekeeping mission impossible. k 4 is ready to intervene if stability between serbia and kosovo is at threes. for them are kept stock suites, president of serbia, alexander, voltage and kosovo prime minister all be in court on a recent pages between 2 western balkan neighbors and the day before their upcoming talks in your facility. the dialogue. so be our president said that he and possible prime minister disagree on almost everything, but about the fees and stability were crucially important. lay the specials were 3 girls late in july. i had a crossover intention to implement a law making all surfaces equal the serbs to use cost of our car plates. also, people from serbia answering possible would have to have reached do not. you should exit entry documents. reachable would be used as an idea during their stay. this move through good local service could put up our old blocks and sounded air raid sirens fully fated. the several gunshots have been reported. console for thorn implementations of the low for one month and therapy every more drop books, but that asians give spades. you expressed a great concern over de grove inflammatory authority. so both sides and cold war dugeon quarter to work on the escalation. in order to find a mutually agreeable solution for generalization of the relations of serbia and its former province that declared independence in 2008. germany's to point ships to the european union's peacekeeping mission in bosnia and herzegovina for the 1st time in the decade. as concerns go, the war in ukraine could spread to the western balkans, while the countries hundreds of kilometers from the frontline, i must say an increasingly assertive bosnian serb separative newsmen is receiving support from moscow. natalee, you officials have already warned instability from the war could soon reach the balkans with him today as the balkans corresponded from economists, he joins us live at via skype from genoa. hi there, tim. good to have you on the program. what's the significance? do you think of deploying the small number of troops? i won't troops to bosnia we're talking about. yes. the, the fact is that on february 24th, which was the day of the russian invasion of ukraine, the beginning of the rushed invasion of ukraine. these small e u force, or am in bosnia, which numbered about 600, a was a doubled, and 2 and a germany is sending up some 50 troops to, to, to join that force. and, and that's what happened does. that's what happened to her to day. and this, i mean, i other, it was, it was a coincidence that it happened that there you announce it. it was sir, or you for de now announcer was doubling his forces on friday, the 24th. i think that have been in the works for a long time, at least for some several months before that. but a say it was an out on february the 24th, the date of the russian invasion. um and um, of ukraine hunt m, germany has just decided to send a small number of troops her back into the, into the force. and within was narrative. and tim m, we hear this narrative about russia and supporting both the insert separatist movement. where, where does this narrative come from? what's, what's fine? well, i mean mineral daughter has been numb wanting to secede from bosnia and herzegovina for a long time to take the republic. a subs got the same entity. i'm out of bosnia and herzegovina. i'm and increasingly, he's been receiving support from a russia. i don't think that the that the politics of it is it is very complicated . the russians regard ukraine at a backyard and they think that um, if the west is meddling in their back yard as they would see it. ah, then no, they got a metal in the e. u and a europe's backup back yard, which is the balkans western balkans because of course or the whole of the western balkans. the 6 sir non e u. a states. the western balkans including kosovo and bosnia herzegovina, are completely surrounded by the e, the european union. and by our nato and tim and just talking about these and talks these that, that have been hosted by by the e. and sometimes they can get a little bit spicy if i can use that. and that phrase i, these talks likely to do any good here. i mean to talk some that are going to take place or tomorrow, are the 1st i think your talks between. but between and prob, president, virtue of serbia and m albin corte, of a cause of our prime minister castillo in a here. you know, yes they, they, hopefully they will do some good because of the talks the you dialogue has been going on for 10 years now. and at the 1st few years, they really made them quite considerable progress. but in the last few years. and that progress has been really kind of um, as, as hers fizzles and are, there hasn't been much progress. there was an agreement on energy a month or 2 ago. but, you know, not much as has happened. and as you reported earlier on, there was a flare up of tensions on july the 31st until they'll talk about that. and they'll talk about other important issues bilateral issues. i'm and am, you know, this is the hope of the you and the you negotiate miroslav lie track. he has to sort of, you know, basically restart the motor all the years, this dialogue or to eventually reach some sort of comprehensive agreement between serbia and kosovo. tindall that joining us there on scale from genoa 10. thank you . thank you. protests us in guineas capital connor cree have clashed with security forces tear gas was used to disperse crowds on it and say, demonstration, say they're angry, it has the country's military leadership. the protests are taking place despite the inter, banning all demonstrations in may spiking outrage amongst activists and the off position in has been under military rule since last september, when elected president out for cons, a was ousted in a qu 10 years. a president elect william worcester says there's no time to waste and running the country he's in, but i will tell you the transparent democratic and accountable government and to get the economy back on track. on monday the electoral commission declared brutal the winner of the presidential vote by a razor thin margin of 50.4 percent. but his opponent, by the agenda is disputing that result saying he'll challenge it in court on tv, squeeze people from all from us. okay. see, we listen to you guys, we want to know when the delivery of your commitment is going to be okay. i really want to know that expedition or mm hm. that's all we do not have the whiskey any time. malcom web has more now for my roby. it was talking mostly about what they want to do when it from when they take office good. and he was very much about when speaking with a lot of confidence that that would happen. but it was on tuesday afternoon, right? we're doing rejected those results and said that him and his coalition would do everything they could legally and constitutionally to get those results overturned . now the constitution give petition is 7 days after the announcement of the result . they were just 5 days left to file a petition to the supreme court waiting to find out if the rider we're doing is immune coalition or if other rights groups will file petitions in it, it can be expected at this stage for at least any politically motivated petitioners to keep that card close to that chest. when this happened last time, 5 years ago following the election, then riley were doing it was at the time leading the opposition. he challenged the election results in court. that petition was submitted right the last hour before that deadline was met. likely so that lawyers given maximum time to gather evidence and minimum time for any responding to prepare. so we'll be watching over the next few days to see if anyone will be finding a petition up to the deadline, which will come on monday. there's an air of uncertainty in writing is a strong hold of consumers in western kenya. as her metasource explains. after days of uncertainty, things seem to be getting back to normal in consumer rollo dingus from hold businesses that are close have now re open to supported, expect him to go to court, but they have mixed feelings about the way forward putting to me a it was it was not stolen or may be warned, but the 50 plus percent maybe did not achieve. i think less than just let go and should lead time to move on. normally should just move away really one piece and one things to get on. you can just stay with the court just in case what we call, what we call the said, all can you can do for now is wait and see how the process plays out. it could be valid thing of lawyers collecting the evidence to take the course. if he goes to court and people are wondering what kind of evidence as we have, it isn't enough to overturn the results he has until monday to approach the court. a rocks caretaker, prime minister, has held talks with representatives from the major political parties, but the being boy, caused by the group follows powerful she mcsaunder all saw there. so there has demanded the issue, reduce the old parliament by the end of the week, and hold elections up to why it has more now from baghdad. in an attempt to, in the political deadlock in iraq, caretaker prime minister invited the representatives of political factions in order to reach common ground in order to end the political crisis in iraq. meanwhile, at the southwest movement, and i said earlier that they're not planning to attend that meeting. meanwhile, supporters of she at lee that muffled a sort of continued, they're sitting in front of the headquarters of the parliament, setting up dozens of tents. and they say they are not planning to leave the area until their demands are met. their demands include the palm, be dissolved nearly elections be held as a way out of this political crisis min doubt. meanwhile, supporters of their arrival, parliamentary lock affiliated to iran, known as the coordination framework, continue their sit in nearby dad's greens on setting up also dozens of tents. and they say that protesting against what they consider the accumulation of the problem, headquartered by supporters of shortly they're moved out of solar. meanwhile, the supreme court in baghdad has adjourned it until the end of this month. a plea that was submitted by a solder affiliated lawmakers, as well as other independent lawmakers requesting the parliament be dissolved and early elections beheld as a way out of the current political impasse. the un human rights. she says it's still not safe for hundreds of thousands of ra hinge refugees to return to me in mar, almost 5 years after they fled. a brutal military cracked. an michelle bachelor has been meeting were hinge in bangladesh, where the government is growing impatient about hosting the refugees. prime minister shake has c, now has told bachelor that me and my must take them back more than a 1000000 mostly miss of the hinge or are living in the world's largest refugee camp in cox is bizarre. angle dash the un needs to review its approach to solving the crisis in me and my that's what the country's foreign minister has told the u. n. z at special envoy during her 1st visit since being appointed to the old last year. no. olean hayes are held talks with me and my army chief and several senior ministers in the capital nappy. dog hayes are reiterated calls for an immediate enter all forms of violence and requested unconditional humanitarian access me in my as been racks by violent on race. since the army, i was to the elected government of hong songs of cheek in february, last year. a prominent that can cardinal has been named in a sexual assault lost in canada. mark, well, it is among 88 clergy members facing allegations in a class action case against the quebec catholic diocese. the civil lawsuit represents more than a 100 victims who allegedly sexually assaulted most of them as miners since 1940 documents showed that, well, it has been accused of inappropriate touching and comments he seen as a potential successor to put francis israel and turkey a restoring full diplomatic ties. after years of discord, both countries will be re appointing ambassadors. the turkish foreign minister said despite the moved turkey would not be abandoning its support for the palestinians. he didn't. the appointment of ambassadors is also important for the development of bilateral relations. on the other hand, as we have always said, we will continue to defend the rights of palestine at jerusalem and garza. and it's important that our messages are conveyed directly at the ambassadorial level in tel aviv or wrestle serge r. as in istanbul with more the full, the restoration of the diplomatic relations between the anchor and the tel aviv is being seen as a milestone in relations between 2 countries. here in turkey, the experts here say that both countries have have proper reason to normalize the relations. in terms of the israeli side, the church experts are seeing that israelis facing the grove in track security tracks from iran and through iranian grooves. and that's why i see in turkey as a balance in poverty in the region. however, here the delicate issue, which is palestine and the palestinians. so to davy had heard that the turkish fort administer has said that despite the agreement tricky is going to keep a continue supporting the palestinians. and they arise because he knows that the palestinian cause is quite a delicate sensitive issue, both for the turkish public and also the government. so a way of normalizing relations, definitely the government here is very much careful not to lose the public support among turks. artists in gaza have unveiled a san sculpture as attributes to the 17 children killed and recent fighting between israel. these law jihad group al jazeera, as you know, i'll say, had visited the memorial augusta beach 3 days of israeli attacks on because this trip more than $49.00 people were killed and over $360.00 were injured. 17 of the 49 were killed drain. the fall was singing artists and other civilians have gathered here today on the beach of because this trip, they've drawn the name of 17 children who were killed in the latest escalation on the sands, off the shore by the colors off the palestinian flag to say that they will always remember their names, and they will never be forgotten. so i thought i looked at this event, sends a message to the international community to not have double standards and to start serious measures to hold the occupation laid is accountable to provide protection to civilian children with the palestinians. gathering out here today have said that they demand at transparent in rapid investigation and they used really a tax over the civilians and over the killing of their children. especially after these really military converts that it killed 5 children in the w. a new job cemetery on the 7th of august in the nature celebrated its 1st independence day at its future capital. the government plans to move its headquarters away from jackass, which has long been played by infrastructure problems and flooding. the national flag was hoisted during a small ceremony in no sun, tara, on the island of borneo. the new city is a legacy project to president joker with dodo but environmentalists of warned. it could accelerate the destruction of tropical jungles. the governments preparing to officially opened a san tara by 2024, which also attended a larger independence. dave in in jakarta still come on algae. see where this news our oh, in sport, ukraine, heavyweight boxing champion bits on unexpected performance for fans. summers here with that story. ah, cats, away. official airline of the john with with a whole away official and line of the journey. lou ah salads here with all the day sports. thank you very much, julie will emma to con, looks to be hitting the saw to form the saw her when last is us open. the teenager has followed up her when over serena williams with another impressive victory. the 19 year old british fled, beat formal world number one, victoria, as that anchor for the loss of just 2 games. the victory put through the condo through to the last 16 of the western and southern open in cincinnati. she was building up to the defense of her u. s. open title, that grand slam tournaments thought at the end of the month. it was such a pleasure. i love the support i love, you know, how involved people are getting into the matches. and i think that's the best thing about school when it's, you know, it was a great atmosphere and, and both of us. and i mean, i'm sure we both love it. so yeah, thank you so much for coming out again. and i hope to see you in the next around wimbledon finance. nick areas has been knocked out of the men's event in cincinnati . australian was beaten in straight sets by home player taylor fritz fritz is through to the last 16 in his this event for the 1st time by the last carry also will still be seated. the at the upcoming us open and 3 time grand slam champion on demario has suffered another injury. set back my one. the 1st said to all his match against the fellow, written the camera neu nori hit back to win in 3 seconds. and my ended the contest receiving treatment on his right leg. that 4 year old my has endured a long battle to regain form and fitness off the career saving hip surgery. the unlikely champions league run of the animal kit could be coming to an end. ukrainian side last to nail it against been, he cut the 1st leg of their play off. the winners of this tie will progress into the group fe to all the competition. didn't have already got through to qualifying grounds, despite the destruction caused by the war. in that country, this home leg for the ukrainian champions had to be played in poland. ukraine is world heavyweight boxing champion looks to be in good spirits ahead of his latest title fight. the alexander will seek, broke into song ahead of his loud with britain's anthony joshua. the pay me to end a rematch on saturday off to seek be just $1.00 points in london last year. this fight has taken place in saudi arabia. and you shouldn't be afraid to talk about the financial benefits of coming somewhere in support, particularly in a school is dangerous. right. and not go, you know, you can always be your last ever fine. and the me, i want to make sure these guys, i'm one of the reasons we're here. monday. of course, you know, and there's no point just been around there, but there's many other reasons why we have this 1st experience was spectacular. the 2nd one's been outstanding. so, so we look forward to a great been on something that was a live place like just point one now and forget the rest. if you want to point starting point everyone, jim saying we'll go do bout, we will, but i did my home. the whole was due back. i want to change the south africa have dominated day one of the 1st test against england. and rick nor care took 3 wickets as england slipped 116 for 6. load all the folk heads and unbeaten, half century for the home team. rain brought in early end to the 1st day. tigers has made it clear which side he's back in golf's civil war, which took part and appears meeting to discuss how the pga tour can fight back against the saudi. back to live series. a number of high profile names have signed up for the lucrative, the breakaway competition. live series players that have been banned from taken apart. events organized by the north american based pga tour. i mean, he's the hero that we've all looked up 2 ions. you'll hear his voice carries farther than anyone else's in the game, a golf, you know, and he, his role is navigating us to a place where we all think we should be someone like him as passionate about it that saw me. no offense to all of us, but that's really all that matters. come, you know, if he's not behind something than one, it's probably not a good idea in terms of the betterment of the game but to it's just not gonna work . i mean, he needs to be behind something and i think he's, he's been a great kind of leading role and, and a lot of ways in the game for a lot of us and le bron james has committed his immediate future to the los angeles lakers. his agreed it to a 2 year contract extension worth just on the $100000000.00. it will push the 37 year olds and be a career earnings to more than half a $1000000000.00, which is a league record. and that's always bought for me and you back to julian london. santa thank you. now police in the us feared the very worst when they received an emergency call and no one would speak to them. but they need not have worried because it was just monkey business, quite literally broke the monkey. that is, he lives in a zoo in paso robles california and somehow he got hold of the illness phone after a couple of swipe the cafeteria monkey dialed the emergency number 911, no police were concerned but no one responded. so they went out to investigate you and it says that would often imitate her using the full so mystery solved. simple case of monkey c monk kitty. that's it for me to leave it off the scenes or i'll be back with more in just a 2nd. ah and a oh, the land of the free america has never been a real democracy. the black people will never experience that democracy maybe excludes divisions and struggles and america's electoral system. a fight for and against equal representation and the democratic process if the country that's learning how to be a democracy, but it's not there yet. one person, one vote on al jazeera, for half a century indigo. die is all bottled up or what can i? so what are the last ticket? yeah, and others in northern nigeria have watched helplessly as a business struggle and becomes dissipated growth. making technology has changed over time, but not at this di pete's income. and that's the same that's met some of the products and competitive the dumping of chemically treated fabrics. yeah. like in most african markets is a major source of concern for local producers. there is widespread consent here, but so even the few kits that remain will also have to close bringing an end to more than 500 years history. as the count down to the people will cut 2022 approaches. every continent is turning its eyes to cat how we have a feeling that great to sporting events in the world won't be the only thing capturing one's attention beyond football. immerse yourself in internationally renowned entertainment. art of culture catcher has everything you'd want in the destination. in fact, it's the obvious choice for the 5th. a wilcox 2022. so why go anywhere else? ah, i'm in argentina over soaring prices and inflation in the u. k. surges to a 40 year high as the cost of living crisis envelops the world. ah, hello there, i'm julie mcdonald, this is sel. 0 alive from london also coming to lisa 100 dead is flood sweep through sedan. the government says it can't cope to damage.


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Hugh Conners | Obituary | The Press Republican

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