Alien doorway on Mars? NASA’s mysterious images spark speculations of life beyond Earth - An image released by NASA’s curiosity rover has sparked speculations that aliens reside on Mars, and can soon reach the Earth!
He tweeted last week after the landing: WowW Just wonderful from @NASAPersevere!
The chorus of congratulatory messages was also joined by astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson, who said: Congratulations to @NASA on the successful landing of the SUV-Sized Perseverance Rover on planet Mars.
But not everyone shared in the jubilations as a minor community of sceptics and conspiracy theorists challenged the Mars landing.
Mars rover photos: A UFO hunter has acused NASA of altering its Perseverance photos (Image: NASA)
Mars rover photos: The first photo Perseverance beamed back to Earth from the planet s surface (Image: NASA)
Some social media users questioned the Mars rover s £2.05billion ($2.9billion) price tag while others bizarrely claimed the landing was an elaborate hoax.