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Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News Night With Shannon Bream 20190309

the aclu and the senate on the same side. we will tell you about a massive bill passed by house democrats critics on the left and right are calling and unconstitutional overreach that could chill your free speech. welcome to fox news at night. we have fox team coverage on how progressives are shaking things up. trace gallagher on the sweeping election reform bill and those explosive new comments from congresswoman omar against former president barack obama getting a lot of attention. >> after a tense week on capitol hill between democrats, congresswoman omar making headlines, now she is accusing a politico reporter of distorting her words in that interview. she came to congress just two months ago and is ruffling feathers, many on her own side of the aisle. in the politico interview the reporter writes, quote, omar says the hope and change offered by barack obama was a mirage, the caging of kids at the us-mexico border and the droning of countries around the world on obama's watch, she argues the democratic presidents operated within the same fundamentally broken framework as his republicans closer, quote, we can't be only upset with trump, his policies are bad but many of the people who came before him also had really bad policies. that is not what we should be looking for anymore. we don't want anybody to get away with murder because they are polished. we have to recognize the policies behind the pretty face and smile. he took heat from democrats for criticizing president obama. she took to twitter to complain about the politico article. omar tweeting exhibit a of how reporters distort words. i'm an obama fan. i was saying out trump is different from obama and why we should focus on policy, not politics, this is why i always tape my interviews. here is what she said on the tape in the article. >> policies are bad. they just were more polished. that is not what we should be looking for anymore. we don't want anybody to get away with murder if they are polished. we need to recognize the actual policies behind it. >> the same wording from the article. the reporter hit back on twitter telling omar exhibit a of how politicians use the media as a straw man to avoid owning what you said. you are tape supports 100% what i said, so does my longer tape. next telephone call from your office before the twitter ambush would be appreciated. politico published the interview on day 5 of a particularly difficult week for democrats on capitol hill they unanimously passed an anti-heat bill in response to comments made by congresswoman omar label is anti-semitic. a senior democratic house member told fox, quote, all our problems are being caused by three people. shannon: that will continue. thank you. house democrats passing a massive bill that could remake american government as you know it. bringing together some interesting opposition from the aclu to republican mitch mcconnell, the critics are selling off. trace gallagher tells us why. >> democrats say the aim of house resolution one is to curb big money in politics, make it easier for people to vote and boost election security. republican say it changes election laws in favor of democrats by doing things like making election day holiday for federal workers and making colleges and universities the distress or just -- motor registration agencies. republicans are indicating government employees and college students tend to vote for democrats. is the house minority leader. >> this new democrat socialist majority wants the federal government to interfere in free and fair elections. this bill today, the majority's most important bill is a massive federal government take over that what undermine the integrity of the election. >> it has been dubbed the for the people act others say the bill is taking aim at donald have been two ways, one, by requiring all presidential candidates to release 10 years of tax returns and by borrowing the government from spending federal dollars on businesses, like hotels, the bill has created strange bedfellows teeming the aclu with the trump administration because the bill mandates disclosure of the names and addresses of donors who give more than $10,000, the aclu argues those disclosure rules would chill the species of issue advocacy groups and nonprofits such as the aclu, planned parenthood or the nra that is essential to public discourse and protected by the first amendment and the 4 hr one past, dan crenshaw tried to get democrats to condemn illegal immigrants voting in american elections. his motion failed and his measure was largely symbolic because illegal immigrants are not legally allowed to vote in federal elections but san francisco does allow illegal residents to vote in school board elections and tech, park, maryland allows them to vote in local elections was republican say by voting no one crenshaw's motion democrats were indirectly supporting localities that allow illegal immigrants to vote. shannon: the explosive comments from congresswoman omar blasting the hope and change message. democratic strategists kevin molly and the op-ed editor of the new york post. welcome to all of you. congresswoman omar has been in trouble for anti-semitic remarks putting democrats in disarray but now it sounds like although she's denying it she has been taking some hits at former president barack obama who is beloved among democrats. and vanity fair they say democrats didn't abandon omar over her comments about israel. the criticism of barack obama is another. those comments may prove to be more incendiary. >> imagine criticizing president obama is more incendiary than anti-semitism. there is something humorous. if this wasn't so crazy it would be very humorous. the democratic party scrambled to completely defend congresswoman omar and basically forgive her since the listing people have dual loyalty to the united states and israel, hypnotized by anti-semitic tropes she keeps tweeting out and asking forgiveness for and now she attacks president obama in the worst way possible by suggesting he is basically donald trump but had a pretty smile and a nice face. >> she's backpedaling on that but she produced tapes, the reporter says he stands by and has his own tape and pretty much sounds like the way she was quoted and in context. democrats are tripping over themselves making rationalizations, dodging reality and trying to clean up this anti-semitic mess. why is she getting such a pass from so many the democratic party? >> i am sick and tired of hearing about congresswoman omar because it's a distraction from the passage of the largest election reform bill today, terrifying economic news in terms of job report but you saw a united democratic party in the house caucus. every single member voted to condemn any kind of anti-semitism in terms of the way they operate in the. you are seeing senior leadership pulled her aside, she's not a state representative in minnesota, she's on the world stage and her words need to be taken into consideration when she's making them and to make sure we are standing completely with our partners in israel in condemning any hateful speech this representative is speaking. >> last night alexandria ocasio cortez said that she and congresswoman omar and rashida tlaib are being given unfair treatment and if you went every bad thing on the hill, everybody in congress would be in trouble. fair? >> i don't think that is fair at all. i just want to know, it is remarkable and startling how much congresswoman omar, the disdain she has for the country that we should note is the country that gave her family and herself refuge, she escaped war-torn somalia, was a refugee in kenya for four years and thanks to a lutheran church group immigrated to the united states. i as an immigrant have to note this constant disdain, her portrayal of the united states and its anti-terror policies feeding it as a murderous country the cages children at the border and any similar criticism of the islamist groups, among them those that turned somalia, her homeland, into a horrible place, not one word of criticism, only director the country that has given her and her family refuge. it is not a perfect country but it is startling and disgusting. shannon: it overshadowed something big with democrats passing hr one, number one, it is their priority and this massive sweep, campaign-finance reform and transparency. even the aclu hates this thing. it will have the effect of harming public discourse by silencing necessary votes that would otherwise -- voices that would otherwise speak out about the public issues of the day, they are teaming up with mitch mcconnell. i don't know how different you can be. not only going to force donors to disclose but there will be matching funds were taxpayers have to pay for, essentially subsidize campaigns out there. to you first. >> the vast majority of americans want campaign-finance reform. they supported with mccain-feingold in the 2000s and they want to clean up big money that is corrupted and corroded politics without question and there's a lot of great things in that bill including security funds for our state in terms of the way they carry out our elections, transparency laws, ensuring anyone who seeks the highest office in the country should be forced to release their tax returns like every president going back to an. and there's a lot of questions in terms of the emoluments clause, the important thing out of this is the house past it and the senate should take it up and debate it which mitch mcconnell has refused to do. shannon: state say they should run their own elections. >> federalizing them is not a good idea in any way and getting the federal government involved as it should be -- exposing donors in public, organizations not doing political activities out right but conversations about policy, the naacp is against it. we saw the naacp versus alabama. they wanted to expose all the donors to the naacp and the supreme court was against it. you don't want people intimidated for voicing their opinion. shannon: please come back again soon. have a good weekend. this is a fox news alert. juan guaido indicted on felony accounts stating he was a victim of a crime in chicago. here is more on what they call a staged attack. >> reporter: jussie smollett has 15 counts which carry a sentence of four years in prison, 16 counts for every false report he gave chicago police. police say the actor staged a fake hate crime in january. police say he reported two donald trump supporters beat him, called him racial and homophobic slurs, putting news around his neck and said this is mag a country. police are responding to the new charges writing as superintendent johnson stated allegations against him are shameful and an affront to the people in chicago who embraced him as a neighbor and respected him as a role model. we stand behind the work of detectives and refer any comment on indictments to prosecutors. after an investigation police concluded he filed a false report and staged a hoax leading two brothers to act as his assailants, he was charged with one count of filing a false police report with $100,000 bond, he has pleaded not guilty and says he will clear his name. tonight 20th century fox is not commenting on his future with the studio. the fbi is investigating a death threat letter police say he sent himself a week before the fake attack. police say when ellen was about get enough attention he carried out the alleged attack. he faces the federal crime of mail fraud and 10 years in prison if convicted. jussie smollett will appear in court later this month in chicago. shannon: thank you so much. jussie smollett facing 16 felony counts. how much trouble as the internet? if convicted, he has done a major disservice to the windy city. we have our legal eagle standing by with instant analysis. stick around for night court. after an officer involved shooting, allegations of excessive force, both sides of the story on the video you are going to want to see next. i can't believe it. that we're playing "four on four" with a barbershop quartet? 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if god is leading you to help. don't push it off. do not turn your eyes. act now. only $25 will bring food, a blanket and medicine to a holocaust survivor suffering alone with nowhere else to turn. the fellowship is faced with desperate pleas for food blankets and medicine. call right now or visit to save a life. i hope and pray you will do so before time is up and it is too late. all of you. how you live, what you love. that's what inspired us to create america's most advanced internet. internet that puts you in charge. that protects what's important. it handles everything, and reaches everywhere. this is beyond wifi, this is xfi. simple. easy. awesome. xfinity, the future of awesome. >> shannon: breaking tonight after jussie smollett indicted on 16 felony count. police say he brought shame on chicago alleging that masked man >> breaking tonight, actor jussie smollett fix a crime and brought shame on chicago after a little masked men attacked him yelling racist and homophobic slurs and telling him this is mag a country. great to have you with us. i want to play something one of his attorneys said a short time ago. >> bringing 16 counts because they parsed out two statements. i defied to find something like that. he was not suspended. they have not talked to one person at fox who said he was dissatisfied with his money. they have not interviewed one person connected with the show empire who said he was dissatisfied with his money. >> the police say they have the brothers they talk to come more than 35 cameras across the chicago area piecing together, they feel they have an airtight case. >> great work by chicago police and they have shown this is a case about a man who lied to police and faked a national incident because he was unhappy about his paycheck and these things several consequences. when you have false reports that divers public resources away from real crime center and the entire, justice system upside down. shannon: those are the allegations but he said we all enjoy the perception of innocence. >> the only side of the eichmann we have heard has been the chicago police department. how often when someone is alleged victim in the crime to the police chief called the press conference accusing him of lying. how can you have a fair trial after that? we had the chief law enforcement officer, the chicago police department from 2004-2015, 7000 people disappeared off location, they had a former police chief who pled guilty to torturing 200 people over the course of his 30 year career. the chicago police department is not the most trustworthy group out there. have due process, have a trial and not try this in court through the media. just because he's on a television show the meanest trials of the television show. >> that is a good point. the prosecutor when she came out and laid out detail by detail how they tracked through this case, what does that do? this is on national television. how do you get a fair jury pool? >> you do because he went on national television because he not only went to the police with this story, he went on national television and he made it a national incident. the prosecutors have to detail and prove in court and meet that standard of reasonable doubt. every allegation they made. the police officer in that press conference we all watched, the prosecutor as well. they are going to be held to that standard. it's going to be in a court of law but i suspect he's going to try to get a plea deal because he's facing 48 years in jail for this. this is a very serious felony and it is 16 counts. >> i read the indictment. they talk about what he said, the noose around his neck, the item that was poured on him, specific statements his attackers made. all those things. is that an effort to get into the negotiating table? >> it is a spaghetti indictment, given 15 charges, through spaghetti at the wall and see if any of them will stick or frantically guilty to. it was a stronger indictment, they believe they had a stronger case there would be 16 or 17 charges which defense attorneys get paid to list these one by one. the only corroborating witnesses are the two people who admitted to assaulting him. what motivated them to attack him is in question. but those of the only witnesses we have, police say they have 55 cameras, we've seen two seconds of footage to indicate their side of the story so until we get all sides of it out there i don't think we can -- if i am his attorney i'm trying this and this pretrial motion -- >> what do you think? >> that is a bold assertion. >> is facing a lot, roll the dice and go to the jury. >> absolutely not. he has to plead this out. he said he is not guilty. that was to one count. they added 15 more counts to that and like robert said there are two witnesses so this isn't just his word against security cameras or other things, they have two witnesses who are going to testify. shannon: there's the check he wrote too. we will see. if there's a trial we will be watching minute by minute. little rock arkansas police department releasing dashcam footage of a fatal officer involved shooting. and officer on the car celebrating, the officer the fires 15 shots into the windshield. police say the officer was responding to a call for backup after detective confirmed the black nissan also was stolen. the driver died at the scene. his family says the officer used excessive force. the little rock police say he was asking for calm as its opponent conducts its own investigation. did he lied to congress again? that is the question facing michael cohen and now we're hearing he met with staffers for the house intel committee multiple times for hours ahead of his latest round of anti-trump testimony. katherine herridge has more next. elizabeth warren claims tech giants are badly in need of repair and talking about the issue of reparations. >> america has a dark history of slavery and we need to confront it head on. >> ♪ >> shannon: democratic senator elizabeth warren taking on u.s. tech giants with a policy that could rip them heather: elizabeth warren taking on tech giants for proposed policies that could rip them apart. warren claims calls for outside regulators to keep corporations like amazon, facebook and google from dominating markets would break up dual entities like amazon basic to amazon marketplace and could reverse acquisitions like the purchase of instagram in 2012. senator warren backtracking after calling for the us to provide reparations for people affected by slavery in america's past. when asked if they would be monetary she declined to answer saying she only wants to start a conversation about the issue. the mayor of tallahassee, andrew gillam, has a major announcement on march 20th causing political to remember if he is gearing up to join the growing pool of 2020 democratic contenders. and john higgins uber refusing to call himself a capitalist in an interview with msnbc. >> my concern, the way my party is being hijacked but uncomfortable to you to say i'm a proud capitalist. >> the trick is all these labels have gotten to the point where they divide us from each other. >> he went on to say capitalism in the us is, quote, not doing what it once did. democrats are calling for another probe and the white house's security clearance policy but also the profiler's attorney michael cohen facing her allegations he was possibly coached by democrats for hours before the latest round of house testimony. she's intelligence correspondent katherine herridge has inside scoop. >> fox news was first to report democratic staff from the house intelligence can be traveled to new york city four times and met with cohen for 10 hours in advance of his 7 hours of public testimony which mike turner issued this statement after he asked cohen's lawyer for an explanation, quote, this level of coaching of a witness is highly unprofessional and inappropriate and any claim to the contrary is complete nonsense. this undermines the trust in cohen's credibility and increases skepticism whether the democrats will run a fair and fact-finding investigation. two sources said the decision with democratic staffers were wide-ranging covering the national enquirer, american media ceo david packer and the alleged undervaluing for inflating donald trump's assets. would use one by one democrats raise the same topic during cohen's public testimony. >> these catch and kill scenarios existed between david packer and donald trump long before i started working for him in 2007. >> did the president provide conflated access to an insurance company? >> yes. >> in a statement of fox news, shifted despite this professed outrage by republicans it is completely appropriate to conduct propositions and allow witnesses to review their prior testimony before the committee interviews them. such sessions are a routine part of every serious investigation around the country including congressional investigations. in a separate development four senate democrats are calling a nation's intelligence chief and intelligence community and spent a general to investigate the white house security clearance process. senators feinstein, warner, menendez and reed questioning whether the trump administration is complying with policies after reports the president pressured officials to grant clearances to his daughter ivanka and son-in-law jared kushner. they want the findings within 60 days. shannon: thank you very much. white house communications chief and former fox news executive bill shine has resigned from his post to take a new job in the president's reelection campaign. he joined the white house in june of last year and earlier this week. the trump campaign announced it was beefing up the communications team. the last isis stronghold in syria, hundreds of civilians and islamic state fighters fleeing eastern syria which has been under siege by us forces since september of last year. there are some defined isis militants still clinging onto a small part of the town but us forces have the enclave surrounded. it is international women's day, the national soccer team celebrating and also suing claiming they are compensated as well as the men's team. and split over abortion on this day celebrity women. both sides of the debate join us next. treating advanced lung cancer. treatments like keytruda with chemotherapy really break through barriers that we had not too many years ago. 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(avo) living longer is possible. it's tru. keytruda, from merck. with more fda-approved uses for advanced lung cancer than any other immunotherapy. >> shannon: today on international women's say the u.s. women's soccer team is skew suing for equal pay. >> 3 months before the u.s. women's soccer team defends its world cup title. 28 members filed a scathing lawsuit claiming the u.s. soccer federation failed to promote gender file the scathing lawsuit that the women did not deserve to be paid equally. it is a dispute that has been simmering for some time. >> we feel we are treated as second-class citizens because they don't care as much about us as they do the men. >> the team chose international women's day to make it official. the plaintiff in this lawsuit, alice morgan, said, quote, each of us is proud to where the united states jersey and we take seriously the responsibility that comes with that. we believe fighting for gender equality in sports is part of that response ability and players deserve to be paid equally for our work regardless of our gender. due to separate collective-bargaining agreement and pay structures and dollar to dollar salary comparison between men and women's teams, the lawsuit concludes a top-tier women's player would make 38% of what the male part -- male counterpart would make. the soccer federation refused to comment on the litigation.n. the men epstein is commenting and they say it fully support the efforts of the women's national team players to achieve equal pay. the women's team is requesting back pay and damages meaning potential reward could reach millions of dollars. shannon: thank you, thousands of women marching in the name of women's equality on international women's day. some went on strike and in spots like turkey they had a heavy police presence. one group of women say they feel left out about these kinds of days, pro-life women. let's bring in jim green, founder and president of live action lila roads. great to have you back. i want to read something from amnesty international, women's rights means the right to control your body, the right to healthcare including abortion and birth control, the right to love who you choose, the right to safety the right of equal treatment under the law. >> i'm all for equal treatment under the law and women in the west have run insecure equal treatment under the law to men. right now the biggest threat to women is the fact that 27 million little girls in the womb are being slaughtered annually every year globally, 27 million little girls are being killed, the number one killer of women, killer of india and china have demographic imbalance. little girls in india and china are being targeted by the millions because of their gender and being torn apart in the womb because they are girls.e this is number one thing to be concerned about when we have come this far. shannon: in countries that in the past have a history of forced abortions, many of them will -- a better provider for them. what do you make of that on the international stage? >> in an ideal world, let me start by saying to both of you happy women's day. we made a lot of progress but there's a lot of work to be done. shannon: make a point here. >> it was started by socialists and communists who don't get a s lot of love on this channel. it is about giving more rights, not stripping away the right of a woman, when she is going to have a family. it is based on the situation in argentina to your question, and 11-year-old girl who went into the hospital after being raped by her grandmother's partner ant she said please take this thing out of me. doctors refused. there was delay over abortion law which does not allow women to have abortions in argentina and she had to give birth to a baby who is not going to make it in her body has been traumatized. shannon: that is a horrific case. the vast majority of abortions have nothing to do with the case like that, that is an absolute r tragedy. >> an absolute tragedy how activist, abortion activists are using horrific and tragic cases like this to expand abortion rights and claim abortion will empower women. abortion has disempowered women, abortion kills women, abortion kills little girls, abortion has killed 27 million baby girls every single year and there's demographic imbalance because of it in india and china. women's rights are human rights and that doesn't mean i have the right to trample on the rights of another person especially a child, including children's that might be in my womb if i'm a mother. don't have the right to kill because i am a woman like a man doesn't have a right to kill. in the west we have secured basic human rights, rights for women and men but we have not secured the rights for babies in the womb and that needs to change. >> abortion is healthcare, birth control is healthcare. these decisions should be left l between a woman, her doctor, and her god. h the idea pro-life communities, antiabortion advocates want to come into this holiday with this message, it is like an atheist celebrating easter. >> why can't you address 27 million baby girls were killed? i won't you talk about them? why don't they matter? >> we won't saw this tonight but appreciate the two of you to talk about this. it broke folks a lot of interesting conversations. great to have you both. todd: 1 we return this little cutie is going to join us in studio. this is what she looks like now. it is party time. you do not want to miss this special surprise. >> shannon: you know here as a senior shannon: you knows her as our senior meteorologist but there's a lot you don't know about janice dean. she puts it all out in her new book mostly sunny. the stories will make you laugh out loud. she talks about loss in her life and she is living well with ms and the people she has met over the years. she is one of my best friends. she talks about her new book. we noticed in the break, show everybody, you have a blue tongue because you were eating. ali ranchers. shannon breen -- >> control -- you have a blue tongue on television. because of you. >> it is all my fault. i know you and there are things i didn't know about you. there are moments i am laughing out loud. we have pictures of your mrs. doubt fire -- you were working on the imus show. i have to do my own hair and makeup for this job but didn't look like the lady you see on fox news. you tried to give it some style. i looked like old lady hair. nothing wrong with old lady hair. >> my husband when he sees those pictures is like, oh, that era. can i just say god bless the hair and makeup department? they work miracles. and this resume shot you used for a long time is very sexy and beautiful. people follow you on social media they see your modeling. >> this is when i didn't eat. i attached this picture to every resume even though it was 10 years old. i probably got every job because of that picture. shannon: it is beautiful. people ask what we do with online trolls because people can be mean about blue tongue and things they don't like. this lady posted on facebook dear janice, please stop allowing fox address you in those short skirts, they are not flattering on you. you are an attractive lady. love the 80s hair. your legs are distracting. what do you do with that? >> we all get these texts an emails and tweets, i am probably getting them right now but this one, i talk about the fact that i struggled with my weight since i was a little girl. that's a sensitive area for me. i know the parts that don't look good to me and i don't need people to point them out especially people i don't know. i responded to her. i don't usually respond but that when i wanted to because i felt it was important for me to stand up. our audience knows i have ms, i'm diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and the use of my legs could fail me at any time because of this illness. the fact that i can still walk and show off my big strong legs was important to highlight. shannon: something else you talk about is finding the right doctor. getting that news is devastating enough but not everyone has a bedside manner. >> i went through three or four different doctors. you have to be our own health advocate as well as being diagnosed with ms, it is a hard diagnosis to get. you have to go through a battery of tests. back then i had to have two exacerbations to be diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and i had doctors who didn't have a good bedside manner. i don't you you to hug me but i want you to give me some eye contact and treat me like a human being and sometimes, i talk about this a lot, you really need to as a doctor have some compassion. i finally found a great doctor. i have two wonderful doctors i see now and it is important. we need human connections and that includes people we go see as the doctor. shannon: you've got to read the book, the story of how you and your husband ended up together is a movie script, so much in here, scratching the tiniest surface, mostly sunny. if you will stay here, we have a story that involves your home canada next. >> i do. shannon: stick around with your blue tongue. when we come back, your private invitation to our friday night dance, you don't want to miss it. ♪ there is always something there to remind me ♪ ♪ ♪ do you love me? ♪ ♪ i can really move ♪ ♪ do you love me? ♪ i'm in the groove ♪ now do you love me? ♪ do you love me ♪ now that i can dance? ♪ watch me now! ♪ work, work, ah work it out baby ♪ applebee's 3 course meal starting at $11.99. now that's eatin' good in the neighborhood. i think i found my dream car. it turns out they want me to start next month. she can stay with you to finish her senior year? of course she can! [ laughter ] [ groaning ] hey! want to drive? really? [ engine revs ] do you think we can do this, rob? things will be tight, but we can make this work. that's great. ♪ [ laughing ] okay... here we go. now... [ gasps ] wait... grandpa, what about your dream car? this is my dream now. [ laughs ] ♪ principle. we can help you plan for that. >> shannon: and shannon: house democrats and republicans found another issue they don't agree on in deeply divided america which is canadian rock band nickel back. once referred to as the world's most hated band, the democrat representative wisconsin compared it to a statistic on prison gerrymandering reform. little ditty davis is a seasoned advocate for the band. they came to an agreement. >> that is the percentage of people who think nickel back is their favorite band in this country. pretty low. >> why would you criticize one of the greatest bands in the nation? >> one more reason there is a difference between democrats and republicans. i appreciate that brave admission of your fandom for nickel back. it is very brave and i recognize that. shannon: do you have an opinion? >> if they are canadian i love them. shannon: in your years in the media, this is the first time we've put a dance party on the air. janice is our guest dj. plus here is the lovely and talented anna on the air. mostly sunny, no drinking. dancing in 12 seconds, 10, nine, eight, seven, six. we are getting fired. ♪ >> sean: this is a fox news alert. we are following several major breaking stories this friday night. i know so many of you have been very frustrated, so have i, with our system of justice. we've watched mueller's witch-hunt. that's been playing out for two years, day after day. and i know you've been saying to yourself, well, what about all of the people that we know have been abusing power, committing real and serious crimes? hillary clinton's one. we look at people like -- what about the fisa ab


Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Fox News Night With Shannon Bream 20190612

hours from now for round 2 with republican-led senate intelligence committee all about the russia investigation. welcome to fox news at night. peter doocy is in the morning, i was all you need to know about those two battles for iowa. >> reporter: donald trump did something completely unexpected, he completely ignored joe biden, he briefly alluded to in a year policy tour will mentioning the previous administration and mentioned bernie sanders by name but never the front runner. he suppose -- chose to spend his time trying to define the democratic party policy proposals like medicare for all and the green new deal. >> every day the democrat party is becoming more and more unhinged. they are going crazy. you love it? i sort of love it. >> reporter: biden was on the president's mind earlier today because the president seized on what he sees as biden's weaknesses. shortly after the biden campaign released a long list of new attacks on the president. >> he looks different than he used to, acts different than he used to. he is even slower than he used to be so i don't know but when he mentions my name that many times i guess i should be complemented. >> reporter: donald trump attended two events, joe biden attended three and his pitch to iowa caucus goers had little to do with the iowa caucuses because he's looking towards the general election and beyond to the way the world views the united states. >> four years of donald trump will be viewed as an aberration in american history. eight years, eight years will fundamentally change who we are as a nation and how we are viewed around the world. >> reporter: last week biden had had spinning as he literally changed twice his decades long position on federal funds for abortion and today another change. last time biden was in iowa he downplayed the threat played by china. >> china is going to go to lunch? they are not bad folks. they are not competition for us. >> reporter: today he totally changed his tune. >> china poses real challenges to the united states and in some ways a real threat to the united states. >> reporter: donald trump left the hawkeye state after he was dinner and biden is sticking around until tomorrow morning for one more event. he leads in the polls in this state but he said those polls don't mean anything to him because he crossed the finish line here and can't win. shannon: the gloves are often the 2020 presidential campaign, the president and vice president hitting the trail today and iowa, currently sitting their sites on each other. who had the today? 's senator tom tillis, great to have you with us. play a little recap for folks about the two leading contenders going after each other in iowa. >> joe never got more than 1% except obama took him off the trash heat. i think biden i would rather run against than anybody. i think he's the weakest link and i like running against people that are weak mentally. i think joe is the weakest up here. >> i believe the president is literally an essential threat. america was built the way we are built on basic core values, decency, honor, realizing there are things that are bigger than you in america, the we have to get together, cooperate. this is a guy who does everything to separate and frighten people. it is about fear and loathing. shannon: that is how they went against each other today. the quinnipiac university poll that came out of the president against a number of top democrats, the former vice president, shows with 13 percentage point lead over the president. >> i think a lot of people, we got to look at the election, in the 80s everybody counted out president reagan -- there was were 15, 20 points behind his opponent it became a landslide, the president runs on his record, runs on fighting china's unfair trade practices, securing the border, good economic numbers, he gets reelected. shannon: from the national journal the headline why trump isn't likely to win a second term democrats to lower expectations all they want, polls show the president facing a decisive defeat. trump is in the weakest political shape of anything president since george hw bush despite the economy goes on to say trump's clears path to victory relies on democrats making a series of self-destructive decisions but even if democrats turn left with an nominated week challenger they still have a credible chance at unseating trump. >> i don't buy it. that is pre-election your rhetoric. i think the president runs on a strong record, the american people like somebody who is fighting for farmers in iowa, north carolina feel good about what the president is doing for them. once he is able to turn his attention to china and get a fair trade deal and secure the border and continue the great economic success that is a winning formula for next year. shannon: you have a race too. there are primary contenders making a lot of noise and people talking about the fact that you are supportive of the president, maybe not always that way. facing one -- tillis once had a reputation for defining the president, goes on to say looks like the tillis campaign decided on a straightforward strategy, defend the president and hope dissatisfied conservatives will forget about his previous transgressions. >> i don't care about the bloggers, folks that are trying to divide our party. the fact of the matter is i have a 95% lifetime voting record with donald trump. this isn't a turnaround. donald trump has been good on policies. i voted with him. we are going to continue to work to support his agenda. he and i have very different styles but when it comes to policy priorities, go out to the sides the track our votes and i have been a consistent supporter. i get to vote twice the judicial nominations because i'm on the judiciary committee. i vote for the nominees coming for judiciary, cabinet post. i have a record i'm not running from. i'm running on it and that is why we going to win in any primary if we have one everyone in the general election. shannon: it will be an interesting year for all of us. thank you for stopping by, nice to have you. naps rivals gaining ground including pete buttigieg who wants to stop endless war amid what he calls more serious to mystic problem, climate change as an x essential threat and that's not all. >> it is a clear and present threat. our own military leaders repeatedly remind us climate instability is a threat multiplier. it can accelerate the spread of pandemics, food insecurity and mass migration. in the past decade more americans have been killed in america by right-wing extremists by those inspired by al qaeda or isis. >> bernie sanders will defend socialism tomorrow in a washington speech. the vermont senator said republicans, quote, may hate democratic socialism because it benefits working people. ohio democratic artisan tim ryan stopping by politics and eggs in new hampshire recalls for the country to harness the power of mindfulness, practices like transcendental medication and yoga. some of the things that have been around for 2 or 3000 years. continue to research them and implement the findings into our healthcare system. the president breaking news on north korea pushing back and reports about the mexico tariff deal. david fund tracking at all and has the story tonight. >> the mexican foreign minister confirmed mexican national guard troops will head to mexico's southern border with guatemala tomorrow, one of many parts of an agreement signed on friday that stopped tariffs on mexico. could china learn something from mexico? >> this is one page. this is one page of a very long and good agreement for mexico, the united states. >> reporter: part of that calls for mexican officials to send 6000 troops to the southern border with guatemala while keeping asylum-seekers in mexico while their claims are processed. >> with other tariffs we would have had nothing. we had nothing two weeks ago. >> reporter: white house sources say mexico agreed to become a safe third country meaning central americans migrating through mexico would have to claim asylum in mexico as if their first stop instead of claiming it in the united states. mexico's foreign minister said the country will see where the migration flows are 45 days from the deal struck last friday. now the tariff talk pivots from mexico to china. >> our relationship with president xi jinping is a very good one. >> reporter: donald trump impose tariffs on the chinese last month and since then if you can't make a deal with china the upcoming g 20 summit at the end of the month in japan china should expect more tariffs. another possible topic and the g 20, the united states relationship with north korea. >> i just received a beautiful letter from kim jong un but it was a warm, nice letter, >> both men left hanoi, vietnam without a deal on iran's nuclear power, newletter comes a day after the wall street journal reported that rob: the's late older brother was an informant for the cia. >> that would not happen under my us misses. that's for sure. >> he was murdered in february 2017 when two women attacks the 45-year-old with a mysterious nerve agent. white house national security adviser john bolton said the key to a third summit between the two leaders is in kim jong un's hands. >> thank you very much. progressives fire a push for impeachment. will democratic leaders got on board with that? the democrat-controlled house voted to wrap up the subpoena fight with attorney general william barr and don mcgann. donald trump junior heading back to the hill just hours from now for closed-door hearing. bradley maas and kenneth starr i hear live. - in a crossfit gym, we're really engaged with who we are as people and making everybody feel welcome. ordering custom ink t-shirts has been a really smart decision for our business. i love the custom ink design lab because it's really easy to use. they have customer service that you can reach anytime. t-shirts help us immediately get a sense of who we are as a group. from the moment clients walk in, they're able to feel like part of the family. - [spokesman] custom ink has hundreds of products for your business and free shipping. upload your logo or start your design today at upload your logo or start your design today the first survivor of ais out there.sease and the alzheimer's association is going to make it happen. but we won't get there without you. visit to join the fight. .. whoooo. did you know the exact same hotel room... ...can have many different prices? 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[ grumbling ] all: sausages! mmm, mmmm. bon appetite. make time for what matters. pause your wifi with xfinity xfi and see the secret life of pets 2 in theaters. ♪ >> shannon: house democrats approving a couple of resolutions tonight both aimed at forcing the president the >> democrats approving a couple resolutions tonight both aimed at forcing the president, members of his administration and justice department to fork over yet another round of documents. as gop lawmakers say the democrats know it would be illegal for some of the things they are asking for to actually be released. katherine herridge has details. >> the house resolution that passed along strict party lines allows democrats to sue to enforce subpoenas for william barr and form white house counsel don mcgann. the language does not include contempt, democrats used it to provoke a sharp rebuke from republicans. >> fundamentally it is an impeachment effort in everything but name. just look at the unnecessary contempt citation against attorney general william barr. >> the people's house will continue to make the truth known to the american people and defend congress's role under article 1. >> in advance of the house vote democrats characterized monday's deal with the justice department as access to special counsel records including interviews and notes. >> we are willing to work with the administration but we are not willing to wreck the constitution and undermine the law. >> reporter: republicans said jerry now there was unlikely to prevail in court against william barr and mcgann against access to grand jury material and executive privilege issues. accusing nadler looking for an exit. >> because evidence he talked about yesterday's the same evidence the department of justice has been offering to democrats for some time now. >> house democrats told another round of russia hearings tomorrow with witnesses with expertise in counterintelligence but no direct knowledge of the mueller investigation. in the senate donald trump junior is expected to answer lawmakers outstanding questions behind closed doors. fox news confirming donald trump junior will be back on capitol hill tomorrow answering questions from the senate intelligence committee in a closed-door interview for roughly 2 to 4 hours. joining us discuss that and the internal fight over impeachment national security attorney bradley maas and kenneth starr, welcome to you both. amid all of these sites, the subpoenas, court battles and everything else, congressman jim mcgovern from massachusetts in this today. is the dark time. this congress is being tested not by a foreign adversary but by our own president. what do you make of that assessment? >> i don't think so. this is customary in the battle between the branches. this is happened since the washington administration. everyone should calm down and quit being quite so apocryphal. there are documents being turned over, the word accommodation is increasingly being used but it is time for people to say let's get our work done. what is we need and just move forward so just an enormous amount of rhetoric. shannon: i went to play what kevin mccarthy had to say about all the different machinations without going through with an impeachment inquiry, here's what he said. >> what the democrat majority is doing is trying to get to impeachment without having their members actually vote upon it. they are trying to protect members from not taking a difficult vote. >> what house democrats appear to be doing is laying a foundation to build public support. impeachment is somewhere in the 40s in terms of how the public views it. part of the problem is a lot of people didn't have time to read the 400 page report. it was extremely dense, extremely conference event most people couldn't read through it, couldn't take it all in so what house democrats are trying to do is hold hearings and they are being blocked when it comes to fact witnesses who could provide context, something public could understand particularly in terms of obstruction and that is where don mcgann comes in and hope 6 which is far as the white house is concerned of them should be allowed to testify, that is what the legal fight is over in the end. shannon: one of the witnesses going back for a second round on capitol hill leaves behind closed doors, donald trump junior. a closed door hearing tomorrow, more of an interview, 2 to 4 hours we are told and 6 topics, limited in its scope as far as questioning but that will include the trump tower meeting. your advice? >> my advice is above all tell the truth but witnesses can get into trouble when they underplay, begin characterizing things such as i was only peripherally involved, that's one statement donald junior made. don't characterize, just provide the fact because if you characterize i was remotely involved, then you will have witnesses come forward and saying that is not the case at all. so here is what i heard and i know his lawyers will prepare have a thoroughly just to say just the facts, stick to the facts, don't get into characterizations. shannon: this is one of the ongoing investigations. there is a bipartisan look at this and the fact is the gop chairman of this committee richard burr has taken some heat for calling him back in from other republicans and some said john junior shouldn't show up and look like he has agreed to. what do you make of the contention that there is some fatigue with all these various investigations, the mueller report which we were told would be the end all be all and settle this for good, so many other investigations yet to be wrapped up? >> in the end article 1 gives congress separate authority to run its probes the way it wents, that goes with any administration, any congress, we saw with senator burr he wants to wrap up this part of whether or not john junior was misleading if not lying to the senate committee when he outlined trump tower moscow deal and the meeting in trump tower 2016 with russian government proxies, congress does not want to be lied to and they will refer things if that has happened. shannon: it says burr is not interested in pursuing perjury but they want more answers so we will see what leaks go public under this hearing as often happens on capitol hill. great to have both of you with us. one democratic presidential hopeful comparing pro-life police to racism. breaking news out of hong kong. a major standoff between authorities and people who say they will protest to preserve their freedom. we will take you there live next. applebee's new loaded chicken fajitas. now only $10.99. ♪ >> shannon: the senator and democratic presidential >> new york senator and d presidential candidate kirsten gillibrand comparing pro-life and belief to racism. trace gallagher on the scene tonight. >> reporter: politics a metaphorical litmus test to see something is acceptable or not. democrat senator and 2020 president of candidate kirsten gillibrand her litmus test means she would only appoint judges and justices who would uphold roe versus wade but then gillibrand stepped deeper into stormy waters saying the pro-life viewpoint is not acceptable and compared it to racism. >> imagine saying it is okay to appoint a judge who is racist or anti-semitic or homophobic. asking someone to appoint someone who takes away basic human rights of any group of people in america. >> reporter: she had all these efforts by donald trump and other ultra radical conservative justices to impose their faith on americans is contrary to our constitution. as you might imagine that got a lot of thumbs typing resulting in twitter comments like this. seriously? they have one lens. only there's. if they disagree the other side is racist. american people need to step up and vote the bad ones out of officer this quoting was waiting for this, their favorite word, they will not deter us from speaking up for unborn babies. it appears the abortion debate is moving even farther left as seen in this video from sophie lowest who is promoting her new book. i guess he now, feminism against family where she argues families should be abolished. on abortion she acknowledges wanting to go radical. >> i wonder if we could think about defending abortion as a right to stop doing gestational work. abortion is in my opinion, i recognize how controversial this is, a form of killing, a form of killing the we need to be able to defend. >> reporter: she says she's not interested in where human life begins. shannon: emotional john stewart pleading with lawmakers ahead of a house that to a lot more money and extend health benefits to workers second as a result of working on sites at the 9/11 attacks. >> there is not an empty chair on that stage that didn't tweet out never forget the heroes of 9/11, never forget their bravery, never forget what they gave to this country. here they are. shannon: $5 billion of the $7 billion related to illnesses have been paid out and not enough money to cover all of the claims. lawmakers from both parties objecting to a proposed congressional cost-of-living increase. when our senior capitol hill producer chad program caught up with democratic socialist alexandria ocasio cortez she says she wants to pay hike in order to combat the corrupting influence of dark money. >> members of congress, retail workers, everybody should get an increase and when we don't do that it only increases the pressure on members to exploit loopholes. shannon: lawmakers have not given themselves a raise, 174,000 salary they have since 2005. we have been following the protests in hong kong, the fight against mainland china for days now and things are heating up where it is early wednesday. there are chaotic scenes corrupting as thousands of demonstrators around government offices, protesting against the proposed bill that would allow people to be sent to china for trial. call mcshane with the standoff joining us. what can you tell us? >> reporter: it is interesting. police officers in right gear are ready to move in but so far these protests have been peaceful. nine additional bands of police officers, counting them before going on the or just arrived but they have not had to move in. what is happening in hong kong is many local businesses have been encouraged to close her had to close because their workers haven't shown up for work. there is something of a strike going on in the city so people can come out and make this controversial and largely unpopular extradition bill which would allow people charged with a crime in hong kong to be sent back to mainland china where the laws are very different but what stood out to us since we spoke to protesters is how many of them are young people. >> we are here to save our future today. we are hoping to save hong kong. we don't have freedom in china but hong kong is not like china. we expect the big difference today. >> reporter: you can see life pictures blocks from where we are standing of the protesters gathering outside the legislative counsel where the debate about this bill is underway at this hour. here is what we are hearing from inside that debate even with all the opposition from the united states government number from the people here in hong kong, this extradition bill is expected to fast-track, a bill like this might take weeks or months on a normal day or normal set of debates to get past, they expect this to pass as soon as next week. we will continue to follow it as you heard from the protesters we spoke to. many are very concerned this business friendly city of hong kong might be changed and not for the better. shannon: tell us about the origins of how this whole thing got sparked and where we ended up with these enormous crowds taking to the streets multiple days in a row. >> reporter: the young man who was charged with a crime, charged with strangling his girlfriend on a trip to taiwan, traveled back to hong kong and has not been extradited back to taiwan. the chief executive highest-ranking political official in hong kong pushed it forward to include the possible extradition to china and that is when the protesters took to the streets but so far they have been unsuccessful. beijing is holding strong. "imus in the morning" shannon: we will keep tracking that, cries of racism in nearly into the 130-year-old business. a college accused of ignoring the act and smearing a local bakery on the hook for $11 million in damages. the penalty could go as high as $33 million, richard fowler and gianna caldwell next. ♪ shannon: san antonio official telling local stations tonight hundreds of congolese and angolan migrants passing through the city do not have the ball up. customs and border patrol keeping a close eye on the migrants amid those worries. san antonio volunteers are helping translate french to english from local shelters. >> time to transmit them. >> there is not enough in the facility. the facility can hold 50 people. the ones i spoke to are just here in transits, going to new york and the family. shannon: they were dropped off last week after customs and border protection released a video of agents intercepting ever can migrants illegally crossing the rio grande river. don't know if they are part of the same group. a college in ohio ordered to pay $11 million in damages to a local bakery. a jury decided school staff 8 and abetted student claims the business was racist following a shoplifting incident involving a white employee and black student. this case sparked a lot of heated debate. >> reporter: probably still will continue. another development in this case, the judge denied oberlin college's request for a mistrial. the jury's ruling he represents a serious threat to the first amendment and free speech. the gibson family at the heart of this say they are processing the last three years. the family owned gibson bakery filed a lawsuit against oberlin college in 2017, suing the school after a shoplifting incident spiraled into allegations of racism. it began in the fall of 2016. according to police a student at oberlin college went to the bakery with a fake id to buy wine and tried to steal some. ellen gibson, son of the bakery's owner chased the student out of the store and a physical altercation between gibson and two other college students. the students are african-american. gibson, white. >> all he wanted was to have the truth come out. >> reporter: the student ultimately pled guilty to misdemeanor charges related to attempted theft. in the days after the altercation over than students protested. >> reporter: >> yesterday from the community where -- >> reporter: accusing the bakery of racism. and colin for boycotts. oberlin college stopped ordering from the bakery. in the lobster the gibson family claimed oberlin college is one of the administered is facilitated, urged -- encouraged illegal defamation and economic boycotts. a jury agreed, the bakery, $11 billion in compensatory damages. >> we are hopeful this is a sign that not only oberlin college but in the future powerful institutions will hesitate before wielding their power. >> reporter: fox news reached out to oberlin college. they did not get back to was put into our affiliate fox8 oberlin's vice president and general counsel sent a letter to be oberlin community saying they are disappointed that neither the college nor the dean defame a local business or its owners. is that the letter argued they worked to ensure the students freedom of speech was protected student demonstrations were safe and lawful. the case is set to begin tomorrow in the punitive phase. >> reporter: shannon: that could ramp up the millions they look for. it is a case with an all too common theme, serious allegations take on a life of their own before the facts are out there. we will debate it with richard fowler and fox news political analyst gianna caldwell. welcome to you both. you heard the reporting that the school said we were protecting students write to free-speech, you talk about that quite a bit and everything they did was lawful but in a piece by william jacobson, this piece in the wall street journal says oberlin's dean of students handed out a flyer accusing the bakery of having a long account of racial profiling and discrimination. how did we get here? >> what is really interesting about this if you read what the former president said to students, he believed the unrest was due to donald trump's recent win in the election. i know that is simply not true. we all know that isn't true but we see time and again when we think about a party that continues to weapon ice racism and the true pain of it for the benefit of themselves. when you thing about immigration policy, our country needs to protect its borders but they say that is racist, and obama saying we need secure fencing, think about the fact they used this when it comes to republicans in the past except for democrats they don't seemingly care. ralph nader in virginia is still in office with all his powers but don't mention much about it anymore. i find this fairly problematic. shannon: we reported a short time ago you have seen it all day, senator gillibrand who is running for president says if you support abortion you are racist. >> this is less of a political issue in this case, more an issue of how you way the first amendment. first is the harm to a particular business. what we saw here was students have the ability separately protests. the universities team that -- the role and power as dean to put her thumb on the scale. that cause what we are debating here today. the question we have to ask when you hear cases like this, when do we wait? how long do we get all the facts or jump to a conclusion before we jump to protests, jump to anger before making, before we do something. as we go to the punitive stage in this trial. shannon: one of the things we heard is they had contracts with this bakery for decades if not longer and the owners of the bakery say they were told drop charges against the student, shoplifting and other issues and if there's a problem with the students report it to the school and not police and maybe we will get the contract back according to the owners but you raise a good question. how long do we wait to get the facts? >> we have got to be honest and i got a point out when jussie smollett's case came out you jump to his defense versus waiting for the fact and investigation. when we talk about this we got to be honest. the fact of the matter moves we see time and again those on the left accuse republicans of racism. >> first of all we don't know the political party of this particular bakery nor the political party -- this case is about freedom of speech. shannon: this is something that shouldn't be -- >> not political at all. shannon: we got to leave it there but the incident that sparked this did happen a day after donald trump was elected and the rest of this, we got to leave it there. we are not going to solve it but we will wait to see if this damage goes from 11-33 million. we will know later this week, great to have you. another flip-flop from 2020 front run on the democratic side joe biden, using taxpayer dollars to pay for abortions, changing his tune on china. what is next? we will debate. since you're heading off to school, i got you this brita. dad... i just got a zerowater. but we've always used brita. it's two stage-filter... doesn't compare to zerowater's 5-stage. this meter shows how much stuff, or dissolved solids, gets left behind. our tap water is 220. brita? 110... seriously? but zerowater- let me guess. zero? yup, that's how i know it is the purest-tasting water. i need to find the receipt for that. oh yeah, you do. >> china is going to do that? they are not bad folks was they are not in competition for us. >> china poses real challenges to the united states and in some ways a real threat to the united states. >> reporter: joe biden mocking concerns about china and then in iowa reversed course by admitting china does pose a threat to the united states. appears to be the second major flip-flop in the past week. our political panel is here. leslie marshall and host of the next revolution, welcome to you both. the president taking off for iowa because fortify for the former vice president has this to say about the vice president at least before today position on china. >> joe biden thought that china was not a competitor of ours. joe biden is a dummy. shannon: what do you think is time to change? >> obviously a cleanup operation more than a flip-flop. his handlers gave him a piece of paper to read. he didn't even do a very good job reading it out. is true position was the one revealed by his actions when he was in office, consistently soft on china and we know why, joe biden is compromised by china. the chinese government has paid bribes to joe biden in the form of billions of dollars of payments to biden family businesses. we report on this almost every week in the next revolution on my show because almost every week, a new example of how this is compromising joe biden. they know he has to clean it up and say what he said today but he's not sincere. he is compromised by china, now we can stand up and negotiate on our behalf. shannon: politico had a piece under the headline biden blindsided by 2020 reality, he must not only determine how to respond how to answer critics who will say his son's business interests will make it harder for him as a nominee to contrast his record of trump on the question of ties to russia. there has been speculation about ukraine, family interest in china, what does the vice president do with this if use the nominee and go out and use the russia issue against donald trump and his family? >> the trump corporation, ivanka has how many patents from china? how many businesses has the president and continues to have with russia? and other countries overseas we have seen as enemies, dubai, saudi arabia, the list goes on. the pot calling the kettle black. i don't think it is going to come down to that. i think there is more of an issue with is joe biden as the nominee going to be tough or tougher with china. and he is not tough enough as he promised when he campaign. he hasn't addressed the constant manipulation of currency. there are some people who feel he has not been as tough and they would like to see him suffer. shannon: something he said, might have been today talking about the fact that he will kick it up another notch 25% on $300 billion of goods when it comes to tariffs on china. he certainly sounds like he's not being happy right now. >> i take issue with what my friend said there. he is the first western leader in 50 years to actually stand up to china and call their bluff and challenge them on their plans for world domination economically, militarily and technology as well. what he's doing in reorienting policy, and china is the first we have to confront, historic change in policy. and 50 years people will say one of the most consequential things he did anticipate is not enough is ridiculous when you compare it with complete acquiescence, the policy of all previous presidents before donald trump. >> we still have a trade deficit, the rhetoric doesn't make it go away and neither do these tariffs. this feeds into the economic politics and feeds the nationalism of the chinese. this rhetoric is helping china. shannon: thank you both very much. us women's soccer making world cup history next. whoooo. did you know the exact same hotel room... ...can have many different prices? 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