The touring Vietnam Memorial Wall replica - The Wall that Heals - a three-quarter scale of the Vietnam Memorial Wall in the nation s capital, has traveled through 700 U.S. cities in the past 25 years. It s first planned visit to New Bern in 2020 was postponed due to COVID-19, but it will arrive this week for a four-day stay.
Here are some things you should know.
1. Where will the Vietnam Memorial Wall / The Wall that Heals be located?
April 8 to 11 in Lawson Creek Park, free, 24 hours a day, hosted by American Legion Post 539 and the Knights of Columbus, Assembly 1820. Programs will include location of 61 military personnel from Craven and surrounding counties killed in Vietnam.
Test your knowledge of diversity in our military, past and present.
Join us for a fun fundraiser for Operation Support Our Troops-America and test your knowledge of Diversity in the Military, Past and Present at our Virtual Trivia Night on Feb. 17!
There will be many different types of questions, ranging from easy to difficult, but the event will be fun for everyone! The first, second and third place winners will receive gift cards. We will also host a 50/50 split the pot (winner will be announced during the event, however you do not need to participate in the event to purchase split the pot tickets).